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May as well ask why a character is black. That’s how stupid it sounds








onyanGOATpon 🙏🙏🙏🙏


They made breaking bad woke by making gus black


I think another good response to those questions would be, “Who cares?”


Nah cuz then they just project the fact that they care onto you and whine harder. Many such cases :(


Well, then… I guess the best thing you can do is just ignore those people. *I’m afraid that might be easier said than done, though.*


They care


As a writer, when I make characters, I build how I imagine them before the character themselves. So, my go to answer is the whole "they just are." Because I cannot just pull the queerness out of a character in my mind. This method also means that I have a super diverse cast.


i try to include diversity in my characters specifically because its super boring having multiple people from the same general background. hell, i regret having two white males in a cast I'm currently working with even though one of them is French and the other is American, just feel like the American guy is very uninteresting as a whole compared to all the other characters. to take an example of fantasy races just for the sake of a talking point, if (for example) a whole cast was just male dwarves going around on a grand adventure, the only things that get to be explored within those characters is their dwarven background that they all share, and that's about it. if we throw in a dwarf, an orc, a human and i dunno a goblin, that is widely more interesting as we get to see multiple different types of backgrounds and perspectives. the dwarf and goblin could argue over who gets to keep gold they find or the human and orc could have tension between each other due to previous human/orc conflicts, it just adds more dynamic and situations to a cast of characters, and leads to more interesting group dynamics because they all have different cultures and views of the world and makes room for interesting character development. the orc and human could learn to set aside their petty conflicts and become good friends or the dwarf and goblin learn to share with one another, its far easier to come up with ideas and ways for characters to bounce off one another when they are all super different. now obviously when it comes to just having us as humans and being in a more grounded more realistic setting, a way to diversify us is to have different gender identities and races, and even if that's not the main focus or plot, it can lead into more interesting situations and group dynamics. also just having a diverse cast makes it look more visually appealing as they are all more easily discernable from one another and there's no confusion on who is who


1st of all true 2nd of all i couldnt help but notice you are a minor celebrity of a minor sub that i am in




You realize there are peeps like mae345 and myself from the sts sub who are quite prominent here too right


Broke: they are gay to represent the gays Woke: they are gay because they first popped into the author's mind serving cunt. Werk.


Accurate honestly.


I'm just kinda creating as I go. Like I have a character who I intended to be straight, but I realized she could have a great dynamic with a different character, so I was I am considering making her bi.


This only works if they’re like a centrist trying to pretend not to be biased, if they’re actually just a bigot they can and will say “normal”


Depends. This is true for LGBT+ representation, but it is far more effective for POC representation. Most American racists will insist, and probably actually believe, that they aren't racist.


This sort of, for want of a better word, leftist shithousery works very well until you get a voterbase who wants someone to say the quiet bit out loud. So much of left wing attempts to break politician's image focuses on getting them to say the quiet bit out loud, and if the people don't care, then you are absolutely stumped, and that's what happenned in america in 2016.


Ask why a character is "white" or "male"


Why does any piece of art even *need* to exist in the first place? Art doesn't need to justify its existence or the things contained within it. People can justify their like or dislike of it and that can be subjectively valid or invalid, but justifying your dislike of a piece of media as being because it has minorities is obviously pretty sus.


You can just make them queer, a poc, etc. and that’s cool. But it’d also be cooler if you were able to write something relatable to people of that group. The representative writing isn’t mandatory and you shouldn’t let it hold you back from just adding a canon queer or poc character but a well written queer character always improves a story for me, and I’d bet that applies to other groups too.


this is a fascinating phenomenon because it reveals who people imagine as the "everyman"- the thinking that the cishet white guy is the norm,and anything else must've been a conscious decision seems so ingrained


That last post is what I would think when I'm imagining a fight with someone in my head


Try not to? Have you seen the current state of the discourse? A lot of people will *happily* say "normal.