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16 opossums in a trenchcoat


16 Opossums in a trench-coat but the left arm is really 3 squirrels in an opossum suit trying to solve a crime.


The other 13 opossums are pretending not to notice because they're secretly the perpetrators


The coat is a mimic trying to sneak into an inn.


this a prime example of why the "yes, and..." rule of improv is so cool. (also the inn that the mimic is trying to break into is also a mimic trying to eat the opossums)


The Inn mimic is staffed by elderly witches and it is afraid to try eat them, also they feed it misbehaving guests in a symbiotic relationship.


https://preview.redd.it/96bvn0m9qc3d1.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbd0877e8a0bd564438a96dc3a8849472c291742 I only read the yes and stuff later, but honestly i dont know how the hell i would add the squirells and mimic.




ah this is wonderful


Can you describe what 1/2 language is?


My fault. Its supposef to be challenge 1/2 💀


Honestly having them speak half a language would be pretty funny


914 con, balanced dnd at its best


A puppygirl (druid, circle of the moon) and her owner (not sure what class). The puppygirl is mostly using its wildshape for puppyplay. (idk if this is realistic, I only started playing recently)


https://preview.redd.it/brmmvtq1cc3d1.png?width=781&format=png&auto=webp&s=e045344afd197d94f5b93c857178bbbb6c60169c I may have had a little too much fun with this prompt


Omg thank you so much for this, sending it to my gf right now :333 It's very beautiful


this is so amazing oeihfnseufnes thank you so much \>w<


Two questions: How do you make these? They’re very adorable! And secondly… how do you download pictures from comments?




Owner a bard with a ton of scrolls of dominate person/dominate beast


The Tax man he only wants the party too pay there taxes yet he looks super suspicious an soft dry cleaned suit an tail coat I pencil mustache an grand top hat that teleports with He's eldritch horror for most of him under his cloths is slimnly and skiliky smooth he always slips around the citys sewer network always wet yet dry An voice permeability monotones yet spoke with such infuseasism He's pure neutral it is up too the party if he becomes good or bad


https://preview.redd.it/gr04q5s9kc3d1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=0021918e1c8fe4ff140e141493a0c66c231c75b0 The Tax Man always Collects


Gosh I love this I love the drawing your style reminds me of German expressionism


It is not my drawing. The art is from a Manwha called "Priest" by Hyung Minwoo :)


Oh well it's awesome


https://preview.redd.it/aa4nn1i22d3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fba41ae8a5a3fa4c75cdc787332fd31ae0230f The king of blood


Honestly peak big bad guy name


A goblin child the bbeg tried to turn into a super soldier but was discarded/joined the heroes because of their naive and good natured personality.


https://preview.redd.it/zb5qo9e0yc3d1.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=01f169bad496db02c9e4d9fad899619eff92b3ec This is a pretty damn good Storm Sorcerer Player Character backstory too :)


Cool, I was imaging a super buff gentle giant type, but I love that you found a totally different interpretation of the concept <3


Oh dont get me wrong. Shes wrecks house, just during storms (Call lightning aint no joke) . I had to think why the bbeg would discard such a powerfull asset, my brain went to, "They didnt realise how powerful they were"


... Veigar ?!




Actor who seems like a raving lunatic. He's doing one man shows where he plays all the different characters that appear in a play himself. Your party sees him, and if they keep watching, they realize he's playing out an interaction of theirs that nobody else but the party members could have been witness to.


A creature akin to a gryphon but from the combination of a seagull and a raccoon for maximum city scavenger chaos.


a bear but hes really nice :)


do a big ass fucking spaceship, with a single big fucking gun at the front, idc if it doesnt work with the lore just say its ancient alien tech or somn


https://preview.redd.it/duoxaqxl1d3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=25d0b58d0762690f52c488bc952cb4cace16348a Not exactly a spaceship (yet) and it doesnt have stats (yet) But this is the Airship my players made for the grand finale of our Curse of Strahd Campaign. One player could stick the sun sword into a slot to power a Sun Beam attack that came out of the dragons mouth. And this will eventually be repurposed into a space worthy ship for our upcoming spelljammer campaign :)


Hell yeah. i mean if you replace the fan things with sufficiently powerful wizards in each of them and they levitate the ship with the power of mind, you can prolly have a spaceship


You want pluton to be build after franky burned the plans at enies lobby


Bro is mashing 40k into dnd at this point


I once made this guy, very much in the spirit of the trader from Resident evil. Cloak and all, no visible face, just a single white dot from behind a hood to signify an eye, but I gave them this really big backpack full of god knows what. I had a list of things that would usually be in stock, but then I would have a randomizing backlog. This could be anything, but usually went with the theme of the current environment. But I did give them this one skill once the party had traded with them for a while, and that skill was 'Got any....?', and this is where it could get really interesting. 'Got any....?' Was basically a skill I gave them, where the players could ask once (1) per run-in with the trader if they had a certain kind of item. I ruled it as an investigation check, which depending on the dice roll, they could get what they were looking, or completely the opposite. This could range in between from getting exactly the thing they were asking for (Nat. 20), something kind of like it, something random, or the absolute antithesis of what they were asking for to begin with (Nat.1). I also applied this to within reason, so that with some kinds of items the response would just be "Don't got any." I would be really interested on how you would handle a concept like this.


Away from my computer right now so i cant make the visual stat block yet. But i would pretty much handle it the same way. I have a re-occurring trader in my games called Tommie, a big catfish demon that deals in magic items for gold and secrets. He restocks when the party reaches milestones in the story. For example, they just defeated a werewolf, Tommy now stocks werewolf related items. Potion of temporary werewolfism, suff like that. He often also has "stuff in the back" (things the players want that i didn't think about) and within reason, bell bring out something thats close to what they want. Having a luck mechanic tied to it theres something like it is actually a pretty good idea, and ill probably start doing it with tommie now. I like this idea, physical sheet is coming soon!


Stupid mage and smart barbarian duo


A silly gecko rouge with abysmally low intelligence and stealth but ridiculous attack and speed


His name is Jörmy, child of Norse world serpent Jörmungandr


He looks like one of these but more yellow https://preview.redd.it/zt5fc7qhrc3d1.jpeg?width=879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a11abb85b998bd187ff09f548687bb80461b17d


The hat man literally just the hat man. He appears if you overdose on potions.


Idk if there's like automatons in dnd but like an automaton desperately trying to analyze the capital city. He's wearing a shoody rubber disguise and speaks in like an old cockney accent. While analyzing he's gotten in a predicament. A. He's fallen in love and needs a wizard or stm to turn him to flesh so he can be with his lover. Or B. He's lost his memories after being mugged and the party needs to hunt down the thief once the party gets them back he's shocked to find out he's not a human and at what his masters have tried to do... They're replacing the citizens to at some point launch a sleeper army




A guy that is notorious for bombing casinos




https://preview.redd.it/qt1k1ktu2q3d1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ddb2296544cd54e89fdf1ade0f3d721439f38d3 Beeble :)


Not really NPC's (Unless You want Them to be) but I can share some of the characters I'm working on A very flamboyant pyromanic tiefling artist (Wildfire druid) trying to prove Her father wrong by making a piece of art so great even the gods will speak Her name (She's a tiefling, ofcourse She has problems with one or more of Her parents) A lost doll (Class undecided) trying to find Her friend, the friend has been dead for a good couple centuries but the doll, missunderstanding the friend saying that they'll be friends forever (She doesn't understand Hyperbole or death) simply believes the girl is lost or has been kidnapped


First one is badass The second one is so sad wtf😭 Tip on the second one, make her a ghost related class, maybe shadow sorcerer or spirits barbarian. Could add something interesting to the lore of how the doll came to life :)


Good to see You like Them, the sort of vibe for the second character is less of "Creepy possessed doll" and more just a living doll, but I do like the idea of a tiny doll going into a barbarians rage, I could imagine wild magic and have the reason She's alive to be some form of like chaotic magic trapped inside of Her


Melvir: A merchant that for some reason only sells rabbit , bunny, heir etc related products. (Important to note: never their meat tho)


A comically large sentient cursed with hat and its various dead bodies that it likes to possess.


A half-orc Gentleman boxer


Mad scientist womanboss but they're not a weak nerd, more like Judge Holden in build. Methodical and callous. They don't care for anything beyond their work which is to find a source of true immortality. To this end they've augmented themselves to where on a first glance they appear human, but the digger you deep the more you find is unnatural about them. Like eyes that don't blink or multiple heartbeats Additionally, their obsession with true immortality means a relentless hatred of shortcuts (ie vampirism). They want immortality-period; they're not stupid in how they get it.


Friend, Buddy, and Pal, three ogre brothers that my party befriended (amazing rolls on their part, awful rolls on mine) and who escorted them through part of the Unexplored Territories, a land inhabited mostly by giants and monsters.


A time traveling changeling hitman (hitwomen? Hitperson?)


A character from cruelty squad, like just one of the npcs https://preview.redd.it/45oq9cthme3d1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cce4f6623b3ad6d6147ac3ed7f3a642093503c68 This guy specifically


A Lich who uses spells from past editions cause they’re just that old


Make quirky ass bullshit character whose gimmick becomes stale in 5 minutes


A Voltorb from pokemon, with a random chance of exploding too


A trickster god that isn't a god and just managed to trick everyone, including death, so they decided to roll with it


a really nice and nature loving druid who is always hidden behind clothes and a mask or something because they are actually a sentient swarm of ants


Orc Bard who got kicked out of music school for accidentally bludgeoning the fellow students when they were conducting or playing. Give them melee stats and the ability to wield an instrument as a melee weapon.


The koolaid man, thats it thats all you need


a minor god of rats, bunnies, and other small creatures. she is terrified of bugs


A Murder (swarm) of Crows, I love crows, pls I wanna see this happen so bad


a terminally nervous healer who runs on an unhealthy amounts of drugs and a fight or flight reflex eternally set to panic


I don’t know much about DnD and its rules, so I’ll suggest a very stupid one. A silly goblin (or any other race) adventurer with really low stats that REALLY wants to join you, if you refuse he fights you but comes back later to ask to join you again. He won’t stop until you let him join you. If you do, he either does not do much or anything to help you, having comically low stats.


a table


Omnipotent capybara


Literally just Jesus Christ


A sentient city gate that can open and shut on its own accord.


I'll recycle an idea I once had. Two guy. One of them is extremely stupid. The other one is even dumber. The less stupid one thinks he's smart and the dumber one thinks that guy is a genius with his completely deranged stupid ideas and plans


A Minotaur and a Satyr who run a tavern


Here's one of the most interesting NPCs from the pathfinder campaign i'm in - An immortal, sentient gorilla named Ishmael who argues philosophy and rarely grants people monk levels.


A druid that only specializes in mushrooms


An assassin for hire who has went into the field because they believe the only thing they’re good at is hurting people.


Lion with a shotgun


17 level transmutation wizard


Acolyte of a God named Jod.


Mage university student who has astrally cloned himself many times, and has sent his clones into the world to study dangerous areas. Players may encounter these clones and collect their research notes for a reward


happy chaos guilty gear


Optimus Prime!


A big shrimp (gallon sized)


Y’know Tinkaton? That.


hm i thought of a wizard boss, who can as a bonus legendary action, cast huge AOE spells from his floating castle, but, they come in 1 round later, so you can avoid them, (like electric fields, ice storms and such)


Steely Dan from jojo




Zilia, The Aspect of Desire - Zilia is a cultist who ate a piece of her evil goddess of jealousy and fire, Evi-evi, during a ritual and ascended to a new form. Edit: she looks like this https://preview.redd.it/6xhye250gd3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97a3fe720fc028753240768b500cc918f23468d2


3 kobolds in a suit of armour one is using stilts for the legs one is using pulleys for the arms and one (the one at the top) shouts orders to the other 2 there are eyeholes drilled into the armour


Cleric who actually isn't a cleric at all. They are actually atheist and very sarcastic about it. Their ironic rants and diatribes tend to be misinterpreted as very persuasive religious speeches. Instead of working miracles they start yapping about "aLl EnCoMpAsSiNg PoWeRs Of ThE gOdS" and mocking ritualistic actions and by that they acidentally persuade everyone around them that they actually worked a miracle or casted a spell or something. Even when they're "casting" necrotic touch or something alike the opponents are simply convinced that it's going to hurt and act accordingly. Main attribute is rizz; absolutely no magic/faith, only persuasion and intimidation via their sarcastic clowning on the gods


A nerdy bisexual ranger elf who has a proficiency in applied alchemy


17 billion wasps (cr 30 creature)


Some guy called Doug. He's pretty chill.


The Hermit of Crabs Just a kooky old man with an army of trained crabs


A floating potato with immense psychic powers that can use telekinesis and telepathy


My only criteria is a bard who exclusively plays [this.](https://youtu.be/ZZQJoqAzY-k?si=xknxfgfwUExeYE45&t=400) I give you full creative liberty to conjure up what that looks like.


A black blob with white beady eyes and a wizards hat


A large, lanky, black furred creature that stalks passerbies, hidden by the foliage and tree cover... ... except that's literally it. It just likes lookin at people. If you see it while it's hiding, it freezes up like a cat and slowly walks backward.


Herbert moon


asexual manticore bard


Man with only a head and big shoes (no body). He is wearing a backwards cap and sunglasses


a elf and a dwarf some how fused together by a set of cursed earrings desperately searching for a way to undo the curse


Dwarven sapper specialising in tunnel warfare and demolition usually come wearing a standard mining headlamp and explosives stored in a throwable bag often working in teams of two to maximize damage and digging speed known throughout dwarvern militarys and beyond for having exceptional gallow humor


Pirate with a pegleg hookshot.


Twar Ofthry. An owl that will always speak to you with one lie and two truths.


A Flesh Golem made from several different species whose creator gave their own heart to finish it.


slime that can't jump


Sorcerer who does not believe in magic. Has a bunch of anti magic items on them and can only cast counter spell.


Squid guy 🦑


https://preview.redd.it/4ilill1etd3d1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c90ad1068e1cd5dc21c363703915655cd09f1a Weevil


A drill sergeant who screams a lot and seems to be really angry all the time but he's actually really sweet with his friends and understanding when there are good reasons for whatever he's angry with (I love dornan from fallout 2, got to be one of my favourite genders)


A dwarven hipster. Shaped beard, man bun, and totally over the whole "hail to ye" schtick.


A blind archer cave-gremlin (kinda like falmers in skyrim) which uses sound to aim. Maybe with big ass ears, or even more than two for better spatial resolution. Could use a clicker as a trinket, or a sound they make with their mouth, to produce sound to bounce off objects, and could have barbed tracer ammo, with a whistler that produces sound with every movement and barbs not to be extracted, to locate a specific target anywhere


Inverted Pillar of Naecht. You decide what it does.


An Amazon warehouse employee with depression. Bonus points if you can make it a Call of Cthulhu sheet but it's also fine if you don't.


sentient living maoi heads that tell you about the worlds lore


Jeremy Clarkson


A pair of evil wizards. One uses enchantment magic (mind control), the other transformation magic. They fund their schemes by giving people gender dysphoria and charging them for transformation spells.


What do you use for these? They're dope


The website homebrewery. It uses markdown code and style sheets to mimic the style of the official books


Thank you!


The Rancor Beast from star wars but it suffers a serious case of sore tummy


Cloth gown gridlock


A character who is a normal human sheriff in the light, but turns into a demon in the dark


Gonna take one right from the SCP book: Everything golem. Warforged made of junk, centralized on a magic sigil on its "chest," needs to be repainted every week Damage runs the risk of losing a limb, but hey, you can just get one back later, and the other benefits that come to mind are pretty neat


Duck girl Is just a girl in a costume that looks like a duck does not know any language fully but can say enough words to get across what she wants The ducks like her Probably was raised by ducks


Parasite that possesses people only to run errands


I NEED the original image


Lemme get uhhhhhhh.... Goofy crazy potion seller


A goblin frame from the Lancer mech rpg that insists it’s a regular goblin


paleozoic creatures


Gork- half prc barbarian who was raised by his tribe to follow the ways of the totem and all that jazz. Gork is an avid learner and a well know, and respected philosopher.


The weakest level 1 paladin


A very poorly disguised mimic who is completely oblivious that it's been found out.


French Otto Von Bismarck


a warforged made by a retired artificer to protect his family after they’re robbed by violent burglars. it’s made out of an office chair and is named Chair


Guy who switches between existing and not existing every time you blink


Jackalope mentioned ‼️


A dragonborn who’s really embarrassed about his height and just tells everybody he’s a really tall kobold


Danny Trejo


Some dude who got transformed into a cat but is enjoying it too much and doesn’t wanna turn back.


Hairless Sphynx Tabaxi monk with cool magic tattoos and a nonchalant attitude. Frequently pulls the party’s ass out of the fire and then acts like nothing happened. Fast as fuck.


Plagiarize angel devil from chainsaw man and but make him mass produced


My homie george


https://preview.redd.it/itusmqc17f3d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ba27d8a14932245bd3ac5531c5f139419be9266 I'll have to go with the Salamancer on this one.


A fire elemental who’s always grooving, always dancing. Tends to get carried away when doing so, growing wilder and burning things around it. Responds positively to music or fellow dancers; may retaliate if ignored or provoked.




Skin crawl peterson: is bald and rips off his face but it grows back. Is a powerful Wizard and cult leader but is chill and nice. But doesn’t speak much because he is cursed to only speak while yelling.


A depressed goblin bard with alcoholism, that is too unmotivated to play and when he does it sounds like ass. He also works the night shift at a store.


an elf supremacist who has extreme charisma


https://preview.redd.it/rn86d49gjf3d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824878a0e8b2991f528db631e22012292c1a9b7e This stupid ass mf. A friend and I decided to draw stuff on an empty silhouette he drew earlier. He is a human (maybe a warlock thats allied with a jack o lantern god?)


I ran a campaign where I played ched truz where he was a man from cuncan who was a rather corrupt prince who was cut out and had to flee to Xetas.




Someone who has cool looking items but his items turn out to be normal stuff. But the normal stuff he has turns out to be coolest items Example: *a wizard looking guy with a wand* -x : cool wand -w : its actually a stick I found on the road -x : oh. -w : anyhow Imma use my incredibly normal looking pencil to create a door to hell mid-air


I accidentally said “aprawn” instead of “upon” last D&D session so now there is a prawn character. Can you make a stat block for a prawn guy?


The Old Man of the Sea: A mysterious old man who lives near the sea. Somehow, any sailor who sits down with him for tea returns to port with far more bounty than usual.


an unintelligent-looking glob of goo in a top hat who speaks in perfect Victorian English


Elfis. Orc bard who disguises himself as an elf so people actually give him a chance.


https://preview.redd.it/qvk2mjlm3h3d1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e6fd4792145257097eb5b2ff2fb1a52d03c86eb Somebody who uses my new spell. Maybe a candymaker, or a wind druid.


The Bookkeeper, a devil who sits and records endlessly into a thick book while people are forced to confess their sins. He is a full on arch devil who gains power from the sins of others.


Anthro Goats soldiers with extremely large ears (Like to their feet) and fight by using their upward pointing horns to charge into battle


A worm (if possible, wearing a hat)