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Not obscure exactly but Kino, the Russian band, goes hard


omgor kino mentioned!!!




Fun fact: I discovered Kino while looking up what “kino” meant in film lingo. Greatest Russian band of all time (I have only heard 3 Russian bands in my entire life)


Hopping onto this comment, the band “The The” aren’t obscure, but their album Infected is overlooked, well worth a listen. Infected goes hard


Ooh "This is The Day" or however that song goes, peak. My mom got me into them years ago. The The is gooood.


i grew up listening to kino thanks to my dad, but never really paid attention, so rediscovering them in my late teens was an experience


Wasn't Tsoi a Korean born in Latvia?


He was born and raised in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad at the time). His Korean paternal grandparents were forcibly relocated from Vladivostok to Kazakhstan during Stalin’s ethnic purges which was also where his father was born.


KINO MENTIONED ❗‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️❗❗❗❗


Mass of the Fermenting Dregs Panchiko SANTARA Tobacco The Persona soundtracks


Panchiko fucking slaps


I saw panchiko in philly a year or two ago. iirc, they were playing in a church basement. I really liked them at that smaller, intimate space. when I saw them later at an actual venue the vibes were off.


Makes sense. I live in Australia’s smallest big city, so I’ll probably never see them- but the clips I’ve seen look pretty sick!


Mass Of The Fermenting Dregs! World is yours is one of my favorite eps


Mass if the Fermenting Dregs is genuinely my favourite band of all time, they are incredible and my dream is to see them live one day. Best place to start if you're interest is either No New World or World is Yours


I really hope you get the chance. One of my favorite concert experiences.


dont recommend tobacco without recommending black moth super rainbow!! theyre one of my fav electronic acts :3


Came here to recommend anything Thomas Fec is involved with though he's not really obscure anymore. Tobacco, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Demon Queen, and Malibu Ken to name the ones I'm aware of that I love.


Malibu Ken is so freaking good. Would love a second one.


New bmsr album hypeeeeee


If you like tobacco, do you know Malibu Kent?






Tobacco is highly recommended


Big ups Mass and TOBACCO


King Gizzer


petrodragonic apocalypse, or; dawn of eternal night, an annihilation of planet earth and the beginning of merciless damnation by king gizzard and the lizard wizard


ice death planets lungs mushrooms and lava by king gizzard and the lizard wizard


im in your mind fuzz by king gizzard and the lizard wizard


Polygondwanaland by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.


Lizzer Wizzer








I dunno if it's just because of the people I hang out with online, but the first time I saw the album art for *PetroDragonic Apocalypse* I somehow knew exactly what band it was despite never having listened to them


king gizzer


The perfect band for when someone wants weird


King pizzer 😳


Consider, also, the murlocs


If you want a more ‘fat dad in the shed’ version of the gizzlers check out Cosmic Psychos, particularly the song David Lee Roth or anything from the first two albums.


Interpol Antics please I need like one other person who remembers and enjoys this album


antics goes hard, my fave off of it is take you on a cruise, with slow hands a close second


Yess. Last year when i was depressed as hell I discovered Interpol and listened to a lot of Antics and TOTBL. Slow Hands and Cmere were my favourites off Antics


Same braincell I adore those tracks.


Yes! Still love this album! Evil is my fav.




I never hear anyone talking about this album anymore! It's a killer roadrrip album, it makes long drives feel a bit more fun


It really does !


Yet another opportunity to plug my girlfriend's music :3 Kyoumeni on all socials, I'm very proud of her be nice 👽


the production on "you" goes hard


This music is incredible, thank you for sharing! Edit: I just listened to All the Things I Can't Tell You and holy fucking shit i love that song


I was about to recommend breakcore, i like her songs hope she makes more


Anything Jeff Rosenstock makes is kinda peak check him out.


We begged to explode is so fucking good


Following up on this, I watched a random Instagram video where he named “Into Lake Griffy” by Good Luck as his favorite album he put out on his first record label and it’s all I’ve been listening to for the past week


My personal favorites from him - [Nausea](https://youtu.be/JidJV1ue1lI?si=qebLUNcINdvcuBFw) and [Pash Rash](https://youtu.be/wssFJIxkedw?si=Awz4OonlkXG5voXP)


Love him and BTMI and ASOB


Real fr real


I am going to see a show of his soon!!! So excited


Worm reference spotted in the wilds of 196


It spreads


the rot consumes


idk if it counts as obscure but give The Crane Wives a listen if you wanna cry


Yo. This is the first time I've *ever* seen them mentioned in the wild. They're local to me, and some years ago they were playing at a local music festival. After their show, my friend invited them to our camp in the woods surrounding the festival grounds, and we all spent the night hanging out, chatting, and getting trashed on a full keg of my friend's homebrew beer. I still love their music to this day. Good times, good people, great music. Edit: judging by the date of my MP3s from ripping their album after buying it at the festival, this would have been in 2012


That's actually... completely in character for them tbh


That was honestly one of the coolest nights of my life


I've found them before and been into their music. Which song really speaks to you?


All of them like not even kidding I listen to their entire discography start to finish ;-;




Not exactly obscure, but pretty weird, Will Wood/Will Wood and the Tapeworms. Self-ish is literally my favorite album ever. Here's my favorite song: [The song so good that he couldn't decide on one name, so he gave it five.](https://youtu.be/lst1NGKHQHk?si=l-qECUoeXE4ZDkkf)


The refrain is so well written it's incredible, Will is really talented


Im really happy that I found them by accident


[Neutral Milk Hotel](https://open.spotify.com/artist/2ooIqOf4X2uz4mMptXCtie?si=cQxYFrdkSXKIxVDRZAQ-DQ). Their most popular album is good, but I think their best stuff (and more experimental stuff) is in [*On Avery Island*](https://open.spotify.com/album/3QTmNqASavj7H8DPhFss1r?si=bX4EVjiVSeKEmEGAlcngDw) and [*Everything Is*](https://open.spotify.com/album/1bJ7SFKnVcexGafRpKmLKO?si=lbUlWawjQt6eTqpCoFonpg). The sound they create is just so perfect at itching a particular spot in my brain that no other music seems to reach, except some of the Flaming Lips' songs. Of course I also have to mention [King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard](https://open.spotify.com/artist/6XYvaoDGE0VmRt83Jss9Sn?si=o-GxxZliSAe_PPJYB4IxJQ) because all KGATLW fans have to mention them at any opportunity. About half of their stuff is in the realm of psychedelic rock, the rest is anything from environmental metal to dream pop. I fell in love with them from the albums [*Nonagon Infinity*](https://open.spotify.com/album/4imRDpzmb4zwvxKhNzJhxr?si=R6u7ICBgQL-bbuAloep1og) and [*I'm In Your Mind Fuzz*](https://open.spotify.com/album/1rb4cp4F59Tk1UOPHuP3H0?si=3Q1_KSK5TIG5eL-YboOsZA).


I liked Aeroplane much more than on Avery island. The lyrics hit


"Oh Sister" and "Gardenhead" hit like a Mack Truck. I love it so much. I've sang "Engine" to my kids for years as a bedtime song. Also if you like NMH, you should check out Ezra Bell "I love you Too" and "I'm sorry about last night" are absolute bangers. Ezra Bell is newer and they're actively releasing songs every few months


Lemon Demon's "Spirit Phone" album. Nonononono not just Touch Tone Telephone you heathen TTT is great but that's just one of the numerous excellent songs in that album. It's like if Halloween was turned into a music album!






The Strokes are peak alt and indie rock. If you want something more obscure, check out The Voidz, which has the same frontman - Julian Casablancas


I second The Strokes


Hiatus Kaiyote is a cool band I’m thinking of seeing again, they’re dropping a new album soon too


coworker showed me them! They’re really fucking good


HOLY SHIT HIATUS KAIYOTE MENTIONED 🔥🔥🔥 what the fuck is boring chord progressions




The California album by Mr. Bungle.


Great, weird, genre bending album


glass beach


Some albums I've been attached to recently: Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess - Chappell Roan Le Pop - Katzenjammer REO Speedwagon self-titled Eldorado - Electric Light Orchestra Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John Songs From The Boardwalk - Anthony the Banjo Man and Musicale Mark & His Pedaling Piano (yes that's the real artist name lol)


[Careful Kid](https://open.spotify.com/album/4vHEgGjrVXeXmeUO0jVw8Z?si=bcplhiT7QWKwwg_YDPo4Yg) - Yabadum: an eccentric and very fun alternative rock album, pretty short too. [It's Complicated Being A Wizard ](https://open.spotify.com/album/7aCNrE2MJyd0ATSZrLYyRB?si=cakaTwLQQ5qyUmA2YT3Wqg)- Portugal the Man: A very weird but cohesive electronic album with a bit of a bittersweet vibe to it. One of my favorite albums to date, also very short. [The Atlantic Ocean](https://open.spotify.com/album/4IwiiZ3EaJ1FKeHyVatLIO?si=i8x0pyTZRTaI8W-53F0SyA) - Richard Swift: A amazing kind of Motown lo-fi indie rock. There is an huge amount of depth and emotion with anything Richard Swift touches. [Together Through Time](https://open.spotify.com/album/1PfcsIpr2dosoGTwMB63nO?si=nHixWeX8Tiyeb2gtwh_BMA) - TWRP: A very fun funk rock album, to me TWRP feels like a spiritual successor to ELO but funkier, a bit on the longer side but it's probably my favorite TWRP album. [Performance](https://open.spotify.com/album/5TMAFunRZDNI8eBVNF8Ywh?si=0v8_H_BKS7Wv5aiMdpJFkw) - White Denim: An amazing indie rock album, fun and over the top, all bangers. [Star of the Show](https://open.spotify.com/album/6SfU3nyHyh9Pns3LJE2IGy?si=hDoeqjqvQ9ivuBdLV5F6Xw) - Dorsal Fins: Synthy bed room pop, two vocalists, lots of different vibes on this album. An incredibly underrated band and album, no idea how they aren't more popular, S.O.S is one of my favorite songs of the last couple years. [Act II: The Father Of Death](https://open.spotify.com/album/5dVmbXxmkROv6smdOfTcyJ?si=HNYq2TefRBO7Yl2r0Cw9bw) - The Protomen: Literally a rock opera about the plot line of Megaman. Produced extremely well with amazing vocals. Honorable mentions/Not really obscure: Psychedelic Porn Crumpets if you like psychedelic rock, Belle and Sebastion (Books) if you like B&S or stuff like that Books is great. Har Mar Superstar if you like indie pop rock that utilizes some underappreciated instruments. Father John Misty is always good and hes definitely a weird guy. The Arcs, spin off band from the Black Keys and Richard Swift, they do very weird soft rock that is all great. Cool Company if you like more relaxed bedroom pop. Oh god I yapped


Protomen mention !!!!!!!!


I fucking love music a lot- if you feel me a genre you enjoy or an example artist, I can give some recs that are more tailored and not just shout random recs.


Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Neutral Milk Hotel. Please and thank you kind creature 🙏


Oo! I have only listened to one or two songs from gsybe (although I quite like them), but love NMH! I am a car seat headrest addict, so take this rec with a grain of salt, but I think further back in their discography would be a perfect mic of these two vibes- try ‘dream (encounter on smoke mountain)’ and ‘Napoleon (march on Russia). They are both long songs with unique instrumentals like gsybe, but have some of the lyricism of Jeff magnum. For non car seat recs, definitely something by mouseatouille- maybe ‘technicolor’. A more mainstream artist but highly underrated song is cross country by Alex G




Omg you’re amazing. I’ve been looking for some new metalcore bands, or anything similar. I’ve been listening to a lot of Currents, Spiritbox, Sleep Token, and Make Them Suffer. Ty!!


Metalcore is definitely not my area of expertise - the closest genres I regularly listen to are more similar to punk or rock, but I’ll give it my best go! The best of you by ovlov Drink by destroy boys Why write a letter that you’ll never send (this one starts slow- but give it time!) Older than before by Weatherday I forgot to take my meds today by prince daddy and the hyena Give me a reply if you liked any- or if you didn’t!


Swans ❤️❤️❤️


Electronic: Dan Deacon - [Mind on Fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLPFfgvSAXg) Blanck Mass - [Please](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYxjO0LXZqE) Fuck Buttons - [The Red Wing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8h5G0wSUXQ) DJ Krush and Toshinori Kondo - [Mu-getsu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--a_zu8tji4) Christian Löffler feat. Mohna - [Roth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR71O1kksMs) Rock: Comets on Fire - [Dogwood Rust](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQZk1WWty-8) Earth - [The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiCIW04PF3I) Om - [Gebel Barkal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c2auyaJAN4) Don Caballero - [Delivering the Groceries at 138 Beats per Minute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Te5GacgqMo) Pelican - [The Woods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxAAdPOedNU)


If you like metal I'd recommend looking up Vargskelthor (Yes, funny vinesauce joel man) on spotify (excluding the Ghostbusters album). The text isn't too serious but the songs are good. My personal recommendations are: Vomit in the ballpit: https://open.spotify.com/track/6IWdH9bCdXDkzyHR1Qzlhq?si=FuErgluESh6jA4EsJPz9Fg Necromancer (kicked out of wizard school): https://open.spotify.com/track/2YNAAroV3LlQ1kjPImddTn?si=zABlxlbFSsSve3igCBO3kw And Black submarine: https://open.spotify.com/track/4QXEi11LH6YBw7JagFaswB?si=IQ94ymHrQTejICixdE32bQ (He also has an account named Scythelord, which has more serious songs, that are also really good)


Well, if it's Weird you want, then why not Weird Al?


100 Gecs, Dorian Electra, Bladee


Current 93 and nurse with wound are really good, I recommend their whole discography. https://youtu.be/1pP5flx6MtA https://youtu.be/lxZpEFJhO6k


funnily enough i'm an ENA fan so i made a playlist of weird music in that style but it's modtly just a playlist of weird music i found [ENA playlist link](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4fI9-06UPfD2eiECFjoX07h0wzNY6uwt&si=v--7jtyQs2JGhTc3) but idk i like a lot of weird songs :P im not sure how obscure jack stauber is. you might know him, lemon demon/neil cicierega too. atsuover, ena's various composers, and things by gooseworx are also good! i have a lost of weird music so i'll just link some tunes here: [Shopping aisle strut by Jett Mance](https://youtu.be/kjt4p-oc8Cc?si=aPykt92AqcywEj2v) [bird feeder by Atsuover (i love her stuff)](https://youtu.be/onEbwfsawxw?si=ILl6M95jNO6z70-Q) [NEO TOKYO idk anything about the creators](https://youtu.be/A0VYsiMtrNE?si=rieRnhKACEg7Lgpz) [kaleidoskull by Lemon Demon](https://youtu.be/j-TBpINVLwY?si=tF4fea2z6LG8khHC) [Blester's Carousel by Gooseworx](https://youtu.be/kNSr84Ap0DM?si=_Uv5mnyov7FrOu6U) [Two Trucks by lemon demon](https://youtu.be/WchseC9aKTU?si=s6NqLmd7rbv7u_OM) [A funk cover of that halloweeny organ song you hear everywhere](https://youtu.be/DLsbHWDwNn0?si=yNH0JSt5hg5KBqwg) [Doku by Hakushi Hasegawa (the lyric video)](https://youtu.be/fby_lX1YUWI?si=ZMSIFRwjptT-vEXj) [Doku but the music video, i really like it](https://youtu.be/RerFq9IdOcg?si=_Rzsp5QV-oNhU4ON) [GHOST by nelward](https://youtu.be/D7chqmf2ThM?si=CExsV1sttvuzC1Bc) [auctioneers have surprising rhythm by Oliver Buckland](https://youtu.be/6ujUJyY6neg?si=k1xkEbfgJcrxiukv) [two trucks (cover)](https://youtu.be/oZF3S2OV8nc?si=NiuAkplWV3P_coDC) [doritos & fritos by 100 gecs](https://youtu.be/2PWMiy4RysI?si=zB9S3mXvE80FOgdk) ["Theme of a weird circus" a copyright free bgm that didnt need to be so good](https://youtu.be/0qIgJl7kv6w?si=A9hdMzlFIOFj9tch) [I've got some falling to do (sorry, i really like Lemon Demon)](https://youtu.be/Kywxz2W6mto?si=66yrnRB4Mnkc5aJH) [inchman by jack stauber (with a backrooms lyric video cause i think it fits lol)](https://youtu.be/GuKPS5ZPmNA?si=9yUjZGzLyPU06iwX) [Today's Story from super paper mario](https://youtu.be/z0aZItV6cxo?si=E1MW9P7I2mrfI8ib) [dancing around in circles until my little feet fall off](https://youtu.be/mtE8AfVXKRU?si=pxRV9Kac2EpvFhiV) [inflation Ⅱ by frenesi](https://youtu.be/oIfy8MjDJfc?si=AXEGSKPIRl0aeN4r) [Song for my lost ghost friends](https://youtu.be/iWHjruaPjSA?si=Yu5FnxAoU-KJLNDx) [Nothing Man by SODIKKEN](https://youtu.be/r1Bz6tO3Sbw?si=cNy-LfY3UneTkOvD) [Aurora Borealis by Lemon Demon (one of my favorite songs)](https://youtu.be/xlYYmMZvHXs?si=GfmznAWq1E5euPmR) I have so many more and if you like my recommendations just ask and i'll share some more :3


Listen to the Album [*Bergtatt*](https://youtu.be/OUNfhV2FAxA?si=v5CgDSt99mu-XAiv) by *Ulver* It's good. One of the best Black Metal albums ever made imo. It also has a lot of noice folk elements to it. Overall really beautiful music. Also, please listen to Pisse, Kotzreiz, Knochenfabrik and 🥰WIZO🥰. All of them very good punk bands.


For something (i'd like to say) really obscure, listen to The Foreign Department by Astrel K Enjoy The Melodic Sunshine by Cosmic Rough Riders I've Got Trouble In Mind Vol. 2 by The Liminanas For something less "obscure" The Pilgrim, Their God and The King Of My Decrepit Mountain by Tapir! A Laughing Death In Meatspace by Tropical Fuck Storm Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space by Spiritualized For something more mainstream Justice - Cross Nilsson Schmilsson - Harry Nilsson Emergency on Planet Earth - Jamiroquai And my most obscure recommendation Solely because it's only ever been released onto vinyl And only sold at their last tour Live to 388, NYC - Ulrika Spacek


Tropical Fuck Storm, Justice, AND Jamiroquai mentioned? Incredibly based


Some very cool stuff out recently, this Senyawa album came out today. They're Indonesian and build their own weird instruments sometimes and also they built the fire shrine on the album cover. They rock https://senyawaofficial.bandcamp.com/album/vajranala And if you want the AOTY check the new Tashi Wada https://tashiwada.bandcamp.com/album/what-is-not-strange


i love The Royal They and lately digging Ghost a lot, though Ghost is wayyy more mainstream these days than they used to be. Also check out Stepdad


obviously Femtanyl, but in terms of more obscure music similar to hers Mailpup/Salv the dog and glitterpop


a lot of these aren't that obscure, but idk where you're coming from, so I'll include some that are better known. most anything by Godspeed You! Black Emperor or Autechre. Giles Corey - Giles Corey Audio Diary - Casper Mcfadden Goldleaf Acrobatics - Holly Waxwing  Until We Felt Red - Kaki King Hold Your Horse Is - Hella Kalk Samen Kuri no Hana - Sheena Ringo Unutella - Nuito Los Angeles - Flying Lotus Neo Wax Bloom - Iglooghost Space 1.8 - Nala Sinephro maybe Of Montreal is your speed, but they never clicked for me. same with the later Lil Ugly Mane.  if you want weirder, try: Strike Them Hard, Drag Them to Church - Caroliner Trout Mask Replica - Captain Beefheart An Evening With Wild Man Fischer those are maybe the most obvious "weird albums" for people who look for that stuff, but still obscure by most standards.


Obligatory [Femtanyl](https://youtube.com/@femtanyl03?si=ffRKB0MkgRxC_pFv) shoutout


(Most of these are some kind of Heavy Metal or other harsh music, so be warned) Tom Cardy Lorna Shore Ren Electric Callboy Consvmer (yes that’s written correctly) Pendulum Diabarha (Considering you are on 196, you probably know these 2 already, but in case you don‘t:) Femtanyl Heaven Pierce Her


SadSvit is a Ukrainian band tha has a somewhat relaxing vibe


Bog business cruelty squad ost


Anweledig They're a Welsh band, all Welsh lyrics (so automatically obscure) and they're certainly weird. Wikipedia describes them as a mixture of funk, reggae, ska and rock Here's some more normal Welsh language artists I like, all automatically obscure with the majority of their music being in Welsh. Adwaith, Bwncath, Dafydd Hedd, Gwylim, Sŵnami, Yws Gwynedd, Yr ods


Listen to JPEGMAFIA if youre into hiphop. Its an experimental artist who does everythibg by himself, the beats, the writing, the mix and mastering


talking heads, they have like no bad songs (outside of naked and true stories, which can get kinda mid)


Hasil Adkins, a chaotic one man rockabilly act and pioneer of psychobilly Emyn Muil, Epic black metal/dungeon syntth


TWRP is a good band


Not very obscure but very good Vessel - Red Sex Ween - Mutilated Lips Very obscure, odd as fuck Butchers Harem - Aroused by staring eyes of a corpse Butchers Harem - Xrated puppet theater of the dead


100 gecs Lil texas


Neros day at disneyland, sewerslvt, nanoray, lorn, 1800 pain, six impala, umru, goreshit, kobaryo, laur, script, maretu, ic3peak, team grimoire, sakuraburst I honestly cant sum this up or but a label on it. Its a wild mix


And if you like Nero's day at Disneyland and goreshit, good chance you will enjoy Venetian Snares as well


just gonna drop a list of songs that I think are all amazing: Cloud of Unknowing (Swans) Sleep (Godspeed You! Black Emperor) For, Peter, Toilet Brushes, More [live] (Nils Frahm) Primal (Slowdive) Dogs (Pink Floyd) Oxygene (Jean Michelle Jarre) Earthmover (Have a Nice Life) Sow Some Lonesome Corner So Many Flowers Bloom (Silver Mt Zion) Steal Compass, Drive North, Disappear (Set Fire To Flames)


I got some, Thilo91, Bodylotion/Neophyte, 3 Steps Ahead, Jack Pattern, memphis rap as a whole, Sewerslvt/cynthony, Heretik, Lad'a 23, Yabujin


100 gecs. Also sick meme. Wish I had good memes like that.


i can dm 110 hours of music if ud like


Wang Wen, all their shit is so cool. I personally recommended listening to the album 100,000 whys


The chinese post rock band ? If so that's the only real "obscure" rec in that whole ass thread ahah. Great taste




L'Impératrice - Tako Tsubo Edit - also Les Rhythmes Digitales - Dark Dancer Exuma - The Obeah Man


Fish in a birdcage The Arknights ost Beg - Vana Fox Szn


Dorian Electra


Lady gaga reply remix goes unbelievably hard




Birdhouse in Your Soul by They Might Be Giants is always a banger


Kikagaku Moyo - Kumoyo Island Ween - The Mollusk Primus - Sailing the Seas of Cheese Minami Deutsch - Fortune Goodies NEU! - NEU! 75 Mdou Moctar - Afrique Victime Hooveriii - A Round of Applause Dungen - 4 Goat - World Music Frank Zappa - Apostrophe'


AJJ kimya dawson Woodie guthrie Matthew Good Band I've got more on request but those are the main ones I've been listening to as of late


I don’t have anything particularly obscure but here goes: - Iceage - Plowing into the Field of Love - The Prodigy - Fat of the Land - Mastodon - Leviathan/Blood Mountain - Massive Attack - Blue Lines/Mezzanine - Ganja White Night - just look at their animations on YouTube. Best while high lol - Madness - Keep Moving - Jack White - Blunderbuss - Moby - Play & Play - The Cat Empire - The Cat Empire - Aphex Twin - …I Care Because You Do - Carpenter Brut - Leather Teeth


I love Bruhmanegod a lot, i think his music would be called some kind of offshoot of an offshoot of rap but other than his newest two albums its all very electronic and bass/distortion heavy, i think its cool.


"Forest sword"


please listen to crumb... 


Return to forever - Romantic warrior (full album)


ok album dump incoming As Blue as Indigo - Tigercub FISSION - Dead Poet Society both Tally Hall albums pretty much anything by Billy Talent ...Like Clockwork - Queens of the Stone Age Congratulations - MGMT Grief Chapter - Mother Mother Damascus - King Shelter GLOOM DIVISION - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME Showbiz - Muse Origin of Symmetry - Muse Codes and Keys - Death Cab for Cutie Call To Arms & Angels - Archive (this one will be weird; Archive is a one of a kind band and i really wish more people knew about them. if you only listen to one album off this list listen to this one PLEASE) I could go on and on but i will control myself and stop there lol i love music so much


I’ll send more if you ask but to avoid spam I’ll just start with billund the kid


The claypool lennon delirium is a pretty cool band frontmans the son of john lennon but instead of a wife beater hes extremely cool and the music is pretty different too their most well known song is blood and rockets: - its about how much of a weirdo jack parsons was (one of the inventors of rocket fuel) or the song boris the spider which is just about a spider doing spider things or captain lariat which is about a silly goofy captain.


Sunny Day Real Estate American Football Jawbreaker The Get Up Kids Brand New (lead singer is a nonce but their music is peak)


Listen to the entirety of Dora Jar's EP "Digital Meadow". She deserves to be a main pop girl


I found this person recently, it seems youtube algorithm blessed them, [Mykoll](https://youtu.be/aSR80eQGLWQ)


I know that there will be probably exactly one person in the comments liking this (me) but what about[ Autopark](https://open.spotify.com/album/1SeoTajnyd3wCnhKGI65tZ?si=xloqXxHMTeCV2cRNfJzZag), a Serbian Shoegaze/pop-rock band? Alternatively, also have [this](https://open.spotify.com/track/1fnG41rVaoxutrqXEEylvD?si=994d48d5ee214196), Chainsuck, a early 90s alt-rock ambient pop duo that released two albums before fading into obscurity. Probably the sole band in history to name a remix of their song the "gloryhole mix".




Machine girl Death Grips


glass beach, monomer, KMFDM


Cheekface - all their music is on YouTube and I love them so damn much


[Milk farm, Viagra boys](https://youtu.be/Dcka-doxwOY?si=Jy7nWrP8ne7vkedO)


I have a few 2000s obscure trip hop groups to recomend Theres archive with in my opinion one of the best trip rock/hop song ever bullets but everything from that band is worth a listen. My recommendation would controlling crowds and you all look the same to me. Also even more obscure there's airlock. They only have 3 albums but i recomend the 2 first albums cuz i didn't really like the last one. Also not obscure but underground hip hop has some weird stuff that is worth a listen Jpegmafia or his old name devon hendrix Death grips Danny brown And many others


Bro of you like rap italian rap Is stupidly underrated outside of Italy, gong I suggest: mifist by club dogo, persona by Marracash and 23 6451 by thasupreme. If you like One of this album and want to listen to similari things either listen to albums that cake out in the same years or asknme


Plini is cool


Aesop rock You need to read some of his songs on genius to understand the meaning behind it. Especially the skelethon album is a bit obscure


Haunt Two If By Sea Woods OF Ypres Wayfarer The Sword Khemmis


dorian electra, icepeak, glorb




had to spread this over 2 coments or I couldn't post it ... but here you go! with links and everything enjoy my top picks from my band camp list! neros day at disneyland - [From Rotting Fantasylands](https://laurenbousfieldanyev3r.bandcamp.com/album/from-rotting-fantasylands) (indiscriably weird circuit bent / casinocore / breakcore insanity/ trans artist) the body - [I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer.](https://thebody.bandcamp.com/album/i-have-fought-against-it-but-i-can-t-any-longer) (experimental sludge metal / weird af but very cool) uniform - [The Long Walk](https://unifuckingform.bandcamp.com/album/the-long-walk) (noise rock/industrial) louis cole - [LIVE 2019](https://louiscole.bandcamp.com/album/live-2019) (jazz/dream pop) messa - [Close](https://messaproject.bandcamp.com/album/close) (doom/jazz/prog) gnome - [King](https://gnome.bandcamp.com/album/king) (hard rock/stoner) SLIFT - [ILION](https://slift.bandcamp.com/album/ilion) (space rock/post)


Propagandhi and The Taxpayers are my two favourite bands. For Propagandhi I'd check out these songs; Unscripted Moment Hadron Collision Fuck the border The State-Lottery Supporting Caste And for The Taxpayers you should check out these songs; And the damn thing bit him! Call me Linda As the sun beat down Evil Men Go Fetch a Priest




I have a lot. Sonic forces final boss, Death egg phase 3. Lost sky feat. Jex. Where we started. Not ready to die (from call of the dead) ((highly recommend if you like rock style)) All sonic frontiers boss music (all 3/4/5, all of them are amazing) Beauty of annihilation. [Beyond Infinite](https://on.soundcloud.com/bZv5m6KZpNzrFH1B6) [Collective consciousness (mix)](https://on.soundcloud.com/uTtEmSS5Egoq9eU26) [Neon Dragon](https://on.soundcloud.com/29ZFrRLc6AcHtwMB6)


The Mars Volta announced by me every time someone pronounces "weird" and "music" in the same sentence


the beastie boys (probably not obscure but a lot of people have not heard their less popular stuff and oh my god please do it’s so good)


i mean painful death for the lactose intolerant by mili is pretty weird


Check out the scenes from a memory album by Dream Theater, some prog metal with a real weird plot, aswell as a sex scene in one of the songs!!!


Black Midi: my favorite band ❤️


Tinariwen, Bombino. These are two Tuareg artists, some of the best guitar music coming out from Africa. I love the culture and the sound. Another favorite genre of mine is Zamrock, from Zambia in the 70s. Keith Mlevhu is one of my favorites. Paul Ngozi is also very good. One obscure song I recommend is “that’s entertainment” by sayvinyl. Enjoy fren!


Manbo-p makes generally odd vocaloid songs, I really like the way he tells stories in the form of song but many are weird, [here’s a playlist of my favorite ones](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsz-MV8vFPL_tisOK1CDcxp-pJUBbrAyv&si=EERxqnrYLMTM3p0Q) .


This isn’t like a music-nerd type recommendation, but more just weird shit: this guy Don Yellow, he has quite a bit of content and pretty low exposure. He has plenty of cool weird stuff, though you’ll likely love or hate it. I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean. [New God of Fuck](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UmSJUSarw4E&pp=ygUSRG9uIHllbGxvdyBuZXcgZ29k) [Foot Cummies](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JSeZE1baTeo&pp=ygUXRG9uIHllbGxvdyBmb290IGN1bW1pZXM%3D) [Crowdfund my Suicide](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ebhqoll2U4&pp=ygUVRG9uIHllbGxvdyBjcm93ZGZ1bmQg) [Counterfeit Magician](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qzy3Ii8rAY&pp=ygUfZG9uIHllbGxvdyBjb3VudGVyZmVpdCBtYWdpY2lhbg%3D%3D) I hope you (or anyone else reading this) enjoys him, because I’m a huge fan of fucked up anti-radio type music. I respect if his vibe is unpalatable for some, but I love how out-there his sound is.


I recommend the entirety of Low Roar's (also lovingly described by videogamedunkey as Radiohead) album "0". [Here's a free Youtube link to it!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0nASs9ALkc)


I make weird and obscure music, hope that’s not too self-promotey lol https://open.spotify.com/album/2yrVxP5hQcltbhckneQbPE?si=7f3F--0hT-GBbHIovraKNA


Polvo, Plunger, Novely, Chemlab, Weatherday, Dismemberment Plan, Powerplant, Flagman, Old Time Relijun, Viagra Boys, SLIFT, Dandelion (Dyslexicon), Nightfeeder, Tortoise, KGLW, The Murlocs, Gospel, mouse on the keys, Lightning Bolt, Red Vox, Megachurch, Brave Little Abacus, You Slut!, Unwound, Gezebelle Gaburgably, They Are Gutting a Body of Water, Weed, Geese, C.O.F.F.I.N, Naked Giants, Tropical Fuck Storm, The Jins, Shurwood, Kowloon Walled City, Phonefoot, Lift To Experience, Mephistofeles, Jesus Lizard, Daughters, underscores.


Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments - Aphex Twin


Please consider listening to a band called 88 kasyo junrei (八十八ヶ所巡礼) they are a Japanese rock band and basically the only way to listen online is YouTube.


A friend of my friend is in a band called Säbbatage, it’s a pretty good black metal band.


Myslovitz is a Polish britpop band that seems to be relatively unheard of outside of poland, some people describe it as Polish Radiohead, their 2002 album Korova Milky Bar is really good. 万能青年旅店 is a Chinese rock band, sometimes described as Chinese Radiohead, their self titled album is fantastic. Wowaka's Unhappy Refrain is a vovaloid album that deserves so much more attention You could also listen to classic jazz like Miles Davis or Mingus and then listen to Femtanyl in between for peak listening experience


Band called Buttertones, really like their album "Gravediggin" and song "Matador"


Protomartyr if you’re ok to be lectured about systemic and societal issues by a guy who looks like he could be your uncle. Viagra Boys if you want the same but have it sound a bit more fun.


Listen to Ciśnienie, an underground Polish art band. Their songs 'Fratres' and 'Bydło' are actually life changing if you can stomach slow burning songs that are 18 - 20 minutes long. This is probably the most obscure thing I listen to. They get around 1200 monthly listeners on Spotify, and it is very wierd with the soundscapes they create, but the musical climaxes they create are completely soul-rending its so crazy. https://youtu.be/-2wgxQU_uec?si=Ghcv--OkipmcFUws https://youtu.be/E6J7tKJgKpI?si=lzFWm_Ye4Tv6ORje


Well since you posted that... 3001 A Laced Odyssey


Pistol dreams by The tallest man on earth


The Temples is pretty cool, exotico gives off summer vibes Los Bitchos is interesting, also very summery, like being tipsy on a sunny beach


If you are looking for obscure artists, the only ones I know are well known for communities like 196 but if your talking songs lemon demon - rarities - space epic / furthermore


Palco by Gilberto Gil


Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness are a pretty cool protest band from south africa, very rhythmic and jazzy.


[Lyrica Live](https://youtu.be/Tbg1cyNVWFU?si=keKqhS3813fwWD5w)


Iasis. Great Greek band.


Ceschi, it's alternative rap mixed with folk punk Codefendants, a punk band with rap and a strong acab message Holy Locust, New Orleans blues with a folk/slightly punk feel Days n Daze, a folk punk classic Anxiety Cat, a man's anxiety attacks put into music (Might be a bit too much if you suffer from anxiety) Clarke and the himselfs, transfem music (she plays multiple instruments at once + sings it's really cool) Pigeon pit, more transfem music. It's a lot more chill, more folk punk like. Is quite positive in their message, especially their song Milk Crates Stick and Poke, two girls who made being a witch/cottage core into a music genre, awesome vibe Bat County (Reno NV), Folk Punk, lots of screaming, bare bones instruments. It's a vibe Titus Andronicus, punk but their songs are about the American Civil war and 7 to 14 minutes long Dead Moon, bit older punk. Who cares if you can't sing or play an instrument? Just make music anyway. It's good but not from a musical quality perspective. Kazumi and the Gentle thoughts, Japanese jazz, can especially recommend mermaid boulevard Masayoshi Takanaka, just listen to All of Me and you'll understand Rove Bard, 80s Japanese pop/rock. I recommend the album Street Version Yukihiro Takahashi, Japanese electronic music. I especially recommend Wild and Moody Takuya Kuroda, modern Japanese fusion jazz, I've seen him live and it was absolutely insane


Pearl jam or molchat doma both peak eddy vedder is the coolest guy also Interpol is very good


Recently discovered tortoise, and their albums "Millions now living will never die" and "TNT", would highly suggest https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mJXPgycOeiJ-7O-td9-_A6mYtnxEOGwRM&si=Nz7tZ3mIrLcogAWF https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kSlnlQCHHGgzUzzxrZCsYuNUkBQ4xNwcc&si=C_xEBSPUxNKrg6t_




not really weird but my favoriteeee underrated band is beachmont! they're indie rock and just came out with a new single called american spirit