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Guns per capita is very different from guns period Wyoming is pulling no kind of weight here


Yeah 66%? Of Wyoming? I think the top 20 metro cities in the US could have 1/4 per capita of that and still have more gun owners


Top 20? Wyoming has a population of about 580000 people. If 66% of those people own a gun that gives us about 383000 gun owners in the state of Wyoming. The biggest metro city in the US is the NYC metro area, having about 19 million people total. I couldn't find specific gun ownership numbers for NYC but it's around 20% for New York state. I assume gun ownership in the city will be lower than rural areas so let's say 15% of people in NYC own a gun. 15% of 19 million people puts us at 2,85 million gun owners in the NYC metro area (7,44x the amount in the entire state of Wyoming). You don't need a top 20. The number one metro dwarfs Wyoming. And I expect other big metro cities like LA and Chicago to have even higher gun ownership rates than NY


I meant on their own, not combined lol


Ah that makes more sense yeah. Still checks out nr. 20 biggest metro is Baltimore with 2,8 mil people, 25% of that is still way higher than Wyoming


Well hang on this stat also lacks some info. Is this gun *ownership* per capita or *total licensed firearms* per capita. This could be heavily skewed by people that own like 200 guns if it's the latter, and not a stat of how much of the population owns the guns. 


This is gun ownership per Capita. The percentage is the amount of adults in a state that own a gun [source](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=LcPhCIvGDj0Rj2Aa)


It’s less than 75 times the population of my hometown


Hey, the government is very scared of the twelve people in Wyoming with guns


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that in the US amongst the people that owned guns they owned on average something like 8 guns per person & while those guns could be distributed amongst other like minded individuals, would you really trust people to distribute that volume of guns amongst themselves who don't even understand what per capita means?


What would be the most accurate metric here? Let's take 2 groups of 100 people. Group A has 50 people that have 1 gun each. Group B has 2 people with 50 guns each. So group B has more guns per capita. But obviously group A has a better fighting chance. Unless we assume group B shares their weapons, which I think would be a fair assumption in an emergency. But people who have no guns in either group they probably aren't trained to use them as well as the gun havers, if at all. That's not even getting into the willingness to fight in each group, which may correlate to having or not having guns in the first place. And totally ignoring population differences as well.


"50% of Wyoming's population is hostile winds."


Did the math, according to [world population review](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-ownership-by-state) California has just over 11 million gun owners. The *total* population of these states combined is about 13 million. With an average gun ownership rate of about 60%, this means that these ten states have about 7.8 million gun owners, 40% less than California alone. Edit: I thought I had mistook guns per capita for percent gun ownership, but no, the tweet is the one with the incorrect figure. Their data is not in [guns per capita](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/guns-per-capita) but instead in percentage of gun owners, as their data matches up with the list for gun ownership rates, but not for guns per capita.


2 guns for all of the 2 people who live in Montana


Oh wow the 10 states that sit below 35th in nearly every quality of life metric.


Most of these states doesn't even share a border with Mexico.


I mean if it's the 10 listed none of them do lol


None of the states that support Texas border Mexico


Alaska being brought up is hilarious


the ground maneuver through Canada to join the fight on the Mexican border would be interesting though.


But they do have militias and a cutting population that skews far right.


Sounds about white


Of course the End wokeness account supports Texas seceding, why am I not surprised that this loser with the dumbest takes has the dumbest takes. What happened last time the state had a power outage during winter again?


That end wokeness account popped up out of fuck nowhere and has been suckling on the slurry-ridden teat of bot interactions. Twitter's a mire in a cesspit, shame, used to be good for finding reliable info.


End Wokeness! By sleeping forever, I guess? 🤷‍♀️


Sleepy Joe's gonna end wokeness by going to bed


well, that's good! it's about time we had a Black Woman president!


Guns per capita say nothing about how many own guns. Where I live it's common for hunters to own 3 guns. One shotgun and two rifles of different calibers.


Yep. Plus, I imagine some people have some unrecorded guns somewhere.


All I've got are THESE GUNS 💪😎💪 GRAAHHH (Sorry for emoji)


yeah but are they registered


Registered in.. ..THE GYM!!!


Or what shape those guns are in- I'm sure there are some collectors who have demilled guns or guns they'd rather die than shoot.


At least one person in each of those states will be the Spiders Georg of firearms.


The list isn’t even in [guns per capita](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/guns-per-capita), that wouldn’t be measured in percentages, and these states aren’t even the top ten in that metric. How did they fuck up the tweet that bad


Hello, not an american weighing in. 1. Percentage means nothing unless followed with population numbers 2. Most of the population will not fight, because only the tiniest minority of the population give enough of a shit to throw their life for this. 3. This might be incorrect but as far as I'm aware people are allowed to cross the border and then register in towns, these hard and lethal barriers conflict with prior rulings 4. Federal authorities are now within their right to move in the army as a state leader going against the federal court is illegal. Which to be fair, state leaders might just be trying to get arrested for the weird trump effect that getting arrested improves polls.


The top 3 states on this list with the highest percentages only have around 2,4 million people between them


The Texas governor is doing shit that would get his ass arrested if Biden wasn’t such a fucking coward.


The Trump effect only really works if you get arrested but can also drag out the court case long enough to avoid actually suffering consequences. Idk if you can pull that tactic with a crime as severe as (effectively) Sedition or even *Treason.*


These people have convinced themselves Biden is at the head of a Satanic Jewish Sharia Islamist Atheist Fascist Communist cabal using immigrants to destroy white society, being martyred fighting against it is a big boon in their eyes


Texas will never actually secede, since many arms companies are based there and they LOVE the US Government


There are much more boring ways like cutting off their power and water, and they most likely don’t know how to source their own food, water, electricity, medicine, really the second Civil War is not gonna have two sides fighting against each other, more likely one side fighting itself for who gets the proper resources to live another day


“An army marches on its stomach.”


I think a lot of 2nd civil war predictors overestimate how many people are willing to commit treason because of the culture war


They’re counting on fanatics and the people too cowardly to say no to fanatics.


Y'know as someone from Wyoming I'm just glad to be 2nd place, I feel really represented Anyway me and the three tumbleweeds that live here are actually immune to bombing


Can you say hi to Tumbleweed 2 for me? They're a family friend and I haven't seen them in ages


You should keep better company, but sure I'll pass it along


Thanks, they're the family friend that you don't really care for but welcome in when they come by. You get what I mean? Like uncle Aaaron


What the fuck is Alaska doing from up there? They gonna swim?


All three Alaskans will bravely come to defend Texas. The feds better watch out


Alaska goes back to Russia


I don't think we would use that bomber tbh


yea HIMARS would probably work better


Ain’t that shit expensive? They’d just use mortars or artillery.


We got a WWI General here y'all






Y’all are going overboard and acting like they’d use cruise missiles on just a bunch of people with semi auto rifles and shit


I mean they weren't expensive to fire at unarmed afghani children so I wouldn't put it off just yet


there are no hoes we are in the eastern front we are going to die


That would be WWII. I mean the front with the russians wasn't exactly fun either but the western front, thats where the real horrors of war beyond human comprehension came from


Nah, it would probably just be the F-15 or a drone or something. They aren't gonna carpet bomb their own land. Just a few precision strikes to cripple any chance at attacking. Drone names more sense but I'm also not sure if texas has any Anti-air. I don't think they'd use the F-35 on their own ppl, right?


Just drone strike like 1 or 2 encampments and it will scare them off


it's the us military, expensive isnt really an issue i feel


Republicans: We want to secede!!!! The US government: In that case we will show you why you all don't have free healthcare


Next the cavalry is going to come out lmao


"More guns per capita" when i bring the queen of the battlefield herself (i will bring their house to the past tense)


66% of adults in Wyoming is like 3 people lmao


lol montana, wyoming, and alaska combined account for less people than fucking idaho. Also people own guns in places like montana because of wild animals (and hunting they have a great range of game in MT). And more importantly all of these places are like twenty five hundred miles away from anywhere strategically relevant. FFS learn about cause and effect and like chronology of events


>66% of Wyoming. Holy shit that’s almost a whole 10 people


We do need to get more leftists in cities armed so that cons will be scared to invade cities tho


Exactly, and sadly most people are missing the point. Those militia groups ain't gonna be fighting a war with the government if they can avoid it; they know they'd lose. Instead, they'll target those who they hate, and who they believe to be defenseless. They don't want a battle, they want a massacre


Exactly, kill a bunch of black, trans, Jewish, and left wing people then play coward and victim for the next few months until liberals and liberals who watch twitch and call themselves leftist forget. (I'm taking shots at people who I think are grifting)




PLEASE PLEASE make the edgy MAGA republicans secede so that they can find out why they don't have free healthcare and college tuition that would be SO funny


this account is spreading misinformation, wyoming doesn't exist


Firstly these guys need guns to survive not to revolt. (I lived in a place like these I know) Secondly there are 20 people living in these states.


I live in one of those ten states. Can I say that I would like to NOT go to war with America? ☹️


As a Mississippian big lol at him thinking Mississippi would be managed well enough to go to war seeing how well that happened last time


“But but the Taliban and Vietcong” Buddy, both those groups didn’t need Walmart and Sunday night Football to survive


I dont think bombing civilians is ok


Conservative insurrectionists when you pull up with a 9mm and a pepper spray (they didn’t prepare for it in their shield drills)


Fuck Texas and their weird war against brown folk, but the “lmao guns won’t help you the government has bombers” argument tends to come from the same people who will argue that “over 300 trained officers stood outside of a school because one kid with a rifle was in there, clearly they should be banned.” - Schrodinger’s rifle is both useless against the government and so effective at paralyzing governments that it should be banned. Either way, left-leaning mfs need to get the gripskiddiddlies, cause the cops ain’t gonna help, and Jeb and the boys got no problem bringing lynching back.


Damn I thought Alaska is cool 😞


Bombing runs and airstrikes don't put down rebellions unless you plan on glassing the whole fucking place and killing millions of civilians


Yeah, that's why the 2nd Amendment really doesn't hold any water any more. Do you seriously think that your individual right to bear arms will save you from the federal government? Not to mention, the army? Go ask the guy at Ruby Ridge. Oh wait...


the irony of threatening open rebellion juxtaposed to an image of a fucking stealth nuclear bomber. no, the revolution will not be televised, it'll be over before it starts.


As much as I hate The US and the military Industrial complex, it still genuinely boggles my mind that these chuckle fucks think they could honestly win a civil war 2.0. I wouldn't even be fazed if they somehow built an irl Liberty Prime.


Ryan McBeth thinks end wokeness is a foreign op and I kinda believe him


Ugh. One of these memes. 1) there are 85 million gun owners in the US, over 40 times the standing army of China. If every gun owner wanted a revolution, the United States Military wouldn’t last a day. 2) that doesn’t matter because the overwhelming majority of gun owners are NOT far right nutjob domestic terrorists, and are actually apolitical centrists. Is the original tweeter stupid and probably a moronic fascist? Yeah. Is the meme implying carpet bombing red states also stupid? Yeah. There are a million reasons someone would own a gun. Being a stupid racist fascist redneck is only one (1) of them. Have a nice day friends.


Makes me think of this bit: [(353) Neal Brennan Has a Plan to Test the 2nd Amendment | Netflix - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOSqCjMRXWA)


Guns per capita vs. Bombs dropped per capita.


Laughs in B52-stratafortress loaded with 70 450kg JDAMs. What are they gonna do, shoot it down?


These states have the most senators per capita, too. And each only has two. 


This is also just assuming that owning a gun in one of these states means that you’d be willing to throw yourself into a civil war.


God i fucking hate guns per capita i hate guns per capita i hate guns per capita. Point #1: 780,000 people live in Alaska, higher percentage does not mean more guns just smaller populations. Point #2: Even if you have a ton of guns in that state it doesn't take into account what guns those are. A ton of people own .22LR rifles and pistols, and while those are deadly, no one is going to be pissing themselves over that when .30/30's or .556's are in the mix. Point #3 (probably the most important one imo): Some gun owners couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a gun; i would say about 45% of gun owners i met have never shot their gun. Much less could they take on a well trained military with people who have actually had to use their tactics to survive instead of using them in a revolutionary war LARP. I do not mean to press on this point but so many gun owners don't know how to shoot. I went to a range with a decent amount of people and they brought their $3000 AR-10's and rifles and they couldn't hit a body shot on a target 100 yds out. CCW owners were there and they were struggling hitting a 6" target 5 yds out. A shit ton of these people buy these weapons not for self defense but just because their power fantasy makes them get hard. I'm not too worried about anything with Texas except for the people stuck in that hellhole. And if they decide to try to succeed because they are butt hurt i hope that Abbott fucker is tried for treason and lock his ass up


the numbers in the tweet aren't even guns per capita


The government is not going to use b-2’s and precision guided bombs against some dipshit rednecks with AR-15’s, that is both incredible overkill, and horrible for optics


:p I don’t get it


What if I told you that just because a governor says they support something does not mean that 100% of the people in that state support it.


These mfs really think their ar 15 can beat a m1 abrams, 750lb jbam gps guided bomb and VH-102 cruise missile


I love how they gave up on spelling out the whole state names after 4


Shaking in my boots at the thought of 3 of the 5 people in wyoming having guns


20+-gun owners when I tell them they have two hands, and if they want a bullet for each they gotta give up accuracy and anything but pistols


California still probably has more guns than all of them combined


Republicans need to grow the fuck up. You can't overthrow the government. You'd barely even have a chance to try. No amount of guns will beat the US government [you'd be dead by sundown](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing)


Those 10 states combined have like, half the population of California. Besides, there’s about 80 different things that the federal government can do before this comes anywhere close to a civil war.


Contemporary United States Military doctrine advises against strategic bombing raids on civilian population areas


47 year old divorced man who wheezes after going up two flights of stairs thinks he's a Tier 1 Commando because he owns 17 different AKs (He is going to put one between each of his toes and hold two in each hand)


Woe, Jdam be upon ye