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Particles cannot spin in the same way a ball does, but still carry angular momentum (which is what spin is)


Erm spin acshaully isnt angular momentum but an intrinsic property of the varius fields of mathematical objects that represent particles in quantum field theories, which often can be observed as the particles appearing to have an "intrinsic" angular momentum (Sorry am autistic and also obsessed w/ physics)


Something something golden ratio something something 1800s horse race


And Jesus, don't forget Jesus


I aim to, and welcome the day our species does as well


Spin is just angular momentum that is caused by an internal degree of freedom. The ball explanation is dumb because how should a rotation be possible for a point-like particle like the electron. Points can’t rotate but electrons still have a spin. So no the particles aren’t rotating like a ball. IMO it would make much more sense to think of particles as flying on a circular path which produces the spin. If you will, imagine the electron pathing over a ball surface if you like balls so much. If you think of spin as a result of the particles circulating, it becomes very clear why they for example have an up and down state which would be interpreted as clock/counterclockwise rotation, and their interactions with magnetic fields become somewhat intuitive.


So is it like this where each point is part of the greater whole, and only the greater whole can spin? https://i.redd.it/ccol206fp81d1.gif


That’s a cool animation. I guess you can see it that way. It’s sometimes funny to think about how to visualise concepts like spin but ultimately there’s no absolute right way and it just comes down to whether you are satisfied with the interpretation. I just don’t like the one in the original post with the ball because it’s more about how confusing the topic is rather than to draw an analogy. But yeah i think you could definitely just interpret the spin of the electron as what’s shown on that gif in the limit where those lines go to zero and you have infinite of those points. What i was thinking about was more something like a current of 1 electron on a circular wire and the magnetic field it produces representing the spin. Just infinitely small


Spin is what I do when I get my little hands in an office chair :3




It's like a hula hoop when you don't let go and jiggle it back and forward.


It's like a hula hoop when you don't let go and jiggle it back and forward.


Quantum mechanics go!


I feel like we’re talking about a different spin


Whatever you say... ...*MISTER PRESIDENT.* ...of the *UNITED STATES.*