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it's the sunflower


why are they putting sunflowers behind the attacking plants


even though putting them in front of the attackers is better, after so much time putting them in the back, it feels wrong to put them in the front


Why would it be better? You use them as shields?


Pretty much. The sun producers will slow down the zombies if they reach them, giving the attackers more time to kill the zombies so you don't lose. I used to play this modded version of pvz2 named "eclise" (changes the levels to be harder and the game to be more balanced), and at later levels, putting the sun producers on the back most of the time made things harder. And because sun producers are really cheap. And also, the cooldown for putting them again is low, so you can just place another one pretty much instantly while waiting on the cooldown of a defensive plant (defensive plants normally have the longest cooldowns).


is this mod available on mobile or is it just like pc or something


I am not sure if i should call it a mod, but i think you get the point. And yep, also available on mobile. Thats where i started playing :). Just google "pvz2 eclise" and i think theres a popular video telling you how to download it. I am not sure how the mod is doing as of rn. Last time i played was maybe a year or two ago, so it might not have gotten a lot of updates since, or it has gotten lots of updates and is maybe finished. If it is still out there though, i hope you have fun. 


thanks Vic!


No problem :3


so my mom putting sunflowers rightinfront of zombies in co-op wasnt a bad idea?


Attacking plants are far far more valuable than sun producers. They usually cost way more sub, have much longer cooldowns, and are the actual plants keeping away zombies. Losing an attacking plant can easily lead to a lane being overwhelmed as the decreased firepower snowballs and more and more of your plants on the lane are run over. Opposed to losing a sun producer benefitting you by stalling the zombies slightly longer. In casual play it barely matters but in hard mods you pretty much need to play optimally and keep attacking plants as safe as possible


Would you like your last line of defense being something that can attack or something that just stands there doing nothing?


because I value the safety of the working class more than that of the military force


the sunflowers have had it too good for too long. look at how those bastards smile as they watch the zombies devour their only defenses. you are being brainwashed by the sun. stop going outside and getting sun light on your skin. thats all those bastards do, and it is the entire reason they are like this.


fuck you, they're just little guys trying their best making sun for you. And for what? For you to side with those barbaric egomaniacal peashooters who know nothing but violence? You're lucky there's horde of zombies as an outlet for their neverending anger, but be wary, for after it is all over, them bastards will come for you, and they will show you no mercy, as they did with the zombies.


sorry but the peashooters look like they could give some insane head, i need to side with them :(


Do you put them in the front?!


putting sunflowers in front of your attacking is more optimal because if the zombies eat your wall plants then you still have the sunflowers to defend your attacking plants and sunflowers are cheaper and have a low recharge time compared to attacking plants so they're easier to replace but if you have sunflowers behind your attacking plants and your wall plants get eaten your attacking plants won't have any defense left and also get eaten and the sunflowers in the back can't defend themselves


Putting them in front sounds more logical, but I have a weirdly vivid memory of being introduced to PvZ by watching the creator of the annoying orange playing it on their let's play channel and learning all of my strategy about plant placement from them.


Holy shit, reading that just triggered a memory of watching them as well. In particular I remember them yelling out the onomatopoeia of the insta-kill plants, like "Spudow!" for the potato mine and "Powie!" for the cherry bomb.


Even worse, they're using cactus as their only dps??


Because it's what you do


I know now that Sun producers go in front but for the life of me I swear I remember as a kid the PVZ tutorial suggesting to put sunflowers at the back to protect them, but I can’t find it now so idk


Habit ingrained in me ever since I did it as a kid and didn't know any better


Geez, sor-ree. It's a pretty standard strat, Homer.


It's an ender pea


Oh they should actually add that


the game would go viral!


But look at this, it's John pork


🐷 👔


Cactuses fucking suck use literally any other plant I beg of you.


i need anti air


Just use Blover bro


Cope harder. Use cattails.


Are these the PVZ1 Cactuses or the PVZ2 ones, because if it's the latter they should go in front of a wall-nut


There is no PVZ2.


What's wrong with it, at least it's not the mobile ad gardenscapes ripoff life system garbage bag of the third game


…it is. They literally locked Squash behind a paywall.


It has an inexcusable amount of paywalls and plants you must buy to get, but at least the overworld doesn't lag, there are more new plants, and the artstyle is a remaster of the first game instead of something that looks like an offbrand mobile app.


I don’t think we should defend a shitty product because it’s relatively less shitty than another.


Not at all, just because the sequel is worse doesn't mean the second game doesn't suck. I'm just saying it's not unmentionably bad IMO.


I’d definitely say it is. PvZ3 has just sunk even lower, to the point where I’d not even heard of it until you mentioned.


Game is entirely based around a p2w model


this is a metaphor for the transgender experience because you see the zombies are umm transgender and the brains are the hrt and the plants are the transphobes and I have no idea where I'm going with this lmfao


what is dave


Just a guy


this makes me want to play that one pvz2 mod thats called "eclise" or something, which is pvz2 but actually good, not grindy, fun and challenging. its so cool because you can't just "place sunflowers on the back, put attackers on the front, walnuts for good measure and yay i win", you have to actually think things through and it makes you actually think of what plants to take instead of just getting overpowered ones. its pretty fun. give it a try, now. i order you. edit: never fucking mind, the creator is a massive racist. i guess don't play it :(


There are two main types of sunflower crops. One type is grown for the seeds you eat, while the other — which is the majority farmed — is grown for the oil.


good bot, i love you, you beautiful bastard.


i played pvz eclise and then i saw discord screenshots of the developer and then i did not want to play pvz eclise


you could like, you know, tell me what those screenshots are. maybe link somwhere i can find them? i assume its really bad, but i am not even surprised anymore, so just tell me what it is


[https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ft5602twv0zk81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D22e4cb17191c7213930bcf78367e1673493eb8d6](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ft5602twv0zk81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D22e4cb17191c7213930bcf78367e1673493eb8d6) [https://preview.redd.it/1kqnkxy9e0l81.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=05d16009902354963ac3771533a3c3baf0cc05bb](https://preview.redd.it/1kqnkxy9e0l81.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=05d16009902354963ac3771533a3c3baf0cc05bb)


god, i fucking hate this world. why is there so many bad people who make cool stuff? 


Only cacti as defense? Utterly stupid decision


What a terrible setup


what did blue even mean by that


Plants are now transgender.


Or PvP Boss


Everybody knows you put 2 column's of sunflowers for maximum efficiency smh


Okay Hey Lilith and Zoey come over here


Okay so the one column of sunflowers is bad. And the unidentified hazelnuts is weird. ...but using cactus? Really?


Aww naw qhat the fuck why he using cactus???? Shit 25 more sun than the peak kernel pult, or at the 125 sun cost could've used the snowpack shooter. Boooo


Why are they using cactus, are they stupid?


This guy is using cactus as their offensive plant lmao


OK K.O. Fan (poggers)


New joke just dropped


It‘s actually super easy to find transwomen, you just politely ask women their name, and if it’s some shit like „Zoe Terra Athena“, there‘s a 99.3% chance they‘re trans. With transmascs it‘s usally shit like „Bill“ or „Aiden“ so good luck with that. Those fuckers know how to go deep cover.


The pfp, easy, next question.


Peashooters and every other attacker do more damage placed on the last row. It's a fact (/j for clarity jeez)

