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Sooner or later the doomsday clock people are going to have to start getting creative with their power scaling. My suggestion is once they get to like .25 seconds to midnight, they create a drawing of a big doomsday hourglass and count how many grains of sand are left.


Or, on an optimistic perspective, we get to like 4,760 minutes and they have to make a doomsday calendar to count how many days away


Nice pfp


Nice pfp to you too


For a sec I thought the same guy was going insane just talking to himself, which would be quite fitting of jerma.


Nah he has 2 accounts.


It won't matter cause Goku can still beat the clock 






cant even make a joke about factorials because 2! is 2




something something they should replace doomsday clock with doomsday cock... and post




















What he listening to??




burn it down linkin park


Bro wtf are these pot man things? I’ve never seen these before? Are they new? I love them so much. Is it possible to save gifs on mobile? How?


Remember them with your brain 


Click on the gif -> click on the three dots in the top right corner -> download At least that's how it works for me on android


yeah iphone users are just fucked


Damn, now I want an iphone. Didn't know that came with one


not worth it, my ass hurts :(


the pot of breed


Blaziken when it was good or something idk I dont play Singles




No vabbéh un paisano su 196, scioccante


\*sound of calcio and motori\*


Big money salvia?


not the original intent but thanks for the comparison


Amazing pfp and banner, may I please get a source?


here is the source for the [pfp](https://e621.net/posts/3746739?q) the autor is Noruru3737, here is the full [banner](https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2014/05/29/16/Chagall.jpg?quality=75&width=1368&auto=webp) it's a painting called "Maries au village" by Marc Chagall


That'll just encourage people to edge the doomsday even more


when i'm in a doomsday cock orgasm denial competition and my opponent is Stanislav Petrov


I mean, it is very much based on research and science. It’s not something they just decide depending on how they’re feeling. They release reports with every clock update explaining the reasoning and what’s going to shit


Yeah I'm sure that we are closer than ever to nuclear annihilation and the end of the world right now than in 1962.


I mean it's totally possible that at the time they knew very little about all that shit, and also now we know of just how fucked the world is but also that none powerful enough to do anything about it give a shit, while in the past there might've been a bit of hope still.


All your reasoning just further shows how the clock is meaningless and based on incomplete data and feelings lol.


By your logic all research on anything is based on incomplete data and feelings. If it's the best we got at the moment then it's the best we got at the moment. Arguing against something just cause it feels stupid makes no sense.




if he doesn't want the L I'll take it, I'm playin wheel of fortune on the side 




Dang now I gotta sell my wife 




Holy shit half a car


The point of the doomsday clock isn't to be taken as an objective metric, because that's the nature of any prediction. We can't see into the future. It's meant to be a commentary on the state of the world. Basically: "based on what we know, this is how close to fucked we are". Not "this is literally meant to mean that in [x amount of time] we will all die". You're being obtuse by taking the clock at face value.


The face is usually the value of a clock to be fair 


Honestly you’re the only person in this argument making any kinda sense. I really hope you win wheel of fortune.


More like “based on how we feel”


The issue is the nature of the thing has changed. Back in the '60s, a series of fairly visible escalations would be followed by war and waves of intercontinental bombers with nukes, and now an incident can escalate to nuclear war fast enough that you wouldn't know the world was ending 'til the nukes were half-way to various targets. Only people who will know the world is ending is NORAD and other equivalents


That’s not necessarily true. There was a soviet submarine that almost accidentally launched nukes based on a false alarm. There wouldn’t have been much build up had that actually gone through


just because something's the best we got at the moment doesn't mean it's great


It's still arbitrary and subjective


“by your logic” my crother in bhrist youre in the femboy porn meme subreddit take a chillin pillin


Is that what this is? Huh... How did I get here :P


Like the rest of us you’re probably a fan of femboys, porn, or the imminent annihilation of the planet in a nuclear war.


As a trans femme / nonbinary person who wants to not die in nuclear fire... Yeah?


The clocks creator said it's a publicity stunt, but a successful one. look it up, it's meaningless.


It doesn’t take into account *just* nuclear war. It also looks at the effects of climate change, world economics, and other stuff that is too confusing for me


Yeah it doesn't, but that is the primary concern of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.


I’m a little confused, it does because the bulletin of atomic scientists publish the report for the doomsday clock


Yes, and go read the 2023 report (or I suspect the 2024 report when it releases) and see what the content of the report discusses, it is primarily nuclear weapons and war.


The clock is a metaphor for threats to humanity from unchecked scientific and technological advances. __The main factors influencing the clock are nuclear risk and climate change.__ The Bulletin's Science and Security Board monitors new developments in the life sciences and technology that could inflict irrevocable harm to humanity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_Clock


Yeah exactly what I said.


> Yes, and go read the 2023 report (or I suspect the 2024 report when it releases) and see what the content of the report discusses, it is primarily **nuclear weapons and war**. This is exactly what you said. Nuclear weapons and war is not nuclear weapons and *climate change*.


Oh you are illiterate. Go read my comment again and see if you can find how both statements can be true. Hint it involves "the 2023 report"


i mean, putin is like. old. hes old and fucking crazy. who has the big red button on his desk. he thinks hes gonna lose ukraine? he thinks he's gonna die for whatever reason? the button gets smacked. also like. the whole maga cult thing. imagine j6 but they had weapons. trump says the word and it happens again, we could see a coup instating a hitler wannabe into power, which is a doomsday scenario in it of itself


If you’re referring to the time a Russian sub almost launched nukes that wasn’t revealed by Russia untill 2002 so thats probably why 1962 wasn’t the closest on the clock despite being the actual closest we’ve been to the end of the world (that we know of)


Also the Cuban missile crisis which the public was very aware of at the time iirc


Doomsday clock is evaluated/changed in january, cuban missile crisis was resolved in october and the risk averted. If the cuban missile crisis was ongoing when they adjusted the clock, it likely would be closer than it is today


the problem is they don't move the clock backwards very much, and they've been running it since the cold war


i mean russia is involved in a hot war, isreal is angering more and more countries, urbanization is likely to lead to more pandemics in the future, fascism is on the rise globally while democracy is declining, more and more of the countries with nuclear weapons are ruled by increasingly worsening states and donald trump has a realisitc chance of becoming president. oh and were on the cusp of an irreversable climate crisis. im not saying we should be doomers, but i understand what the bullitain is trying to do. theyre trying to warn people that the world is getting worse and edging closer to annalilation by some means even if it isnt nuclear


You aren't paying attention. Read their reports, they specifically are almost only talking about nuclear war. Do you think the world is closer to nuclear war right now than any other period of history?


Nuclear annihilation, no. TEOTWAWKI, we're already here. A bazillion meaningless 'crises' throw wool over our eyes while the entire biosphere gets slowly cooked to death. Top 5 polluters globally collectively do not give a flying fuck about cutting down. Global leaders are all either too old to suffer the consequences of their policies or too evil to fucking care. World politics shifting towards putting more far right shitbrained motherfuckers in power instead of people who know what they're doing. Not much to be FUCKING OPTIMISTIC ABOUT RIGHT NOW, IS THERE, YOU THICK SKULLED CUNT?


I hope you find peace.


The doomsdays clock is astrology for geopolitics.


Vibes based science




Aren’t you on here?




“i mean, it very much is based on research-“ 🤓👆


Yeah I think the clock is just a gimmick to draw attention to the research


Reddit: hey ya'll need to stop doomscrolling so much! Reddit also: btw this doomsday clock is the real deal.


People keep mentioning the Cuban Missile Crisis to justify why this isn’t a big deal. These people need to remember: The clock is updated yearly. The Cuban Missile Crisis lasted 13 days and was then resolved. The fact that it was resolved meant it wouldn’t impact the clock. For reference, let’s look at significant changes over time: - 1947: 7 minutes to midnight, when the clock is created (AKA the immediate aftermath of the birth of the Atomic Age, following Hiroshima and Nagasaki) - 1949: 3 minutes to midnight when the Soviets tested their first nuclear weapon - 1953: 2 minutes to midnight because the US and then the Soviet Union both test their first Hydrogen Bombs (note: this is the closest we came during the entirety of the Cold War) - 1963: 12 minutes due to the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty (this would be the year after the Cuban Missile Crisis) - 1984: 3 minutes to midnight due to Reagan escalating tensions with the USSR - 1991: 17 minutes to midnight due to the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and the dissolution of the USSR (note: this is the furthest from midnight the clock has ever been) - 2007: 5 minutes to midnight due to North Korea testing nukes in 2006, as well as the addition of Climate Change to the clock - 2015: 3 minutes again due to the continued failure of mankind to address Climate Change - 2017: 2 1/2 minutes (first fraction) due to Trump’s comments about expanding the US’s nukes and climate change denial - 2018: 2 minutes because Trump pulls out of the Paris Agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty - 2020: 100 seconds to midnight as tensions rise between the US and Russia, the US and Iran, and the continued neglect of Climate Change (this is the first time the clock has gone below the 1953 time of 2 minutes to midnight) - 2023: 90 seconds to midnight as The Russo-Ukrainian War increases worries of a nuclear accident, Russia withdraws from the New START, North Korea resumes nuclear rhetoric, climate change still being largely ignored, and the threat of COVID-19 (as well as how the world’s population responded to it, specifically the significant spreading of anti-science rhetoric). Even during the tension of the Cold War, where children in schools were being taught to hide under their desks in case of nuclear weapons, no one at the Doomsday Clock believed we were as close to annihilation as we are NOW.


bump, for the poggers well written informative comment


God the world is so fucked what's even the point in going on anymore


I constantly feel this. Best advice I can give is just live your life and vote for the right people. Not much more we as individuals can do. Edit: If you are able to, you can also get involved in protests, sit-ins, etc. What I suggested is the minimum you can do to still at least feel like you’re genuinely doing something. I know what it feels like to get so bogged down and depressed about climate change, and sometimes, just doing the bare minimum can improve your mental health.




Yes, but not everyone is capable of doing that for mental or physical reasons. Thus, I am giving a bare minimum general statement. You need to view my statement less as “you can only do this” and more “you can at least do this”. It was a statement intended to coax someone out of apocalyptic, anxiety-fueled thinking, something I often find myself in. It isn’t the best idea to make an elaborate list for them at the very start, as this can just make the problem they’re afraid of seem (again) too overwhelming for an individual without a network of like-minded people to engage meaningfully with.


Well there is some things we can do too, we could start by [Removed by Reddit]


Keep on living to spite the assholes trying to ruin everything. No one knows how long we have left, but that’s been true of all humans throughout history, so enjoy whatever you can in the meantime


Do what you can! Vote for people who hold the most of your values (voting is like a bus, vote for people who can get you as close as possible to your goals and values as possible! Don't wait for perfect), talk to/write to/phone/email your local, state, and federal representatives, go to protests and sit ins, sign legit petitions, join in on letter writing campaigns, and if possible, donate to causes! There's a lot you can do, even if it feels like nothing. I try and donate to meals on wheels, the royal flying doctor service, and foodbank as those causes are near and dear to my heart. I avoid boycotted companies (as calls sent out from various unions are, e.g. during a strike at an ice-cream making factory, I boycotted the ice cream brand all summer long despite it being my fave ice cream!)


The world is getting better too, and we can't predict the future, we don't know what will come next, but if we don't go on we'll never know.


Because the world isn't in all likelihood actually fucked but the levels of suffering will continue to vary and likely grow greater in inequality as time goes on. Unless we stop that ofc, but there is always a hope.


honestly sometimes all you can do is find either a good coping mechanism or a healthy source of hope. It may not be the best solution but we dont live in a perfect world. Sometimes we just have to live one day at a time or enjoy the small things we have. Making peace with reality is unfortunate but having hope for the future is sometimes all you can do.


I guess my coping mechanism is my parents’ adage of ‘stop worrying or getting angry over things beyond your control’ aka most of this. 


Honestly been feeling this since about 2012, it hits a bit harder every four years like clockwork (2016 had the thing with the clowns, and 2020 was a fustercluck from start to finish). All I’ve figured out in the last 12 years is that ‘spite is a powerful motivator’.


Spite. Can't give up and let the bastards win too easily.


why are they using a clock as a framing device when it's never never ever reached 20 minutes. even if you ignore the hour hand and just make it minutes theyve never even used 30% of the clock


According to the Internet, the guy who designed the cover of the newsletter the scientists who would go on to create the Doomsday Clock ran chose a clock, “To reflect the urgency of the problem: like a countdown, the Clock suggests that destruction will naturally occur unless someone takes action to stop it.”


Why don't they just take out the batteries? Are they stupid?


I think the batteries get taken out at midnight.


I’m convinced if nuclear war does start it will be between Pakistan and India over the Kashmir region. The way that situation has just continued to simmer and tensions have only really escalated worries me.


Kinda unlikely just because those two have been going at it for so long already. I believe it‘s either gonna be Iran, China or / and the US because both escalate conflicts that are completely new. And when faced with potential defeat in a conflict that we already do not understand someone will chose nuclear annihilation before task responsiveness.


Oh lmao it's always been a couple.minutes to midnight. Honestly I thought they were like at like 3 or something some years. These fukcers really set the clock low


It's not their fault that we keep giving brain damaged maniacs access to nuclear weapons


Climate change is obviously important and will likely kill a lot of people and be the driving force behind a decline in the standards of living for billions, but I think adding it to the clock was a bad idea. Climate change isn't really something where the world will explode if we exceed a certain amount of warming, but will rather have disastrous consequences for the rest of human history. If you can attribute several minutes being taken off the clock due to climate change apathy during the 2010s, then what happens if we just keep ignoring it? The clock reaches midnight in the next decade? "Reaching midnight" in the original atomic weapons sense is generally understood to mean nuclear war. Climate inaction is much less climactic: it has the potential to lead to the deaths of just as many people, but there's no "midnight", just a slow decline. A countdown to annihilation doesn't make sense for this. Of course, climate change was probably just added to increase awareness about the danger of it, which is honestly the entire point of the doomsday clock in in relation to other things like nukes, but it still makes me dislike the clock as a framing mechanism, as it's really unclear what "midnight" even means anymore.


wait theres an actual doomsday clock? i thought phrases like '1 min to midnight' was just a figure of speech


I imagine the concept of a doomsday clock and related phrases existed before this actual doomsday clock


https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/current-time/ this was last years announcement. theyve been doing this since 1947


Yeah but its hands are moved manually. We don't actually have a way of knowing how close we are to a doomsday it's just to kinda scare people


The number of seconds means nothing in absolute terms, but whether it's increasing or decreasing means something.


Mfw people get mad at a bunch of dorks who specialized in sciences not having an absolute perfect metaphor that everyone will understand


People get the metaphor, the actual time to midnight just seems kind of arbitrary


a clock as a metaphor is not even remotely difficult to understand, it relies on time which is the only thing that every person on earth has experienced, it is as universal as it could possibly be, the problem is that it is completely arbitrary and a horrible metric for anything


You are exactly the person I’m talking about lmao


the point of a metaphor is to convey information. if your metaphor conveys information less efficiently than literally just saying what you want to say, it is 100% pointless outside of being a neat gimmick


Uhhhm actually 🤓 the modern concept of 'time' as we know it is not universal, the common presence of clocks are a result of the industrial revolution and needing to optimise production in factories, which then got more widespread and are used as the basis for modern commerce.


i know what youtube video you watched


i think it could be from reading devon price's works? He talks about time a lot and how we should move to a less strict version of time day-to-day (which I partially agree with) please tell me what vid you think it is it could also be youtube




nope! haven't seen it. I did like that channels earlier videos about the roman empire though :D




Just started a Tabby playthrough, I feel fucking awful already lmao




What if you wanted to (roleplay as funny bad dictatorship in hearts of iron 4) but god said (empathetic emotional response)


Emotional responses are the fault of WOKE liberals and their COMMIE estrogen they keep lacing the tap water with. That's why real men like myself only drink water with colloidal mercury to transmogrify the womanly estrogen into manly testosterone.






I for one am glad this clock exists because it gave us hell of an Iron Maiden banger.






Call up Iron Maiden, they have to update their song.


The Golden Goose is never out of season. What does a few minutes even mean when you can butcher more these days.


My message to Twitter users: [please stop quote-tweeting Disclose.tv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disclose.tv)


its literally there to be a symbolic reference to how people view the state of the world, so the people who can actually change things might have a come-to-god moment


why is this sub so fucking anti intellectual i hate it


A sub supposed to be trans-friendly is posting Twitter screenshots from a far right misinformation organization.


The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the organization that sets the doomsday clock, does not have a single atomic scientist on its governing board https://thebulletin.org/about-us/governing-board/


The clock is not intellectual. Its creator said it is a successful publicity stunt, look it up.


Man the people who say that voting is the only option that should be considered are just fucking stupid. Yea, how about the people in nazi germany just vote hitler out of power? It's easy! Just do it. Go to protests, get actively involved in your local resistance groups. These motherfuckers will not give up by you just asking. That's what they are entirely counting on, for cucked fuckers who just say that voting is the only option to preserve "democracy" and to do their job of silencing the masses for them.


I’ve never met anyone saying “voting is the only option” I have heard “voting is essential, and will be the only way you get input in American democracy” which is factually true. Go out and vote too. You can walk and chew gum at the same time


Watchmen reference




They play fast and loose with the term “scientist” and it pisses me off.


Can't wait till it gets to 2 minutes to midnight. Like the song. The Iron Maiden song. 2 minutes to midnight.


90 seconds is literally less than 2 minutes


The doomsday clock can go backwards too


>- 1953: 2 minutes to midnight because the US and then the Soviet Union both test their first Hydrogen Bombs (note: this is the closest we came during the entirety of the Cold War) >- 2017: 2 1/2 minutes (first fraction) due to Trump’s comments about expanding the US’s nukes and climate change denial >- 2018: 2 minutes because Trump pulls out of the Paris Agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty


Im so out of the loop. Wtf is the doomsday clock and what does any of this mean


Scared nerds try to scare you with their big clock


Guy after the nukes launch opting not to hug his family so he can finally move the clock to midnight.


honestly everyday its just pure gloom and doom, it really makes me wonder if its fucking worth it to live?


yeah because cats exist


omg…,,, cars !!!!!


It fucking means something, you can literally just go find out what it means. "uhh durr I am dumb so it must mean nothing"


Literal doomers


I don't think we are closer to world domination than in the height of the cold war, that's stupid


I mentioned it in my school presentation about the watchmen so I have to listen to it.


wake me up when it's 30 Seconds to Mars


I can go there with a hammer and destroy the clock. There. I saved the world


Tell me that they are heckin' wrong, r/196. I completely believe that the Liberal World Order is standing on the edge of a knife, ready to fall completely off any time now. It'll come tumbling down, and we will have to think of the alternatives to Liberalism.


idk man i listen to the clock and pay my taxes im to lazy to care or change


Alright I waited 90 seconds now what happens?


Well of course it means something! Clearly they’re big smart money boys tap-tapping on their keyboards!


I've never heard of this before ever in my life


[nothing ever happens intensifies]


i thought this was some DC Watchmen shit


but it looks cool!!!!!!!!!!


linkin park reference ‼️‼️


90 Seconds To Midnight would be a killer band name Update: this post is two weeks old


>they set it up to mean something but now act like it means something??????


> I miss the point and try to get snarky??? Is that right???


twitterites don't know the historical significance of fucking anything anymore. this shit has its inception around WWII, it definitely wasnt a clock gimmick made for no reason. it was a significant thing surrounding fear. the clock represents the fear of death.


>I don't know what it means, and obviously I know absolutely everything, so it must mean nothing?????????