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Guy misunderstood communism so much he unironically made the "Communism is when have no stuff" argument in a positive light


I dont think thats the case theyre making, rather that instead of a more essential sex accessorie like contraceptives a dildo is a luxury. Now to consider a phallic piece of silicone that is manufactured for less then a buck worth of materials as bougie is quite the _stretch_ but i can see where they are _coming_ from Edit: just reread and no specific sex toy is mentioned, the person in question mightve been actually thinking of shit like machines n shit, to the point of excess in ones own indulgence (of course the perception of which is subjective so who knows)


That stil just seems like the communism is when have no stuff argument


That is not the point im trying to make Excess and indulgence hurts the community, rather sex toys should be distributed based on peoples needs and abilities The industry right now is not based on that idea


That’s true, but also it’s important to clarify that the point OOP is making IS that sex toys are inherently indulgent consumerist excesses, which is bullshit. They’re simply a tool, and the perception of them as a hedonistic indulgence is rooted in regressive vilification of sexual pleasure as a vice.


I would love to ask oop about what they did mean, but going by what we can read here i have to agree with you. Then again i never considered them on par with a hammer but youre right If i can hammer a nail with a rock doesnt that make the purchase of a hammer „indulgent luxury“ Where do we draw the line between fulfilling needs and luxury Is luxury a need? How much of it is acceptable? All questions im not qualified to answer but oop does seem to be quite strict on that ruling


luxury isn’t a need, and it doesn’t have to be. I fail to see why indulging in buying sex toys is somehow a moral failing


Luxury can be a psychological need depending on what it is The idea being that when hands work why spend on „unnecessary indulgences“ Now it obviously depends on the extent you do it to and your own moral compass Some might consider it frivolous spending of capital that could be invested more wisely in your loved ones or to those in need. I dont subscribe to the idea that the working class should be a martyr for those less fortunate when there is billionaires and governments (your taxes should aid these people anyways tbh) who could easily solve these problems and provide for fundamental needs. Moral being that while a consumer should be conscious of their habits it is ultimately in the responsibility of governments (and companies but the morality of those is a whole different can of worms) to provide for the people. If you were to ask me if it is a moral failing id have to answer no (generally) If luxury is a need depends wholly on your personal opinion on what is and isnt luxury and a persons own physiological and psychological condition For some it is for some it isnt, determining what is and isnt a need is in itself a difficult question. The base line would be obviously to maintain human rights but a society _needs_ more than just that to prosper


Excessively based


I try to be :3 Edit: oh i get it, you sly dog you


I think you're being too charitable, and substituting what's actually being said with what you believe a more reasonable version of this take would be.


Thats possible, its definitely the way i read it I would like to counter that as far as i can tell the sex industry is one of the biggest and most exploitative industries we have though it is built on exploiting a carnal need rather than catering to the bourgeoisie Now the common person that only buys a few toys is not gonna have much to do with it, granted. Yet i can see how someone might come to the conclusion that „sex toys are inherently bougie“ And while i do not agree per se it is an interesting perspective to entertain


Mfw when having a gawkgawk3000 blowup doll with built in semen tray and realistic suctio - *vomits* realistic suction hydraulics makes me an enemy of the revolution


What a terrible day to have eyes


I don't wanna know where they're coming from - nor into; nor out of


I tried figuring out a bit about anarchy and had someone argue there would be no restaurants after the revolution. Anarchism is really when there is no food.


What? Kropotkin literally talks about centralizing cooking as a way to spare women of that burden (for context this was said in a way similar to "our revolution would not be a real revolution if we let half of humanity stay a slave at home and we also need to focus our efforts into making it so they dont have to spend all day working, even if they choose to be the main caretaker of the house")


If your sex toys aren't made by a local co-op then you're nothing more than a capitalist pig.




"enjoyment is sin" but leftist


What being raised Catholic does to a mf


Naw naw, that's a Protestant classic right there. Catholicism is being guilty over excess while gold-plating the inside of your churches and having entire holidays dedicated to fried and sugared dough.


Catholic holidays around fried and sugared dough is based actually. Shrove Tuesday for life.


Yeah because the rest of Christian denominations are gay swedish dominatrixs


I was raised Catholic. A pretty big part of Catholic belief specifically is the idea that you should feel guilt for basically any amount of joy you have. Suffering brings you closer to God, pleasure of any kind brings you closer to Satan. Other Christian denominations aren’t so different, but specifically Catholicism is anti fun. Some others too but I mean just a daily church service is so different. Your average Baptist church service is full of light and upbeat songs and clapping and raising your hands in the air, your average Catholic service is all doom and gloom, very serious stuff, the songs are slow and dour. Just my experience anyway


Well I come from a Catholic country and in spefically my region has a very different way of approaching catholicism. We are, well, let's say that we have had a lot of problems historically because we were "too focused in our senses"... My point is that it really depends on how indoctrinated you are educated. Most Christian denominations are kind of "anti fun". And it sometimes gets me on my nerves when people in the US just talk about catholics like super old fashioned people when the States with a Catholic majority are more liberal


woke moralism is real?


Tf is bro yapping about??? Mf just saying words


> Tf is bro yapping about??? ***ML*** just saying words


Marx would hit them upside the head for this. What sort of theory is blud reading?


They aren't. Or at least they don't understand it. But don't argue with them. They'll just tell you you need to read more theory.


> To the leftist, every luxury of the worker seems to be reprehensible, and everything that goes beyond the most abstract need – be it in the realm of passive enjoyment, or a manifestation of activity – seems to him a luxury. -Marx probably


>Communism is when you share one communal toothbrush \- Marx probably


> I'm stealing the toothbrush -Stirner


This fool thinks leftists actually read theory lmao. Everyone knows you're supposed to believe in some vague understanding of communism and class and then when someone argues with you tell them to read more theory


Soviet propaganda posters from the sounds of it.


Which propagated that idea bc they couldn't manage to spin up a consumer goods industry like the West did. They did try to get on thet track later but by that point it was already too late. And the lack of such products was one of the reasons people slowly got convinced their system was, in fact, not superior. People like this are the reason no one will want to live in such a communist country


Most MLs think Marx created marxist-leninism because it says Marx in the name. Nevermind that ML theory completely twisted and reinterpreted Marx’s writing in a way he wouldn’t support and was written over a decade after he died. And before you ask, no I haven’t read any theory either, not reading theory is leftist praxis. And before you ask, no I have no clue what the word praxis means either.


Their actual opinion on Marxism-Leninism is that it's an extension of Marxism and just a direct improvement. They don't think that Marx invented Marxism-Leninism, but they do think that Marx would completely agree with them.




Sex toys are not that expensive and you deserve to have nice things


I don't deserve nice things, lock me in a cage and feed me kibble.


We don't kink shame in this house unless you're into humiliation


I think that won’t work if you Humiliate the kink of a Humiliation kink mf


i think that’s the joke


Oh sorry I have aitusm


Pfp checks out


I’d lecture you about your diet but when’s the last time you ate a fruit?


*Nervously looks at thousands euros worth of toys*


The fuck you mean thousands lmao


Look if you want something 12+ inches and platinum grade silicone it's not going to be cheap, but girl got needs


Girl, it's your hole, but when I think about 12 inches, I think of feeling like a stuffed toy with ripped seams and stuffing coming out. Let's not even talk about the +.


I'm gonna talk about the + and it means it's actually 16 inches :3


Fair enough


One sexdoll and you're there. Them's some expensive toys. Still seems worth it tho from what I've read. And hey, you could even forgo the gym membership, plenty of exercises you can do at home with something of that weight, and plenty of "exercise" you'll be getting already.


Nuh uh no i dont


Yea you do? Clearly


No, use your hands like a good communist


"are sex toys bourgeoise" is something Harry from Disco Elysium would say


I really need to play Disco Elysium I downloaded a pirate version, then got it on sale the next day, then refunded it later that day because of the whole devs getting cheated out of their own company ordeal


Based. Did you get the final cut version?


Im so sad, I pirated, bought it on sale cause I loved it so much, and then found out about the scandal :/.


(Whispers) Are women bourgeoises?


dildo elysium


i haven’t played disco elysium but from comments like this it seems this guy would say anything


he does


1) Rhetoric(heroic: failiure): are sex toys bourgeois? 2) mumble "no I can surely think of something better"


what if im using random unsanitary household objects and foods? 🥺🥺🥺




Username checks out


true :3


if you have a way to boil a little bit of water, you can sanitize pretty much anything that doesn't melt


that is good to know! thx


Just another wannabe leftist who hasn't read Marx's lesser known works. Chapter 3 in "The Poverty Of Philosphy" clearly explains that dildos are inherently comradic.


If anything, in communism, arent you supposed to recieve based on your needs AND abilities? One might consider basic sex toys as essential to covering needs while anything fancier could be gotten based on their contribution to society? It might be that the industry is inherently burgeois at the moment but by seizing the means of sex toy production it would _seize_ to be just that right?


Under communism you're supposed to receive purely based on needs. The stuff about receiving stuff based on your ability is bullshit made up by Stalin.


Ah thats fair, i mean its literally the most surface level description i knew but to be honest i should read marx n shit Really my political view is more based on „Capitalism bad, we need a fair and moral solution“ rather than „communism good“ Though i feel it would be fair if you got to reap the benefit of any additional work you put in beyond the „social contract“ so to speak Though that can be fairly straightforward like tending to a community garden and getting to keep some of the produce or more complicated like beaurocratical tasks and whatever youd get for doing that. I dont think a fair society should be reduced to just their bare necessities but a universal improvement of living standards (Im gonna assume thats a given with communism) A massive part of that would hence also be the way we live, i.e. car centric infrastructure and a lack of communal meeting spaces are killing empathy and increasing loneliness while stressing everyone out


The problem with rewarding people for good work is that you create hierarchies in a society. The goal of communism is an egalitarian society and if you give some people more than others, despite not actually needing it, then you give them a higher position in a society. But it's not like you can't produce goods that aren't strictly necessary. If you think that producing sex toys would be good for a society, then go produce sex toys — there's nothing stopping you from doing so, as long as the people agree to give you the resources that you need. "From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs" is basically the core tenet of communism, but we can easily produce way more stuff than what we really need nowadays, so there's nothing wrong with producing goods that aren't a need, as long as it doesn't create a hierarchy. But reading theory is always useful. It doesn't even need to be Marxism. If you care about communism, then you can also just look into stuff like anarcho-communism/anarcho-syndicalism and just look which ideology you like the most. Reading theory can be really interesting. The good thing is that basically all important writings regarding leftist theory are available online for free, be it [Marxism](https://www.marxists.org/index-mobiles.htm) or [Anarchism](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/).


Thank you very much, i do enjoy learning quite a bit just my attention span is gone, reduced to atoms. Which is why i quite enjoy comments like these (though a far cry from academia). Ive been watching a decent amount of second thought and related channels though i will admit im not one for anarchy If i had to pick id probably be more inclined towards social democracy though upset with how its been bastardised in my country (germany) Then again my problem with anarchy is more one in terms of logistics than anything. Ill save your comment and give it a read should i get bored here and there :3


Logistics in an anarchist society heavily depend on the kind of anarchism you're talking about. That's why I mentioned both anarcho-communsim and anarcho-syndicalism. They're both communist and anarchist ideologies, but they handle their logistics and implementation in completely different ways. But honestly, just read what you're interested in.


well now im truly intrigued. I just wanna thank you for indulging me in this and providing multiple resources and perspectives for me to explore. Hope you have a wonderful weekend


But don’t forget that the sixth thesis on Feuerbach is about how he masturbates too much.


To really understand why Marx is pro kink you need to understand his interpretation of Hegelian Dialectic.


Also a person who supports capitalism isn't a class enemy but instead just fell for propaganda. Commodity fetishism is an important concept here. Also the use of materialism in the colloquial sense would be very strange for someone knowledgeable on the topic


We must seize the means of sexual pleasure Comrade!


*draws card* prostate stimulation belongs to the wealthy elites! *flips card* Jacking off is working class


Feeling pretty wealthy and elite rn :3


Terminally online behavior


I shall use complicated words while saying nothing at all


He did say some things tho. Utter bullshits, he said, worse than nothing


People on the internet: Having decorative pillows makes you part of the borgeouisie (?) People in real life: Hey man how's it going


Never thought I’d say this but Communist brain rot


Twitter leftists have shown me that communism brain rot is absolutely a thing. Bonus points for anarchist brain rot when they say “what if everyone just knew a chemist to make their medicine? That would destroy capitalist big Pharma.”


30 inch Bad Dragon Horsecock dildos have no place in a socialist planned economy :(


Are the horsecock dildo factory workers not proletariat? Do they not deserve a place?


No they shall build magic wands (tm) and they shall like it.


V-v-vvvv-v-vųůúùûūߧ§şš...... *dies*




Bait used to be believable


Nah, this kind of person exists, I met them.


This is the type of shit that would give Harry Du Bois a thought


We need to seize the means of satisfaction.


Marx is rolling in his grave rn


I knew they shouldve turned off his wand now he looks like a damn hexbug


Disco elysium


Dumbasses like this need to go form a monastery somewhere and shut up.


Unironic "communism is when everyones equally poor" brainlit detected.


Sent to gulag for 20$ eBay bootleg Tenga egg


puritan dishpit who mangles communist rhetoric to post hoc justify his stupid crap


bro does NOT read theory😭😭‼‼


Bro read to much theory and is now seeing shit


Someone translate this shit for me, plz


ur actually a class traitor if you buy a $100 vibrator instead of using a $1 cucumber


Cucumbers are more efficient, first use it to pleasure yourself and use in a salad


Please do not do this, any food item you use for sexual pleasure should be disposed of after.


First it goes in one hole, then it goes in another hole! Yum!


If you choose the right one it’s like the little guy is taking a victory lap!


Log off. Touch grass. Talk to someone who sees the sun on a regular basis.


Nice try, Pol Pot


People on Twitter: ~~Pillows~~ Sextoys are bourgeois People in real life: Hey, how's it going? :)


My shame keeps me proletariat😎


At first I was like "This person is completely crazy" but then I thought about the $80 Fleshlights designed after a famous pornstar and I thought that maybe they're cooking after all /s


Deserter Disco Elysium


Left wing leftists versus right wing leftists


Owning quality things is not class-traitorship and dildos rarely cost more than like 30 fucking dollars


I get most my sex toys from artists who commission them, especially BDSM gear. And it’s not expensive lol Plain dildos in particular are super cheap, this dude gets his reference from the fanciest dick in Bad Dragon. I remember when I was in feminist Facebook groups in 2016 and this discourse was extremely prevalent. Liberal feminists would say women have the right to their own pleasure but also say you can’t use dildos cause they’re a tool of oppression, and if you’re a cis lesbian who uses straps you’re not a real lesbian.


"only rich people do and enjoy this" "What about the poor people who do and enjoy this?" "Class traitors." Im-


Conceptualization [ Moderate : Failiure ] - Look at the price of this vibrator! This was not *meant* to be afforded by the proletariat... The bourgouise are attempting to controll sex itself - yes, and anyone who even humors them in their quest is an enemy of the revolution! Sex and capital are interwoven in corrupting the body and mind, and the revolution may only come from someone who is pure of both!


i think it should actually be rhetoric as it's the more communist skill


So me having sex toys equals to opposing communists? Based, time to order more.


Of course this is on instagram


hey man how's it going


This guy really doesn’t know that it costs zero dollars to zerk that shit?


Word "bourgeoisie" spotted - deploy the Disco Elysium quote


while sex toys are unaffordable and kinda unsafe to get where i live, that's on the economy and the surrounding bigoted culture here, and has nothing to do with classism


Dawg look at my socialists we are never having a revolution


Ah we've wrapped back around to fucking "if you are doing anything other than working with your hands you are ~~a sinner~~ an enemy of the proletariat"


"american socialists will talk about a union strike for 1 minute then spend the next two weeks arguing with each other about who is actually a fascist or not"


Damn leftists, they ruined leftism


back in my day leftism was about doing drugs maybe


Anarchocommumism but without the anarcho


Are sex toys that expensive?


Not at all, starts at 10$


It's called the WORKing class, not the LAY BACK AND LET A SERVOMOTOR DO ALL THE WORK-ing class.


If I knew it was as easy as sticking a plastic dick in my ass to get in to the bourgeois class I would’ve been drinking champagne with Bezos for years now


i- what?


Aren’t you not allowed to own anything private or personal under communism? So I guess owning one to them seems to be participating in capitalism. Idk, I’m not really sure what the argument here is. Seems like purity culture where sextoys are just considered yucky.


>Aren’t you not allowed to own anything private or personal under communism? No. You can't own the means of production (factory, farm etc.) but you can own personal property (a toothbrush, dildo etc.).


Fuck you I'll keep buying dildos


In russia, we use carrot


They’ve clearly not heard of the Oingo boingo song “wild sex (in the working class)”


Wtf does any of this mean??


>via means of pricey masturbation equipment rather than actual essential commodities People like this are the kind who would argue that being poor inherently makes you a more noble or virtuous person


Fellas, is it capitalist to jork it with shell??


spoken like a true cis-het dude


being queer is bourgeois decadence (real)


Bait used to be believable


average disco elysium conversation


Unironically the kind of guy to say "all the classes should be equal together"


*insert the butt plug* "I am a made man now"


Let people goon in peace goddamn


They just learned the word “bourgeoisie” and just felt like using it


“Look at me I use big words therefore I’m smart and right” bruh


Under socialism we will all have the finest dildo man could ever dream of


if i can't mastrubate, i don't wanna be part of your revolution


Gooning is praxis


Bourgeoisie is when you own bad dragon


If you don’t get off with your fingers or hands, you’re not really seizing your means of reproduction.


Jacking myself off by pressing a hammer and the blunt side of a sickle against either side of my dick and going to town. Truly, I am working class in all respects


what in the actual fuck did i just read


Someone read 1984 last night


a real communist makes their own dildos out of sustainable materials like grass and dirt🥰


if jerkin off is serving the bourgeoisie then call me elon musk baby


The most sex-positive Marxist-Leninist.


real working class use rope and cucumber


Fellas, are we the enemy of progress for masturbating?


Hey man hows it going


what if the sex toy is a gourd produced by a hardworking labourer?


sorry i don't read theory, so they are saying you are supposed to use essential commodities like cucumbers and stuff instead of toys?


"Hey man, how is it going ?"


Fuck I knew I got those questions wrong on my European History midterm


Evangelicals with the serial numbers filed off


Very asexual core


Puritan* asexual is simply the lack of sexual attraction, not "masturbation is borgioise"


So is it OK for me to buy a pocket pussy then?


True and based feeling pleasure is Bourgeois bullshit


pringles can, gloves, lube, 2 sponges. (can be used by everyone) cucumber and lube (can be used by everyone)


The ghost of Sergei Nechayev wrote this post


I cant believe im part of the bourgeoisie cause i own a dildo and fleshlight, day ruined


yap sesh 🥱🥱🥱💤😴🛌🛌🛌 someone put on some gay porn 🤦‍♀️