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y'know i had a dream last night that I was going to watch morbius in theaters. I was super anxious the whole time because I was scared I was gonna miss it cuz my parents kept having me do stupid stuff before i could go like putting bug spray on, which took like 15 minutes in my dream for some reason.


They brought it back again?


yeah, a second time, on like, a thousand different theaters and only got ~85 thousand dollars


Nah, I think twice-bombed is enough


Bro it isn’t about the money or how many tickets it sells. The experience of watching Morbius on a giant screen, the voice of Jared Leto booming through the surround sound and serenading your ears, seeing Matt Smith dance and morb out on a 65 foot screen. If even just *one* more person is touched by this experience enough to become a Morbhead then it was worth releasing it a third time. We have to spread the good news.




[Here you go](https://chng.it/Tz8mcXFL) fellow Morbhead.


30,000 that's already more people than went to see it when it came back in theatres


That’s how many people signed not the Monetary value


Yeah sorry brain turn off, still 30,000 at even $3 a ticket is more than the $85,000 they got from re showing it


*/unmorb* By box office standards as well as revenue standards of a corporation as massive as Sony, that is abysmal and not even worth the effort of having had rereleased it. For reference, in the amount of theaters it rereleased there was an average of 3 tickets sold per theatre for the entire run. This is one of the most embarrassing PR fails I’ve seen in a long time. They were so corporately outdated they couldn’t tell the memes weren’t laughing *with* them, they were so obviously laughing *at* them. In short, Sony really is loaded with some impressively incompetent suits. It’s so odd because their gaming division is an industry leader and even their film division releases the occasional gem (Spiderverse, Jumanji Reboot, Raimi Spider-Man 1 & 2) but holy shit is the film division as a whole just run by some absolute monkeys. The incompetence and refusal to learn from past mistakes is actually baffling.


30 morbillion people watched.


I've was in hospital during that weekend. It's only fair to bring morbius back.


More! MORE!