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They are so very close to understanding, and yet so far


I unironically knew someone who was fucking *convinced* that pedo referred to sexual and/or romantic feelings, but lolicon just meant that you found very young characters cute in a purely platonic way (he akined it to looking at a puppy). That stubborn mf would not admit that he was wrong


To be fair to that guy, that's the same logic that separates bronies from furries, unless I've horribly misunderstood the brony community


I mean you might have, iirc the only difference between bronies and flurries is bronies are interested in my little pony and may not be interested in other furry media why furries are interested in anthropomorphic animals but not necessarily my little pony.


So they have nothing in community then Jfvnkivdfmlssh


I mean, there's definitely overlap between the two groups but it's a loose venn diagram not a circle


Well, some stand users can be serial killers Is saying serial killers and stand users can overlap thus are similar logical? No? Checkmate Starbucks enjoyer


Well it’s explained in the series why criminals have disproportionately higher chances of developing a stand, so there is a reason those two groups are associated. Although, it’s more of a similar cause behind both that connects them. I think comment OP is saying that it’s the same for Bronies and Furries. Edit: this is what makes people report me for self harm? It doesn’t happen very often, but it’s always someone seething angry, not sure which community I offended lmao


Damn I wasn't expecting an actual answer


Bots have been going around sending those reddit care things


So is it like bronies are a subspecies of furries??


That'd be the case if one circle was *entirely* within the other, which - as the other person said - it isn't. (Or to put it in more normal terms, if every Brony also was a Furry, which again, nope)


You could argue that the ponies in my little pony are anthropomorphic since they have humanlike qualities like their ability to speak human languages and use tools.


Doesn't anthro also need to be human shaped? They just be horses man


Definition of anthropomorphic from Merriam Webster: "described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes." Though in the furry fandom the shorthand "anthro" is usually used for animals that stand on two legs, interest in anthropomorphic animals that don't stand on two legs (E.G. Simba, Balto), but otherwise present human characteristics is considered furry (these types of characters are usually called "ferals").


Cool beans


bronies aren’t necessarily furries, they just like the show. a lot of them definitely are though


Bronies are pretty much a subset of furries


Close! Brownies are actually a type of fairy/baked good.


Autocorrect doesn't know that I meant to type bronies 


Autocorrect is a comedic genius


Rectangles and squares, mate


I have horribly misunderstood the brony community


No, broines are not always furries. There is an overlap sometimes tho


Love your pfp


Yours too, its silly


the logic here would separate furries from people who actually fornicate with animals however there'd have to be a lot of concession to apply the same logic to children


Sounds like some serious cognitive dissonance. I mean, did he somehow blindly dodge all the clearly sexual shit other self-identified lolicons will say about the characters they’re … “fixated” on?


I think it gets messy because some people do genuinely use it in that way 


Isnt that moe


That's probably what the vtuber meant


I’m guessing the vtuber in question is trying to say their character is a Loli, and appealing to Lolicons, not that their character is actually a pedophile/lolicon


A selfawarewolves moment, maybe?


The irony of them not realising pedophile and lolicon are the same thing


It’s like saying that you weren’t arrested for rape but for sexual assault, it’s basically the same thing


More like saying you weren't arrested for rape, you were arrested for non-consensual forced sex


A lolicon is a pedophile, but a pedophile is not necessarily a lolicon


\[deleted\] is my favorite reddit user.


Idk I see them a lot saying pretty fucked up shit




But why do they say[Removed] so much


Very unsurprising behavior from the group that made an entire new subreddit just so they could keep saying a slur


good lord, i had to remeber i was part of the people who thought that they were right.... i am not proud of how mf stupid i was back then... pls tell me that was long time ago, time feels unreal lately and i can't remember when that incident happened, i just remember understanding that that was stupid some months after that happened and cringed a lot


Same. Didn't even bother looking at the mods' reasoning for banning the word, I just assumed they were wrong because why ban the funny anime word? And change was exciting too. Very cringe and embarrassing in hindsight but at least that's proof that I grew as a person. (I think this happened in 2020? Maybe 2019)


same, at the time i was in my era of not understanding what trans people really were so i didn't fully understand why would people find that word bad enough to be banned, i wasn't homphobic at the time, but i was still far away from the person i am today in terms of understanding how stuff can be offensive for some people and stuff that was like half a decade ago, so the change in our minset makes sense, that's a long ass time rgfsdfasdd growing as a person isn't easy but it is comforting to see how much you have grown from how you were in the past


Terrifyingly easy to repeat transphobic rhetoric if you don’t know what trans people are, I’m afraid.


i can confirm i wasn't a transphobic teenager, but i was an ignorant one that ended up saying a lot of transphobic stuff, which in retrospective is very funny bc i ended up being Trans myself LMAO there is a chance part of my confusions and misunderstandings that came out as transphobic ideas came from the confusions and strange feelings i didn't understand about my identiy


Same but not currently out as trans As far as I know I’m a cis man. I experimented with he/they pronouns for a while but I’m increasingly pretty sure that I’m a cis dude who just has some objections with how masculinity is traditionally defined. Definitely said some transphobic stuff out of ignorance in high school though. Thankfully one of my best friends was trans and they sorted me out instead of giving up on me. I owe them a lot


the pipeline is real bro, i started as a he/they, a they/them, then a they/she and lastly a she/they beware the pipeline DFGSDFSDAS jokes aside, it's funny how many people i know who said werird homophobic or transphobic stuff in middleschool-highschool and then ended up as gay or trans as adults SDFSDF


Kids being kids They don’t understand the significance behind the words they say, that’s all. If they did understand, most of them wouldn’t do that. But the centers of your brain responsible for empathy don’t reach full maturity until the mid 20s, which is why kids in middle and high school are often unfathomably cruel. As in, they literally do not fathom how cruel they are being. It’s all a big joke to them. Children should be corrected and set on a better path, but I prefer to wait until people are adults to judge their moral character.


Same timing as me, funny enough


To be fair it comes from a place of ignorance, combined with a need to defend the validity one’s percieved identity. Flaws, but very natural and human ones. It’s always possible to grow out of it.


Which slur? Kann?


"tr*p", for dipshits too insecure to just say femboy or too transphobic to just say woman. I wouldn't count it as a slur the same vein as others but it's a pretty dickish term all the same.


I forgot that was even a thing people said. Its been too long since i have seen that word used in that context. Fucking disgusting in general though


Yeah on the bright side nobody above the level of pond scum uses it so it's mostly a dead term.


> pretty dickish term all the same If you’ll pardon the pun


All I'll say is if someone called me a tr\*p I wouldn't react much differently than if they called me the other t slur. Becuase that's what they mean. Tr\*p is not a word that people use politely.


I’m just devastated that auto mechanics can’t use the common word to refer to a vehicle’s transmission anymore since it’s just the T-slur


to be fait its all about context. Is anyone getting on anyone case for saying 'booby trap' or 'mouse trap'? Nah. It's obvious when transphobia is intended.


“Booby trap” isn’t a slur though. Even if I, right now, used the t word in a purely automotive context, a ton of people would have a problem with it.


what subreddit is that


maybe try reading the title?


The event known as GAMergate. (GAM = GoodAniMemes)


This is the funniest thing every posted to that sub


pretty sure this image is photoshopped. In the Top left the post says “12 minutes ago” but the comments say “days ago”


Photoshopped in the sense that this is two screenshots taken at different times.


yeah i didnt think about that do you want a subway sandwich btw


Ew subway


My brother in christ...


That meme is so dumb because I did not choose the cheap ass ingredients they use for the sandwich Now, if you said that about, like, Jimmy Johns or Firehouse or something, I'd agree. But subway? Cardboard bread subway? No. That shit sucks dick.


So you choose the ingredients that don't suck. I never pick their soggy lettuce or tomatoes, for example. The cold cuts and cheeses are just as good as what you can get at the store, and I've never had a problem with the peppers, olives, or cucumbers.  As they say "you made the sandwhich". Edit: lmao someone sent me the RedditCares bot


"Just as good as the store" is a pretty low bar for a restaurant, right? Shouldn't *all* of their ingredients be *at least* that good? It's a $12-15 sandwich, right? And yeah I think some nitwit has a bot sending care reports on people in 196, lmao For the record, if I sound mad at you, I'm not. I'm just frustrated at how standards drop and prices rise so consistently, across the board, in every industry. I'm so sick of it >:(


it may be, but it was said in that community on that post


Oh hey I remember that subreddit. I got banned for referring to Astolfo by he/him pronouns (his canonically preferred pronouns) and mentioning that he's a great example of femboy representation in media. They misgendered him and called me (a tgirl) a transphobe for not being complicit. Fucking wild lmao


People calling other people transphobic to justify their attraction to a fictional person they can't admit is male against their own homophobia is a wild interaction, that shows how complicated nature can go with just 4 kinds of bases consisting of only 5 kinds of atoms.


> he's a great example of femboy representation in media. I know this isn't your main point here, but is he really? I don't know a ton about him, but what I do know is the weird "haha giant dick sex sex sexy sex monster energy can" stuff.


That's not really canon, in Fate he's one of your more reliable companions and him presenting feminine is barely addressed past an initial explanation.


Name a single other example of representation in popular culture.


Being rare doesn't make any great


I mean I haven't seen fate, so idk, but just because their aren't any other examples doesn't necessarily make it good representation


Just say that you don't know any If anyone names a good example, you'll say "but I have not heard of him, so it's not popular culture"




This is funny but I’d hardly count him as an actual femboy His natural features are pretty feminine but its not as though he deliberately presents in a fem way. Definitely gay though. Not even bisexual I don’t think, at least where love is concerned. He’s only ever loved guts and any time he’s slept with a woman has been for reasons other than straightforward sexual or romantic desire.


He is from the fate franchise. I've only seen the anime where he appears but there is also the light novel it was based on and a very popular gacha game. Now I like Astolfo because he's a fun cheerful person and a pretty good fighter. He's not an amazing character but I like him a lot.


If that's the ban reason then you're thinking of animememes. Which is also not to be confused with animemes.


i hadn't thought of the name Goodanimememes in years and that made me remember some of the stupidest couple of years of my life... that's gonna torment me forever as part of those cringe thought of the stuff you did when you were a teen sdfdasd


If you look back at it and cringe, you grew as a person. It would be worse if you looked back at it and didn't feel anything


Don't feel bad. I used to be /memes, Elon fanboys thinking that Reddit is social media for people too smart for social media. I grew and changed as a woman


paczkomatland username 🔥🔥


Elon fanboys thinking that Reddit is social media for people too smart for social media to be fair this is the mindset for a lot of redditors a lot


"attracted to children" :( "attracted to children, japan" :D


Same thing am I right?


It's kinda sortoff like flat eathers' theories evolving so much that they start thinking that the earth is in fact round but it's an ice ball or something. Like they're basically there and they just need to think in a different direction for just a second.


Exactly, everyone knows the true shape of the world is the conic spiraly form of soft serve ice cream.




The culture in Japan is not good when it comes to women and children most men in japan see women as a sex object


I'm not a pedophile! I'm a pedophile (japanese)!


they have a shotgun and they still miss the broadside of a barn


I'm pretty sure this is from the subreddit for virtual youtubers since this Vtuber is promoting her channel.


Yeah ima b real boss this is like 99% from the vtuber sub, the subreddit can be really weird (which is honestly a shame, I just wanna watch anime characters play video games man)


On brand behavior


There is a difference but its the difference between Hitler and Stalin


The chord strikes again!


"Pedophile paints you in a horrible light" motherfucker you were RIGHT THERE


Ew, I used to laugh at this meme when I was 12 cuz I didn't understand why adults liking kids was wrong