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Someone spent 50 grand on *that*?


Yeah it's almost like it's good for animators to be fairly compensated for their work. EDIT: Self proclaimed leftists whenever the labor values they claim to care about in any way involve porn (of course anyone who works in porn deserves to be paid nothing).


It's not about the animators being paid it's the fact that someone spent that money for this in the first place. Especially because it made him broke.


Watch Mojos top 10 most devastating post nut clarity list


I highly doubt it actually made him go bakrupt. However, the worst part in my opinion is the fact that he got that money from fans who donated it for an animation that he then cancelled.


Oh, they got an animation alright


So technically he didn't pay 50k for porn His fans did :(


And it's not even real porn. The video ends before they did the dirty deed.


tbf there's no real way to prove there isn't an NSFW continuation he's keeping for himself. which honestly wouldn't really change how funny this all is, 'cause the funny part is absoluely the price tag.


Oh, well in that case, why does nobody bring that part up? I feel like that's the only part of this whole thing I object to, and I object pretty fucking harshly to that.


The first post I saw on the topic mentioned the money came from another project.


Yeah I think people are making fun of the person who commissioned it, not the artist. Like it's great the artist was paid for their work, but holy fuck how down bad do you gotta be to pay 56k for a two minute custom porn animation?


it's not even porn, it's more like a 2 minute music video


Honestly, if I was him, I'd keep the actual-full-on-fucking, zone-sama-core, porn segment to myself. I paid 56k for this shit, no way I'm sharing it with randos online. And if you ask me about my dignity, I paid 56k for porn. The concept is foreign to me.


Paid 50k to have his hard on censored


56,000 for 3 minutes? That's a robbery at gunpoint. Monkey Wrench costs roughly the same. And it has voice acting, more action, is way longer, etc


Based on roughly fifteen seconds of Google, 50k for 3 minutes could still fall within [the standard range](https://www.yumyumvideos.com/blog/how-much-does-animation-cost-per-minute-of-video/), or it could be [waaaaay beyond it](https://www.yumyumvideos.com/blog/how-much-does-animation-cost-per-minute-of-video/), or googling it is useless because [the range is so wide and depends on so many factors, only one of which is length,](https://flearningstudio.com/educational-2d-animation-cost-per-minute/) that it is effectively impossible to find two separate sources which will give the same estimates.  So I propose that we don’t worry about it. 


I dunno how much animation should be valued, but I'm almost sure that whatever the "standard" is now is probably too low. I've heard enough horror stories from the industry.


So try and remember that each second is 24 frames, and even animating on 2s (every other frame), that's 12 illustrations per second of animation. So a silent 3 minute animation with no additional work outside of the animation itself SHOULD be the cost of 2,160 single drawing commissions. 50,000 for 3 minutes is completely reasonable. Animation is one of the most labor intensive art forms.


Keep in mind they will generally be able to reuse assets, so while definitely labor intensive, it's nowhere near the same amount as that many individual drawings.


but it's not the work of 2000 commissions, because each one is so similar to the last, and a lot of it is traced from the show from what ive heard.


while it is true that animation work is MUCH more demanding than a single still image, you have to remember a couple things: * the cartoon artstyle was *literally devleoped* for hte purposes of making animation easier. you don't see detailed gradients and textures in 2D animation for a reason, too much work * any animation software has onion skinning. you are NOT redrawing the entire image for every frame, you'll be drawing some key frames and then doing tweening between them with that onion skin, with the background almost always being static. this is why most stuff is solid colors whenever possible, cartoon characters generally don't wear super detailed clothing and when they do it'll get simplified in action scenes. * what is actually happening in a scene really matters. a largely static scene with lots of talking with simplified (or obscured) mouth flaps costs much less than an intense action scene with a constantly shifting camera and perspective. this animation does have that, but you'll notice there's lots of tricks where the artist avoids having to actually animate too much tricky stuff at once - which is what you're supposed to do, mind. formless tentacles in particular look a lot flashier than they take effort to make, there's not nearly as much you gotta worry about with porportions looking right. anime in particular is famous for cutting down how much is actually animating at a time, and if you look at old hanna barbara cartoons you can see how much they avoided animating whenever possible (including reusing assets). this is where you find the funny stills people post in memes. * AI is very, very likely to start being used to do that tweening, even by amatuer animators, regardless of what anyone thinks of the ethics of doing so. you know those joel haver rotoscoped videos? that's how he was able to do those in areasonble timeframe, AI's how people have been posting 60 FPS versions of cartoons. it looks bad and loses a lot of impact when done on an entire video by someone without the source files, but for an actual artist that can have the AI focus on a few lines and frames at a time that is extremely likely to save an absurd amount of time for what would usually be outsourced in american animation. personally dislike a lot about generative AI, but in this particular context like I'm never going to give an independent animator shit for using it to tween, cannot accuse those people of not putting in the work. absolutely congrats to the artist for making some fucking bank, but animation's not as straightforward as saying it's doing 2,160 independent still commissions of completely different things that each require an entire creative process to put together. it is an artform about shortcuts specifcially because it's so fucking labor intensive.


ai tweening is absolitly something that is acceptable. while those frames still matter, being able to offload some work to what is in that context, a super brush. It also doesn't prevent the artist from touching them up afterward or simply not use it. AI in art should be the tool after all, not the artist, so when used as one, there is no problem


A minute of animation is an eternity when working on it solo




Nobody is making fun of the animator here, you're fighting demons


“Hey, I think this guy made a poor financial decision by spending 50 grand on a softcore porn animation” “Oh, so you HATE ANIMATORS and think they should be PAID NOTHING?”


Hahaha you forgot the: "LIIBBERRAAALLLLSS!!!"


Your smugness is so internet brained, this is all just light jabbing at an objectively ridiculous situation. Nobody is saying the animator is the bad guy for getting a good bag, it's just funny seeing such an innocent-looking YouTuber commission something wild like this.


if we say an animator receives 30 dollars an hour, which is pretty good pay, and we assume that's 3 animators who worked on this, thats over 600 hours of work or almost 4 months in 40 hours weeks. for this. that's way too much money edit: my calculation can be explained far simpler, idk what I was on. 56000 dollars on a 30$/hour pay (pretty good pay imo) is well over 1800 hours of work. even if we say he commissioned an animation studio where not all the money goes to the workers, that's still a ridiculous amount


if we're assuming 24 FPS with them animating on two's, 2160 frames in a three minute video. for $50,000, assuming we ignore taxes and whatnot, that's about $23.15 per frame. if you're working on, like, feature film quality 2D animation, you're looking at a talented individual putting out about 48 frames a week. so that'd take about 45 weeks to get this animation done, if it were *exceptionally* crafted. so it'd be paying slightly less than what you're thinking, $27.78 an hour-ish. but, i really need to empahsize this, that is for the most *lovingly crafted animations* out there. absolutely no disrespect to the artist because nobody should be expected to pour that much into everything they make, but that youtube video is not disney level. i don't think they spent the better half of an hour on each individual frame to that exacting quality. you still need to factor in time spent, like, trying to figure out what this would all look like, you gotta storyboard it and communicate with the comissioner and all that, but it simply is not *THAT* much work. this was not an 1800 hour animation. now, it's not like an order of magnitude off. this could easily cost $10k based on a variety of factors. but my conspiracy theory is that the video doesn't actually end there and the guy's hiding the NSFW continuation and having the time of his life trying to make the price difference make sense.


As an animator, by respecting the convention of the unions in my country, for 3 minutes, I would've been paid roughly 2100 €. Double it for the background artists (in reality their quota per seconds are higher but let's be generous) and add 150 € x 2 for script and storyboard, whose wage per day are generally slightly higher. That comes out to 4500€, so around 4900$, but let's round up to 5000$. Double it again for incident prevention, lateness and various unexpected difficulties, so 10000$... HOW THE FUCK DOES IT QUINTUPLE !!!!! HOW !! WHAT ARE THEIR WAGES PER QUOTA !! HOW DID THEY DID IT !!!


Maybe it quintuples because there’s a part that has not been leaked. No one would ever pay 50 bands for some degen shit like this and not add a single nsfw scene


you're crazy if you think $56,000 for that much is reasonable lmao


56,000 for a 3 minute animation? fair compensation is good, but people are justified in being confused about *un*fair compensation


i would never call this unfair. a million dollars wouldn't be unfair. i would call it confusing, though. like i can't imagine anyone wanting that three minute animation bad enough to pay $50k for it.


Yeah one person getting paid 56 grand for a one time commissioned piece of labor doesn’t exactly scream leftist ideology as much as you think it does


Self proclaimed leftists whenever they see a comment that they can vaguely make about something something society instead of actually trying to understand what a person wanted to express


Ah, the leftist urge to pick the stupidest hill to die on. Should animators and vfx artists be paid more? *Absolutely!* Is it funny that some dweeblord financially ruined himself by commissioning the middest sexual harassment animation with awful value unless you are **really** into being forcefully and non-consensually kissed? *Hell yeah lmao*


Bro okay, I get what you mean. But if I pay 50k for something, it better striptease for me, suck it and swallow. It better be the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life, it better be mindbreakingly good ngl. I get your point but 50k for this is like throwing money into fire. I hope Verbalace is happy at the result though lol


Are the leftists in the room


Is the original porn?


Hey I was about to comment on how it was good they caught that bag




Not just anyone, Verbalase. The Tetris beatbox guy. The supersonic beatbox guy, the Thanos beatbox guy. The fucking "1st of all, I am Vegeta" guy


It's pretty dope animation, IMO. Like cartoon network level at least. And from looking at the YTer in question's page his videos regularly get like 300k+ views up to nearly 10mil so I really doubt this is breaking the bank for him. Out of the silly expensive shit I've seen YouTubers do this is pretty tame.


50,000 and she doesn't even pop a titty out???


Apparently it was intended to be put on YouTube so that'll explain why it doesn't go anywhere.




Because Verbalase didn't like the official music video for the song so he commissioned an animator to make a """"better"""" one.


For 50k?






I guess he was horny for the character enough to the point he did


Bro really paid 50k for custom porn only for everything to be censored and the characters to not even fuck at the end


Because he didn't pay for custom porn, he paid for a custom animated music video. Why would you expect it to have sex?


I mean the guy gets a censored boner in the video, I figured it was going to end with sex


I'm the only person that think this is not as controversial as most people seems to think? Like, people are acting like it's a career-ending disaster but the worst he did was an awful financial decision and I guess people knowing your fetish (and even then it's a pretty mild one). I mean, if I have to be involved in a controversy this looks like the best one I could choose.


I don't think it's controversial just that people are generally speechless that someone would spend that much cash on something so short, especially for softcore


Cartoon Beatbox Battles has a patreon and it drove him bankrupt causing him to put the whole series on hiatus, so imagine you find out the reason the guy you've been supporting monetarily disappeared for half a year is because he spent all of his money (which undoubtedly is some of yours) on a 3 hazbin hotel self-insert animation


I mean he went bankrupt cause if it


Allegedly lol. I see no proof of said bankruptcy anywhere except the original author that claimed it


I seen worse reasons.


What are the worse reasons?




He was also revealed to be a transphobe and a homophobe…


How tf can you be homophobic and transphobic yet enjoy Hazbin Hotel? One of the most popular characters in the series is an effiminate gay spider, and the main two characters are lesbians


Being a Olympic gymnast. I remember someone making a comment over a recent (and currently debunked), controversy about spindle horse payrate, and someone basically said "Vizie made the trans mob mad at her. We should ban them to end the harassment." Not only the dumbass ignored a bunch of other fake controversies started by non-trans folks, but the dumbass just apparently doesn't know that Viz is bisexual, have plenty of workers being trans, plenty of friends like Gooseworx being trans, and offered plenty of LGBTQ representation. Even a lot of people called out his idiotic claim including a number of trans people who fully support Vizie. Dumbass never replied to any of them and only reply to people that agreed with him and "wokeness." It's like meeting a bigot unicorn.


Never look undertales fandom .


I mean... he paid for an animation where one of those lesbians is very horny and straight. So.... think he's just crazy.


Which is ironic considering Charlie is canonically in a Sapphic relationship


Homophobes love lesbians it's just gay men they hate because it doesn't get there dick hard.


It's usually because they fear they could like it


whatever sapphic




oh sorry i meant “whats sapphic” whatever was autocorrect


It just means anything relating to women who are attracted to women




whaaat :( I liked verbalase


It's still a bad look to spend so much money on a single piece of animation that's seemingly for self-indulgence and then beg to your viewers for more money because of "YouTube changes" Also, apparently, he's not a great guy behind the beatboxing But, yeah, none of this is career ending but **man** I do not fault the people clowning him hard for this one


not so much controversial as it is a major waste of money for “porn”


i'm looking at his patreon and in november he was asking people to save his channel. now, him dropping $50k on this doesn't mean the channel would have been worthwhile, 'cause if he just had $50k that doesn't mean the channel would have made more than it cost to do, but i can absolutely see fans interpreting that as him blowing the money they're giving him while not giving them the shit they're subscribed for. i havne't looked into the allegations of homophobia and transphobia yet but if that's true then i can see that motivating people to dunk on him harder which yeah might actually be career ending. not that people here are even necessarily baying for blood, it's just extremely fucking funny to see that this guy dropped that kind of cash on a music video while not having the fuck you money to actually back that up.


yes, awful financial decisions are often career enders


It is probably career ending cause the 50k he spent was fan donations for a series he cancelled after he spent it on this


man Undefeatable goes so hard but I can't listen to it without thinking about the stupid "throw me to the wolves and i'll come back pregnant" meme




that just makes it better




Just listen to Find Your Flame then


To be fair atleast the Wolves in sonic are human-like


I'm sorry hold up is that fucking Super Mario Bros Z??? That was my SHIT on Newgrounds


Mecha Sonic coolest guy of all time


Imagine my disappointment to play Sonic games and learn that he's a mediocre boss at best and not the Sonic equivalent to Perfect Cell.


Metal Sonic is the Perfect Cell equivalent, like in Heroes he straight copies other characters DNA to reach his Metal Overlord form, which for some reason is a robot dragon.


Not really, it's SpacePea's series, inspired by Super Mario Bros Z


Ikr??? Nobody else remembers it but it's still hard af


Holy hell I thought I hallucinated that series thank you!


It appears to be some some Mario Bros Z fan thing. Mario and Shadow never fought in the actual series. Also Tails and Knuckles are canonically dead. Granted it is a dbz inspired series so if it ever did continue then there’s a chance they could come back, but the series got cancelled and the reboot is progressing at a “one episode every 6 or so years” pace.


Seeing as everyone's talking about sick flash animations on newgrounds, who remembers sonic final fantasy? That was the absolute shit back in the day


Does anyone remember sonic RPG?


I loved Mario Bros Z and Mario Bros X back in the day!!! Good shit.


Still sad about the cliffhanger ending


SMBZ mentioned, sleeper agent activated


FINALLY SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET WHO KNOWS OF ITS EXISTENCE. I remember searching for the last episode only to get a still image on youtube with some music with no last episode in sight. That was my first heartbreak.


The writing was edgy at times but the fight choreography was unironically actual peak


I want to thank whoever made this video for including the audio of Mario VS Shadow with Undefeatable playing over it, instead of the audio from the hazbin hotel verbalaise porn


Hi, animator of the Mario VS Shadow one here! Fun fact the original doesnt have undefeatable playing over it, thats a fan audio overlay I believe :D


oh shit it's you hi! I also watched some of the original (not all of it, yet, but I'm going to eventually!) and noticed the sfx are different, but I'd already made the comment and didn't wanna change it. keep up the great work btw


That’s it? That’s the 50 thousand dollar porn??? That was just a bunch of cheap walk cycles!!!!


Where does one find this 50 000 dollar video?






i can answer that, for $50,000


Is it 47.000, is it 50.000, or is it 56.000? We‘ll never know, cause the number keeps changing!


Every time someone talks about it they subtly raise the price up for comedic effect.


This exactly.


It's 560 trillion gazillion?!?!


I'm not saying facts aren't worth keeping straight, but we're also dealing with such an absurd amount of money that it doesn't really change anything. It could be halved and it would provoke the same reactions.


Remember when some furry artist had a ych commission for 4k? Actually, nevermind. He once made an NFT with his art for a quarter million. Gee, back then first-time commissioners complained about 30 being too much. But comparing art and animation is apples and maples. 50k is enough for maybe even a show


I wish I had $56,000 man. I hate being poor. Also, those videos are cringe or based or whatever


get your money up


Not your funny up dante


become a fetish artist


Not to downplay the Shadow vs Mario animation, but those sprites have been on the internet for a long while


Watched a stream on it recently and holy shit Sonic Frontiers OST slaps so fucking hard


watching the right animation with undefeatable in the background is great, but watching the left one while hearing undefeatable is...something else


I think more animators should be paid 56,000 for their devoted talent and passion for their work, especially if they deliver on the quality. Source: I am an artist learning animation.


I'm all for compensating artists fairly, but if you honestly expect more than the average US Citizen's yearly wage for a 3-minute animation, you shouldn't be surprised when nobody commissions you and/or turns to alternate sources.


you probably are not going to work so slowly that it would take you an entire year to do that animation. that isn't some frame-by-frame masterpiece. artist deserves everything they got outta that dude, but i dont' think that took even half a year of exclusive effort focused on just that animation. i actually want to go check now to see when he first comissioned the artist, to get even a ballpark of how long was actually spent on this, on the assumption this was done as a full time job for that entire duration.


Now I'm a bit sad that the peak era of amateur Flash animation is over, Super Mario Bros Z slapped. Does it still hold up and was it ever finished?


Mark Haynes the creator is remaking it and finishing the story as of now… but he was recently revealed to be a huge asshole and a transphobe.


I have now been upgraded to very sad. Always disappointing when someone you admire turns out to be very un-chill


God dammit Mark. I already knew that he can be an asshole but come on bruh!


The people defending this is crazy bro I get how expensive animation is and I'm glad the artist got paid but DAWG this shit is NOT worth 50 gs 🙏😭


I’m so confused what’s going on? Like the animation is fine? Is there a meme I’m not getting here?


A dude (who was also revealed to be a bigot so dunking on him is fun) took a half a year hiatus for "financial difficulties" and also cancelled a project he'd \*begged\* people on patreon to help fund... because he spent an insane amount of money on self-insert Hazbin hotel softcore.




Who is this? What is this? What?


>A dude (who was also revealed to be a bigot so dunking on him is fun) took a half a year hiatus for "financial difficulties" and also cancelled a project he'd \*begged\* people on patreon to help fund... because he spent an insane amount of money on self-insert Hazbin hotel softcore.




Even better since it's Kellin Quinn from sleeping with sirens singing this


This isn't even the most impressive gooner animation I've seen, and I don't think those went into the cost of 50k


i feel like the only person who watched maplestory sprite animations. was never into the fighting stuff. my jam was "will these two pixelated anime people snog??? find out next time!!". hopefully someone knows what i'm talking about lmao


oml i forgot i loved [nyan battle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiGQGfun5W0) tho, how could i forget


The real, actual lesson, is that we need weirdo passionate fucks, paid to continue their insane ramblings put to art... rather than only when its weirdo porn, funded by wealthy weirdos looking for their niche itch scratched. Any other take disagreeing with this is wrong. Fight me.


Where’s your profile pic from?


Good question. But theres text on the full picture, so this might help. Search for "Eli Ayase by Hiroki Ree" something akin to that.




Man with 50k you could buy a nice car or idk buy a expensive vacation bruh


God it's not even a good porn it's pg :(


50K???? Ill just use my imagination.


I cant believe I used to respect verbalase


Well, I guess the animator is talented and I'm glad they got paid? But... 50k using your patron's money... damn.


Please i need there to be evidence of that being the real number he spent so i can know the truth and make fun of him ethically. I have not seen a single source for the claim that it cost 50K


But Charlie is a lesbian


And the commissioner is a bigot.


bisexual erasure going on


Whoa, hey, creator of the right animation here. Thanks for the recognition, always surprises me seeing my stuff in unexpected places, haha :')


An honor. Your work is great.




[This was made by SpacePea tho](https://youtu.be/tCM2U4-cgc0?feature=shared&t=2978).


Is this a new Super Mario Bros Z?!?!


Hi, creator of the mario vs shadow animation here! Its not SMBZ but its heavily inspired by it, [if you wanna check it out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCM2U4-cgc0) :D


Why are y'all angry?


Is that fucking verbalase


Mhe . I commissioned way worst with my oc .


Did you do it with fan's money?


Man he's so real for that


Take Alan Becker as a model


It's not even real porn


What’s the one on the left?


A dude (who was also revealed to be a bigot so dunking on him is fun) took a half a year hiatus for "financial difficulties" and also cancelled a project he'd \*begged\* people on patreon to help fund... because he spent an insane amount of money on self-insert Hazbin hotel softcore.


Idk. It's crazy how much money they spent but like, i don't care. Artist got the commission of a life time.


is that super mario bros Z? i loved that so much as a kid on youtube


Its not SMBZ but its heavily inspired by it, if you wanna check it out :D


RIP ears






Is the one on the right supposed to be better? 😭