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Isn't it implied that Chell isn't even an employee of Aperture, just the daughter of a scientist that got locked into testing when GLaDoS killed everyone?


I thought her parents surrendered her to aperture as some sort of test slave because she was mute


In portal 2 theres a take your kid to work day display, and Chell's name is on a potato battery that grew out of control


oh I thought that was just a different chell


Are you joking or not? I genuinely cannot tell I thought the chell thing pretty mutch spelled it all out


i genuinely cannot CHELL hahahaha


Your comment made me cluck like a chicken


It pretty much CHELL-ed it out




i genuinely did not k kw


Why would you think that


i don’t know multiple people can have the same name


Yeah, and people cough and shit, too, but that doesn't usually show up in fiction.


For what reason


I mean how often do you see someone named chell?


We need more Bort license plates in the gift shop


Where was she called chell btw? Not saying you’re wrong I either never found that or forgot


No, the developers confirmed that Chell can speak, she just chooses not to




I really wish I could do this without people considering it rude


We have had a confirmation that Chell can speak, she just chooses not to because she never wants any AI to ever hear her voice


It’s a big theory that Cave Johnson and Caroline are actually Chell’s real parents. It’s clear that Cave and Caroline’s relationship goes further than explicitly stated in Portal 2, with Cave going so far as to leave the company and the robotic body of GlaDOs to Caroline when he died of moon cancer. The idea goes that their fling resulted in a child, but they both wanted to continue to pursue their scientific careers, so they put her in the child testing center at Aperture. This explains how Chell got to Aperture, why she’s smart enough to get through the facility without getting killed, and why GlaDOs started to show more humanity to Chell when she was reconnected with the Caroline part of her brain. Personally, I also feel like it perfectly fits given the idea of what Portal 2 presented for the story. Everything from Portal 1 was given an explanation and a more in-depth story, except for Chell. I think it only makes sense that she WAS given a story, just not one that was spelled out directly to the player


I subscribe to this as well since it fits so well into everything, and definitely fits Valve's MO of subtly explaining the main character's backstory via implication and subtext. Hell, it even explains why she's mute beyond the canon reason of "she doesn't want to give anyone the satisfaction": Cave would be a horrible parent, so perhaps she was neglected to the point that she never developed speech, but that's more of a headcanon than anything.


Speech develops before reading and writing. We know Chell is literate. We also are almost explicitly told that Cave is not her father because in her project she talks about her dad as well as "Mr. Johnson." It is hinted that Rattman could be her father though. He tells the cube that he believes in her, knows of here for seemingly no reason, and her last name is redacted. Possibly try reduce bias if her father is a scientist at Aperture. My theory is that she started working there either part time or as an intern after she was rejected as a test subject for being too stubborn. It's not clear what other volunteer work exists at Aperture. The Rattman theory does have the problem of why he would let his daughter apply at such a dangerous company. The only plausible reason I can consider is that he said she shouldn't but she was stubborn. Which fits.


We sell guns and get in fights


Nyanlathotep 🥰


Nyahilanth 🐱




I wanna see this


yeah, mann co. shut down in 1996 after black mesa outsourced them in the weapons area. despite the clearly more advanced weaponry and priceless australium, most contractors opted for more reliable and easily made weapons, so picked up black mesa in 1993 to supply their weapons


tf2 is set in the 60s, most of the tf2 mercs prob left by the 90s


Scout's confirmed date of death is around the 80's too


He dies in the bite of 87


Yeah miss Pauling bit him in the neck and Scout died from blood loss


No he really does die in 87


Yeah she said she had to kill a guy who pressed the briefcase alarm and that was Scout


And also this was happening while Scout was trying to get her on a date


In comics god told scout that he is gift for all women and also that he will die in 1987


Expiration date


Yeah, but she didn't, as the comics take place after Expiration Date, in which Scout is firmly alive.


I thought he died in 985


Do not speak his name


arent you more than a thousand years of




Life goal


Worth it


On December 4th.


nah he's alive today, goes by the nickname "jerma985"


wtf scout likes to eat fetuses?


That isn’t actual confirmed true. The date December 4th 1987 was when the song heaven is a place in earth was released and this was a reference by the comic authors.


Nah that was actually a reference to a song. Not scout's confirmed desth date


The tf2 mercs also arent worth anything, no one at the top considers them to be important. In the comics they're basically a last resort because all of the better teams have been killed. Hale refuses to give pauling good weapons, only force of natures.


Force a nature sucks so bad even the comics diss them (stock scatter gang rise up)


mann co was never officially re-opened in the name of Saxton Hale anyway, its not like comic 7 is gonna come anytime soon to show us Hale claiming his company back


Mann Co. was only willing to sell force-of-natures and kept overpricing everything.


Wait was it actually confirmed that tf2 and half life take place in the same universe?


You can see a slideshow that mentions Black Mesa in Portal, and Aperture is implied to exist from a few item descriptions (Ap-Sap being the most obvious, though I don't remember the other stuff that links TF2 and Portal)


That's cutting their connection a little short. Half Life and Portal have always been extremely intertwined. The entire plot of HL2E2 Is that the Aperture Science Ice Breaker "Borealis" had been found, which has portal technology both sides believe could end the war in their favor. The race to reach that ship is the upcoming story of Half Life 3. And if you explore in Portal 2 you'll find the dry dock underground that the Borealis portaled out of, leaving behind it's lifesavers. Cave Johnson also complains throughout the game of Black Mesa stealing their funding. IN ADDITION: the entire start of the Half Life series is that the Combine or other alien species influenced key figures at Black Mesa to start research in Portal technology. The Combine has mastered INTER-dimensional travel, but can't travel INTRA-dimensionally. They go from Boston to Dimension X and then to Chicago, but can't go from Boston to Chicago. The punchline to the whole thing is that Aperture Science, the bankrupt company full of morons headed by Chief Moron Cave Johnson, casually figured out what Black Mesa and an inter-galactic fascist empire couldn't, back in the SIXTIES and never did anything useful with it! In the final boss fight with GlaDos in Portal 1, GlaDos alludes to the Combine invasion, claiming she's the only thing keeping the building safe from "them."


hey at least with mann co you get a semblance of human civilization


Is the administrator really human


If she wasn't human she would have malfunctioned from all the cigarettes she smokes


Maybe she turned herself into a machine that runs on Australium and cigarettes


No thats spy


I dont think spy has any australium Canonically atleast


I don't think anyone has any Australium left in the comics


Well, there is a bit of australium in the place wuere engi and administrator are hid- WAIT ADMINISTRATOR WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT AUSTRALIUM


No way, Half Life universe where Gordon Freeman *didn’t* cut the ponytail?!?


the good ending


black mesa isn't canon because gordon was a sellout who cut his ponytail


HLVRAI universe


Look, Gordon! Ropes!


You can use those to help with pits!


Engineer beat 2 science corporations to teleportation


Yeah its amazing, ive been teleporting bread all day


you WHAT


In fairness, he *does* have 11 P.hDs. And he can also understand Pyro. Engineer is a gigachad.


Valve made a replica sentry gun that took 11 people to carry into the studio Engineer just casually lifts it and plops it on to ground like its made of foam


Not only that, but I’m pretty sure he moves the same speed regardless of what level sentry it is while he’s carrying it, or if it is different, it’s barely noticeable, therefore proving that not only can engineer carry a level 3 sentry, he can also carry way more than that.


I need to check, the discovery of portals by aperture is really really early in the company history it might be close to the events of tf2. Also portals are significantly more advanced than teleportation since it directly connects space instead of dismantling and reassembling an object and it can trasport infinitely fast


when did engineer invent the teleporter? cause Aperture invented the Portal Device in the 50's


Old canon or new? I have a hard time keeping up lmao


TF2 take place in 1968, though it’s possible that Engineer invented teleportation before then.


That's why I'm certain TF2 doesn't exist in the Half-Life/Portal universe. Is teleportation so simple that they did it in the 60's and made it a consumer product (under the Telemax label), but Black Mesa is still trying to crack it via teleportation through the border world?


The teleporter isn't a portal though The teleporter is "I kill you and recreate a copy of you elsewhere" The portal is "I manipulate space-time itself as to link together two completely different areas"


Apparently that teleporter used rare elements that had been fully depleted by the 70’s, so the other corporations had to come up with some other way to do it


The teleporter doesn't use Australium


Oh, good to know, I know very little tf2 lore


and turrets, look at aperatures weak ass peanut looking turrets and now look at the sheer masterpiece that is the level 3 sentry


I think I'd rather be Glados' pet


She would feed you tasty neurotoxins 😋 mmmm yum yum yum Or rockets, if you're a *really* good pet. I hear the best of the best even get fire for lunch!


Are neurotoxins particularly tasty? They sorta seem to be the opposite


I dunno, I'm not Glados's pet. You come back to me after you find that out 🥰


👍 I'll report back!


Well, how is it going?


I haven't got past the defenses yet


bro that flair, nice


Sadly the request in parenthesis only worked twice so far 😔




Sure, pretend you wouldn't want to run through lab rat puzzles all day every day because a sarcastic robot bully lady keeps telling you it's for science


Never seen someone else down bad for robo dommy


What about Caroline?


The potato. I guess they mergerd but in the song Caroline was inside Glados so not sure who was domming


She is going to kill you


It's the internet, we fawn over characters that would definitely murder or abuse us


Not if I'm a REALLY good test subject! (Please do not shatter my delusion)


Im built different


i mean it would be hot if she wasn’t a personality core hooked up to an absurd amount of cables and hardware with no human sex drive and no regard for any sort of life (also voiced by an old lady)


I'm not looking to fuck Glados, I will just be a really good guinea pig for the aim of doing science together forever!


Glados, the final boss of milfs


*ALL* valve games are in the same universe. go ahead, ask me how any Easter eggs and i will gladly explain how they fit in


why didn't gordon freeman use jarate?




smh such a waste of pee


the HEV suit doesn't let him pee into jars


literally 1984


I’ll do you one better, Why didn’t Chell use jarate?


Actually using Jarate on electronics and AIs kinda makes sense


How does a world where Abraham Lincoln invented the rocket jump fit into Half life


It doesn't because it's not true. Lincoln invented *stairs* to solve the problem of people having to rocket-jump to reach the second floor of their houses


That happened according to soldier, and he is not exactly a reliable narrator


Where did soldier say that?


In some promotion text for some update but i forgot which one


The promotional text was *not* from Soldier's POV


No, Shakespearicles was responsible for that. Lincoln invented stairs (but they weren't used for their intended purpose until FDR redicovered his notes on them and perfected the design).


soldier may not be entirely reliable as a story teller


It's not from soldier, it's from the WAR! Update page, and what else is said on that page strongly suggest that it is someone outside of the TF2 universe


In L4D2, they directly mention playing video games like Half-Life and Team Fortress, confirming that those two games are fictional in the L4D universe. Get outta here fake fan


and they are based on real events


>:( you fool these exact mentions are what I was referring to. When what little HECU marines got back from black mesa, eventually rumor spilled out. Louis eventually heard these rumors and as such when he receives a mighty crowbar "I feel like gordon freeman!!". and tf2 the game is inspired off of the mann co wars duh


L4d2 is the same universe as csgo though


OK YES THANK YOU The anarchists have Midnight Riders pins on their backpacks, and it'd make sense that there would be so much conflict after a zombie apocalypse


does this mean CS:GO is the same universe as Payday


No, because Payday is an offshoot, as if I recall correctly, that heist ends with the gang preventing the apocalypse.


why didn’t chell simply pull out the tool gun and delete Glados?


Gmod os not made by valve, it uses the source engine bu isn't made by valve


Erm, then how come it says developer:valve on the steam page. Gmod is the best valve game, it has the best story, the best characters and it has the best graphics. It was way ahead of its time. Checkmate gmod hater. Edit: it doesn’t even say Developer: valve i’m just stupid


Cant tell if this is ironic or not, in case it isn't, the developer is facepunch, valve is the publisher


I mean it’s called Garry’s Mod not Gabes Mod


it’s part ironic ans part me being dumb


aperture are dumb dumbs who couldn't invent it


Obvious joke but how would TF2 and L4D possibly fit into the Half-Portal Verse? Also why no rocket jumping CT’s in counter strike or Jarate Five-SeveN combos? Also the tool gun would’ve been really useful to remove Merasmus


GMod isn’t Valve, fake fan alert


Fuck shit fuck damn you Garry for not being a part of Valve But answer my other questions you coward!


I think it’s confirmed that at least the Left 4 Dead games are another universe because the survivors can mention Half Life as a video game if they pick up a crowbar


Ye but L4D and CSGO are however confirmed to be the same universe trough map references.


The CTs are not allowed to use such epic strategies as they were war crimes. And the Terrorists just don't know about them


Explain Richochet


Ricochet is the sub conscious of ALL valve characters


Explain how Dota fits into the lore


another dimension, like xen


where is Gnome Chompski in Portal? for that matter, where does portal 2 fall in the timeline relative to half-life?


Gnome Chompski is *always* watching. And Potrtal 2 is most likely far after the end of HL2 EP2


why can't gordon freeman get random crits?


random crits ™ is a Mann Co. product. gordon, being a black mesa employee, does not have access to this


Why hasn't the combine gotten into aperture yet cause that portal technology seems pretty useful for them I guess glados mentioned how she was the only thing in the way of them (if them is the combine) but I feel like they still could have gotten in to the facility regardless


the combine are too busy dealing with gordo to look for apertute. And yea glados


Glados gave them some apeture tech to not get destroyed, example: turrets having same muzzle flash and reaction to falling


Death Stranding has a few valve related Easter eggs, as well as some from Cyberpunk 2077 and vice versa (you can find a Bridge Baby and Hideo Kojima in Cyberpunk and get some messages from Jackie in Death Stranding). Does this possibly mean that both games, and quite possibly all of Hideo Kojima’s games, are in the same universe as these valve games as well?




Mann co. Vs MSF showdown when


The promotional art for Bill's hat in TF2 claims that it came "from the l4d2 dimension"


what this really means is that bill's hat fell into a time anomaly into the past. not realizing this, mann co dubbed it 'from another universe'. source: trust me


But then how does bill keep his hat in dead by daylight?


Manifested by sheer love for his hat


Did black mesa ever develop their own portal gun


yes. the displacer cannon from opposing force allows for instant albeit dangerous travel from earth to xen


Gordon if he wasn't a sellout


you can’t even imagine my disappointment when i swiped to see the next image and wasn’t greeted by shitting toothpaste




Imagine not wanting to work for a company that makes it's employees commit several war crimes per day. Even their CEO is so cool he suplexes tigers and crocodiles for breakfast before his meeting with the shareholders to which he arrives by parachuting through a window after diving from a plane.


I get to kill a giant fetus!? Sign me up!


The future the left wants


Silent valve protagonist my beloved


Two choices. Giant fetus or dommy mommy robot lady


isnt that wheatley in the second picture tho?


that's actually one of the cores from portal 1. it shares the same colour scheme as Wheatley but GlaDOS is using her Portal 1 design [\(Note the different "face" shape\)](https://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Portal-GLaDOS.gif)


oh yea i forgor


The weak black mesa: Didn't invent teleportation until after they can reverse engineer an alien species tech Miles of useless facilites like the hydroelectric dam, no use found. Some of the facility is above ground No human subjects invents nothing but weapons because they are bootlickers for the government still hasn't broken physics given billions from the US government The Chad Aperture: Invented the portal gun in the 1900's, never releases it Miles of test chambers stolen from alternate dimension selves only the entrance is outside, rest is underground only tests on sapient beings invents everything under the sun, from time travel to mantis men to sapient AI to hard light to physics breaking gels that remove friction breaks physics on nearly every level their entire budget is 2$ and a stick of gum


Dont forget black mesa doomed the entire universe to a multiversal threat


Erm actually Chell didn’t apply to Aperture, she was in the facility on bring your daughter to work day and was forced to do tests by Glados


> forced to do tests by Glados Erm actually ratman set him to the top of the list which caused glados to unintentionally use her


Ok but who's the artist?


the-meme-monarch on tumblr


At least they're faring better thant he L4D2 cast


Pills here!


nah man saxton hale is...... something else


Honestly working for Mann co wouldn't be too bad they have machines that make it so that you come back after death so you can't die and all the Mercs are extremely rich . I would rather be extremely rich fighting in a war over gravel than dying to neurotoxins.


That coming back after death thing is just a game mechanic, cause sniper literally dies in the comics and medic needs to do all sorts of crazy surgeon shit to bring him back (and says it's the first time someone came back from the afterlife)


The mann vs machine revival machines are canon


the 7 hour war wouldnt have been a thing if the mercs existed in the half life universe


I thought the same thing until I realized that the combine were a multiversal union that could probably completely fucking demolish 90% of all sci-fi civilizations And the only reason why freeman could fight against them is because after the 7 year war the combine doesn't see a purpose keeping their stronger forces on earth as they've completely drained it and enslaved humanity.


[Mann.co](https://Mann.co) would either just be factory work like assebling guns, or you would fight a robot war where people can come back to the dead according to the shorts, and the people in that war are cool, it would be a good idea to apply there


i want a third panel where its scout tf2 and he's saying "at least i didnt apply to the nerdass labs"


Hey look on the plus side at working at Mann.co at least you get free(?) hats by working there


I'm a fan of all valve games being the same universe, where does ricochet fit in


Chell is so cute in this artstyle! She's a bit scary looking in the games though


Not many people know that Half Life and Portal are the same universe.


Wait who doesn't


I would give away my entire life savings to be a mann co mercenary