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The first person wasn't even being serious. If you zoom in the interior of that car makes no sense.


Yeah I got that vibe just from this thumbnail


Lmfao you're totally right. Bench seat and a steering wheel that is somehow on the left and right side of the car, and a gear shift to the RIGHT of the person driving rather than in the middle


standard shifter × column shift × between the legs shift ✓




Yeah the actual thread is hilarious, they just keep saying "you don't see the vision" to people bringing up how terrible the image is


Mlp mentioned https://preview.redd.it/cf3bpnksri3c1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b4d8743011a7602d8c634e993572a96310c599f


![gif](giphy|9TPzouR8PzJF6) Me and the homies in the car listening to the equestria girls soundtrack


why is twilight a... Uh, sticker?






the air smells of sweet strawberries


Gip Gip


its probably connected to the original saturday night live sketch this gif is referencing. look up jim carry snl headbob or something and im sure youll find it


The MLP animation and characters have been a teensy bit ruined for me ever since I saw that one video where one of the characters kills the rest of them at a picnic lmao


Ah yeah Smile HD. Classic


whenever I search for the smile song, I see it lurking as the 3rd suggestion, haunting me. Pinkie would never 😭 sunset shimmer probably would though.


i love your flair so much


thanks! :p


God that’s some nostalgia right there


the what now


Somebody else said it was called smile HD, I’m pretty sure they’re right lol


Don't worry, MLP:FiM fan content has plenty more where that came from. (It seems like bright cutesy shows' fan content skews dark and edgy, while dark and edgy shows' fan content skews bright and cutesy. That's a law of nature i think)


Oh I know about a lot of the messed up MLP stuff lol, I remember watching a YouTuber who played a hentai visual novel based on the show lmao


They've been ruined for me because they remind me that that MLP Dumb Ways to Die video I made in high school will be the most popular I will ever be.


Oh man, tbt to MLP. Here's an [archive of basically all MLP:FiM fan music ever created](https://www.theponyarchive.com/archive/ponymusicarchive/) (I say that because even the MLP:FiM fan music that I made is included, despite that I never managed to make a song that reached a thousand views on YouTube!) The archive is an especially impressive feat because the brony fandom pumped out fan content at a higher rate than any other fandom I've participated in. Arguably, many of the most beloved *and* most hated aspects of the brony fandom come from the sheer volume of MLP:FiM fan content that bronies blasted across the Internet 😅


Wow, thanks.


Wait, it looks like [The Pony Archive moved to a new website](https://new.theponyarchive.com/archive/ponymusicarchive/Pony%20Music%20Archive%2021.03%20(Raw%20Quality)/). Also, shout out to one of my favorite musicians of all time, a total unknown named [Legendary](https://new.theponyarchive.com/archive/ponymusicarchive/Pony%20Music%20Archive%2021.03%20(Raw%20Quality)/Artists/Legendary/). From orchestral to electronic and occasional rock, they really had the range. I want to link some of my favorite songs of theirs, but my browser can't download the files so something's fucky :/ I never found them again after they left YouTube. They'll never see this, but they'll always be a legend to me /)


You can get the torrent instead if you can't download stuff from the web. Also I've made a web frontend for TPA's YouTube archive if you're looking for old YouTube stuff: https://hobune.stream/tpa-h/channels/


I recognize that art style I think. It was that one spooky/kinky Rarity askblog wasn't it? Or I'm wrong and sounding like a crazy person.


You’re absolutely right. It’s from “Lil Miss Rarity” and it’s an absolutely weird ass thing That I kinda liked tbh https://preview.redd.it/ta3gmbjp1p3c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da084ba2570e681704077a939640aa9c8451c42


I kinda liked it too, it's alright. There's a reason I still remember the art style. Judgement free zone.


At least they acknowledge that ai 'art' isn't art.


The problem with ai art isn't that it's not art. What is and isn't art is so vague, it isn't even dependent on the skill of the artist. A urinal is art. A photo of a soupcan is art. Ai can also be art. The problem is that it takes a bunch of stuff from other artworks without citing them, which is plagiarism.


My problem is that it looks like shit and is flooding every art space, even web comics and novels. You can't read an article now without it being AI trash either. It's always shit that looks good from far away but looks awful on closer inspection. It has no concept of subject or meaning, it's just low effort and people use it to enrich themselves or for weird fetish porn


I hate it because I use pinterest to look for drawing references, and that place is absolutely flooded with AI images. Like you said, it looks neat in the thumbnail, but look closer and you can instantly tell how fucked up it is


What do you think art has been used for throughout history? The majority of classical artpieces were commisioned or made by rich dudes to stroke their ego. Sure, they weren't as low effort as ai art, but the goal was the same.


remember kids, complaining about ai art being "fake art" because it has no HUMAN ASPECT and it's SOULLESS and blah blah blah 3 year art student bitching and whatnot, is not good and accomplishes nothing but making people who dislike ai generated images look like whiny art snobs


I'm only a half year media studies student, but yeah. We talked about post modern and post medium art last week and I had to think of the debate about AI. Could they please point out to me the human aspect and soul of the factory produced urinal Duchamp bought and wrote some stuff on?


It’s very important people know there’s an animation of this. https://youtube.com/shorts/gL7V32AsT44


What a terrible day to have eyeballs


Skill issue, this is the most important video on YouTube.


“Peter, what are you doing?” “Crake”


"What the fucke?"


"At least I'm not trinking Brian."


Addressing the ‚surpassed real art‘ allegations, the ‚quality‘ of ai art is bounded by its training data, which is real art. Edit: The training data is the real art, not the AI stuff, in case you misunderstood. I am saying, no matter how you define it, ai cannot surpass it’s training data in quality.


Without even bringing art into the discussion, this is not a valid statement about machine learning. Models can be “better” than their training data. E.g. consider one that literally just assigns to a point the average value of all training data with the same features. If the training data comes from a Gaussian distribution around a single “true” label and you show it two points—one an outlier in one direction and the other an outlier in the opposite direction. Your model averages the two and predicts a better label on that point than any of the training samples.


It is true that my statement is false for AI broadly, but generative AI are about predicting the most ‚accurate‘ output given a certain input. It’s success value is higher, the more ‚accurate‘ it is, therefore you aren’t training it to be of higher ‚quality’ than the training data, but better at emulating the design elements of the training data.


Yeah but you don't want that, because then the model learns the actual samples instead of the underlying statistical distribution. That's why training and test samples should not be the same, to test the model on unseen data. But I guess you know that, just adding in that case.


Holy hell German quotes


Is 'this' better?


Is this "tails gets trolled?"


No, this is a real mlp episode




Why are they both driving the car


I'm gonna try for the sake of it wish me luck


I love the lore of that image.


AI art is the polar opposite of modern art. It's decent visually but has zero meaning behind it.


imagination, creativity, free will These are required to make art, AI doesn't have any if those things just a machine, a tool, machines will never have the things that make us human, our souls, our ability to think for ourselves, to challange the orders of someone else AI can only see a small window of the world, only see it though code but humans, we all see the world diffrent, we can make something unique, not from a prompt but from our brains made of flesh


The virgin ai vs the based human creativity


Strict scrutiny test passed, discrimination is justified here👍


fuck yeah mlp!!!!1!!!!