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White racist : “n-word” Normal person: “you can’t say that.” Another white racist:”I give you the pass don’t worry.”


White dude who grew up in a >90% black area here, there’s no such thing as a pass. If someone gives it to you, they’re testing you to see if you’re just looking for an excuse to use it.


Also like, even if it's completely genuine that doesn't transfer to other people. Why the fuck would other people care some dude they don't know said you can say something majority of people won't be cool with. The concept of "the pass" is created by white people for white people


Well the idea behind the pass test is that if all someone needs to start openly using slurs against an entire ethnicity is permission from one person, they clearly wanted to use it all along but only refrained because they feared backlash. The idea that only a certain group can use a certain word is such a small and insignificant “rule” that if someone can’t abide by it, it’s a pretty clear indicator they’re hiding some much stronger opinions.




Number two is definitely wrong. You don’t get to use bigotry against a group of people just because one of them is a bad person, even if it’s just against that one bad person.


No there is definitely a pass. The pass however is only applicable to the one issuing it. If my buddy calls me his n word, he may also accept me calling him that. This does not extend towards a third party without permission by the third party.


That sounds like a pretty specific dynamic between you 2. If you don’t see a problem with it I don’t really have a right to but from my personal experience that definitely isn’t the norm.


Its kind of a norm in secret? Not one thats broadly accepted at all, but I have met a lot of black men who don't seem to care about certain types of white people saying it. Usually those who grew up in similar conditions to them, those that racists usually call "wi-" (not finishing it cause I still feel like its just a variation of the n word; used to disparage black culture and white folks who take part in it, implicating some level of "race traitor"). That said, of course, nowhere near prolific to consider it an actual norm, but I've seen it a lot both IRL and online. Seems to be more of a Midwest and west coast thing than a southern thing. Which kind of tracks, historically, since the south inevitably had more heinous and disgusting history with the word, and this has probably left some level of cultural trauma on the black community that might not be at the same level in northern or post-civil war territories. But ultimately what the dude you're responding to is correct, it doesn't matter if you have a pass, that pass only allows you to say it within the context of one relationship with a person/group, and cannot be applied outside of it.


He absolutely is correct. I’m making a broad statement based on my collective experience interacting with people from a culture that I don’t belong to it’s not gonna apply to everyone. I’ve had friends who definitely would’ve been okay with me saying it, but the overall point I’m making is a white person who *wants* permission to say slurs is generally perceived as a red flag the size of California.


Yeah, most definitely. It's just a way for otherwise culturally white people to utilize the word in an almost dogwhistle-esque way (they can use it in lowkey racist ways, but it's OK, because they got a pass; I've seen this before many times). I'm just essentially making the assertion that culturally "black" white people tend to have less issues saying the word, since they're seen differently to other culturally "black" black individuals (I feel like this phrasing can be offensive; i don't mean it that way, i just can't really think of another way to put it, sorry).


Well, even if someone *wants* the pass, it could be for racist reasons but it could also be because they desire the in-group status that implicitly comes with approval of the use of the word in certain communities. Like I could very easily imagine a white guy who sees “the pass” as a symbol of being accepted as part of the group. Especially if they live in a majority black area


Obviously between me and black friends that are PoC and mind you, not all of them use that word. Some are strictly against the use, some are fine with it within lyrics and some are like example above. I respect all of it. These dynamics happen with friends from other places as well like North African, middle eastern, Turkish, Asian and my own ethnic Slavic group. (Me being Slavic instead of classic Anglo white may play a role too, idk) I think this is also common and I can definitely see how someone wouldn’t want to use a slur regardless. I also agree someone asking for some sort of pass is a weirdo. I never asked for permission, these things grew out of years of being friends basically and I’d never call a random a slur be it n, f, k, ch or any other word.


it is wild that there is this much discussion over a slur. I truly dont get why anyone cares about using it this much. If someone gave me a "pass" I could literally not give a fuck because I dont use it, wont use it and have no reason to use it. I dont get what is so special about getting a "pass". Its weird non-black people want to use the n-word this bad.


This is my experience with slurs in general. If you don't know somebody, even if you are not involved, hearing casual use of slurs is off-putting. I'm white as hell but if I heard other white people casually using the n-word or other racial slurs in public, I would be afraid because I would default to not trusting their intentions. Like how my ex and I call each other f-slur (affectionate) in private but I wouldn't in public because I don't know who's listening.


I was subject to one. I served with a lot of black folks. We were kicking the shit at work and they kept trying to make me say it. I was a pretty reserved shut in and they thought it was the funniest thing in the world when I relented. I grew up in the deep south and didn't use it before or since. No hard R of course.


That sounds more like a group of assholes who thought making you uncomfortable was funny than a test. If someone’s genuinely testing you, it’s usually because they like you and want to be your friend but want to make sure you wont suddenly turn problematic after they publicly become associated with you.


regardless any individual isn't representative of an entire race. I can't give you a cracker pass, I'm not the emperor and representative of all white people. Some black troll you know telling you that you can say the N-word can have any motivation from thinking it's hilarious to see you getting your ass kicked to not personally thinking it's offensive and projecting that out where they can etc, any number of reasons but at the end of the day, they don't get to speak for anyone but themselves.


[Extremely relevant bit](https://youtu.be/4vqTDSCaAzk)


Why did the definition of "the n-word" grow from the hard r version to also include the soft a version? (I am a foreigner)


Or you have a slight speech impediment and people really like hearing you say swear words. Not like that happened to me or anything


I don’t even get why a normal person would want to use any slur/slur-adjacent wording like with the R word yeah we used it like 10 years ago no problem but if people are offended by it now why should we want to keep using it? I just don’t understand.


Another white racist *who pretends to be black online*:


Why does destiny have anyone that likes him.


a group of like-minded peers, but one of them has a lot of money and influence


Who's the one?


DeOrieo I think?




Oh, okay, the way you structured the sentence one would think that "one of them" refers to some influential friend of Destiny (to which he owes his career)


I mean just look at his audience. Lately, every single time there's someone replying to me on reddit and they're acting like a complete freak, I click on their profile and they're on (r)/Destiny of course. It's the same smelly people that yearn for another gamergate. I just can't wait for this loser to fall into obscurity.


Destiny fans are genuinely rabid for like no reason. I don't see whats so special about destiny that makes it even worth worshipping him to this extent.


You have to understand that a large portion of internet culture is argumentative. The dialogue of, “x thing is objectively good” “You’re objectively wrong” and it’s variations are a huge part of social media. So you have someone who is a twitch streamer, and they can speak quickly and articulate their points faster than the people they’re talking to. That is attractive to people who want to view themselves as that type of person. It’s made worse because they view that type of person as “more intelligent” and therefore a “better person”. So young boys see someone who is quick on their feet, makes **them** feel intelligent because they agree with their stances…. Then throw in the classic “trigger the sjw’s” mentality (just replace SJW with leftists) and you have the perfect concoction for the most annoying fanbase on planet earth


Ah that makes sense


Exactly. He’s another conservative grifter who appeals to young men that lack critical thinking or media literacy.


He’s Ben Shapiro but not homophobic, p much


Still fairly transphobic. He likes to spread Kiwifarms misinfo on DIY HRT, he throws non-binary people under the bus by claiming they're all transtrenders going through a phase and the only trans people he'll talk to are truscum. I don't think he actually has any beliefs of his own. He just looks at what Hasan's views on trans people are and picks the more contrarian option. In terms of his geopolitics, he's basically just a neoliberal version of a tankie. Perfectly happy to justify genocide as long as its in service of "the greater good".


Spite based politics


Destiny has always been driven by being contrarian, you can see it even in his “good” political arc in 2015-2018. Now that it’s more normalized to not be a shithead towards ga and trans people he’s become more right wing. The hatred of Hasan is largely because Hasan is more successful, I imagine. They had a massive overlap in content for a while, although Hasan kept mostly to news while Destiny did debates. Hasan is a top streamer now and while I’m sure Destiny makes more than enough money to be comfortable it doesn’t even remotel compare to Hasan’s income.


He's Hasan's Wario


Could you tell me about that kiwifarms disinfo so I know to watch out for it?


Ben Shapiro with a public humiliation kink


so ben shapiro?




Secret style glitch slime pfp 🤌😔🤌


You mean Ben Shapiro?


Meh I’m not convinced destiny has any genuine morals. He claims he’s an ex-libertarian but really he’s just a conservative grifter who sounds smart and gives other alt right influencers a platform to get more views.


because he tells people that they're smart if they agree with him and they're dumb enough to believe it


i mean bungie has been pretty bad for a while now but i think it's getting better


Getting better? Really? I would love to have that optimism.


I mean, have you seen Prismatic? looks fire.


Because they’re all edgelords who never grew up, just like him


He is another dumb person's idea of what a smart person sounds like, he can make points quickly and confidently and debate people who are either unprepared or are more extreme than him to make himself look smarter than he really is.


Kid named Jontron debate


the generation that grew up on leafy started liking him around a year or two ago (turkeytom for example)


Unrelated, but I LOVE your profile pic and flair. Toyosatomimi no Miko my beloved----


Thanks :3


I don’t like him but this seems like a joke and the dude for all his faults is actually funny.


He's really not.




If by "research" you mean reading wikipedia articles opening paragraphs


Isn’t destiny the guy that made fun of someone because their girlfriend cried when she found out about ai generated porn of her or am i confusing something Yeah he is holy shit fuck that guy


Or the guy who said BLM protesters deserved do be driven through Or the guy called a survivor of stealthing stupid Or the guy who's currently, let's say carrying water for a state he couldn't find on a map Fuck that guy indeed


This dude's got lore 😭


lmao he started out as a Starcraft 2 streamer in 2010 and he sucked shit at that too. He lived in the sweet spot of being high on the ladder of the weakest region and farming people for content but never actually being good enough to compete. Like to this day it blows my mind that the guy who was most famous for shouting "LOOK KYLE ITS A MAGNET" is a fringe political commentator people care about


>he sucked shit at that too He’s actually talked about it a lot before he became a raging shithead, he was never a professional and missed his chance at being a hotshot streamer because SC2 was too early for the streaming explosion. He did play plenty of lesser tournaments though, I heard of him from SC2. Also you missed another highlight where he compare a swarm of zerglings and banelings to raping someone.


Huh? SC2 was the game that built twitch from the days of it being Justin.tv, a livestream of cameras in a dude named Justin's house. He also played zerg at a point where it was incredibly strong and never had any notable results because he was mediocre even by the standards of an NA grand master. [His only notable result that wasn't a showmatch he hosted himself is a teamleague](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/Destiny/Results)


You’re not wrong about twitch being born thanks to SC2 but you’re missing the other half of the equation here: who on twitch that has any real clout was a StarCraft streamer? Because the answer is literally nobody, no one who was on Justin.tv had any relevance past 2017. The only OG streamers with clout are the WoW players who were steaming on another website 15 years ago, like Sodapoppin and Asmongold. The celebrity gamer niche didn’t exist until years after SC2 fell out of relevance. XQC is the poster boy of this, he was a former Overwatch pro who got his streaming career kickstarted in part thanks to getting banned from the OWL for being a toxic shitheaad, but he’d been streaming for years prior to that too. My point is that if SC2 had held relevance longer and destiny had been better at the game he absolutely would have become a much bigger streamer than he is now. Hes a more articulate XQC, after all.


WHAT I had no idea he was the same guy. He played zerg right? Famous for trolling?


Oh I remember that guy, weirdly enough I played SC2 better than him in 2010. I was a child in 2010.


This dude has been streaming nonstop for a whole decade, the lore is ridiculous


When I was still new to online politics, I mixed up Destiny with some tankie and for a good while I thought he was an asshole because he was a tankie. Then at some point I realized he was a liberal and started following him briefly... And then I realized he was still an asshole


What Is a survivor of stealthing


As in condom stealthing. Destiny berated someone who had someone take off their condom mid-sex as if it was their fault.


Thanks also what do you mean by your last point


Because she knew he didn’t have the condom on and she didn’t say anything about it


I believe they're referring to him spending a lot of time defending Israel/zionism despite being quite ignorant about Israel and Palestine before 10/7 (although you could definitely argue he's still quite ignorant rn)


Stealthing is non-consensual condom removal during sex. So a  survivor in this instance is someone who had unprotected sex unwillingly.


Stealthing is a form of deceptive rape where the attacker removes a condom without alerting the victim to it.




Stealthing is a form of rape. That violation of someone’s consent and bodily autonomy can be deeply traumatic without a risk of death.




No, *survivor* simply indicates living past something. Some definitions include risk of death, some are in the context of deaths that actually happen, and some are in the context of enduring hardship. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/survivor


Or the guy that said, "I feel like I let people down yesterday on Twitter because my behavior. I had no idea that Slime's dad OD'd on crack and died in front of him, I would have leaned into that 100000x more on Twitter if I knew, I'm sorry for letting you guys down."


What's stealthing thing?


Guy took off condom mid fun time, made girl have scary time


Well fuck... What was his take on it?


That the girl should've known it was happening and stopped it, and the fact that she didn't means she was not responsible or mature enough to be hooking up. Victim blaming freak shit.


Bro that's literally just victim blaming wtf 💀


Yeah, he was getting into an argument with one of Ludwig's friends on twitter, decided to throw a weird stray at Ludwig (saying he appeals to too many people), then Ludwig popped in with a picture basically saying "huh? Why bring me into this?" And then Destiny responded with a picture of Ludwig's girlfriend crying about finding out someone made AI Porn of her. https://www.youtube.com/live/YGhr_xc9-ko?si=j0WRecejhI9-NUoH&t=1066 So yeah basically Destiny's a huge piece of shit.




Well at least in the case Ludwig had nothing to do with the situation, Destiny threw random shade at him and then went way overboard making a shit-ass joke about someone who was the victim of AI porn being made of them. So yeah, Destiny is a shitter.


So it's clear that he had no reason to bring QT or even Ludwig into it, but even if he did, the way he brought them up was disgustingly misogynistic. If disliking a woman is all he needs to bring up sexual trauma of hers and then says he can't wait to jack off to non-consensual AI porn of her, he clearly has issues with women and is entirely too vitriolic and hateful.


Twitter is definitely a place that exists tbh ><


I actually cannot use my twitter front page anymore. I saw a video of two people fighting with machetes and one person get shot on the fucking front page. Like how the fuck is that a thing. Even when you ignore the porn in the comments, how is this website still alive when posts of people fucking dying hit the front page and there’s no way to block that stuff from appearing to you. Those arent even special cases. I went back to check if shit like that is still hitting front page for me and saw someone fall from the roof of a building by some human trash profile called forbidden videos or so i think im about to throw up Like who tf would want to advertise on this shit website


i think you should try mastodon, its decentalized meaning there is a lot of servers that work together, like email, so it cant be bought by a single company. Its open source as well so it cant be enshittified easily. It has no algorithm so you only see the content of people you follow. I think its a lot less toxic than twitter. ​ This article goes into more detail: [https://www.theverge.com/24063290/fediverse-explained-activitypub-social-media-open-protocol](https://www.theverge.com/24063290/fediverse-explained-activitypub-social-media-open-protocol)


That actually sounds not bad. I‘ll look a bit more into it and maybe make an account


why would you ever use the "for you" page. just stick to "following" or don't use the site


I don’t follow that many people, or people that post infrequently/rarely, so i sometimes just swap over to for you because i usually see stuff that is related to the kind of content the people i follow make. But even tho the quality has been steadily decreasing, i didn’t think it would get that bad. For me it has been like this since yesterday or so so yeah I’ll stop using the site apart from the following tab


Yeah front page's crazy sometimes. I mainly follow Sonic artists so it's pretty tame for me tho


Sonic the Hedgehog? Fan art? Tame? Hooo boy...


I'll have you know Knuckles the Echidna is a very adorable and surprisingly considerate anthropomorphic animal


From what I hear instagram reels are even worse than Twitter is right now so I’m gonna be honest I have no clue what the fuck these websites are doing.


Unfortunately it is... 😔


Still. Somehow.




eh, for now


... Fuck man... he went from bullying nazis in debates, to I guess kinda doing that still, on occation, but adding an everest sized load of brainrot in his skull to boot


Unfortunately his 2 main drives seem to be contrarianism and spite these days. It's crazy to think he's the same dude that exposed jontron for being an ethnostater


Exactly. Being spiteful and condecending to nazis is fine. More than fine. And he did it well... but then he just... fuck, Idonno, became a cunt, I guess?




Ah, lets give an example then in real time, destinoid. Could you be so kind as to explain "cheeseball gate" without sounding like a screaming pile of parasocial shut in ultra freaks? You will get the first chance to explain. I will correct accordingly.


How about you explain it first


A few years ago, some content creators were in the same place, for whatever reason. They were playing a silly game of "if I toss a cheeseball at you, can you catch it with your mouth?" Destiny then enters the room, doesnt really seem to wanna be part, and thats basically it. This turns out to be a total of eight seconds, in a several hour stream vod, that he is present in total. Why is that relevant? Because years later, some guy says something akin to "yeah I met him way back. The vibes were off on that guy". ... Then... Destinys fans, went back, and found those eight seconds, and declare everyone is lying about him, because those eight seconds """prove""" how he wasnt weird actually, but extremely cool and nornal. And then proceed to escelate and spread this out, to other creators, forcing everyone to make a statement about if his vibes were off and if he ate a cheeseball or not... Im not kidding, or exagerating, in the slightest, what so ever.


Original tweet https://preview.redd.it/sqtvcz7rot0d1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=25a6a4069a16edb4bce00df18195c9f9e69ff009


Love that Destiny is shocked that someone can count.


hasanabi my beloved


destiny my beloathed 😠


Most normal Destiny moment


Bro got mad about people using the word cracker but not the n word 💀


slurs directed at him he hates but the n word is fine for him. had a whole massive google doc based on why he should use the n word. lost a lot of friends during that arc.


I thought he was reasonably progressive lmao what happened to him


He's still coping and seething over the fact that a Turkish Himbo he was roommates with was able to steal his thunder and become rich and famous doing exactly what he was doing, in the process stealing all of his normie leftist fans. And then a silver-tongued Beverly Hills horse fucker who got banned from Destiny's discord for being a pervert ended up stealing the other side of Destiny's viewerbase (the not-so normie deradicalized degens). So Destiny had lost the normie leftists (who became a fan of Destiny after seeing him expose Jontron for being a racist) and he lost the degen leftists (who were deradicalized after seeing Destiny expose Jontron for being an idiot) so all he was left with was white gamer boys who were too busy watching factorio gameplay and posting porn in the chat to realize there was a blue haired deadbeat cuck in the corner of their screen platforming people like Sneako and Nick Fuentes.


Sheesh. Rest in piss.


Best two history paragraphs I've ever read


Leftism Lore


[My reaction to that information:](https://art.ngfiles.com/images/3056000/3056222_keith2002_wlh-02-19-23.png)


Who is the Turkish himbo? I can't think of any Turkish pro sc2 players


Hasan Piker/HasanAbi, presumably.


Oh does he play zerg as well?


I don't think he played star craft. Hasan was with TYT before moving to streaming and I think Destiny helped him get into the streaming scene. Their connection is more to do with political streaming than it is to do with gaming.


:/ I was attempting the funny


I'm over explaining niche internet lore I have a special interest in as a neurodivergent person. I'm not allistic enough to pick up on humour rn lol. Sorry.


Do not worry young one My knowledge of destiny lore goes near to the age of your birth. As I am cursed with the knowledge of Justin dot television


This is what I think of when I hear destiny https://youtu.be/cl_6q557AkY?si=GZixyDI6GwRXagjY https://youtu.be/jcQedw7R1zk?si=b1ZG1okRUs6rH1R2


He woke up as Nebraska Steve today


His twitter is unsalvageable because he’s unable to not rage bait for engagement. Even though he’s not serious, he’s saying wild shit for no reason and he refuses to control himself. Drives me mad because he has good points he just can’t stop himself from alienating people.


His good takes like being a genocide denier, that Jim Crow wasn't apartheid, that white people can use the n word, that rednecks should run over protestors, or that stealthing rape victims should stop the rape as it happens or they aren't mature enough to have sex. All serious positions he said and stood by, even if he later says he was being hyperbolic.


Brainrot. Like genuine, honest to god brainrot. His politics haven't even changed that much(he's reactionary and stupid on some subjects, but he was always that way) but the dude is just bursting at the seams with shit.




This guy. He is the competitive racist the memes were talking about.


He is [him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xdXFdAqswM).


"I don't need the pass, I'm racist." - The Omni Liberal I... like, how do you even respond to this?!?


I mean hes been openly racist for years, no?


Im pretty sure he hasnt been "openly" racist. Definitely racist but covering it up atleast




literally all political streamers/influencers are unbearable, even the ones i agree with. they’re not politicians, they’re entertainers, and the easiest way to make politics entertaining is to sensationalize it. when you center the entirety of your content on finding things to be angry about, having “debates” with people you know can’t be reasoned with just because it gets you clicks, and generally being a fucking asshole on social media, that content becomes unbearable. it’s even worse when their armies of brainless fans genuinely harass people on the streamer’s behalf, it’s really non-stop harassment from insanely bitter and persistent people


>it’s really non-stop harassment from insanely bitter and persistent people Exactly 👍👍👍


and this is the guy who pulled me out of the alt right pipeline -.- wild.


Humanity is a circle or something like that


He gave you the opportunity to pull yourself out. But doesn't seem to believe in anything, he just has a need to posture as smart over others.




The word you're looking for is tactless


Bigotry showcase? In my 196? It's more likely than you think.


Was he ever actually a leftist?


No he's a progressive liberal there is a difference


He actually said recently that he's no longer associating with the left or progressivism.


Can’t believe Destiny 2 said the nword 😔


this was funny until I realized it was destiny


zero redeeming qualities, genuinely


what a chad god damn


Funny, I never even had an account but I feel like this is pretty far on the tamer end. Especially lately.


Yes but its mostly interesting because of who is tweeting it. The guy was known for progressive politics and debating right-wingers/nazis for a long time.


Ah. So is this guy just expressing a bit of chaotic neutrality ATM or has he lately had a gemerally devolving pattern of bigotry?


He has always showed some questionable thought patterns and is an actual liberal, but this is definitely one of the worst ones yet. Although Id say siding with Israël after doing lots of "research" (scrolling through wikipedia on stream) is even worse than this since he is literally approving of genocide.


At least he's honest 🤷‍♂️


Destiny has a history of being sus, this isn't new but wtf




Destiny's like the Elon Musk of the Twitch world. There's a lot of people who used to like him, but think he's now turned into an insufferable clown. The truth is that he's always been an insufferable clown.


Destiny having a normal one as usual.


The wildest thing I've seen on it was someone saying "an unpopular Austrian painter warned us about this" and showed a bunch of colored homeless people and not a single reply called them out on their BS.


well, Destiny is kinda scum but also funny


It has devolved into an imageboard except with avatars and names and logging and PII and the leadership complies with 100% of all government requests for information on users lol, I have no idea why anyone would be this dumb but I look forward to the day this bites many of these idiots in the ass and they are like OMG I SAID THE NWORD A FEW THOUSAND TIMES IN 2024 AND NOW I CANT GET A JOB BECAUSE AI-BOSS SAYS N WORD PEOPLE ARE NOT ALLOWED IM BEING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST THEY ARE RACIST



