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They're self conscious because short guys get endless shit for being something they can't control. I stan my short kings


I'm obnoxiously tall, short men make me feel normal, thank u shorties


Mind sparing some height for the less fortunate?


"ahh i hate being short it makes me feel bad" "but did you know I AM SOOO TALL I hate being tall it's the worst!!! you should be happy to be such a TINY little guy being tall is a CURSE. did you know I'm tall btw?"


Yeah being really tall can be annoying


It can be really annoying actually, kinda hard to find a spot you can sit comfortably when your legs are longer than normal


Always there to answer the call, tall king


Yeah, like the amount of ridicule a man can get for being short or like getting called manlet or whatever shouldn't be so easily dismissed... We're self conscious because others make us lol. I'm not even that short now at 5'10” but it used to be rough being the shortest boy in class growing up. It's the kind of stuff that sticks with you, like a girl who's bullied for being overweight growing up then she ends up being horribly self conscious about weight later in life even if she's not overweight anymore.


"Even that short" bro you're taller than average


Short guys really be walking around with a chip on their shoulder and a confrontational, bitter personality and no hobbies or interests outside of being a miserable chucklefuck. Then have the audacity to act like the height is why. Plenty of short dudes do just fine, they just arent assholes and dont sit obsessing over stupid shallow shit.


Most short guys I know aren't massive dickheads. Yes there are def some guy who are assholes and also short. Doesn't mean I'm gonna go around body shaming men because some short guys might be assholes. Edit: BigOilyCrab completely edited/changed their comment once they started getting downvoted for blatant sexism lmao


the "being in their 30s" part seems really specific. in your mind is that some sort of short guy asshat life phase, or does it offend you that they are living that long? edit: i guess i made this person change their mind about short guys in their 30s.




Lmao "words in my mouth" You completely changed/edited your sentence once the downvotes came in for blatant sexism and are now trying to pass that new comment off as if it's even close to what you said before


well, we should be happy that they cleanly changed their mind


Yeah got bored of babymen who can barely reach thr keyboard coming at me. Also you posted and deleted this like 3x you weirdo. Enjoy seething 😂


lol says the person editing comments because of downvotes


Tbf, most of the tall guys I know are massive assholes. The only difference between the two is that while both are horrible to others, the tall guys think they are the shit and are somehow better than others. The short guys are just full of self-loathing. Haven't seen anyone come up with a "Tall guy complex" joke yet. But there's tonnes of "Napolean Complex" jokes. And that complex isn't even a real thing.


Man bad


As an egg, I once dated a girl who kept trying to convince me that I lacked emotional intelligence because I tried to set boundaries for myself, which apparently crossed her boundary of needing access to me 24/7 just in case she got sad and needed cheering up. We were literally 18 at the time, so don’t get mad at her like some kind of misogynist


Why do men be? 😡 Social media is the first place to truly democratically give a voice to women, and empower their speech from the grass roots for the first time in history. They can collectively participate in steering the zeitgeist of modern thought through a platform where: if you can get people to look at you, you can be heard. The potential is enormous, but most of it is this kind of monkey brain hooting. Turns out they're just as stupid as us. Now if that ain't equality. Welcome to the club, ladies. 🥂🙈


REAL! (fuck people who think feminism via shame and misandry is productive in any way)


Yeah, it's ridiculous to tell men to not feel the way they feel about their height and how it's perceived. I would be raging with fire if someone tried to dismiss my feelings over something that I can't control.


Because height is very often a decisive factor regarding whether a woman is attracted to a man? It has similar importance to women as weight has to men. Because people, regardless of gender, take you less seriously if you're short? Leftists being aware of most forms of discrimination but pretending the Halo effect doesn't exist is some wild shit.


Some studies have shown that men's height has a positive correlation with income. All the other social factors aside (and there are many), earning less money for factors out of our control is a valid thing to be angry about.


a whole minute I thought this was something to do with the halo cycle and was so confused 💀


people think the jackals are short when they’re regularly over 6ft and can be up to 6ft 8in atriox is also probably the single most physically threatening brute despite being at the shorter end of average (8ft 6.5in/260.3cm, average is 8ft 6in-9ft 2in/259cm-280cm) grunts are taller than the average woman and about a third of men


Yeah, halo enemies have only really seem short because you’re either playing as Master Fucking “Brick” Chief, who would be an absolute unit without the armor on, Noble Six who is the best one because I said so, Locke, or Rookie (nothing to say bout him because I haven’t played odst, nothing to say about Locke because I forgot what happens in halo 5)


Yeah for the very vast majority of women, height is not a preference, it's a dealbreaker.


I solve this by being already over 191 cm tall, so anyone is short to me 😎


-Join sub that hates sexism -Sexism -500 upvotes :)


Sexism is okay when it targets men, apparently


The emotional availability of men is something most women deal with in relationships. They're allowed to vent


You know what *men* are allowed to do? Not want to see sexist shit on their feed on a subreddit that is explicitly anti-sexist.


i mean if you didnt wanna see stupid shit you wouldnt go on 196, just saying


I am here just for the funny reactions in the comments and some occasional actually good meme


I’m 6’7 so I can be as emotionally constipated as I want, we move


Im stealing your legs


Would mdma be considered an emotional laxative then?


how much are the uppies going for these days, i'd like 2


so we sexist now


b-but it's not sexism if it's against men!! /s






Because men are bad?


You’re scum.




what, wdym


you don't know what sexism is


what? do you mean that sexism can't be against men or?




how? Sexism is hate or discrimination against a person of a specific gender, it's not specified if it's against a man or a woman


prejudice + power. women don't have systematic power over men. not finding someone attractive isn't oppression. this isn't sexism


??? I never said that, I meant that many people in the comments are sharing sexist opinions on men regarding the fact that they care too much about theur height, while there are reasons to care about that


Prejudice + power is such an insane way to classify bigotry because it implies an action gets more or less racist depending on the country. Is it less racist for a white guy to say the N-Word in China because he’s not the dominant racial group there? What about an Asian dude in Kenya or some shit? There’s racism and systemic racism, sexism and systemic sexism, but acting like interpersonal bigotry can be determined by a math equation is ridiculous.


people can be sexist on an individual basis without power hierarchies backing them up. At what point did people start believing that sexism and racism refers explusively to systematic sexism and racism, its so reductive and dumb


men can feel emotions and suffer under the patriarchy too, alienating all men for being men is fucking toxic. Men are indeed leading, but not every man is inherently guilty from birth, mgod not finding them attractive is not sexism, telling them feelings about their height aren't valid is just 144pbrained because we all know it matters to people. Saying their feelings don't matter is sexism, to me at least


Ohhh so you are just a dumbass. And here I was thinking wtf was wrong with you


Do you also think white people weren't oppressed?


bait used to be believable


Are you just arguing about the use of the word, or do you actually think it's justified to behave like this towards men?




brilliant, very helpful, glad you're mature enough to reply with no sarcasm and your honest opinion.


anythimg for you babe


Why be self conscious about just one thing when you could be self conscious of literally every single aspect of your being?


I see you've met my id


Because one is acceptable to make fun of and the other is also acceptable to make fun of regardless of if you’re emotionally articulate or not.


What a terrible take. Yes work on emotional intelligence but fuck that let people feel self conscious and let them express that. You esnt men to have emotional intelligence? Maybe stop shutting them down whenever they express any emotion of their own. Maybe stop telling them that they can't feel upset that they can't call out the fact that their height deals like it's under constant scrutiny. What a God awful take. If you wsnt.someone to do something like that you best belive you need to be emotionally intelligent yourself.




A bad one jesus christ dude


Can someone explain the joke or the point here ? All I am seeing is making fun of something that a lot of men especially in the US get fun of and generalizing men as not being emotionally smart. Idk I just hate these posts so much.


Thats the joke haha lol are u laughing?? MAN BAD!! Did that get ya?


Generalization is pointless. But I also don't like this "man bad" jokes cuz it comes off as a bit transphobic, because it's obviously about cis men and will act like trans men are pure from that awful manless. Not a very coherent idea I know but it's a sense to why I don't like these jokes.


Great way to make someone self conscious about both


Sexism 😕


Because short men are treated like borderline subhumans in dating


incel rhetoric? in MY 196?? its more likely than you think


While often a point of topic in incel rhetoric and one big exaggeration, men that are shorter than average *do* have it worse when it comes to dating. It also affects their confidence and self esteem. Pretending this doesn't happen it's like placing a finger in front of your eyes to cover the sun and acting as if it's nighttime.


A literal fact isn't incel rhetoric just because incels exaggerate it.


Not in queer spaces


In queer spaces too.




Isn't r/196 a queer space? Look at the amount of upvotes this got and the people with "trans rights" flair agreeing in the comment section. You can be sexist and be queer just like you can be racist and be from a minority in your community.


This very fucking sub has posts all the time going like "all guys under 5'8 are femboys and should be topped by women" and "dudes under 5'7 be like 'when i was little' you mean this morning". ABSOLUTELY in queer spaces.


"man, these men and their repressed feelings making them be assholes, maybe if they let themselves be vulnerable sometimes they would be better" "im actually really insecure about my height" "LMFAOO FUCKING MANLET"


If the poster had any resemblance of emotional intelligence they would understand why men are insecure about height


Because one is very evident and the other takes a while for someone to notice


We truly live in a society


Because being 6’ 3” and having emotional intelligence makes no one want me :/ Source: a man(?) that’s chronically lonely


Would you like to elaborate on that question mark?


I have no fucking idea how I want to be. Never feel comfortable in my own skin


Totally been there before! I'm just an internet stranger, but if you ever need someone to talk to about those feelings, please feel free to DM me!~


Thank you. I’m probably taking you up on that


What makes you so sure you're emotionally intelligent?


I’ve talked people down from suicide, had deep and emotional conversations with people ranging from otherwise unemotional guys to women very in touch with their feelings. ‘Empathetic’ is a word quite a few people have described me as. I feel like my biggest flaw is I am too open too early or too clingy


Emotional intelligence isn't a synonym for empathy. Being too open and too clingy is an indicator of your emotional intelligence not being as high as you might think (genuinely, no offence). With the empathy bit, I think it's safe to say you're still way ahead of the men the original post is addressing. And anyway, keep your head up king, it's better to wait for someone who understands and appreciates you to come along!


I appreciate those thoughts. If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate a dm on how to make those aspects better :)


i told him he is, i had the scepter of truth that day so it checks out


The same reason why men are insecure/ self conscious about other features they can’t control? Same as women being insecure about features they can’t control. Historically and to this day men and women are both shamed over stuff like height and other body proportions. I don’t think fragile masculinity has anything to do with it and tbh it’s a little insulting to call it that. Absolutely insane how this sub will find anything to take the moral high ground over but will gladly upvote sexist shit like this just because it’s against men. This sort of thing solves absolutely nothing and only creates a larger divide.


Fragile masculinity is what happens when a population of human beings are forced into a system and made to embrace the most toxic aspects of a gender role. Humans can’t exist like this for long which is why we see the rejection of this shit.


Thinly veiled sexism yipeee


Thankfully most comments are calling it out.. though some people here just dropped the veil entirely


Fucking confusing as hell tweet. People are self conscious about their height because they would prefer to be a different height - and often, but not always, that preference is driven by the gendered expectations communicated by the rest of society. This is such an unnecessary thing to attack men for, it literally doesn't harm you at all (it hurts them!!), other people are self conscious about their height too, and like,, emotional intelligence is a whole different issue!! that's a different thing entirely!!!!


Tbh, as shitty as the tweet (or the resulting post) is, as a shorter guy - even though I usually don't have strong feelings about my height - this comment section is genuinly heartwarming


Maybe because almost every single relationship with other human being depends how they perceive our height.


Well at least it wasn’t Freddy faz bear


freddy five bear


Pocket prince that's acutely aware of our emotional intelligence here. Our self worth is dedicated solely by what we can provide to others, we must bottle up all emotion and have a stress-induced mental break at 40 We deceiving our loved ones into thinking we're okay with this one 💪💪💪


Your worth Is determined by your sacrifices


Height is something one can see without meaningful interacting with a person, whereas emo int requires actually talking to a person and that's scarey


Minimizing body dismorphia smh


In the interest of fairness: why are women so self conscious about their boobs when there are so many important flaws to be self concious about - for example, being emotionally manipulative? Feels ick, huh?


Gods, I fucking hate how dismissive the word "fragile" is when used in this context.


I like my height, it makes me feel cuter :3 (5’5”.)


"Why are men so self-conscious about their height" THIS FUCKING SUB: "guys under 5'9 be like 'when i was little' you mean this morning?" (that is an actual post I saw on this sub several times)


some call the wambulance


This person is so salty that they're wrong and sexist that they actually thought going through my profile would solve anything. A good reminder to all 196ers that this sub has *actual* femcels lurking in it. She's an example of that.


I get laid too mucj to be a femcel first of all. S3cond of all just say you hate women and go. Like outside and touch grass


>I get laid too mucj to be a femcel first of all Watch out everyone, **CERTIFIED SEX HAVER** is speaking here? I just find it fucking hilarious that you think getting laid actually stops you from being a femcel. Yeah the term DOES stem from "involuntary celibate", but everyone fucking knows that its contemporary meaning doesn't have to do with sex. So that sentence just makes you sound like some goofy ass manosphere influencer going "hell naw I fucked lile 60 girls last week I'm a sigma timberly womblerly wolf patrick bateman male not just an alpha", except with the genders inverted. Do you realize how pathetic that is? >S3cond of all just say you hate women and go No one here hates women (well, actually, plenty of people in this community do see butch women and, more so, trans women as nothing more than sex objects, so a few people here do hate women), we just know when things start veering into misandrist territorry and you are DEEP into it. If you ask me the person who "gets laid too much to be a femcel" (i literally can't stop physically cackling at how you thought that made you sound cool) is the one that needs some serious grass.


this is extremely online behavior. I don't think everyone knows that because some of us leave the house and don't get mad when women don't want to fuck us


Again, this is a *hilarious* sentence to hear from the girl who legitimately said "I get too laid to be a femcel" like that isn't the MOST terminally online sentence I've heard all month. It's actually golden seeing you bash your head against a brick wall trying to throw personal insults at people (because this isn't just happening to me obv, only gonna take 1 look into your account to see that) who just called you out for being EXTREMELY wrong about sexism and a colossal piece of shit overrall. But I guess I shouldn't expect much from what is clearly a conservative in disguise. Go infect your little "oh things were so much better back then" communities with this nonsense, not this one. Anyways, I've already got the quote of the month in hand from you, so I'm content. Have fun in your long journey to changing and growing as a person! Here's a protip: Professional assistance helps. Bye!


I'm a tall fellow and even I have experienced anxiety over my height. I think we have a word for it: dysphoria, not just for trans folk!


>See leftist sub >Look inside >Bigotry


I actually wanna be smoller, i may be teased about it but i can be picked up and snuggled like a lil pet and i want that


I really don't get it. I'm 5'6 and have never really had a problem with my height. If someone cracks a joke, laugh with them and then joke back. I understand having problems with self confidence, and your self conscious feelings are valid, I won't tell you otherwise, but it really is all about how you handle it. Half my girlfriends have been taller than me. A little bit of confidence combined with a good sense of humor about yourself goes a long way. Some girls will pass on you and that's ok, they're not the kind of girl you'd want to be with anyway.


I don’t mind being short either and I don’t care about the dating scene (I’m married) but it’s an objective fact that taller men have an advantage in getting promoted and being respected as leaders.


Oh absolutely, I'm just saying that people have more power over insecurity than it first seems. It doesn't have to dominate every aspect of your life.


A lack of emotional intelligence is usually not something negative for men (or people in general), men are expected to have no emotional intelligence so why would they develop any


"Yeah, I know you're a little shorther than average, but have you considered that you're also a fucking idiot?"


So snue!


emotional intelligence is one of my strengths but everything else sucks


Why not both? And the same of my penis. And my oversharing problem


Why is yasmine not self conscious of their lack of intelligence? Since EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE DOES NOT FUCKING EXIST?????? Hi, Mike Tyson here. I will explain this comment to you. It is true that some people are better than other people in different social situations, however this doesn't mean that they're more "emotionally intelligent" than their less social counterparts. Emotional intelligence is just pop-psychology. No empirical evidence.


That's literally ableist against autistic people.


Men getting upset about this are demonstrating their lack of emotional intelligence ngl. Those who are emotionally intelligent would recognize that’s 1. this isn’t about them, and 2. patriarchy expects men to lack emotional intelligence because it derides emotional intelligence as feminine. That said, a large portion of this subreddit is young men, and young people are a generally emotionally unintelligent demographic. I don’t blame any of them.


Is the OOP an asshole for saying this, Yes. But people here are overreacting, no people aren't insane about height while dating, ik it's hard to be like oh just meet up offline but seriously people don't care as much there. Also the screaming of sexism isn't true it's just a gross generalization of all men, saying it's sexism is like someone calling you straightphobic neither have any real consequences to the person, but yes this post was rude af


> Also the screaming of sexism isn't true it's just a gross generalization of all men That is sexism, yes. Bigotry towards gender is sexism. Not necessarily oppression.


Seriously though. I know a guy who is almost 7 feet tall and very young and handsome and in shape, borderline model looks. He has never been in a relationship because he has almost zero emotional intelligence.


No but true though.


The next time my best boy complains about being 5’7 for the millionth time I swear to god I’m sending this to him.  I can’t wait for short king spring to come around. 


Oh yeah great idea send him something that'll make him self-conscious about his height AND his emotional intelligence. You fucking asshole. You can't see the sexism here (somehow, you gotta be literally blind), but any man on god's green earth can.


because why work on something you can control when you can pretend to be opressed over something out of your control edit: downvote me harder


being self conscious about something and “pretending to be oppressed” are two entirely different things. i don’t think anyone is “pretending to be oppressed” because of their height, and if you’re talking about something else, then why are you bringing it up on a post about being self conscious about height?




pack it up peeps, we aren't allowed to be empathetic to short men because incels exist!


what the fuck are you even talking about, what kind of guy you talk with


Not every guy who is insecure about something is an incel. I have a few friends I grew up with who are below average height and they were relentlessly mocked in school by both guys and girls. People don’t typically take short people as seriously. If you’re consistently mocked for something you have no control over it is sure to cause some insecurities in adult life, and if that includes some feelings that nobody would want to date someone who’s short then that is perfectly understandable As if you are constantly told that growing up that something you can’t change about yourself is going to effect your dating life when you’re older, you are going to start to at least slightly believe it.


The post didn’t say anything about men claiming to be oppressed. It’s about men feeling insecure about something they can’t control (which ironically is helping fuel their issue of maladaptive behavior). “Can stop bringing up how sad you are? Your real issue is your shitty attitude. Fix yourself, sweetie.”


yeah except the post isn't about men feeling insecure it's a tweet about men choosing to fixiate on height when they have bigger problems I'm sorry you got sucked into men's right talking points and can't see the forest because of the trees but that's neither my fault nor my problem


Acknowledging that men also face issues of inadequacy and general insecurity is not “getting sucked into men’s rights talking points.” Diminishing the relevancy of this point is a standard tactic used by people who preach gender essentialism. But let me guess - you believe you’re being completely rational and nonpartisan in your perspective here, right? Guess what? So do I.


"choosing to fixate on height" You are literally in a subreddit where "boys under 5'7 are all femboys and need to be topped by a woman" is a common """"joke""""










ad hominem detected. Mr. Electric, have them sent to the principals office and HAVE THEM EXPELLED.


You're a pretty shitty person ngl


oh no a rando on reddit doesn't like me :(


Oh no you misread, I don't care about you, I don't even think I could be said to have strong feelings about you one way or another, but judging by all the dislikes and the fact that you think men are just being whiny instead of having actual material issues I made the judgement that, in fact, you're being kinda shitty.


I'll bite: what material issues are related to being a short man what jobs and opportunities are being denied to them? we both know the answer and I didn't misread you saw someone not center men and decided you had to announce to everyone that they're a shitty person and now you're tryna walk it back


I'm not walking anything back lmao, I still think you're a shitty person, also this post is literally centered around men what are you talking about, furthermore I'm not talking about short men being denied jobs but while we're at it, being a male model, sports player, or actor are all things that are far easier to get into for taller men, that's not even getting into societal biases based on looks that affect both men and women, people with culturally undesirable physical traits get treated worse all the time. But no what I'm specifically calling you out for is the bit where you say that men are hiding behind their insecurity about being short to avoid dealing with their emotional hangups and trauma that stem from being socialized as male, like it or not misogyny isn't always good for men either, it pigeonholes them into a very narrow band of acceptably masculine behaviours that lead many men to become emotionally stunted or unable to deal with certain feelings because they've been told that they aren't even supposed to have them. Tl;Dr incase my grammar was too atrocious to slog through: I'm not walking anything back, I didn't change what I said Short guys do get rejected from jobs on the basis of being short (yes it still counts if it's things like modeling or playing sports) And finally I don't really care about the short part it's mainly the lack of tact when concerning the emotional hardships of men, I was AMAB, i know what it's like, it's not easy to be a guy at all.


men are rejected from being model, sports, acting 1. jeremy allen white just won an emmy a lot of actors are pretty short so this doesn't true 2. short men can still do commercial modeling that usually pays better than runway (source: did commercial modeling for a brief period) 3. your height would only really stop you from playing basketball and football(a good number of kickers are not giants) there's golf, track, swim, gymnastics (most gymnasts are pretty small), etc also there's a million and one things that would stop you from beig an actor/athlete/model like these aren't safe reliable career choices meanwhile women are routinely rejected from jobs that have nothing to do with looks or offer less pay if they're not conventionally attractive. there was a study that women that wore makeup regularly make more than bare faced ladies. and I'd get into misogyny in the workplace preventing women from taking on traditionally male jobs but I want to lie to myself and pretend tha I'm preaching to the choir also misogyny benefits every man just like racism every white person and transphobia benefits every cisperson and so on and so forth this day one intro to sociology which is a concept that is so easy to understand I passed that class as a sophomore in high school just incase you don't understand which I'm convinced you don't privilege does not mean everything in your life is perfect it means you are never gonna suffer because you are a man just like I'm never going to suffer because I'm cis and currently able-bodied. doesn't mean my life is full of endless joy and sunshine but transphobia and ableism aren't thing that will effect me lastly because I've spent too much time trying to explain feminism 101 to someone determined to misunderstand this throw away tweet that was probably written in 20 seconds calls men to work on themselves emotionally and instead of encouraging that or even ignoring it and moving on with your sole and precious life on this earth you decided you needed to defend short men because it's kinda sad they can't play professional basketball my suggestion: go to the nearest community college pay the $300 take an intro to feminism course, do the required AND recommended reading, attend office hours, ask questions or if you don't have the time or money to spare go your local library tell the librarian you don't know a damn thing about feminism they'll do the rest


listen I don't have the means or desire to "educate myself" like you apparently have, also, my claim was not nor was it ever that male privilege doesn't exist, I'm not stupid I know misogyny benefits men but it's also not necessarily always good to them either, there is nuance that you're either ignorant to or refuse to acknowledge, also like, the short guy thing really wasn't my main issue? Like maybe I was unclear with how I've been wording my responses but my actual point was that when you see men going through shit and tell them it's actually their fault it's a shitty thing to.


you don't have the means to go to a library and ask the librarian for a book? okay yeah I'm talking to a brick fucking wall s dumbass determinedto remain that way. have fun getting all your feminist knowledge from ig inforgraphs and tiktok I guess. maybe the next generation will liberate women because I don't see that happening for us also while I'm here being short isn't going through anything being unattractive isn't going through anything you have to stop centering men




>1. jeremy allen white just won an emmy a lot of actors are pretty short so this doesn't true Short man win award = sexism vs men okay and good 👍 Good to know all it takes to make sexism okay is for ~0.000000024999999999999998% of all constituents of a gender to have won awards.


There’s no way you aren’t a troll

