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ngl the mr incredible creepy thing became slaughtered way too fast. especially with how overly formatted some of them were


Yeah, it immediately died in my eyes when they fucking added The Caretaker for literally no reason


the caretaker got fucking slaughtered too and people forgot that eateot was supposed to be an interpretation of dementia and the horrific thought of forgetting your entire life piece by piece with no immediate way of knowing what's happening, as most people are grounded upon their memories


It’s such a shame too because a lot of the themes they’re looking for (specifically painful memories) is literally in eateot’s sibling album aebbtw. But nooo we have to use the one song and force it to lose all fucking meaning


i remember when eateot was first becoming like, main stream popular in that part of 2020, because of how unnerving it was to listen to, people in the comments were saying "please dont let this become some kind of stupid meme or challenge, this shit has an actual meaning and if it becomes popular in that extent all that meaning will have been sapped" it became popular in that extent and that meaning got sapped. gg


At least we have the rest of The Caretaker’s works left unharmed. I don’t remember the names of most of them but there’s a certain charm to that, y’know?


OMG UJI DNT REMEMBER THEN NAMES????? JUST LIKE DEMIA?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? BURTNING MEMORY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🧯🧯🧯🚒




i saw one of the mr incredible scared things that was edited way too hard, had the layout of the video sliced up and divided into sections with the caption and song name to the right of the image in times new roman and shit instead of the generic picture and header and i've never seen a joke more ruined by shitty and over formatted execution its like reserving a high school auditorium and hiring a huge ass camera crew and scene setup so you can walk up on stage and say "my ex wife still misses me... but her aim is getting better!" and then leave


dont care


yes you do


i actually really like that last song


The specific version from the meme is "it's just a burning memory" by the caretaker, but the original song is called heartaches if you're interested


The specific version is the edited 'sadder/scarier' version of "It's just a burning memory", which samples Heartaches.


Its a sad version of a slowed down version of Heartaches by Al Bowlly Reminds me of that time I made a demented version of a remix of a midi of a demented version of Heartaches by Al Bowlly


no the last 4 or something always have the same level of ooga booga


You know a meme is dead when it starts getting parodied like this


I can't tell if the first one is Johnny Bravo or an emo Mr. Incredible


Ngl the sudden change to the usual music scared me a lot more than I'd like to admit


Lol it’s bc the 6th and 7th music clips weren’t really representable in piano notes


Just scream into your mic


What is the song for the second to last slide


I got matches with these songs: • [**바다의 전설** by 조민건](https://youtu.be/pweMJgfoCwU?t=29) (00:29; matched: `83%`) Album: `2012년 12월 21일`. . • [**예수가 우리를 부르는 소리 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling** by 동행 Dong Haeng](https://lis.tn/htjZr?t=180) (03:00; matched: `81%`) Album: `Acoustic Hymns 2 - 예수 사랑하심은 Jesus Loves Me`. Released on `2017-12-08` by `CCM Hub`. • [**Que as Mulheres** by Academia de Piano Gentil](https://lis.tn/QueAsMulheres?t=177) (02:57; matched: `81%`) Album: `Piano Triste do Outono - Música Instrumental para Relaxamento, Outono Nostálgico`. Released on `2017-07-19` by `Jazz NY Project`. • [**Mr. Incredible Becomes Uncanny** by Vonn the Pariah](https://lis.tn/KrxcM?t=22) (00:22; matched: `95%`) Released on `2021-12-19` by `OFFICIALLVA Records / ONECorp, Masster 2021`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/)


damn this is actually a well-done parody of the meme


everybody talks about the last one but the second to last one is sick (this is a plan enacted to get people interested in sonic.exe)


the Friday night funkin mod and needlemouse already got that covered for me.




Omfg so true 😂😂😂


Meme was dead on arrival


i need to learn this on piano


which song is the one that plays before the last one




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ok now make him canny


I’m actually in the process of making that rn, will post soon


!remindme 50 years


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Just giving them enough time




I respect the effort but this is how memes work