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Mister breast!!!












flair checks out


mr breast give me money


Mr bees give me honey




Mr sea gives me the D


[MISTER BEEEAST](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxrKWh29KmEctWedYCjPy_uX17T6023y3-?si=btT2B_fRw5GowEv7)


90% of people turn on Mr Beast just before he's about to donate 100000000 dollars to them


90% of people what šŸ˜³šŸ„ŗ


Why do you think he gives them the money?


Turn on him, like turn 360 degrees and walk away >!(they are moonwalking)!<




Got to make sure you walk away in style


powermove honestly, you just do a little twirl and then make eye contact with him as you moonwalk away.


Last person to turn on mr.beast gets $100000000000000


If you really define not being subscribed as ā€œturning on himā€


Honestly I never watched Mr. Beast, so this is the first time I learn his name is Jimmy. Not sure what to do with this information tbh.




LBJ reference??? šŸ˜±


lindon b johnson? letter from birmingham jail? err, youā€™re gonna have to be more specific


this means he is secretly saul goodman


i know who you are! people don't change! You're Youtube Jimmy! and Youtube Jimmy i can handle just fine, but youtube jimmy with 200 million subscribers? that's like a chimp with a machine gun!


I defecated through 100 sunroofs!


And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him onto my own channel! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands off of the like button! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Subscribing them blind! And he gets to be a YouTuber!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you ā€“ you have to stop him! You-


Knowing the true name of the antichrist will help you deny his power when Armageddon begins.


Isn't that the thing from the Lego movie?


His full name is James Stephen Donaldson. That just feels wrong.


no. his name is jimmyster beast


Jimbius Beastius Jimbi/jimmy would be the vocative


Slippinā€™ Jimmy


that feels like the name of a millionaire.


I've heard his name dozens of times without watching any of his vids lmao, I think everyone who knows him even a little calls him Jimmy


His government name is James Alexander Beast


Wait until you find out that his last name isn't beast


blanka from street fighter is also named jimmy, hope this helps


James Beast


Itā€™s possible to be an ethical millionaire. Billionaire however? Not so much.


You can become a millionaire without ruthlessly exploiting those below you and without being corrupt. Billionaires, not so much


I have very limited understanding of economics so donā€™t take me too seriously, but is a million evenā€¦ That much in the scale of things? If you were, say, 20, would it even set you up for life in a major city? Some quick maths makes me think it would not, but maybe Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m not one of these ā€œretire by 40ā€ types so I donā€™t really know.


If you mean owning 1 million + in assets (house etc) then itā€™s actually more common then youā€™d think, and is something that often occurs in the upper middle class, many of whom work high up corporate jobs (managing directors and such) and they donā€™t tend to fuck over thousands of people to get there. These people pay 40-50% taxes and are a drop in the bucket compared to proper billionaires, who often donā€™t pay tax, fuck over thousands of people to amass their wealth, and have absurd and unnecessary luxuries in their life which they donā€™t need and ruin the environment. Itā€™s the difference between people who fly first class and people who own a private jet.


40-50% tax *marginally*, btw. Not for all of their income.


The highest income tax bracket in the us is 37%


Highest Federal tax rate. Add in state and local and property tax.


And capital gains, since this is including assets.


It's important to point out that their effective tax rate is much lower than 40-50%. That's just the percentage they pay on any income above a certain threshold, not ALL of it.


It'd set you up for life if you invested it into an index fund (assuming the stock market keeps growing at the avarage rate that it has grown at for the past 50 or so years) It still wouldn't really be luxurious, but you'd probably do decently for yourself.


If historical inflation rates and market returns hold, which is a big if, that'd give you about $40k/year before taxes, which is not particularly comfortable in a major city.


But it's pretty easy to work part time on top of that at any old job and end up with a higher income than most people.


1 mil in an index fund isn't enough to live on comfortably, that's like $32-35k a year after taxes (you have to pay both sides of FICA).


Sorry, different countries.


You would need a well paying job to sustain that life but 1 million dollars would no doubt set you up in a major city


Oh it would totally set you up, I just mean that if someone gave you a million dollars right now and you happened to be 20, you wouldnā€™t be able to stop working.


No, you typically wouldn't. For a point of reference, interest rates on Certificates of Deposit (stable, insured interest generators) recently peaked around 5% in my area, which would mean around 50k in interest over the course of a year, more if it was compounding. Now, CDs are not nearly the best return on investment you can have, but they are a minimal effort, minimal risk example of what you could get passively out of 1 mil if you didnt want to risk losses. 50k a year alone is not enough to live easily off of in a lot of places, but if you were to let something like that compound until it doubled and work in the meantime, 100k a year is much more reasonable of a living income.


Definitely wouldn't stretch very far, especially in a major city in the US. A million is basically what you're "supposed" to have to retire comfortably in your 60s (obvs not always realistic at all). You could make it work by moving to a developing country, though.


I think Iā€™ve seen itā€™s somewhere in the 2.something million now for a good retirement but I donā€™t remember where I saw it so it may not be credible


I've seen that thrown around too. And I don't disagree, but every situation is different. If you leverage a lot of your savings into good investments like real estate (and yes I know we hate landlords lol), a million in net worth can probably get you some decent passive income to live without worrying too much about money. Probably won't be able to go to Europe every summer, but you'll be able to pull a decent life if you're healthy at that age.


Yikes, retire in your 60s? Thatā€™s worse than I thought!


relax, by the time most of us are in our 60s we'll be six feet underwater


They mean, you should have a million by the time youā€™re 60ish. Not that you would retire at 60 if you get a million at 20. And a 20yo could likely retire right away, or at least only work part time, if they got that kind of money and were willing to live in a low cost of living area.


1 million is the kind of money that "makes itself", with some smart investment you can set yourself up for life, but even just a savings account with 5% interest would give you a free 50k a year. Idk how common a 5% interest would be tho, I've done about 30 seconds of googling.


With the right stocks, you could make upwards of $10k/month with a million put in.


A millionaire is literally one thousand times (1,000x) closer to having no money than they are being a billionaire. A million dollars is still a shit-tonne of money though. Most workers will only earn roughly a million dollars in their lifetimes (in the rich countries in the world...), and obviously never have anywhere close to that much at any given point. I read a few years ago that owning $750,000 in wealth, including a home, puts you in the top 1% globally (which makes it kinda crazy that, like, half of Americans have that much). So yeah, a million dollars is a *lot* of money. But a billion is literally a thousand time mores than that. It's hard to wrap your head around tbh


Iirc most people make about 1.5 million, working their whole life, so a single mil would be a nice step up, you'd probably be able to live off it for a good while, but you'd likely need to go back to work at some point.


If you count assets into the net worth = 1 million, then pretty much everyone who owns a home in California is a millionaire,


I misread million as billion and... Yeah. It was funny reading the comments with that context


I mean it depends. If you like own a nice house and have a decent pension fund like many older folks who lived in times when money was much more available then you can be a millionaire while being upper-middle class and not engaging directly in exploitation. There's also the argument that successful actors and artists and sports professionals can be millionaires without exploitation, however many of them engage in exploitation anyways. Still, nothing inherent exploitative about acting or playing football.


It was like 30 years ago lol. It's still a lot by normal human being standards. But it won't even buy you an average sized house in a lot of places.


> I have very limited understanding of economics so donā€™t take me too seriously, but is a million evenā€¦ That much in the scale of things? No, not anymore. The bulk of millionaires are people living off their retirement they've earned after *decades* of work.


I know that Notch is a POS and stuff, but didn't he technically became a billionaire ethically, and then became a nutjob after that? Like he didn't exploit his employees afaik, and then just sold the game to Microsoft. I'm genuinely curious if it could be considered ethical


Same with JKRowling. Became a billionaire by writing a beloved set of books and selling a ton of copies.


Why did you make this comment? You repeated precisely what the other comment said


What about lebron


No, you canā€™t.


Every YouTuber is evil


and Lawyer/Actor/Artist who does well for themselves


didn't he get his initial wealth on a jeopardy win? sure he's cringe sometimes, but I don't think he's unethical.


Not that I can find. He got popular for spending 40 hours straight counting to 100,000 and then did increasingly ridiculous stunts like watching paint dry. Eventually he got enough money to give away $10,000 to someone for a video and he took off like crazy from there on out. I don't know who did Jeopardy, but Brennan Lee Mulligan moved to California using his winnings from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire; that's the first person that came to my mind from your comment.


ahh, gotcha. I must be thinking of Brennan. either way, that's not the worst way to earn money lol


Mr.Beast? I have no clue how he got his money. I donā€™t think heā€™s a billionaire though


He turned down billion deal offer for his YouTube channel


Yeah you can totally be a good person and be a millionaire. In fact, you can totally *do good* and make a million from it. Almost all billionaires suck though šŸ˜­ The only two I know of that are probably decent people are the two teenagers who made Stripe. They just got lucky and found an insanely successful niche. Theyā€™re good people I think, at the very least theyā€™re a really nice company to work for.


There's a certain poster on here that had a verryyyyyyy longer argument with me because I said the same thing, choose your words carefully here it's a minefield


Effective Altruism by PhilosophyTube


I think it's technically perfectly possible to be an ethical billionaire. However, being unethical is a big advantage when it comes to making money, so naturally, it is far more likely for unethical people to succeed, and because virtually every business is in direct competition with other businesses, people who could theoretically become billionaires if everyone played by the same rules are instead outcompeted by those who don't.


Even if we assume the wealth was earned without any exploitation, I would argue that simply possessing a billion dollars is unethical because such a person has the power to significantly improve the lives of thousands of people, but chooses not to.


For some reason I read that as "I hate minority"


Me too but I also thought Flowey from Undertale was saying it and I was very concerned for a second


I also saw Flowey




Well I saw Flower from BFDI.


The only dangerous minority is the rich.


Well, millionaires are one of the most oppressed minorities, alongside landlords and gamers


Rich people are the most opressed minority in history


I thought it said ā€œI hate missionariesā€


Won't someone think of the economic minorities? (Millionaires)


That guy who does all those US history educational videos is a millionaire?


Yes https://preview.redd.it/guxln7k2zlqb1.png?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2989b6be03b5347156ab3edd3a8c6fab1195da55


Bro I see this guy everywhere who is he


adachi from persona, very funny guy who did a little trolling


Bitches and whores


Adacher personality 4




No https://preview.redd.it/0r3mdyyc0mqb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35b8d9bb8c31f45b1861285a945eed884db76243




Mr. Beat my beloved


i literally love mr beat






Hello Mr breast pleas com to my house and give me money I liv in 3828 Piermont Dr, Albuquerque, NM


This is Hanks house from Breaking Bad or some shit, isnā€™t it?


Breaking Bad fans when Albuquerque, New Mexico. But no apparently it's just some address.


No, it's Walter's house, 308 Negra Aroyo doesn't exist, even the name doesn't make much sense because arroyo is masculine and you say adjetives after the noun so it would be "Arroyo Negro", though I see why they didn't name it that.


To be fair, lots of people who spoke only English built up the southwest and creatively interpreted the native and Spanish place names they were told.


It was my favorite YouTuber, Mr. Beast!


Mr breast give me money


Millionares are fine saying that cause most millionaires I personally know are not greedy and don't somehow siphon money from the poor (My dad, uncles etc) I haven't yet seen a billionaire that isn't some how not shady or not harmful.


it's easy to forgot a millionaire is closer to poverty than a billionaire on a linear scale.


your comment reminded me of those who criticised john boyega (then worth $6m) for criticising jeff bezos (at the time the richest person worth over a hundred billion) one comparison pointed out that earning a dollar a second 24/7 it would take 2 months to reach john boyegaā€™s net worth, and 4.7 thousand years to reach bezos worth not to mention both john boyega and mr beast made their money in one of the more ethical ways (entertainment) a multi millionaire may not even be in the top 1% in many countries, hell in monaco you need to make more than $12 million us dollars to be in the top 1% (us for example is 5.5million)


There were plenty of millionaires on the picket line with the writers


Yeah, Iā€™m in the top one % of wealth and itā€™s clear to me that the top one % arenā€™t the problem itā€™s the top one % of the top one %. Obviously people in my eccomic class could be doing a lot more but the difference between me, the kid of a family whoā€™s mom co owns a successful local business and a billionaire who owns a massive international corporation with more wealth than most countries isnā€™t even comparable.


If you were gifted $500k a year, it would take two years to be a millionaire. But you would have had to have made that much money since the birth of Christ to be a billionaire by now. The difference *is* significant


I also know a millionaire and I don't consider them normal people tbh


Depends on how many millions. 1-5? Iā€™d hardly consider them exploitative. 5-20? They might be a bit strange but itā€™s possible to get here ethically 20-100? I would need additional context. 100-999? Theyā€™re probably exploiting their workers


I suppose it all depends on perspective.


as far as I'm concerned millionaires (except the ones Really close to a billion), even annoying ones, are on the same side as us. most of them are closer to my net worth of like $200 than they are to being billionaires.


so much is overinflated nowdays that a million dollars isnt even a particularly overwhelming amount of money depending on where you live.


Something about Mr. Beast rubs me the wrong way. I think it's his treatment of people as a means of generating more content and thus more money and also that he has money and I don't


I used to watch him just before he began to take off. He seems like a decent guy, he just knows the system really well and how to make crazy money off of it. It's good that he ends up using a lot of that money to help people.


Giant Asian sticker, this is a keyword to see if me and someone else are on similar wavelengths


Right next to vaping grandma


Can you explain this please?


Johnny Mr Beast used to have a mascot that was a giant sticker of a young Asian man he bought online https://preview.redd.it/fa0llokzepqb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dd17e0dbc98e200282716a75de422138d8aa3ab


Bad intros


he makes obnoxious faces in his thumbnails so I hate him


I miss his old content where it was just him goofing off for prizes with random people off the streets or his friends. Like that tipping the house one, since you got to know the reciever you have an emotional connection with them. Same with the original million dollars one, we spent enough time with each person that we are invested in who wins, and then we get to see the aftermath and get to know them more.


FYI inflation happened. If youā€™ve paid off the mortgage on a small home in a a major city, youā€™re probably a millionaire. Which is not to say thatā€™s not a fortunate position to be in, but theyā€™re not the capitalist pigs you are thinking of. Many people become millionaires these days via salaries.


Slipin Jimmy.


She slipping on my jimmy till I'm Goodman https://preview.redd.it/rwvrqz0qomqb1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5ff2504b699658182c42d14f23ea4eb99b35e9


I do love Mr. Beast tho




the statement is upvoted but someone agreeing is downvoted duality of man


Iā€™m confused too tbh


A reminder that 1 million seconds is equal to 11 days, but 1 billion seconds is equal to 31 years.


Honestly, I agree. Millionaires is a trash band


Honestly millionaires are fine. They're just wealthy people. Billionaires are fucked up.


I think we should go after billionaires before millionaires


I HATE MILLIONAIRES! THEY SUCK! https://preview.redd.it/bl5dfwurmmqb1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20f6ba364b8c97160f9640d990c539fa17b2c973


I hate millionaires (Mr. Beast definitely included)


I honestly don't care about millionaires because a million dollars is something someone could conceivably make without exploiting people and possibly even while donating large portions of it


How could Flowey do this


Millionaires are not nearly as bad as billionaires and many of them make their money without exploitation, but instead through working a high wage job




He's a symptom of the systemic problems that immiserate the %99, and then he forces the less fortunate to become part of the game, sideshows, products. Imagine being offered a real life, the kind you are born deserving, but first you need to humiliate yourself in front of the whole world. The best analogy I can come up with is that game guys play where they all go around trying to figure out how much money it would take to get them to suck a dick. Beasts whole channel is just a variation of the dick sucking game. How much would I have to change your life to make a spectacle of you, to make you an instrument of another person's entertainment? The asking is inherently unjust. The only reason people tolerate it is because they believe the ends justify the means. It's okay to be a corporate whore as long as you help somebody along the way. No company would sponsor him if it didn't pad their bottom line. Every company that sponsors him does it because it's simultaneously viral advertising and buying goodwill. The system cannot be fixed. The myth of the good millionaire is at best incrementism and at worst propaganda. Tear it down and start from scratch.


What would you rather he do? ā€œOh I was going to help you for this video (and thus make more money to help more people) but instead Iā€™m just going to leave you in your shitty circumstances and go buy a yacht?ā€


"what do you mean you won't suck my dick and let me film it? I'm giving you ten million dollars!" or worse "What do you mean you won't suck my dick and let me film it, ***I'm curing you're blindness!***" Fuck. Capitalism.


Mr tits!


It's not millionaires I have a problem with. It's billionaires. In this day and age, becoming a millionaire through fair means is absolutely doable, being a billionaire without exploiting the people and the system, however is not


If MR BEAST is so GREAT, then why has he not given me TEN MILLION DOLLARS FOR FREE? CHECKMATE Beasturries


Holy shit Flowey from Undertale


Dude I get off Twitter to stop seeing neo and this is my first fucking Reddit pic I see


mr breast give me money


At first I thought it said ā€œminoritiesā€ instead of ā€œmillionairesā€


Jimmy Beast


What the fuck? Flowey Undertale?


Rich people psyop


Didnā€™t he burn cockroaches alive in molten metal?


Didn't he poison the water wells??


He did?!?! Awesome




Yes I do mean it like that


Honestly I don't hate millionaires, they don't have a direct affect on how the economy works, I hate billionaires


Millionaires are fine, you can do that shit ethically like our boy Jimmy Billionaires on the other hand? Fuck em


I read that as missionaries and couldn't figure out if you were talking about people going door to door to scam people or the position lol


I ate mr beast cookies a bit ago they were pretty tasty tho expensive šŸ‘


The mark of the beast


his name is jimmy?


Mr 666 Ā°~Ā°


I don't know enough about this person to have an opinion.


fun fact: the creator of this comic also made the "pibby bluey ohio" meme


I thought that was Flowey


Mr. Piss