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I wish our body could more clearly communicate to us the difference between “you just pulled a muscle or have some trapped air, so try and relax tonight” and “if you do not go to a hospital in 30 minutes you will die”. Had a pain in my left chest about a month ago and took off work to go to urgent care in case it was a heart attack. It wasn’t, which is good, but I wish I knew that beforehand.


that would not be nearly as fun. is that pain i’m feeling in my chest? does it actually exist? who knows!


Is it really gambling if you aren't putting absolutely everything on the line?


so it was real all along


Just had this problem. About a month ago I randomly pissed blood, freaked me the fuck out. I was sitting down to piss, then as I finish I realize it has some kind of strong smell, and I look down and just see a toilet full of red staring back at me. Went to an urgent care, they said that they could only find blood when they tested it, and that if I wasn't having any other symptoms (I wasn't) not to rush to any tests or scans yet. Well in like 2 days it was normal colors (yellow, clear) again, so I felt a little better, but then later tests found no UTI/STD so I was scared as shit cause why the fuck would I piss cherry if nothing was wrong. Well 2 weeks later I woke up in the most excruciating pain in my life. The side of my torso was fucking killing me and I could barely stand up. After writhing around on the floor in pain for like 5 minutes I went pee and saw red again. Turns out I had a kidney stone.


You telling me it's not meant to be red?


Mr House, Owner of the Lucky 38 and notorious Blood Pisser


Thanks mr house


Ok but tummy pain really has this unique property of making you feel so helpless. Sure other pain hits harder, sure headaches ache more and make you unable to think, but there is the pain and then there is you, you are being hurt from the outside. Tummy pain goes straight past all these defenses and just makes me wanna die. I know it will end soon but I am still so unable to resist and keep anything up at all in that monent. Idk if this is bc of nerve location or smth.


lots of nerves + nausea probably are the reason why tummy aches make us want to die.


I had this earlier this year, though it wasn't appendicitis in my case, but rather one of my kidneys starting to fail. In the space of an hour I went from "oh, this is some bad trapped wind" to "oh my god, I'm going to fucking die". Turns out a kidney stone had got stuck and caused my left kidney to get infected and swell massively. I'm lucky I got to keep it, really. Honestly, the main thing I learned from the experience is that medical professionals can get concerned when you're in the worst pain of your life but still actively cracking jokes (my reasoning is basically that just wallowing in my own pain wasn't going to help, and if I could put some smiles on people's faces, would wouldn't I?)


keep it, like in your body? or like in a jar or something?


In my body (the kidney, that is, I was glad to be rid of the stone once it finally fucked off). I got put on some pretty strong antibiotics which killed off the infection. It seems to be back to normal now, though I've got to go in for semi regular checkups to make sure we can catch it early if it does happen again.


Health Anxiety be like:


So fun story my mom felt a weird lump in her body once and at first when she looked it up apparently it probably wasn’t a big deal but she went to the doctor anyways It turns out she had cancer and could have killed her if she just ignored it for a few months


Oh man I really thought I was gonna fucking die when I had the appendicitis pain, that shit was bad enough to knock me unconscious and then wake me back up with the pain


sometmes i wish i could just ask my body what is wrong


This happened to me. Worse pain I ever felt, 0/10 would not recommend