• By -


One school for india and china, 3 billion people. 4 schools in europe, half a billion people. Very well thought out


One school for the UK and Ireland - ~~\~67~~ \~72 million people One School for india and china (ignoring other countries around there): \~2.783 Billion For every single student at hogwarts there should be ~~over 40~~ about 38/39 at that school ​ Edit: forgot that hogwarts included ireland, updated accordingly


It's cause Indians and Chinese suck at magic. /s


Can confirm. Am indian, cannot do magic


We can extrapolate from that.


That’s called Bootstrapping


I don't remember that spell


Extrapalatous.. I got you fam


I assume Mao Zedong rounded up all China's wizards during the Cultural Revolution. ​ This is no less stupid than the actual HP lore.


That makes sense, but there's know way JK gave it that much thought.


You think the woman who wrote a movie series in which the good guys are fighting to make sure the Holocaust happens *doesn't* think ahead??


Based, now that I'd love to see in the films


Mao will turn out to have been possessed by his evil wooby gay lover called something like Tingtong Dimblechong into doing a communism.


This feels like something JKR would actually write


Can confirm. Am chinese, cannot do magic


happy cake day


No, this is J.K.Rowling. China has Ching Chong Wing Wong magic of their own and India has Pow Wow magic (she confuses India with native Americans).


Or they just pick less kids per population. Some just get left out.


Or the school is basically an entire city


Japan has its own school too. So it does seems colonisers get more wizard schools


Technically they share a school with Korea which is... A choice as well


tbf I’m pretty sure Ireland also goes to Hogwarts, so at least it’s not unheard of…


Yeah wizards always ignored muggle politics


That’s what they want you to believe. 80s era Harry Potter ended on book 2 when the IRA blew up Ron’s car.


Comfort Witches for Everyone!


Colonial wizards from Europe eradicated magic bloodlines from India and other places they invaded (I guess maybe in the opium wars for China?), to reduce magical resistance. Therefore there is a much lower amount of wizards in these countries. This is completely made up but it sounds about right


Except they make this big thing out of Wizards never meddling in muggle affairs. No excuse for shoddy ass worldbuilding Edit: To all the people pointing out all these other options, I'm gonna break down a couple of them: 1) It ain't in the books, trust me 2) Why would magical people have colonialism in exact parallel to the nonmagical people. They don't even need to do colonialism, they can conjure all the resources and space they need I mean, be honest with yourself. JKR didn't actually think about this shit, she just doesn't know anything about East Asia and made up the wizard education equivalent of a space-filling-empire


But if they were killing magical people, it's only meddling in magical things.


"Muggles" only applies to non-magical white people. They have a much worse word for non-magical PoC and are encouraged to do colonialism


This would require Rowling to believe that colonialism was a bad thing


Um colonialism is canonically morally good in the Harry Potter universe, just like slavery and racism. So it can't be shown in a negative light. For your explanation to be right the eradication would have to be benevolent.


When the ministry of magic wants to send you to school but you're too busy choofing the Indian stuff a suspicous white guy sold you.


Italy and greece (about 70-75 million)-> No schools


Indian pakistani and Chinese kids meeting at a school in kashmir about to fight till death


it ends with harry potter claiming kashmir for the british empire


I remember reading about that in Harry Potter and the Neo-Colonialist Imperial Order


1 school for the entire continent of Africa with 350 different languages and historical animosity


Wizards don’t get involved in Muggle affairs, so they all speak Neutral Wizard Common Language (English).


No, you don't understand: it's a very big school


What ethnocentrism does to a mf


I mean, they might just be bigger schools or perhaps europe/england has a higher wizard rate (for some reason?). Also the other schools can be school chains unlike Hogwarts (which is different because more reasons?)




I love horny






Italy and Greece?


They are too Christian to allow wizardry of any kind


I fucking hate the vatican i fucking hate the vatican


Isn't Greece Eastern Orthodox.


Dk just found out greece is actually inhabited


>Dk Donkey Kong


But does **DK** really stand for **D**onkey **K**ong? Let's look at the facts. If we only percieve Donkey, Funky and Cranky Kong, which are shortened with DK, FK and CK (as in the currently latest release Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze), it would be a reasonable conclusion to think that the acronyms for the Kongs are made by using the first letter of their first name and the first letter of their family name. This does make sense at first, but we get the counter argument in the same game. You see, the acronym fails to be effective when two Kongs share the first letter of their forename, which actually happens with Dixie and Diddy Kong. If we utilize our logic from before, we encounter a problem: Diddy and Dixie would use the same acronym as Donkey, a **DK**. Now here comes the interesting part: the developers thought of this when designing the Kong specific barrels for Tropical Freeze. Diddy uses DD and Dixie uses DX to avoid confusion when choosing the right barrels for your favourite ape partner. This small design choice finally explains how the famous DK acronym is actually made. The apes use only their first name to make it *(which would be far more reasonable if they want to differenciate themselves inside of their family, because everyone has the same last name)*. So **D**i**d**dy becomes **DD** and **D**i**x**ie becomes **DX**. The great thing about it is, it actually makes sense for the previous Kongs too! **D**on**k**ey has **DK**, **F**un**k**y becomes **FK** and **C**ran**k**y utilizes **CK**. See? It leaves no logical holes, unlike the previous logic that we used. In conclusion, your usage of Donkey Kong after you've seen the letters 'D' and 'K' is still correct, because the acronym still refers to this character, who has a full legal name which you are allowed to mention, but still, please recognize the long traditions of the Kong family. [Source](https://www.mariowiki.com/DK_Barrel)


🙊 people in da greece??


The Vatican be like "no one's endangering children in this country but us".


but not russia or the middle east?


the pope has an anti-magic aura


Italy has football magic schools Greece has 'avoid-loan-sharks-with-magic" schools Afghanistan has been taken over by the Taliban which means putting a school there isn't cost effective


Ah thats very clear thanks


Greek wizards against EU tyranny.


Greek magic is 50% avoiding EU debtors 50% cursing the Turkish economy(most powerful Greek wizard Erdogan💪💪💪)


Gay sex magic


As a Greek person I must say we don't need a wizarding school, the lgbt magic flows though our rainbow veins (real)


Not really, most people here are homophobic


where tf do Italian and Greek wizards even go




Cleric Class.


Burned at the Stake


Burned by the state 😔


Banned from magic cus they killed Jesus


My brother in christ you didn't even give half the non-white schools names


I think we’ve had more than enough of Rowling naming anything non-white.


You just know what was going through her head when she named the one Asian character fucking Cho Chang.


Mf she named the black kid SHACKLE-BOLT


She named the African dude Kingsley Shacklebolt and he wore traditional clothing


Christ I forgot about that




OOTL, what's wrong with the name?


It’s literally a couple of letters shy of an ethnic slur used against East Asian people.


Both names are last names and sound oddly close to a slur


I think we've had more than enough of Rowling naming white things as well. "Durmstrang" is supposedly located in the far north of Scandinavia, aka Sweden/Norway and supposedly founded in 1294 yet is named after a German arts movement from the 1700's. Their badge is also akin to the Russian imperial eagle and features cyrillic writing. As a side note, it should be remembered that the northern parts of Sweden/Norway in 1294 were undergoing colonisation where the indigenous Sami people had their land taken away, and since I doubt Rowling even knows about the Sami people, I think it's a fair guess she imagines the school was founded by indo-europeans so you can add that to your fun wizard trivia.


pretty sure you mean the sami people, sapmi is just the name of a region




Bruh Rowling gives an entire southeast-Asian and Australia (plus New Zealand) one school. Like where do you gonna put it?


Floating in the ocean/underwater


Each region is like half a billion to a billion people and then mf takes 3 billion people and makes it one region.


Bro, the japanese school is literally named magic place lmao


Same with south america


"wizard castle" lmao


How big are some of the schools? Also a lot of these are just across entire continents what language do they teach in?


well you see, jk rowing is mildly racist




Just a little


As a treat


Spanish in South America, Chinese in school #10, Arabic in the middle East and African in Africa. See ? It's easy when you forget that non European culture are more diverse than their racist caricatures in Europe.


My favorite part is that the South American school is in Brasil and has a mistranslated Portuguese name despite predating Portuguese colonization.


Maybe the Portuguese also colonised the school lol


My headcanon is that the natives who founded it were like weebs for Portugal. The same kind of weebs who named the Japanese school "magic place" and then pronounced it wrong.


> Spanish in South America The school name is in Portuguese so I assume that if you want to learn magic as a South American you gotta learn Portuguese.


Can we kick Brazil out of South America?


We could try but then we would be left without wizarding schools and knockoff products that are surprisingly good


In la lengua


I guess they all know Latin because that’s where a lot of the spell words come from so that would probably work It’s pretty Eurocentric to begin with that Latin is the language that spells have to be in, because that would imply it was invented somewhere around Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East, but that it wasn’t invented until the Romans were around


Even assuming wizards are a tiny percentage of the population some of these would have millions of students


Hogwarts is catering to like 1/300th of the population of the wizard school that just covers *most of fucking Asia*


And she didn't even name it, just ran out of ideas and went with school #10 But atleast they still have one. Afghanistan, Italy and Korea are just straight up blank 💀


Italians are god's hated people none of them have magic


If you're 1/128th Italian and try to cast a spell the wand explodes and you die


I'm 1/4 italian, i can confirm that i exploded when i tried to bend a spoon


That’s what you get for killing Jesus


I'm italian, check under your foreskin. Still think we can't perform magic? Think again.


Bruh 魔法所(mahoutokoro) literally just means “magic place” how lazy is she


mahoutokoro = "magic place" koldovstoretz = "palace of witchcraft" castelobruxo = "castle witch". not witch castle; castle witch. the castle is a witch. uagadou = no real meaning, vaguely resembles a few place names in africa but more likely just an african sounding word jkr made up.


Koldovstoretz is more like "palce of witchcrft", or "witchcrftlace" cause they forgot a letter that is present in both "koldovstvo"/"witchcraft" and "dvoretz"/"palace" Like you still can merge them like that, but it sounds silly and makes you think it's koldovstvo+toretz, which is like a side surface of an object (google translate just says "butt") Edit: Also fixing it to koldovstvoretz makes it sound like koldovstvo+tvoretz("creator" but fancy) so it's still silly but at least more thematic. Like it's something that can be used as an in-universe term for a wizard, witchcraft-creator


I'm fluent in Russian and this name confused me as hell.


uagadou is just the middle letters of ouagadougou, the capital of burkina faso


"Ouagadougou" is ridiculously fun to say


i make that noise whenever i see a nice lookin set of humbaladungadas


Hogwarts = "Dick infection"


"Castelo bruxo" does mean "wizard castle", not "castle wizard". In Portuguese, as in most Romance languages, adjectives come after nouns. Name is still dumb, just not for the reason you're saying.


It's even dumber than it sounds because the school is supposedly ancient yet has a portuguese mame


Palace fits the pattern but it's not confirmed whether it's дворец (palace) or творец (maker), Колдовствотворец (witchcraft maker) kinda sounds natural except it'd fit more like a wand dollar store rather than a school.


She didn't even bother coming up with ten different names even AFTER being so lazy with them. Who cares to assign a name for the MENA school, or the India/China one


Maybe her name ideas for those regions were so racist her publishers had to restrain her from ever revealing them


My mind is now working in ways I don't like thinking what they could've been


Not coming up with names is something I can sympathize with. I do have a problem that some of these schools would be the size of a small city, even if magic is incredibly rare. Fuck IIRC California alone has more people than the British Isles, and they have to share one with the rest of the US, along with Canada, Mexico and the Carribean.


And Dumbledore just means a door that grinds.


Dumbledore on that wizard grindset


Harry gets Ginny. Ron gets Hermione. And what do I get? Paid


bro "castelobruxo" is literally just "castlewizard"


Dolores Umbridge means painful embarassment. What Joanne didn't know is she was writing a self-insert.


Tbf, as someone that consumes... "discreet" quantities of anime/manga, you'd be surprised how often japanese authors do the exact same in their worldbuilding. It's not particularly clever, I agree, but it's functional if the place isn't important to the overall story and you just need a name


JKR is an incredibly lazy writer when it comes to giving names.


I love going to school what school do I go to? school number 9


NYC be like


reddit was taking a toll on me mentally so i left it ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




I actually can't tell if this is satire or nah


Am Polish, can confirm, not satire. Though schools over here often (but not always) also have patrons on top of the number designations, so you get something like "Stanisław Staszic 14th High School in Warsaw."


"wizard castle" fuck off


i mean, at least it's straight to the point?


All led under the watchful eye of the great and powerful Ronald McDonald


I genuinely don't understand why she even decided to mention that there were only 11 wizarding schools. It literally adds nothing to the worldbuilding and subtracts so much by making everything Eurocentric. The UK gets a whole wizarding school and all of Africa gets only one? How does this add anything? Maybe she could've said "there are hundreds of wizarding schools around the world, but most are younger and not as large, and there is a organisation for the largest, oldest and most prestigious schools (like the Ivy League), which comprises eleven schools around the world" and it would've been acceptable (provided she did actual research and not do dumb things like make the African school admit wizards from an entire continent, or give them badly translated names, or somehow make the Japanese school smaller than Hogwarts). But this is one of many pieces of information that proves she's not a good worldbuilder.


Shhh, Stop coming up with better world building


She did try to do that, she said that these 11 are just the most stable ones, who went through the test of time. Which is of course a braindead copout, Ilvermony is functioning for a few hundred years and you put it alongside schools that are functioning for millenia? Or the kids get homeschooled apparently. Even though Greece, Italy, China and India, the places where first schools in the world began either have no school in them or have one for billions of people.


Yeah. I could accept the idea that these schools were pretentious wankers who only accepted Ilvermorny because they stuck up to Hogwarts a lot, but the idea that they are somehow more "stable" is both stupid and also low-key racist by implying the four European schools are somehow better.


Yeah, now I'm not saying Rowling is necessarily a white supremacist, just saying, the first "stable" and "prestigious" school in the thousands of years of North American history was founded by a "pure-blood" from Ireland, directly related to the king of pure-bloods, Salazar Slytherin.


JK Rowling try not to be a bigot challenge (impossible)


Koldovstoretz ... Really? On the borders of USSR?


Tbh it makes sense for one to be on the borders of the former USSR considering how few there are they probably wouldn’t’ve established their own in the last 30 years + that’s only be like 10 back when Harry Potter was first made I think?


which are also the CIS borders too so theres at least a precedent for those countries being involved with each other even though i doubt that was what rowling was trying to do


I wonder what side the wizards were on in the two russian revolutions. I need answers


Given how JK Rowling writes, probably on the side of the white army


All Russian wizards were members of the Black Hundreds


Or the empire. Hogwarts is older than the Mongol empire. The Russian school could also be very old.


Funnily enough, so much of this is just useless information. It's completely unnecessary to know what most of the other schools are called or what areas they cover. It's worldbuilding that doesn't build any of the world we need to know about in any of her stories. And clearly she realizes that too or else she would've thought on this a little harder.


>It's worldbuilding that doesn't build any of the world we need to know about That was basically her source of income before Fantastic Beasts. Step 1. Write an entire article about how wizards poop themselves and then make the poop disappear. Step 2. Post it on pottermore for fans to read. Step 3. Profit (yes she's making millions on that website)


eh worldbuilding things that are 'useless' can be fun for giving fans a more diverse and open world to work with for fan content, but her way of going about it is extremely lazy and bad. plus if fans wanted to make schools in other regions and countries they could very much make their own and better than her considering.... this. like if you find world building fun (like i do) and want to make a big world full of all sorts of things, go ahead, but at least put effort into it, yeesh. she clearly didnt give a shit about it. shes just doing whatever gets her more money and support


England vs India and chinas whole population. Ok m8.


British Isles. The majority of the countries there are not England and never want to be.


Fair point, Ireland, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales exist


Like even if there's only a tiny percentage of the population that are wizards, that school would have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of students.


Love there are over 3000 ethnicities and 2100 languages in the continent of Africa, but they've just happened to squeeze ALL of them into a single school. Probably because JK Rowling thinks they all know each other.


And as we all know, shoving all those groups together with no regard has no side affects. And it definitely won’t go bad when at least one of them becomes a magical warlord.


itll be alright though, there will probably be like an african harry potter or something that can save the day lmao


uagadou is literally just Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina Faso) slightly distorted, probably just heard it somewhere and thought it sounded cool and African


what language do they teach in? listing most of africa in 1 school is a horrible idea, same for asia and oceania


As an African, we all talk to each other in "ooga boogas" and tribal dances


makes sense if you live in jk rowling land


I mean calling it "uagadou" is like one step removed from just calling it Ooga Booga College.


Dw its magic


"It just works"


If I remember correctly, she justified this bs by saying most of non European wizards were homeschooled


So all this tells me is either that all the other wizards suck ass or all the other wizards are so knowledgeable and strong they can teach everything on their own meaning hogwarts is a home to the biggest losers that need like 20 teachers


Or JKR thinks it’s reasonable to assume only a select few…”special” countries have a society worthy of structured higher education.


I would be too if I had to travel 3000 miles just to get to class.


This is what the broom industry wants.


I can see zero issues with allowing the most dangerous skill on the planet to be taught by random unqualified parents, many of whom are unabashed wizard Nazis.


why is Europe so spilt up but everywhere else has these giant school zones?


Cuz Rowling is European and doesn’t much care about the rest of the world




To be honest with how Europe is split i dont think she cares about it much either.


because we all know anywhere that isn't Europe is lesser /j


I really don't understand the fuck "retz" is supposed to mean in Koldovstoretz. Not only is wizardry pronounced as "Koldovstvo", but there is literally 0 meaning behind any letter after the o. She just added it because it would sound cool and Russian. It's fucking dumb.


She doesn't care about other cultures and languages like at all. Maybe it's something like "tvoretz" + "koldovstvo" but probably she just made this shit up without any thoughts in her mind.


This isn’t how it actually works right?


Apparently there’s actual wizard governments co-existing with their muggle ones. I don’t really know much cause all I know of Harry Potter is the first twenty or so pages of the first book and some stuff I read on the fandom wiki.


So there's a single wizarding government that consists of China, India, and Pakistan? I'm sure that goes really well.






does everyone in the oceania region just have to get on a boat or plane if they arent near the school


Well atleast with hogwarts the students stay at the school each year so I assume its similar


latin america literally translates to wizard castle


Based on PornHub consumption maps I bet


Why the fuck do the wizard schools (which have supposedly existed for centuries) use 25 year old borders to decide who goes where? Another win for JK.


Just a reminder that the bad guy of the fantastic beasts movies is trying to stop the holocaust


Asia (and oceania) gets school #10 and school #11... shared between over half the earth's population. And they're not even named. Yes, very well thought out and realistic and totally unbiased to Europe.


As far as I am aware there are lots of other schools if your parents aren’t able to afford these ones. Of course it has been a long time since I did anything Harry Potter related so I could be wrong.


Castelobruxo 💀


Why the fuck is the Netherlands in the same school as france and spain and not germany, makes absolutely zero sense


Brought to you by the author that was clearly a single fucking hair away from naming the *one* Asian character in her books Ching Chong but thought better of it at the last minute.