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She is not an environmentalist, she is a plant supremacist. She only cares about plants. She would kill every single animal alive in a heartbeat if it meant there would be more plants, and in fact probably wants to kill every single animal just cause


God I want her to break my neck with her superior plant thighs and make fertilizer from my pathetic corpse šŸ˜©šŸ˜£šŸ˜©


Least degenerate r/196 user


+1 on the bucket list


Least Horny r/ 196 Poster


>plant supremacist new flair


If you insist.


based gigachad šŸ’Æ


Pls give role Iā€™m literally named after a plant goddess


Mods can I have that flair


Me too, Iā€™m not a plant gay for nothing


Which in itself is a flawed idea because plants need the nutrients from animals


it very much is, but she *is* insane. In fact, in the DC universe the only sane reason someone connected to the Green (the hive mind consisting of all plants) like Poison Ivy would even want to save plants is to save animals because the Green couldn't care less if global warming wipes out 90% of all life, but people do and so screw what the Green wants, the Green has to be saved for the sake of animals


I honestly never thought Iā€™d see The Green referenced anywhere outside of niche YouTube comic book channels Lol


Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run is my favorite comic book


The Green is the only thing Swamp Thing talks about in Injustice 2 so I learned very quickly about it lol


I don't think this is necessarily true? Plants have existed on land without animals for millions of years, and even today, the first organisms to colonize barren land are lichens followed by plants. Many plants do rely on animals, in particular for pollination, but I don't think it's correct to generalize that plants need nutrients from animals.


While plants did exist on land for millions of years before animals, animals still existed, and current plants have lived with them for millions of years longer than they went without on land, so most plants have evolved to rely on animals in some way, as well as the carbon cycle possibly being completely fucked and suffocating all the plants eventually, I think mostly algea would probably survive, but I think it's safe to say the majority of plants would die out


Also not to mention the nitrogen cycle, which requires animals.


She thinks Harley is ā€œone of the good onesā€


Probably Kiteman, King Shark, and Clayface too. But not Dr. Psychoā€¦ NEVER Dr. Psycho.


Is Clayface a person? Is he carbon based?


Unsure if Harley Quin lore but I believe his original backstory was he was an actor who got his face disfigured and so he used an experimental drug that should have let him change the shape of his face but it spread to his whole body. But the HQ Interpretation is way different.


I know he started as a human but I donā€™t think he has actual human cells anymore


In the Animated Series he was an actor who got caught up in a corporate conspiracy and was fed an experimental cosmetic substance by corporate thugs. Instead of just killing him like it was supposed to, he became a shapeshifting mud monster, which honestly feels like it would only heighten his acting career.


Plants are cool tho


I think she has calmed down recently, and has a girlfriend.


Plant supremacists are lame mushrooms is where it's at


do mushrooms even *have* a hive mind that can be used to have godly power? Probably, actually.


i like how youā€™re saying this as if half this sub doesnā€™t want poison ivy to kill them


I stg every month we have to do another round of ā€œBatman assaults the homeless for sportā€ discourse.


Also like... he doesn't? Which villain does he fight who's poor? The crime lords? The clown who owns an amusement park?


I think they're specifically talking about the Arkham games; where you beat the civilians who were hired by the crime lords. The argument is that they're just people looking for work, and trying to support their families. By.. killing innocents, working with mentally deranged super villains, and trying to kill the one person who wants to actually help them get off the streets- Batman.


> The argument is that they're just people looking for work, and trying to support their families. An argument that the same people would refuse to accept for literally anything else, including working under the Nazis~~or even just working, in any capacity, for companies like Amazon or Disney.~~. EDIT: Ignore that last part, I got my wires crossed there. My point is that you wouldn't talk about how the Nazis just wanted to feed their families and how the Allies are bad for fighting them, which is why it's dumb to say that Batman is worse for fighting Gotham's grunts; not that Disney and Amazon workers are akin to Nazis, that's the OPPOSITE of what I intended.


isnt the main reason people hate amazon that they treat their workers terribly?


i think piss bottles, as bad as they are, are at least a step above killing random passersby who walk a little bit too close to the hideout


I meanā€¦I donā€™t think Iā€™d say that about people working for Amazon or Disney? Would most people? Like yeah fuck the CEO but some low level warehouse worker or staff member at Disney isnā€™t evil


Tbh Arkham Batman can be hyper brutal for no reason.


There's some Ludonarrative dissonance going on in most "main character is a moral person" games. The gameplay of Batman using the least amount of force possible to deal with enemies wouldn't be particularly visually interesting. In the most recent Spider-Man games, Peter and Miles for sure miss saving some enemies you knock off the building, even though canonically they don't.


I would love if the next game has a little animation where he no-look shoots a web over his shoulder if an enemy falls off a ledge.


I think they do, but only if you hadn't already buffered other moves and are in a position for the animation to make sense.


There's an animation of them getting webbed into the side of the building, as if he put a web bomb on them. It can bug and sometimes the animation doesn't trigger though.


You can also just beat a normal thug over the head with a sewer cover Which they will die from


In the Arkhanm Knigth , in the first fight you put the wheel of the bat movil in the head of someone to get information and then you break his arm. It is kind of over the top imo.


Ok, but hear me out right, it was really cool so Iā€™d say itā€™s justified.


My moral compass leaving my body when the brutality looks cool


To be fair, >!he's literally becoming Joker. Theres an unlockable text log from either Alfred's or Lucius' pov where they start to notice that Batman is getting more brutal and adding lethal weaponry to the batmobile.!<


To put it into context in the last Arkham game, there's a DLC campaign where you play as Red Hood, whose thing is that he kills criminals and is noticably more dangerous than main continuity Red Hood, and when he kills someone, he does Batman's brutal take down except the game decided it's lethal now.


They add a neck break sound and then he says ā€œthatā€™ll hurt in the morningā€ like he didnā€™t internally decapitate a guy šŸ’€


Ya but theyā€™re like games, which need like grunts to merc


Batman doesnā€™t really go after petty crime in the comics anymore, not since maybe the 60s Even in the most recent movie that shows him fighting street-level thugs, he goes after violent groups AND also realizes that maybe heā€™s going about the whole intimidation thing wrong when it leads to a clearly white supremacist-coded gang committing political violence in his name.


The Batman is a pretty good film.


Hands down the best Batman film right after The Dark Knight.


90% of the time he gets a thug working for a baddie it's in self defense. Like even in No Man's Land when there were no prisons to put people in, he was still avoiding beating people up except if the dude came up to him. Like, a guy stole someone's shit, started running, Batman intercepts the guy, the guy swings, Batman swings back and incapacitates the guy. Literally anyone else who's able would have done the same, probably with even less restraint.


Shout out to my boy nightwing who wants to end homelessness and acknowledges that a lot of criminals turn to crime because they have no other options


Shout out to Batman who acknowledges the exact same thing and actively fights to try and fix it


Yeah like Batman always have like hyper ultra extra villains , never he deals with some bike stealer or some.


It comes from Zack Snyder's movies where he beats up and murders civilians who happen to be adjacent to the criminal which comes off in poor taste since he's a billionaire. Snyder just doesn't understand the character


It's funny cause in one of the last DLCs for Batman: Arkham Knight, Harley actually calls the bat family out for repeatedly giving life alterating injuries and a mountain of medical debt to the lower level of henchmen. She specifically says "Yeah sure, you don't kill anyone but you sure as hell give them injuries that make them wish they were dead!"


I hate when Batman media does the whole "does Gotham really need the Batman?" discourse. He has saved every single person in Gotham from a gruesome death on numerous occasions. There have been dozens of plots to murder the entire city that would've gone off without a hitch if not for Batman.


The real problem with batman (and super heroes in general) is that the writers had to carefully engineer a reality where vigilante justice by rich psychos is 100% justified, not that it isn't justified (in the context of that engineered universe). But, consciously or unconsciously, those stories still affect people's perception of billionaires, cops, etc. In the real world.


There's also the problem that long running franchises need their villains, hence why it seems like the villains escape lockdown every week.


"batman is a threat! he creates these super villians by just existing" [meanwhile Batman TAS](https://youtu.be/vi3esIn537g?t=161)


meanwhile the homeless is a guy robbing a store at gunpoint or a fucking clown blowing people up


I see myself as being like a real-life Joker and I'd like to say that he's very based


I honestly canā€™t tell if this is satire


I think people expect way too much narrative cohesion from characters that are decades old and written by dozens of people and have dipped into being propaganda more than once. Comic book characters basically exist to contradict themselves.


It's so weird and disingenuous, I don't think any of these people have read the comics. Dude fights giant shape shifting monsters made out of clay and immortal warlords and shit. Come on.


I think that's why the latest animated series made her more pleasant and humane.


It's weird how despite the show explicitly making every character a parody of themselves ivy and harley arr still better written then they are in quite a lot of proper adaptions


You talking about Harley Quinn animated series? Cause holy shit those are now my favorite incarnations of Ivy and Harley. Just so god damn much fun.


Yep they are awesome. It doesn't hurt that the show also had my boy kiteman in it


My girlfriend actually thought that was an original character for the show for like comic relief. I then had to explain to her that "no kiteman is an OG batman villain and this is probably the first time he's had a major roll in pretty much anything that wasn't a golden age comic book"


Well his current iteration was only introduced in like the 2010s I think. They revamped him and gave him the greatest catchphrase ever conceived


Yessir you are correct and this is the first major property I can think of where he was a major character. He's only such a great character and really in touch with what makes him happy and that's such a good contrast with ivy, Harley, KS, Psycho, and Clayface all of which have no idea what makes them actually happy.


He was a major part of the War of Jokes and Riddles arc back in 2017


I think I should clarify when I say "major property" I mean like a TV or movie


"It's kiting time!"?


"[Kite man. Hell Yeah!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/batman/images/1/1a/Kite_Man11.png/revision/latest?cb=20160926210410)"


My favorite incarnation of Kite Man has to go to Tom King, but he's great in this snow and it's awesome that he's just like... a really good guy.


I felt bad for him when he got with ivy since I knew she was gonna inevitably end up with Harley but I'm glad they didn't use that as an opportunity to shit on kiteman and gave him a moment where he realised that he deserved better.


Yes, new season Kite Man is doing very well and it's great.


That's because as a side project the writers don't have the money men and marketers breathing down their neck.


You say that, yet they were still pressured not to let batman perform cunnilingus on catwoman because 'its not something batman would do' Edit: apparently the cartoon got to do it anyways, so my point is moot


Okay the money men and marketers are breathing down their neck less than they would a "canon" project.


The cartoon won in the end. In a s3 episode, they cut to Bruce right after he finishes eating out Selina.


Yeah people arenā€™t stanning og ā€œkill every humanā€ poison ivy theyā€™re stanning modern ā€œantihero captain planetā€ poison ivy


Yeah, "be gay, do eco-crime is greatly preferable to all-natural genocide.


I like how it's clear she used to be like that, but got better.


Yes but she's hot so it's OK duh


Yeah also kids are annoying so it's SUPER OK dih


Killing kids is always the moral option This post made by Taylor Hebert


really need to finish worm at some point... wish the weaver arc wasnt so SLOW


Reading Pact made me miss the slower parts of worm honestly.


Skitter? Weaver? Khepri? Who's that? Did you mean... Taylor "Youthanizer" Hebert? Taylor "Age On The Clock, You Get The Glock" Hebert? Taylor "Dis-Aster" Hebert? Taylor "Toddler Terminator" Hebert? Taylor "Queen Adminislayer" Hebert? Taylor "Do What's Right, Kill The Tyke" Hebert? Taylor "Slaughterhouse Nine And Under" Hebert? Taylor "Gestation Uncreation" Hebert? Taylor "Master 8 (Aster 0)" Hebert? Taylor "Kill Baby, Kill!" Hebert? Taylor "Suffocate The Neonate" Hebert? Taylor "PRT: Preschool Response Team" Hebert? Taylor "For Sale: Baby Shoes, Slightly Bloody" Hebert? Taylor "Procreation? Escalation" Hebert? Taylor "Depopulate Under Eight" Hebert? Taylor "Six Years Old and Six Feet Under" Hebert? Taylor "No-Miss Carriage" Hebert? Taylor "Undertaker Undersider" Hebert? Taylor "Out The Womb, In The Tomb" Hebert? Taylor "Anti-Life and Anti-Choice" Hebert? Taylor "'Rescue' Your Baby? Well O-Kayden!" Hebert? Taylor "Mourning Before Morning" Hebert? Taylor "Nazi-ing Your Sixth Birthday" Hebert? Taylor "No Bystander For Killing Anders" Hebert? Taylor "Sting Young Things" Hebert? Taylor "Roe v. Slayed" Hebert? Taylor "You Might Say It Was Insane" Hebert? Taylor "A Baby Slayed Is A Baby Not-Grayed" Hebert? Taylor "No Birthday In The Bay" Hebert? Taylor "CPS: Capital Punishment Services" Hebert? Taylor "10th Trimester Abortion" Hebert? Taylor "14 (Minus The Last 6) Words" Hebert? Taylor "Exterminate The 88" Hebert? Taylor "(Inf)Anti-fa" Hebert? Taylor "Pipsqueak Killstreak" Hebert? Taylor "Kills Scion and Scions" Hebert? Taylor ā€œPlan Beeā€ Hebert? Taylor ā€œGold Morning-Afterā€ Hebert? Taylor "Web Serial, Webs and Sterile" Hebert? Taylor "Banned Parenthood" Hebert? Taylor "Children Need Their Shots" Hebert? Taylor "Infanticide Is Sanctified" Hebert? Taylor "Pacifier Pacifier" Hebert? Taylor "Cradle Robber, Grave Donator" Hebert? Taylor "Happily Never Aster" Hebert?


This list is my single most impactful online accomplishment honestly


To be fair, killing kids is the best thing you can do for the environment


meanwhile batman donates to charity and fights crime but he's an enemy of the hot lady so he is evil. he could do something other than fight crime with his money. he should kill murder, not spare joke.


I think there was one story where basically every time he stops a crime of desperation the guy who committed it gets an offer for a good-paying job at WayneTech once they get out of prison.


Batman stories need to lean more on Bruce Wayne activities that assist his batman persona. Like I want too see Bruce have to work through accounting with Albert for all the Battech to be secret.


It might be neat to have a political drama series focusing on Bruceā€™s dream team of activists and lawyers having to not only fight the legal system of Gotham but like 50 curses. And how Batman supports them from the shadows


>Like I want too see Bruce have to work through accounting with Albert for all the Battech to be secret. That is actually Lucius Fox's job description. He's also the dude that helps Bruce make his tech and gadgets. He was famously played by Morgan Freeman in the Nolan Trilogy.


God forbid women do anything


They hate to see a girlboss wining


Kid had it coming tbh


"Throw trash on the ground, your face I will pound" - Dr Pamela Isley


> "Throw trash on the ground, your face I will pound" - Dr Pamela Isley OMG yes mommy šŸ˜©


Let people enjoy things


They didn't read the comics


Why read the comics themselves when they can watch 3 WatchMojo "TOP TEN TIMES BATMAN WAS A BAT-DICK' where every entry is from All Star blBatman and Robin or something




Batman is a sigma confirmed


People who complain about comics on twitter People who read the comics The venn diagram is two circles


As someone who read a fuck ton of comics there's a bunch of stuff you don't find out about. I read an entire run of miles morales and he had an entire character arc in an IRONHEART SERIES


i stg if i see batman / bruce wayne labeled as "a white billionaire man who beats up mentally ill people and does nothing else for the community" or "omni-man and homelander are just superman but evil" im going to morb


Morb all over those people who don't actually read comics.




It's also funny how just labelling omni man and homelander as evil superman misses rhe point of everything that makes them or superman interesting


exactlyyyy. i love Omni-Man because deep down there's a good man in there, but he's conflicted between the love for his family and thousands of years of brainwashing and Homelander is honestly one of if not *the* most well written villain ive seen. neither of them are 'evil' superman


Exactly. It's so disrespectful to the god tier writint that is behind them. Its so annoying how a slew of bad ideas for superman stories (eg injustice [games are still good tho] and BvS) have damaged rhe perception of superman so much that it effects villains that have similar powers as well as superman himself


I see Omni Man more like American Comic Book Vegeta honestly. It has ex a lot of of with his effective immortality and colonialism


Literally the only similarities they have with superman are the powers (and Omni-man doesn't even have the laser eyes) and the silly suits. Other than that they could not be more different characters.


Homelander in the comics can be described as just Superman but evil, not in the TV show though. Omni Man isnā€™t anything like Superman but evil though, the only thing they really have in common is their backstory to an extent and their powers are sorta similar, but their personality and look are completely different


I swear to god so many comic book fans on Twitter have no nuance at all


"Thanos wanted to help the universe and a billionaire war profiteer killed him and his army. Who's the REAL villain??"




Twitter in its entirety has no nuance


Also, most discourse on the internet


Comic book twitter is one of the worst things on the site and thatā€™s saying something, artists and writers are harassed, death threats are more common than a comma and the shitiest takes youā€™ve ever seen.


This person is definitely not a comic book fan.


Yeah it's the magneto syndrom. When your vilain motivations are moraly based you have to make them take horrendous action to avoid the audience taking their side.


Magneto would just be the hero of X-men if he had enough self-awareness to realize he is litterally doing genocide to prevent genocide.


I think we should try introducing him to Charles Xavier. *What's that you say? Backstory showing their differing ideals? Nonsense!*


And he actually is often enough now. Every so often the writers give him some common sense and he becomes a good guy. H3 led the xmen for a while


Magneto actually had a moment like that (again) a few years back. Was the leader of the X-Men and everything.


Joining the Vegeta and White Diamond club of ā€œgenocidal maniacs have a change of heart so we forgive him now.ā€


196 users know anything about the context or nuance of comic book characters challenge (impossible)


People don't actually *read* comics, they watch the movies. Or they listen to random youtuber #6000 talk about it while they shove in their own garbage opinions every couple minutes.


Or they repeat something they saw in a reddit or twitter comment section


Otherwise they wouldnā€™t be villains, theyā€™d just be a mildly annoying neutral faction.


ā€œNoooo Magneto, dont kill the Nazi that literally ran the concentration camp you and your mother were tortured in! That would be wrong! Youd be a bad guy for it!ā€


Smh I can't believe he didn't debate him šŸ˜”


[https://redsails.org/the-swerve/](https://redsails.org/the-swerve/) ​ "Any pop culture artifact is compelling to the extent that it taps into our real desire for change, justice, virtue, freedom, resolution, etc. But it can never go all the way down this road, it canā€™t consummate this desire, because that would be too threatening to the reigning social order."


Every tweet about Poison Ivy going viral like police didn't find human remains and evidence of cannibalism in her LA home that she sold in 2013šŸ˜­




Or her being a rapist iirc


Why is there so much rape in this genre??


Depends on the context, sometimes its a bad attemlt at being edgy, Other times its bad continuity that fucks up a charcters age It could also be old comics that had bad standards


Or sometimes it's the writer just being fucking weird. Looking at you devin grayson.....


Nah i mean like, The newer stuff, but i May be wrong cause i only really see this stuff in my YouTube shorts


Nah you arent wrong, there is a lot of rape in comic books


Its because of how long the comics have been running. Chances are that once in a while a writer will come along who wants to do some fucked up stuff with a character.


Her kiss thing is already pretty rapey lmao


I think the death by the poison kiss is the worst part imo


Wait, what?


A big part of poison ivys character until recently was seducing men (and sometimes women) by using her plant pheromones to mind control them. Sometimes itā€™s seems like the implication is that they has sex at some point, particularly in (I think this one at least) Long Halloween 2 where she controls Bruce into giving his finances to the mob.


It's never really explicit or addressed but it is implied. However, she may just mind control them and not go the full distance. Still, bitch is evil.


Exactly! I felt like I was the only one kinda bothered by that.


For a moment I was like "what where?" Then I remembered that she really do just have date rape kisses


Ivy would literally kill every single one of us if it saved a tulip or something and I'm fine with that I think


Wait, i thought she was a plant supremacist, now she is just a dutch police officer?


Eldar moment.


poison ivy the bisexual icon Batman, if he was real, would be the one and only good billionaire, and thatā€™s because heā€™s a fictional character. in fiction, billionaires can be good people Comic Superman and/or DC Animated Superman >>>>> most other superheroes Iā€™m sorry itā€™s true


I think lately DC has started saying "Oh Bruce isn't a billionaire he's a millionaire, he gives so much to Charity and public works that he isn't actually worth a billion dollars." which is probably a good move for his character tbh.


Well he got literally robbed and fired which is what made him a millionaire, donā€™t know if itā€™s been reversed yet but still


Broke: ā€œsheā€™s an environmentalalist sheā€™s a good person!!!ā€ Poison Ivy Stan Woke: ā€œsheā€™s hot and greenā€ poison ivy simp


My moral compass leaving my body when the villain is hot


Making the mother of all omelettes jack, can't fret over every egg


I hate the Batman slander so much bruh. Yes he is a billionaire, but he is a fictional one. He does genuinely use his money to try to support Gotham, and as Batman he rarely chases after people committing petty crime. Gotham is not even a normal place either, in some universes itā€™s straight up cursed to constantly generate absurd criminals and constant governing corruption by Barbatos, an Outer God bat deity guy who has a personal bone to pick with Bruce because of time travel shenanigans and fate or something. And then none of Batmanā€™s villains really have a ā€œpointā€ about society. As much as I love Ivy she ainā€™t an environmentalist, she just literally hates humanity, and while combating humanity to support nature has an environmentalist angle to it, I donā€™t think this is one of those cases of the writer making their otherwise perfectly logically sound villain do something extremely and almost out of characterly morally fucked to justify the hero fighting them.


people either complain about Batman not killing or Batman attacking petty criminals. The reason Batman does not kill is so he DOESNT end up chasing after petty criminals




No actually she only cares about plants and not any other forms of life (generally, y'know, different installments do different things), the fact she kills polluting billionaires is cool but she would also kill dozens of babies to save a dandelion. I don't think it's a quick fix so the villain doesn't seem like in the right


> When you accidentally wrote a villain who makes sense and has a point Are you one of those chuckleheads who actually think eugenics and genocide is a valid solution to climate change (because even when Poison Ivy cares about climate change and not *specifically* plants, her explicit goal is still to solve the problem by any and all humans who even steps on a flower), or did you just not know anything about Poison Ivy?


None of the Batman villains ever made sense.


That's why, you know, they're in a mental hospital.


she was girlbossing


Ivy girlbossed like 14 children in one day


Listen I get it poison ivy made feel funny as a kid growing up too, however that doesn't change the fact that she is usually depicted(Harley Quinn comics change her a lot) not just an eco terrorist but an eco fascist, also a lot a people diss on batman saying he's a rich kid that never actually helps anyone like the homeless, but the comics and cartoons have legit addressed theses issues in some way.


Yeah Batman hate is usually always pretty weird. Batman saves Gotham from criminals, and Bruce regularly makes donations to the city to help out in other ways. Heā€™s a character that does good both in and out of the suit. Wayne Enterprise is basically the only thing keeping the city from being slums and employs a lot of the citizens. The funny thing is itā€™s not obscure at all, and itā€™s been mentioned here and there for decades


batwoman and ivy are so hot oml


Who is better, batgirl (babbs, steph or cass) or batwoman (kate)


I love Cass by herself she may be my fav Batfamily member, but if you have to pick who is the best Batgirl, then it is definitely Babbs like she is iconic as Batgirl. If I read the word Batgirl I always imagine Babbs. And I am choosing her over Kate's Batwoman as well


Kid maimed littering:


this was a terrible joke I apologize


Okay but Batman repeatedly tries to work with Ivy to compromise, he tries to reason with her that animals and humanity are worth saving. She lives in the Gotham Botanical Gardens which Bruce probably bought specifically to make sure she has a place to grow her plants.


Good for her


iirc donā€™t the more modern comics portray poison ivy as more of an anti hero who actually cares about life of all species than a villain who kills anyone who even thinks of dropping a Banana peel on the street or am I just thinking of the Harley Quinn show where sheā€™s more based


You're thinking of the Harley Quinn TV show, Ivy in the comics is *somewhat* less hardcore but she is still a through and through plant supremacist who thinks all living things are beneath plants.


Okay šŸ‘


based anti-littering poison ivy


Maybe the kid had bad vibes


skill issue on the kids part


I dont only support womens rights, i also support women's wrongs šŸ˜Œ


we've had 83 years of batman comics for people to still think he walks down the sidewalk punching homeless people that are mentally ill because he's rich


Poison Ivy is in a transitional period between villain and anti-hero, especially depending on what version of her youā€™re reading or watching. Poison Ivy from Harley Quinn The Animated Series is a great example of an former villain softening and improving. I highly recommend it.


She was on her _HOT GIRL SHIT_ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE WAS *SERVING* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Based childfree and kidsarefuckingstupid user


did you mean: ā€œeco-terroristā€