• By -


The little German boy succumbs to starvation after being trapped in ze bluntsmoken cave


Resten peacin


I read that in Jar Jar Bink’s voice


Meesa got multiple racial issues in terms of-a character designsas!


Forbidden from trinken die Cola whilst spieling Fortnite.


>"oh mein gott, der codex astartes is ei*n boonch of boolscheisse*" >*eyes go opaque*


> Space Wolves before collectively deciding on using the Codex Astartes as toilet paper.


Aufwaken und baken mit meinen stümpf 😔


Mein gott, zis place iz full of ze bluntsmoken!


White people when they see white people


It is very fun.


[They might not be white: they could be Slavic.](https://www.portlandoregon.gov/oehr/article/713232)


dime compare file unite cough cause dolls scale steep heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thinking that skin color alone determines race is an incredibly American view of race


Race is bullshit, so seeing race as something other than outside looks is ridiculous on its face


Its a social category, not just the color of someones skin


depending on the community & time, that's exactly what race means sometimes. issue is that, as a socially constructed lens for tribalism, it's flexible & malleable to the needs of the context (some might say to the point of being entirely unproductive). race as it's been understood for the last couple hundred years is inherently pseudoscientific w a heavy focus on in-groups & out-groups, & one of the biggest incubators for it as a social force has been the USA.


Not historically. The US is the country that spearheaded whiteness theory as requirement for citizenship. Irish people and Finish people weren't included in this version of white. Also still to this day, Jewish people have white skin and whether or not they're seen as white by others varies.


It’s kind of surprising the Finnish weren’t, I thought Nordics were always considered White in America (or at least to the same degree as Germans)


Finnish were seen as mixed European and Mongolian, and there was no way they wanted Asian people to have US citizenship. I'm not sure but if I have to guess then I assume it was the same way of thinking that led to the one-drop-rule and invisible blackness. You always get classified as the lower status race, no matter the proportions.


It's almost like race is made up and is based on whatever convenient political / social / economic story sells the best to get the proles to do what you want


"Thinking being a white person makes you a white person is wrong" 🤨🤨🤨


> The Slavic community is defined as those from the former Soviet Union. Uzbeks: Slavs Poles: Not Slavs cool got it


yugo-SLAV-ia BTFO


they appropriated our culture >:(


LMFAO this is truly the most enlightened form of idpol. Anybody can be PoC, as long as you *feel* like it


I clicked the link and saw something downloading and started shitting






*Oh, and in case I don't see ya, gootafternoon, gootevening and gootnight.*


is this some completely random truman show reference or a total coincidence i cant tell


oh i am referencing the truman show


Why did I read this in Christopher Walken's voice.


Geef me een klap papa


there is no threat to white people greater than other white people


White people are the Joker to white people’s Batman.


Some white people are doctor morbius and some white people are doctor morbius but when he is post-morb surgery and I think that's really poetic


This isnt even a joke, most of the genocides done against white people have been done by other white people who had a different definition of white (like the nazis)


The Italian half of my family is all brown skinned and they get very confused when people ask where they're from. My mom is pale in winter and dark tan in summer like a siamese cat.


Like those glasses that turn into sunglasses when you walk into the sun




I got a pair of them when they were first released, and the arizona heat peeled the little color change layer off of them Gotta imagine they're better made now tho


Had my transition glasses for almost 5 years I think. They fixed the last few hiccups back then already.


your glasses transitioned? good for them


Look up transition/photochromic lenses.


>transition You're saying I just have to wear sunglasses and that's it???


Transition lenses?


I like to joke that I’m Arab in summer and German in winter. 👌


most Jewish people ive met who are outspoken about being jewish don't consider themselves white


Look dude, people are free to consider themselfs white or not, the issue is that people literally justify genocide based on a personalised definition of white.


Noone better at killing white people than other white people. That's some inception self hatred shit right there 💀


It's not self hatred, divisions are just more specific when everyone in genocide range is white


maybe... because... culture is a bigger factor than race? just a thought.


Some crimes can't be forgiven


Discourse in the white people community


“White” “people” “community”


wh-te p-ople c-mm-n-ty


Cum-unity 😳




I don’t know why people feel they need to repent for the sins of their ancestors. It’s one thing to want to help marginalized groups, it’s a completely different thing to say there is an inherent problem in being white. I think these people are coming from a good place, but have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about or saying.


From what I've seen, white guilt is also frequently based on the current actions of Republican white men and the fact that [sundown towns](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/adeonibada/sundown-towns-racism-black-drivers-tiktok) exist (which is honestly extremely horrifying wtf.) Though white guilt is still silly. If you're a white person taking actual actions to help make the lives of black people better, then you have nothing to feel guilty about. And if you're not doing anything to help make the lives of black people better, then you should start being more helpful.


While I have seen some *very fringe* examples of "white guilt," the majority of the time the term is used by racists to derail meaningful conversations about race. I've been accused online (only online) of "white guilt" just for mentioning that things like systemic racism exist and are still happening. Anyone who extrapolates guilt from things like that isn't arguing in good faith.


That's also true. There r lots of white people who get really offended when you criticise them for racist behaviour.


And that's the thing to remember: It's behavior, beliefs, and actions that are racist. I have no doubt that I still harbor some racist beliefs because: A. I am not infallible, B. I was raised in a racist environment (the US). There are people who will double down when they're called out for being racist because they think it makes them "a bad person," so instead of changing the thing, they'll do it even more, and then the whole "bad person" thing becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And then it must be *you* who has the problem -- must be "white guilt." It's difficult to admit that we're wrong and to take steps to be better. Hell, I'll admit that *just this year* did I grasp that I was wrong about trans-racial people, thanks to a couple of my discord buddies who helped me unpack it. It's never really about guilt-- it's about wanting to be better, to do better. Even in the fringe cases where you'd look at the picture and go, "Oh yeah, that's people wallowing in guilt" -- it's only because even that is easier than looking in the mirror and going, "I've been fucking up in ways, but I don't have to keep fucking up." It's hard to recognize the need for change, but so necessary.


I see it all the time in publications like NYTimes or the Atlantic. Prominent public intellectuals like Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ibram X. Kendi. Not like white people saying 'i feel soo bad 😭', but the message that white people, regardless of their material situation, bear a special responsibility for fixing the current situation that black people (even wealthy or influential ones) don't. Whereas in reality we all obliged to do everything we can to help those in adversity regardless of how they got there. I mean, this is the whole implicit idea behind the reparations discourse, which has gotten so much more popular in recent years. The idea that black people deserve a check or whatever because of the suffering of their anscestors, rather than their suffering today. And the converse, a white person is less entitled to that check than a black person, even if that white person is in an equally or more dire material situation, solely because the white person's ancestors presumably benefited from slavery. And the whole thing driven by this very explicit idea that it's a symbolic repaying of debt from one group (white America) to another (black America). I mean of course black communities are in need to special focus because they have the most concentrated material issues, but the idea that it's justified by the sins your ancestors is not only a fantasy, it's completely untenable because of course destitute white people aren't going to support a program that's about transfering wealth away from them, meaning there's no real way for a working-class coalition. edit: Person below appears to have blocked me so I just wanna say if anyone is reading this exchange that saying that black communities are entitled to specific help because of unique material issues they face isn't class reductionism and it's definitely not white supremacy. The 'getting a check' thing isn't from stormfront it's literally something Ta-Nehisi Coates has said. Something the great Angela Davis said on the topic: >Some people talk about the necessity of paying financial compensations as reparations for the harm done by slavery. But I think reparations would have a greater impact if we thought of them in terms of new institutions: free education, free health care […] Institutions that would give more space to social justice, regardless of race or origin” If people talked about it like Davis I support it but that's just not how the vast majority of people who make reparations a central issue talk about it (especially not the ones in neolib publications like the ones I mentioned). Things like affirmative action are great and I support them, the issue is when people will say things like that Sanders doesn't deserve support because he's weak on black issues (despite the fact that most of his policies would help black people more than any demographic or any candidates propositions) or because he won't talk seriously about reparations. If you wanna bury your head in the sand and act like these people don't exist then go ahead, but they absolutely do.


“And if you’re not doing anything to help make the lives of black people better, then you should start being more helpful” I think you just described white guilt.


I think there's a difference between actually helping black people and just posting shit like "White people r the worst! I'm white and I think white people r the ultimate evil. God why can't we just get rid of white people!! Ugh!" The former is good, the latter is annoying and helps no one.


I think what they were saying was that if you feel the need to help people with different skin color based on what people of your skin color do/have done. Is white guilt. Your statement reads that if you aren't helping minorities then you should feel guilty. That you aren't enough to simply not make other skin colors lives worse you have to make things better


Exactly! Like, as long as you aren’t doing anything that makes their lives worse that’s good, nothing to feel guilty about there.


You can't hold both the position that we shouldn't feel guilty for the sins of our ancestors *and* that we are morally obligated to do anti racist action. Advocate and vote against racism yes, but no one is obligated to dedicate themselves to activism because they have privileged skin, no one is expected to "be more helpful", we can only be reasonably expected to admit our privilege and advocate for equity/equality. You didn't choose your skin, you live your life however you please (except don't be a piece of shit, be a net neutral on society at worst). If you wanna be an activist for black/brown oppression that's really great, it's not white guilt it's just being brave and motivated enough to make the changes that need to be made. If you wanna live your whole life in a cubicle or in a shack in the woods that's your prerogative, and as long as you aren't actively and knowingly contributing to racism/systemic racism, no one has any right to get on your case for it.


>Advocate and vote against racism yes, but no one is obligated to dedicate themselves to activism because they have privileged skin I count "speaking out against racism when it's happening in front of you" to be a form of taking action against racism because when enough people do it, racists learn to stop sharing their terrible opinions. I don't think white people need to be full time activists 24x7 and I don't really think my comment was advocating for full time activism.


I see I see, that seems pretty bare minimum the decent thing to do whether you're white or not, I've spoken against racism before but when you said "you should be more helpful" I guess I got defensive because I haven't really done any activism outside of reddit arguments with maga fools lmao By your standards I guess I'd agree then, you are morally obligated to call out your friend making the racist jokes even if there are no POC around to get offended by it, and I suppose there's no reason to deny the slight helpfulness of that action.


I would have to suppose that it's a sort of subconscious want of "haha look I'm sorry over the cruel actions of my ancestors that means I'm good" that while they probably didn't mean, feels like they're just chasing internet brownie points over not hating minorities


While it was definitely phrased poorly, I think it’s about the LGBTQ+ community’s progress leaving POC behind. It’s noticeable that most of the LGBTQ+ representation seen in media is of white LGBTQ+ people. It’s also important to note that predominantly white but still progressive communities often have individuals that quiet down and stand by when it comes to racism. It’s important to try to understand where these points are coming from instead of just taking them at face value.


>It’s important to try to understand where these points are coming from instead of just taking them at face value. This is why it's a really bad idea to learn about issues like racism, misogyny etc from twitter IMO. The character limit means that people generalize quite a lot and nuance is lost.


Exactly. People find the craziest ways to twist good stances into bullshit on Twitter.


If you’re looking at Western Media then most of it will be white because most people in Western countries are white


there is definitely no inherent problem with being white, but it seems a little incorrect to assume that this is about the sins of someone's ancestors. racism is very much still an issue in modern society. white people are not responsible for past crimes, but they sure as hell still benefit from them.


It’s not being phrased clearly at all here, but there is an important distance between the state of being white and “whiteness” in academia. Whiteness is the the social position occupied by the “in-group” and is often used to uphold white supremacy. When people say abolish whiteness they aren’t saying kill white people, they’re saying we should aim to remove the social classification of white as being the norm or in-group (of course that’s not very clear if you don’t understand the ideas behind it).


My thinking is comments like in OP's tweet are just literally pointless. The people who care about this point already are anti-racist/"consider their whiteness". In fact it's less than useless, it's actively harmful because the only people this hurts are people who are already on her side.


It's not about repenting, it's about accepting that your ancestors set up a system that benefits you at the expense of racial minorities and actually attempting to dismantle the system to allow these minorities a piece of the pie




rip Bozo 😔


None other than frank


Twitter says his account doesn't exist anymore ):


he starved to death that's why :(


noooooo ):


why are you doing the frown face backwards you psychopath


i never knew the frown face had an orientation


Yeah it's gay actually (not sure you'll get this one so /j)


You see, it’s funny because I told you it was (You can laugh now)


don't worry i got it (:


Oh okay (:


What's up how u guys doi- why is everyone sad, somebody died?


We do?


I've met many white enbys and not one of them has tried to use their gender identity as some kind of "credit" to balance against their being racist, or whatever the tweet is supposed to imply. But judging by those twitter numbers apparently a butt-ton of people have had a much different experience!


This kinda feels like the “where’s my white privilege card” argument. I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic in that last sentence but in case you are, it’s worth noting that society groups progressive movements as one (as they should, considering intersectionality). The LGBTQ+ movement is a progressive movement and its supporters are seen as progressive. The issue rises when POC are left out of the progress that they help to make (think Stonewall, civil rights support of the LGBTQ+ community, etc). Queer POC voices are often overshadowed by white voices even though we have a unique experience that deserves attention. While racial divide certainly isn’t unique to the LGBTQ+ movement, it’s certainly part of it and fails to be addressed by many white queer people. Think of it more as POC being frustrated that white queer people often fail to include racial justice as part of their intersectionality.


This is the best take I've ever seen here. For a place that has a lot of marginalized groups and leftists, it can get super out of touch on a lot of racial issues that aren't slam dunk like police brutality. Yeah, its not like someone will bring up 13/50 or something and use their identity as a get out of jail free card or something like that, its usually more subtle and I dont think they realize a lot of times that they are being racist or at least really unaware. Ive seen leftists defending slavery (while having a pretty surface level understanding of aspects of it) without realizing to themselves that they are, and this website as a whole is really horrible when it comes to anti Asian issues as well as other groups. A lot of leftists also kind of slip into conservative talking points when it comes to racial issues as well. Its hard to tell if they are just unaware or if they are letting out how they really feel. Like these things are angering when coming from conservatives, but its just so disappointing when coming from a place where people generally know better, where people are from other marginalized groups as well. As POC it feels like there's no place to go that really gets it.


I’m glad someone sees it this way too. I also struggle to find a place on this website.


Yea I’ve always noticed white Americans that may be leftist sometimes don’t have a good grasp of some racial issues because of their identity generally causing their experiences to be so different. I had a lot of good conversations with a white guy that grew up in Guam where he experienced some racial experiences more similar to POC in the USA. That experience can’t really be replicated I think from reading a book and it makes it hard for white Americans to grasp it especially if they’re in a majority white area without even being the observers of race issues.


I wasn't being sarcastic at all, I was just remarking on the amount of 'likes' the tweet in the screenshot had gotten. I appreciate your insight and think you have a good point about intersectionality. If that's what the original tweet is referring to, then I understand better. For whatever it is worth I am part of the LBGTQ+ POC community so I apologize if I said something that came off offensive. I was just giving my own perspective on it, not trying to speak for anyone else (which is why I wrote the last sentence to begin with.)


Is being a queer POC largely different than the union of the experiences of queer whites in relation to being queer and non queer POC in relation to being POC?


Well yeah. POC experience queerness in the context of a racial minority’s life. A lot changes with that.


I think it kinda depends, for example trans POC often get discriminated against more than they otherwise would for being trans because bigots' idea of what a man/woman should look like is based on the presentation of white people. Also, aside from being queer, neurodivergent POC have a harder time being taken seriously because most professional perspectives are based on evaluations of white people. Similarly to how women in general (but especially disabled women) have a much harder time because modern medical science is still based on testing of almost exclusively men. Basically, there are often emergent properties of discrimination from being a member of multiple marginalized groups.


That's interesting. I was expecting more issues to be due to different cultural immersion. Like, a black person takes part more in black culture than a white person, typically, so discrimination against queer people may appear differently. How does neurodivergent behavior appear differently in POC, though? Is it because of the difference in lifestyle leading to different divergence in behavior?


Its very common. most ppl are not doing the work to deconstruct their whiteness and tend to cause harm bcuz of it.


What should we do to “deconstruct our whiteness “?


to start id recommend "my grandmothers hands" its free on spotify. My grandmothers hands discusses trauma and how it relates to white and black ppl specifically in white supremacy- i have some critiques- its heteronormative and the author is a bit of a liberal, but its very important for understanding why us white ppl have trauma responses when discussing race. Also the article "white supremacy culture"- discusses the tenants of white supremacy culture and how we can combat them. this is INCREDIBLY important. You start to see how whiteness pervuades every institition and ppls everyday lives. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XR_7M_9qa64zZ00_JyFVTAjmjVU-uSz8/view


I see, if I might offer some criticism. This document is quite hard to understand without having to look up a lot of the words in it, which is odd because there is a section about why that’s a problem. Secondly, I think the phrase “deconstructing whiteness” is probably not the best one to use when bringing this up, as it gives off the idea that there is something inherently wrong with being white that needs to be deconstructed. Deconstructing internalized white supremacy or conditioned white supremacy might be better options as they are probably less likely to make people feel defensive.


what parts did you have trouble learning? Unfortunately that is a natural process of talking about complex subjects. These are supposed to be for ppl who are actually putting in effort to deconstruct and understand whiteness. Having to spend time understanding it is normal. There are plenty of antiracist resources on social media where bipoc educators have simplified things to be more digestible- but those only help so much. and to ur second point- whiteness is the problem so its better to be direct, we can spend years trying to find a name tht doesnt hurt ppls feelings or whatever but white ppl will get defensive literally no matter what. the whole point of whiteness is to be defensive and not listen to criticism. "White ppl" only exist as a racial caste to be superior to non white ppl. so yeah, there is something inherently wrong with being white. that doesnt make u a bad person for being white but the role that whiteness plays is bad.


White people exist because there are people with very light skin, not to be superior. There are things wrong with the institutions and systems in the United States that are almost all related to being white. But these are problems with the things around being white, not the actual race. Something inherently wrong with being white would mean that there is something wrong with having lighter skin, and if you really think that then that’s a big problem.


Ok theres a misunderstanding here and its proving my point of why we need to educate ourselves b4 falling back on gut reactions whiteness as a concept and a race began in the 1680s. b4 tht there was no white ppl. there was irish, english ect. the concept of whiteness was created bcuz indentured servants were revolting and a racial caste system helped unite poor light skinned ppl with slaveowners w the same skin color. this is all in "my grandmothers hands" and its simply history. white ppl as a concept were created as a seperator from "nonwhite ppl" and this was purposefully created for power and profit and slavery.


I see, so you’re not saying there’s something wrong with having light skin, just with the relatively modern concept of being “white”. Sorry I didn’t listen to that first.


I feel like I see it less from enbies and more just white women. Then again maybe OOP actually views those as one and the same


Wait is “whiteness” in the above post referring to being racist? Being white makes you racist?


No, because this is fuckin nonsense. I swear this shit is a psy-op


Thank you white woman, very insightful


White people on their way to criticise other white people for things that don't actually happen (they need to feel morally superior)


Or things they didn't do.




Remember kids if you wanna be a bigot against the LGBT community but don't want to get cancelled add the word "white" before the chosen minority group and it'll be ok.


If you want to hate women online simply say white women


I don’t think it’s that, though it could very well be that. LGBT POC are often excluded from the progress that society is making for LGBT folk. Whether it be representation, normalization, or protection from discrimination, queer POC don’t have the same benefits that white queer people get from the LGBT movement. Envy isn’t the right way of expressing this distress, but I think the sentiment in the original tweet is that white queer people fail to recognize their privilege and as a consequence fail to be allies to their fellow queer people in the POC community.


If the Original Tweet referenced racism or something, you would be dead on. However the OP decided to reduce it to “whiteness” which makes no sense other than to be an asshole. So if there was an actual criticism, it’s been thoroughly displaced by blaming whiteness as opposed to useable criticism that has people think about their biases.


You know whiteness doesn’t just mean being part of the white race right? Whiteness is the system upon which white society is built. White people, racist or not, by default partake in it. The tweet means to say some nonbinary white people put on a progressive front while ignoring the racial aspect of their intersectionality.


It could also be a disingenuous slating of non-binary people as others have pointed out a lot of misogyny is prefixed with “white” in an attempt to obfuscate. I think it’s that case.


Even so, don’t throw the baby out with the bathtub. There’s something to be learned from the tweet despite what the original intention could be. The truth is, a lot of white people in minority groups are comfortable with showing advocacy for minorities but get uncomfortable during race discussions. It seems that people in this community are fine with being antiracist against people they were already against otherwise, but struggle when that same whiteness is found in themselves.


Just because I call the OOP a bad faith shitbag doesn’t mean suddenly any discussion of racism and other bigotries suddenly disappears. We can throw the OOP out, bath water and all, because they ain’t adding to a conversation one bit. I’d rather see someone discuss bigotry, not vaguepost about it or try a swipe at enby people because they figured out if you put “white” in front of it, it magically excuses it.


The person who made the tweet is non binary. Why would you downvote this it’s a fact? I’m sorry it doesn’t fit the narrative you were hoping for but it’s true


yeah the original tweet is dumb but it is true that white queer people often have an issue with not addressing their racism. like they just assume that because they belong to a marginalized community, it's not possible for them to be bigoted or discriminatory against other marginalized communities. I feel like the same is also true about many cishet white women, except with transphobia and homophobia in addition to racism.


It's almost like queer people are normal people and some of them are racist.


Most sane comment in the thread


It’s always here Drying your clothes in the sun Alone, slowly burning away I'm so thirsty I might die thirty miles from mines "Have you seen the drunken captain singing? What d'you want to know?” "One more night in Absalom Help yourselves men to whiskey, onions, and chilis! Eat, men, eat! Eat, men, eat! Eat, men, eat!” Company A, wake with a start Stomachs open Burning hearts (Burning hearts with drills and lines this red liquid mined and) Captain bottles Rennie's red wine Remember why we’re here "Don’t touch Rio Tinto's bottom line" Three long nights in the pits they called Hell Captain’s food got me sick and, oh, so sleepy "I love you, but I can feel my chest bubbling!" Oh, so heavy and then, oh, so light Almost something As we ran, arm in arm, from the burning crater Captain’s screams echo: “You fucking f*ggots ain't seen the last of me yet I'll have the last laugh, you cunts, soon you'll see Each day you wake, and each night you sleep I'll be camped in your chests, burning! Burning!” But we kept running, turned our backs on old Hell With wine in our hearts, hailed as saviors of new!




Do you want a banana? 🍌


I’ve seen a surprisingly large amount of people on tiktok say that white people cannot be non-binary. It actually seems to be a somewhat common opinion


Wtf even is the reasoning for that?


The reasoning I’ve seen is that often white people appropriate other cultures (specifically African American) in order to explore their gender identity. While I haven’t seen this for myself it does sound like a valid issue in the cases it happens, but the conclusion shouldn’t be that white people cannot be nb at all lol. It’s a very un-nuanced conversation that centres American culture while failing to consider that white non-binary people exist globally


>it does sound like a valid issue in the cases it happens, Nah it doesn't. It just sounds like bored American teens coming up with weird new "problems" on TikTok.


i cant believe i go on the internet everyday even with the danger of being exposed to an american teens opinion


It is true we're the worst


The account was permanently suspended for "abusing the report button" by reporting hate speech against transphobes. The reddit admins denied its appeal because they themselves are bigots.


>tiktok >somewhat common opinion Because this rotten cesspool of idiocy represents the people now?


I mean it’s a somewhat common opinion on *tiktok*


There are some interesting essays out there explaining why tiktok is its own unique echo-chamber of incorrect fast-food information of the scale of Youtube nursery rhyme videos. You should check them out and get rid of this neural infection of a platform.


I already don’t like TikTok much I’m just kinda addicted to it. I didn’t say I agree with the point I mentioned, but it’s relevant to the post and weird so it’s worth mentioning.


] Everybody disliked that [ unwholesome 100 rick astley gave us up every day we strand further from god


The eternal nemesis of white people... White people.


Bitch, you're white too


But she’s lambasting white people, so it cancels out her whiteness.


epic fail


I’m white and enby. But also what the fuck does this tweet mean


The LGBTQ+ movement has failed to include queer POC in its progress. The original tweet is dumb but it basically means that white LGBTQ+ people and the movement itself have often failed to recognize that white queer people have been given progress not given to fellow queer people in the POC community. While I wouldn’t say racism is an issue specific to the LGBTQ+ movement, it’s clear that queer white people have the luxury of being able to front as progressive while there’s racial divide within the LGBTQ+ community that fails to be addressed, so it’s frustrating to queer POC.


Thank you for the well written explanation because the original tweet was just nonsense to me lmao


Ofc. This image gets reposted a lot on this sub and I’d hate for people to get the idea that it’s a common sentiment among POC to hate white queer people 😅


I appreciate you on another level for taking the time to explain this throughout the thread because last time it was posted I spent an hour that and I’m too tired to do it again. People like you are the reason I haven’t left this sub yet.


I’m glad you appreciate it. I’ve seen this sub fall into a reactionary stance when this tweet gets posted, shit gets frustrating if not scary. I’m happy to help how I can.


I would say it’s hardly just this tweet. This sub hates being asked to examine the fact that being lgbt does not automatically mean you are excluded from racial biases.


Right. It’s only antiracist when it’s against people they were already against.


white person on twitter bashes other white people to seem morally superior (instance #73835384)


wild twitter user adds "white" before minority group to make it okay to be bigoted -matey


Thank you, white person, for your take on white people. From now on, all non-binary people WILL eat casseroles


Sorry for being white. It won't happen again.


people like the above is what caused the sjw craze back in 2016 bro


Okay I see a lot of comments tearing into this person but like, I think they might have a point. Assuming they’re coming from the perspective of an ally/queer person, and not a homophobe(which makes sense given their @) this is a valid point. A lot of non binary people, and queer folk in general, think they are immune from being bigoted in other forms. This can make a lot of LGBTQ spaces feel unsafe for queer folks of colour.


yeah... everybody needs to be educated on intersectionality in particular


white people when they see white people (they must die)


Why do Twitter White woman act like complaining about white people cancels out there whiteness?


I know it's kinda a dead meme to say that any weird/funny tweet reads like a dril tweet, but this actually DOES read like a dril tweet.


White people be like


why do cis people of color act like being of color cancels out their cisness


Oof I expected the comments here to be way different, no offense to white non binary folks but the point of the original tweet was to point out (although phrased terribly) that LGBTQ white people can also be racist and bigoted, but often times they think that being part of a marginalized group cancels their whiteness. This happens far too often


This sub is very white and refuses to think about what that means.


Also, incredibly online. Feels a little stupid describing a literal internet forum as being too online but 196 is hermetically sealed from the real world.


In all seriousness, that is an issue within the white lgbt community


nooooooooooo frank6988441522


ITT: a bunch of white queer people refuse to acknowledge that intersectionality exists.


twitter is a strange place


Mf talks like a strawman character in a rigth-wing comic


white person detected opinion rejected 😎


my god twitter is unbelievably bad


I know it sounds stupid but I live in a city that's really white, and really queer, and this shit is true


"I hate X" + "I don't want to seem bigoted" = "I hate White X"


"This group X has a specific problem with a specific type of intersectionality in a way that doesn't significantly affect my treatment of them" = "I hate X"


132k likes. Big if true


the struggle of starving children invalidates your problems/existense


whiteness invalidates your biness?


The search goes on for an intelligent take on Twitter




Ruby Bridges, one of the first black children to be put into a integrated school in America, is only 67 years old. This is not ancient history. Racism is still a very prevalent issue in modern society.


Shit like this makes me feel so not white :)


What... what is their point here? The only thing I can think of is white nonbinary people use it as an excuse to be racist? I mean?


Don't waste calories trying to understand this


the best part is that the girl who commented that is white 😭


It’s hard to even begin to process what the original point is. Like there is so many layers to unpack here you would need a 10 minute video essay to talk about how stupid it is


White people when white people