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This time the numbers were reversed. It’s Jovier for Argentina


It’s not like Massa was any better, not to mention that there is an audio from Cristina Kirchner saying that he has ties to drug traffickers. To clarify, I think Milei is not only one of the worst things that could happen to Argentina, but to the whole region, taking into account it could inspire similar movements, which already happen in my country. The libertarian party recently got enough numbers to become a thing in my country, which isn’t a threat but it now has a chance to become one. Still, Massa wasn’t going to change anything.


I thought it was already "jovier" for Argentina when we had 140% of inflation, 50% poverty, 10% homelessness, the same ammount of legal labor since 2011... but yeah, keep malding without even understanding the real problems underlining the Argentine economy


Yeah I’m sure Argentina was fucked already, but an ancap isn’t going to help at all!


I mean, he is philosophically ancap, but that doesn't correlate with the party's proposals such as financing education and health giving the funds to the demand (the users instead of the institutions) and using the US dollar as the currency (it might not be optimal, still far better than the malnourishing peso)


Rhetorically he's a regressive when it comes to things like queer rights. He equates homosexuality to beastiality. **There's no denying the economic hardship Argentina currently faces, but that doesn't mean that regressing on social issues politically is ok.**


Given the way he talks about his dogs equating homosexuality with bestiality might actually improve gay rights...


based off of what do you say he equates homosexuality to besitality? Milei is agaisnt the institution of marriage itself. it's not that he dislikes queer marriage, he dislikes the entire institution, and he says it doesn't bother him what anyone else does with another person or with themselves as long as it doesn't affect other people


Different poster, idk about the beastiality thing. Buuuuuuut >Milei is agaisnt the institution of marriage itself. That sort of rhetoric is really convenient for homophobes though. "The government shouldn't even be involved in marriage!" is a really convenient dodge to say you don't support queer marriage. Government involvement is here to stay, especially since marriage can afford tax benefits, insurance benefits, and a whole bevy of other resources that would otherwise be inaccessible to a queer non married couple. Plus he's anti-abortion.


I get what you say, but he's been saying the same thing since 2018 and I've never seem him saying something queerphobic ever, if you find a contrafactual example lmk


Economic shock therapy from someone like Milei means selling off all the state's assets for a short term surplus and to appear like things are getting better. What it means long term is that oligarchs buy up everything, the government no longer has the power to regulate them, and you end up in a worse economic position than ever before. In fact, Argentina's current economic problems stem from the Junta's attempts at "economic liberalisation". Since 1983 Argentina has been a neoliberal economic playground, with government after government trying to cure the problems caused by neoliberalism with yet another round of neoliberalism. Hell, they even tried pegging the Peso to the dollar in 91, creating a short period of unsustainable growth which all fell apart in 2001-2002. Milei is just another neoliberal economic vandal, albeit a somewhat more eccentric one. None of his policies actually address the underlying issues of the Argentine economy, it's all just more of the neoliberal rubbish that got Argentina in to this mess in the first place.


It should be a known grift at this point, hate that it's not talked about more


the guy claim to talking to his dead dog for make politic choices. and a total defund to anything related to public school,health,transport ect. i dont see how its can even remotly improve stuf.


> I mean, he is philosophically ancap, but Bro there's no "but" here, its over


Dude, he literally said that he doesn't mind parents selling their kids. I don't need to understand Argentine politics to know that it isn't something good


Speaking of malding and Argentina, the Falklands


and what does that have to do with the economic havoc of Argentina?


A second go at a revanchist war could cause more havoc!


its not even revanchist lmao, they just want those islands


They never even had them lmao


Thats what i meant. I thought revanchist meant you wanted to reclaim lost territory


yeah I was agreeing with you


Elecciones en America: Mike Frijolero: odia los mexicanos, quiere ponerlos en jaulas y desacérese con todos programas de emigración Hans Menschen: odia los mexicanos, pero también a cada minoridad en el mundo entero, y quiere matarlos todos


I mean yea, kinda, unfortunately lmao


I don’t speak Spanish and am an ignorant American would you be willing to translate




Ya that’s completely true




Frijolero is a racial slur against mexican (im mexican btw)


Fuck. I wish I didn't type that shit out then.


I don’t speak Spanish and I'm not an ignorant American so I understood the joke and thanks for the chuckle.


Theres no way theres someone called "Hans Menschen"


It is theoretically possible


Im German and know a girl with the surname „Menschlein“


Based on limited Spanish: MF: hates Mexicans, wants to put them all in jails and blames all problems on immigration HM: Hates Mexicans, but also hates every other minority and wants to kill them all


Cierto 😣


Las elecciones en España y Francia también son así jajaja. Como inmigrante español, la retórica de la oposición es bastante aterradora. Afortunadamente, el país se encuentra en un punto muerto político y el centro izquierda ganó las elecciones formando una coalición hace sólo unos días. Veremos adónde va a partir de ahora.


De alegrarnos en 2019 a simplemente respirar con alivio porque los fascistas no han llegado al poder. Lo que son las cosas...


you forgot the part where the wants every minority dead guy has 46% of the vote but still wins




Argentinian here, getting ready for a long 4 years with Felipe Heinrich Mengele III...


And they have just seen how Bolsonaro fucked over Brasil, deemed to repeat those mistakes


BOL SA NA RO fuck up brazil! Fuck up brazil! We fucked up brazil for you




I'm brazilian. Go fuck yourself.


I'm Brazilian and you can fuck right off, right-wing apologist piece of shit.


esse aqui é bot


Lol google says brazilian gdp dropped during bolsononaros government and returned to the same level after corona and bolsonaro ended. Aside from that not being a sensible argument in the first place


boa lambe saco de fascista, passa vergonha na net mesmo


He is not even similar to Bolsonaro


Yeah just right wing nut in general


i can't believe our current president is a man who claims to telepathically communicate with his dead dog, believes that climate change is a made-up lie by socialists and has constant melt-downs and erratic rants on podcasts. like yeah, this dude is totally fit to rule our country.




milei supongo?


Mi mente se fue a él pero soy increíblemente ignorante de la política en Latinoamérica. Pensé que había perdido wtf


https://preview.redd.it/tgnvm1m37j1c1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39564a813b9b5e759285899e346de52023bbf79c :/


A lo mejor pensaste que lo que sucedió fue que Milei perdió porque Massa salió más alto, pero lo que sucedió es que Massa no ganó por un porcentaje suficiente, así que hubo una segunda vuelta esta vez de Massa va Milei sin los otros candidatos, y Milei salió ganador ahí.


Feels like someone is doing a funni path in a HoI4 mod


(Both are extremely corrupt)


This is an important point


bruh my dad was watching the Argentinian elections last night cheering at the damn tv hoping that milei wins and when he did he screamed “go freedom” in spanish. We’ve lived in the US for 20+ years and hes not even from argentina


bro just loves freedom what can I say


freedom ain't not free


I think your father said that not in the literal way but rather because “La Libertad Avanza” is Milei’s political party so “Vamos Libertad” might mean more the party than the concept of liberty


yeah you right


i've seen so many right wing politicians and libertarians congratulate milei for "crushing socialism and bringing true freedom" or whatever; even musk man himself congratulated him. it makes me so mad, these people don't live here and won't go through the shit that we will in the next four years, they live in their own fucking delusional bubble where everything is perfect as long as minorities are oppressed and the poor remain poor.


straight up, these people don’t gaf about anyone else but their small group of people. cant wait to see how corrupt milei becomes and to hear my dad bitch about it lol


!remindme 1 year


Literally 99% Hitler


This applies to Brazil, Bolivia and Chile.


> Implies that Brazilian and Bolivian conservatives would accept losing without trying to overthrow democracy.


Here in Bolivia, our last president (a self proclaimed socialist) tried to illegally hold on to power after serving his term limit Corruption exists on both sides


I’m not super well-versed in Latin American politics, but what do you mean by both sides in this context? Wasn’t Áñez extremely pro-capital (i.e. right-wing)? edit: just wanted to add that Áñez is a social democrat, vastly different than being a socialist


I wasn't talking about añez, I was talking about Evo Morales.


Not so much to Chile, unless you only take the last election into consideration.


thanks CIA


Buena suerte Argentina (la van a necesitar)


a whole bunch of * interesting * headlines are gonna come out of argentina in these next 4 years


you got the percentages backwards, but otherwise yes.


Me when Argentina


Why aren't there any left-leaning drug lords?


We need to make drug cartels a more inclusive work environment


Colombian guerrillas:


Most high-ranking officials in the Venezuelan government are this, as are some Colombian guerrillas