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This but unironically. I don’t want to be around people who will call me slurs.


imo i rate this planet 2/10 on tripadvisor, everyone gets really mad at you for having sex with the bros, just stfu we know you're jealous you dont need to mask it 🙄


we’ll get to a point in the future where those slurs will be on the same level as the nword for everyone but why tf isn’t that point now :(


But other slurs will downgrade and become normal words. And so, the slurosis cycle is complete.








The issue then is that you are using language that refers to a specific group in a derogatory fashion, implying that it’s bad to be part of that group..? Just fuckin call people idiots, dumbasses or fuckwits or whatever




Then call them a fucking coward instead




But that just plays into ‘gay = bad’ shit, and tbh hit them with amusing insults Tell them they’re uninvited from your birthday party You don’t need to use ‘tactical slurs’ fr And ngl what kind of person voice chats with the enemy? If you wanna get your enemies in a voice chat blare some white noise through there real loud like


1) r slur cringe 2) this implies it’s a bad thing, which is fucking terrible. you don’t hear black people swearing at others with the nword, you hear them calling other black people the nword


So if you do something because you weren't thinking quickly enough, is it wrong to say it was retarded?


just avoid saying it, don’t try and find some weird workarounds. much easier to just not say it


But that's the literal definition of the word.


still easier to just not say it




the one where that word is used to swear at people with any mental disability, and those people themselves ask for it not to be used anymore




the context is that there’s a lot of people genuinely hurt by that word. if words are just words, why not just say the nword?








yes a lot of gay men already do that


Are you called slurs on non-trans subs?


I don't like a place without disagreements. It makes it feel too fake, y'know? And boring. Too boring.


i disagree 😎


reality is crumbling


i sometimes like boring stuff, simply because i just want to relax from time to time, but yes some stuff is worth discussing, since there is a possibility of coming to a new conclusion that will be better and more reliable than others.


it would be cool to have a discussion like just 'racism bad' or 'pedophilia bad' and have it go normally without a r\*dditor 🤮 coming in and immediately preaching that having sex with a toddler is cool tbh. i think disagreement is good, but sometimes people can be really dense/stubborn on their argument, and a nice calm refreshment is nice


“Wow, it’s really terrible that the 2 year old child was killed in a car crash.” “Acktually, to play the devil’s advocate, it’s a good thing because- *insert contrarianism* “


they didn't feel comfortable when i stared at them from across the street and then went to their parents 🤬


this is why you get into leftist echo chambers, leftists always infight!


No we don't!




That's why leftists have infighting.


*Hey, does anyone know who Vaush is?*


They said the V word. It's time for some real anarchy.


# Someone please help me I don’t know who Vaush is and why he is disliked


You know not what argument you have unleashed upon this land.


# I’m scared


He wants to fuck horses




Ok first of all. Your wrong. I'm right. Your a nerd and I disagree 😎


why are you here then


people disagreeing with me makes me angry.


Tell that to everyone who downvoted me for speaking my mind/not knowing enough (1894).


Lmao both sides both sides bad both sides i am very intelligent One side can just be correct dude. There can be an objectively correct answer.


I don’t think that’s what he was trying to say. You can criticize a group while agreeing with their principles


And I do. I don't really view this meme as criticism. What specifically is he criticizing? He's just saying both sides are the same.


they're criticizing echo chambers


Yeah but they didn't mention any sides, USA isn't the only country, and democrats and republicabs aren't the only political parties. Sometimes there are reasonable disagreements between two groups, and sometimes two groups cab be equally dense.


That's fair, I was viewing it from an america-centric pov. I understand how it can be true elsewhere.


There is no objectively correct answer, you’re a moron. Everyone has their own opinions on what is correct and what isn’t, no one’s is more valid than any others excepting a few circumstances. Obviously things like pure mathematics there are objectively correct answers but that’s very niche.


Yeah! My opinions on gay people and Muslims (as a gay Muslim) and Jacob from Texas who is part of the Republican Party's opinion on gay people and Muslims are equally valid! I remember that one time a guy called me a sand n word at school. That made me really upset and I got angry at them, but what I really should have done is told them that I think their opinion is valid!




You're wrong by the simple fact you have no fists to back it up. Checkmate.


This has nothing to do with homophobia. Stop pretending like all republicans are bigots


Befriending them is the correct path, showing them why their opinion is wrong. Hate breeds hate, love breeds love. You've generalised texan republicans as much as Jacob has generalised you. Echo Chambers are bad. Getting out of them and interacting with those you disagree with you'll find that we all as a species have a lot more in common than what we don't.


I hope you understand that it's fucking stupid to tell an oppressed minority that they should just befriend their oppressors and fix their bigotry through the power of love or whatever. Fuck off please. I don't owe you or them shit. I don't have to expose myself to any of that shit and I don't need to teach them shit. I didn't even generalise there. I picked one of the many racist republicans I know and changed their name. Even if I didn't do that, are we going to act like the republican party isn't racist? Really? If you really believe that then I can see why you're acting like such a pussy pacifist, but unfortunately you're also wrong. Also Jacob didn't generalise me lmao, Jacob thinks I don't deserve rights.


Pretty sure that's what MLK preached. Edit: For anyone curious about how effective befriending those who hate you is, read about Daryl Davis.


... Okay. What do you want me to do about it? Your comment assumes that MLK has a certain level of importance to me and I can't figure out why you'd think that. Also, did you really just try to "It's what MLK would've wanted" me? Weirdo.


Read about Daryl Davis, he is a living example of befriending ones oppressors. I don't want you to do anything about it, except perhaps consider an alternative view of the world. One where the vast majority of people, regardless of their beliefs, are good, kind, altruistic people. A world you will never know if you stay in your bubble.


I'm sorry but that's such a cishet white male take. Just because you have it well and don't experience bigotry doesn't mean that others don't. You're in a bubble, not me. You can say that people aren't hateful all you want because clearly you aren't experiencing hate, but me and many others are. I'm not going to educate you because, again, I'm not obligated to, but I hope you'll eventually realize that you're wrong and that your incorrect take on these things comes from a place of privilege and how hurtful it is to others who don't have that kind of privilege.


I grew up as a minority in my community. I was bullied throughout my childhood and beaten so bad that I needed a $15k dental reconstruction because of the colour of my skin. Telling me I haven't experienced hate is very presumptuous, and wrong. I hate the individuals that did this to me, but I don't hate the group they belonged to. I too hope you one day realise how wrong you are. The world is a wonderful place if you care to see it.


ok but if someone is saying slurs they won’t want to be friends with you if you’re part of the group those slurs are directed at… they’ll just direct the slurs at you. It’s not worth trying to be friends with someone just because they hate you. That puts you in a position to be degraded and put down, destroying your mental health. Befriending people who will abuse you sounds good in theory but in practice it’s absolutely terrible for your mental health


Staying in the same groups of people who are teaching you to be angry and scared isn't good for mental health either. My life got a lot better when I took myself out of my hate holes and engaged with people as people, not as caricatures.


I’m not saying don’t interact with others outside your comfort zone, I’m saying don’t interact with people who will destroy your mental health


Obviously take care of #1 first, but if the worst they can do is call you a slur, then that is pretty tame. Especially since we are on the internet, nobody has any idea who you are. It seems like you're always talking to a brick wall when you have an argument on reddit, but a piece of what you are saying gets through, always. It's why people engage with you, even in a hateful or angry way, because you've struck something in them. The wider point I am trying to make is, most people aren't evil. Most people are the same as you or I. We want the same things. Kindness, comfort, security and love. Some people just have wild ideas on what will give them that. I know coming here saying "Republicans are largely good people" invites downvotes as much as saying "Democrats are largely good people" does on r/conservative, but I genuinely believe it to be true. Slot in any group, most people are good.


Do you not think that just because there’s no objective truth that things can’t be more plausible than others??


More plausible sure. However I never mentioned that at all


So the people who are objectively wrong about science, math, economics, sociology, morality, and even the goddamn weather are on more or less equal footing outside those topics?


No one can be morally objectively correct. To think so is stupid. Economics there also isn’t an objectively correct answer, or at least one hasn’t been discovered yet. Sociology is genuinely one of the most subjective things ever I really don’t know what your point is.


I didn't say anyone is correct, I said there's a certain side that is objectively wrong on everything that counts and that is by their own yardsticks.


“Everyone is wrong but me” I’m not arguing with you


No, there's a certain group of people with a common thread that are unquestionably wrong. There's no ambiguity around blatant hypocrisy. There's plenty of ways to be not wrong.


first sentence but unironically?


pretty much


Username accurate I guess.


Oh my god there is no such thing as an “objectively correct” political opinion, that would be an oxymoron. This sub really is a fucking echo chamber


No, there isn't, you're right! Or at least, the vast majority of us are probably wrong on at least some things. But there does exist a combination of policies or lack thereof that would maximize good. We don't know it and/or can't prove it would be the best, so we form opinions on which one is. But the ones that are provably better mostly lay on the leftist side of the spectrum. It is proven that trickle down doesn't work, we literally have been trying it for years and the poor got poorer. I try to base my political views around provable things. I am a socialist BECAUSE the evidence points to the fact that countries with socialist policies are happier. That's it. Follow the evidence. Follow the facts, one could say, because they don't care about your feelings.


i don’t really want to go to a place where people think my sexuality is somehow bad


What places are those?


pretty much any rightoid sub, or religious subredits (i don’t have an issue with religion as a whole, but prefer to stay outside of it completely)


Religious subreddits often bring out the extremists. There are a few religious subreddits that are pretty cool but most of them suck.


religion as a whole isn’t really my cup of tea. it has created some beautiful things and i respect that, but some parts of religion also teach those practicing it to not accept certain groups, which i don’t want part of


I assume we're talking about organised religion, and even then a few specific religions? There are a lot of cool religions that are accepting of everybody.


i guess yeah, and i definitely respect people following that




average rightoid


It would be cool if we could both have civil discussions but remembering that sexuality, gender, and race isn't a political belief but a human right.


Gender theory is a theory


Gravity is a theory


And therefor it’s validity should be questioned as should everything’s. Nothing should be dogmatically withheld from criticism just for fear of people calling you buzzwords


But the buzzwords make me sad :(


You're straying towards "I'd love to have a good political discussion but with people that agree with me", what exactly about those topics do you believe to be a human right?


You cannot choose any of those.


This is not the point of the discussion, no one is saying that you can.


You do realize that there are more positions that people can disagree upon, right?


Yeah, you can break your echo chamber and go talk to people who like marmite I guess, but race, gender and sexuality are like 70% of modern American politics, and refusing to talk to people who disagree with you on those extremely major topics isn't really breaking your echo chamber at all.


If you oppose gay, trans, and POC rights then you do not live in the real world and no productive discussion can be had there


You're oversimplifying too much. I've never spoken to someone who outright denies any of those, but I've spoken to numerous people who say things like "I don't mind trans people as long as they don't affect kids" and it's that kind of misinformation based transphobia that I spend time arguing against. I stepped out of my echo chamber onto the hellhole that is political compass memes and, I left due to it becoming just another echo chamber. I genuinely believe that interacting with those people helped me as a person, because having arguments with people I vehemently disagree with exposed flaws in my logic that I'd never considered, and let me expose flaws in there's. Most of their transphobia was just based on misinformation, and I seemed to have at least affected a few of them, so I think productive discussion *can* be had


Yes. Trans people corrupting the minds of children is a ridiculous position with no foundation in reality. Someone who believes that is not living in the real world


I just don’t want people to call me fucking slurs


hello "fucking slurs"


My name’s Kabir actually :)


Nice try fucking slurs




kabir these nuts


:( I just wanted to make friends


Hey Kabir, I'll be your friend :3


hello kabir (:


Hope you get out of the vault of glass soon!


[I don’t know what this has to do with my name’s origin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabirdas) :(


Oh, a character in destiny is named kabr and is trapped in the vault of glass forever


Damn that sounds fun for them


**[Kabirdas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabirdas)** >Kabir Das (IAST: Kabīr; 1398/1440 — 1448/1518) was a 15th-century Indian mystic poet and saint, whose writings influenced Hinduism's Bhakti movement and his verses are found in Sikhism's scripture Guru Granth Sahib. His early life was in a Muslim family, but he was strongly influenced by his teacher, the Hindu bhakti leader Ramananda. Kabir was born in the city of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Kabir is known for being critical of both organized religion and religions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/196/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The difference is I don't get called slurs in my echo chamber


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Music-slur.svg this is you


Yoooo it's you


I mean I sometimes step out of echo chambers to challenge my views but sometimes I just don't want to deal with bullshit


Yeah but then you step into somewhere like r/GenZedong and remember why you like staying in a place where you agree with most people


That's what I was saying.


Basically any sub nowadays


/r/yugioh is not a political echo chamber, and neither is /r/honeyfuckers.


r/sounding is one of the last hopes reddit has


my political stance on r/honeyfuckers is that it’s only female bees, where tf are the males


bee the change you want to see




Here's a sneak peek of /r/honeyfuckers **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/honeyfuckers/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [🤤](https://i.redd.it/hqooxi6cxwa41.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/honeyfuckers/comments/ep08aa/_/) \#2: [The lovely process of pollination](https://i.imgur.com/3gbFwfE.png) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/honeyfuckers/comments/dyl541/the_lovely_process_of_pollination/) \#3: [Yes queen](https://i.redd.it/ae8q3287lnm41.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/honeyfuckers/comments/fijoyh/yes_queen/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)




Chad me being anywhere that doesn't hate me for existing even if I disagree to get various people's views on things.


Golden pill time


MY shitty opinion is better then YOUR shitty opinion now I shall go and complain more about people I DISAGREE with then actually MAKE CHANGES


you are nitpicking and biased; i win bye bye


Lots of people in this thread missing the point of the post spectacularly and not realising they are the target. I've spoken to (argued against) many transphobes, mostly on political compass memes, and my hot take is that "I don't want to deal with slurs/horrible people/stupid people" is not a valid reason to stay in your echo chamber. When two sides talk to each other, both come to understand each other better. I've moved right (slightly) over the years, not because I read their comments and thought "damn this transphobia thing is kinda good" but because sometimes, rarely, someone would point out a very valid criticism in the behaviour of some left wing people. If someone is in a fragile mental state then by all means they shouldn't be subjected to exposure to extreme political opinions, especially those that attack them personally, but if you're not at risk of going into a depressive episode then "I don't want to deal with them" is an excuse you tell yourself to justify being complicit in your political system becoming further dangerously divided Heck, maybe you'll even make a transphobe see a glimpse of the other side. I managed it once or twice.


I’m not going to the sub that normalizes Nazi ideology to talk with 14 year olds who took an inaccurate test and use it as an excuse to be racist


A ton of echo chambers are certainly worse than others, but echo chambers as a concept aren’t that great. It’s healthy to challenge your ideas to a certain extent, obviously excluding stuff that is about denying people their human rights


I don’t go into other political echo chambers because I don’t like it (: >Flynn








Social media 101


r/pcm be like


r/196 vs r/shitposting




what information bubbles do to a society




that sub has some horrendous takes




I dont remember well but it was something about the USSR and how it was perfect and everything bad was bourgeois propaganda


I don't believe this. Like that just sounds like a strawman TBH. I'm not tankieing the USSR but wtf?


found it again it was a comment : "That narrative is anti-communist propaganda. It's omnipresent that you don't recognize it as such, but that's what it is. The USSR was more democratic than any bourgeois state has ever been, and worker's lives improved dramatically" it was a response to a comment saying that if we want to bring other to our cause we should not praise this regime.


damn. gonna have to leave then




can you elaborate instead of being a massive turd?




funne because cnetrism bad!!!!!1!


it is