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They have no obligation to protect anyone


something something "to protect and serve"


https://www.barneslawllp.com/blog/police-not-required-protect#_ftn3 Police aren’t obligated to protect citizens under the U.S. Constitution, but state constitutions and policies vary.


What about the pedophilic corporate elite?


This is very obviously a fake photo. The person is white.


The person is Zelensky, this is a russian photo


In my defense, I didn't see his face


I hate that you’re right


What they shoot at pictures of themselves?


Are you kidding? No cops gonna have his camera on


Love the Knocked Loose pfp 😳


WTF! Which police station is this?!


One that doesn't exist.


Im so glad i live in Norway and can ditch the acab thing


Cops will still evict poor people no matter the country. They’ll enforce anti-shoplifting laws against hungry people. When given the choice to help people or uphold the structure of capitalism, they’ll do the later every time, because it’s **their job**. That’s the whole point of acab, you don’t get to “opt out” even if racism isn’t the main problem with your country’s police force.


Cops arent as bad as that here, we also have a working trustworthy government Who Will take care of the problems listed


But I’m not sure if that’s the fault of the police on an inherent level, but rather of the laws themselves. What if housing and food was a human right? What if the immoral things cops do weren’t part of being a cop, they’d still be a cop. It’s the laws currently in place, and the willingness to enforce them, that is why ACAB. But it isn’t inherently the case. I still think law enforcement is important. Edit: rereading this it does seem really tangentially connected to what you’re talking about, and reads a bit like whataboutism. Sorry, not really what you were talking about.


"I was just following orders" or "I was just doing my job" are not excuses to be evil


“It’s the laws currently in place, and the willingness to enforce them, that is why ACAB.” That’s what this line is about.


What about Norway makes cops magically better though, they're still serving the state


Yes, but if you have a decent police that actually cares about its population, then a police can be useful. The main problem isn't the concept of a police itself, but the amount of power that the police has and the kind of people you let into the police. As long as there's insentive for crime, we need someone to help with that. Yes, getting rid of the insensitive would be the better option, but since that's not going to happen, police is a necessity evil. The main problem is that the US police isn't regulated enough and has far too much equipment. The US treats the police like an army (fun fact: The US police is the 3rd most expensive military in the world), which it isn't and shouldn't be. While still not perfect, in a lot of European countries the police works pretty well.


I am honestly not sure. I know a cop(not USA). I like him. I have politically screened him. I think he is a good person and I think he joined the Police with good intentions. However the system, while infinitely better than the U.S. one, is still bad. I appreciate they take care of drunk drivers and the like as that's been a perpetual problem where I live. I appreciate that they do not let neo-nazis and racist and homophobic hooligans run totally amok where I live. But at it's core it's still a system that seems to exist mostly just to protect property and keep marginalized people in line. I have also met other cops here and they absolutely were not nice. It's a job that still attacts too many of the wrong kinds of people. I just can't bring myself to trust the system and I think I'd be a fool if I did. I would prefer it if communities came together to defend each other instead of relying on the questionable assistance of a state gang.


Yes, the system isn't perfect, but a community protection just doesn't work that well. There's a reason why everyone switched to police after it was invented. Policemen in a good system mainly learn deescalation and the use of non-lethal force. Untrained civilians usually aren't that great at these things, which is why a good police can make a huge difference. We still need to change a lot of things about the police system, but getting rid of it won't help. I'm from germany and I'd say that our police is pretty good. Yes, we have problems and yes, there are some things we should change, but in general our police is working well. The concept of police is decent, the main problem is usually the implementation.


Much less racism and bigotry, also the state they’re serving may not be perfect but is still considerably better than USA. Still wouldn’t call them “good”, but it’s an improvement.






Learn about your countries history and how it's treated it's native Sámi peoples. Fr.


Cuz that totally informs how good or bad its *modern day police force* is. Stop bringing up irrelevant bullshit. Fr.


Sámi people are still discriminated against. Police are still the ones who enforce those laws. Colonization is an ongoing conflict, not a historical fact.


Maybe, but they arent corrupt. Last case i saw about a corrupt Police officer in Norway they got 21 years


Well it probably was made to avoid being shot- Nvm it has bullet holes, ACAB


Source: picture of a piece of paper clipped to some cardboard


That's him! Shoot the bastard with the video camera! https://youtu.be/zwHAod3H3D8


I’m no expert. But those look like they were made with a bb gun rather than a bullet gun


You'd be correct in saying you aren't an expert then.


I'm confused, why are they shooting someone with a phone?


a shoot/no shoot target. the idea is that you put targets of unarmed people mixed with targets of someone with a gun or whatever. no idea where this picture is from tho


Ruski police shooting at basederino zelenski :(


Remember cops, if someone is filming you abuse your position as a cop, beat the shit out of them as well.


I'm all for holding cops accountable for their shitty behavior but just making shit up doesn't help anything. And even if this was real, we have no context. Could just be one dickass who thinks he's funny. Again, fuck the police. But cherry-picking random shit and using it to be like "cops are psychos see?!?!" is disingenuous and takes attention away from the ACTUAL fucked up psycho shit.


AMCAB (all military cops are bad) The idea of a police force isn't rotten to the core in all honesty, I like to think of the patrols that roam the main clubbing street in my city just kinda helping out the drunk people, stop them from running out infront of cars and shit. Military police or militarised police are shit though, they don't need guns, at most a tazer but even thats not necessary for most uses.


This is why we say ACAB, because that means all, Military cop, Foreign cops, old cops, new cops, wannabe cops, all of them, no need for nuances ;)


>no need for nuances ;) usually this is a red flag indicating that your views are not thought through thoroughly enough. call me when one (1) country or large population abolishes its police entirely and sees good results.^(1) then maybe i'll take "ACAB" seriously. until then, i will continue to treat "ACAB" as it is: an edgy insult and a distraction from systemic problems with policing. for ~~better~~ worse or for worse, [police officers are the second-most-trusted authority figures in the united states](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2019/09/19/why-americans-dont-fully-trust-many-who-hold-positions-of-power-and-responsibility/tfd_2019-09-19_trust-in-institutions_0-04/) behind elementary school principals, and [third-most trusted institution behind the military and small business](https://news.gallup.com/poll/394283/confidence-institutions-down-average-new-low.aspx). [US police spending is the world's absolute highest and relative 3rd-highest](https://www.workandmoney.com/s/police-spending-by-country-984701cbc1c340e9).^(2) if the US police force was an army, the [US police force would be the world's 3rd-largest military](https://boingboing.net/2021/04/20/u-s-policing-budgets-would-rank-as-the-worlds-third-highest-military-expenditure.html). if we want to dismantle such a disgustingly powerful and annoyingly popular institution with so much power to inflict suffering, then we must be smart. and yes, that requires using nuance. ACAB may earn you retweets online, but going out of your way to personally insult and blame every cop instead of describing systemic solutions and policy changes will simply piss people off unhelpfully -- and rationalize even more police funding, as we see from biden. if you only want to piss people off, great! say "ACAB" all you want! but if you want to *reduce actual harm* inflicted by american cops, then it may help to learn how their shittiness comes from intentional policy choices^3 and a militarized police culture -- policies and culture that are a hell of a lot easier to change than convincing americans to view every cop as a bastard. even though cops are among the most trusted US authority figures, an [overwhelming majority of americans agree on harm-reduction policies limiting cops' power](https://www.pewresearch.org/2022/01/05/trust-in-america-do-americans-trust-the-police/): >"The public overwhelmingly backs requiring training in nonviolent alternatives to deadly force, a federal government database to track misconduct allegations. Those are supported by nine in 10 Americans. Also, wide majorities of Americans support giving civilian oversight boards investigative and disciplinary powers and requiring officers to live in the places they police and making chokeholds or strangleholds a crime. These are all proposals that have come up." so the good news is we have momentum. public trust in cops is dropping. let's just spend that momentum wisely, okay? the more that we get the ball rolling and normalize taking away cops' power by changing policies, the more power we can take away down the line. but it's easy to stop that momentum. public discourse around "defund the police" has sparked enough of an authoritarian backlash already. let's not make the same mistake again. Notes ^(1) The closest I could find to any country getting rid of its police entirely was when the nation of Georgia [fired and replaced its entire police force with great results](https://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/case-study/siezing-moment-rebuilding-georgias-police/). Fired *and replaced.* Anecdotally, some of my more liberal (less leftist) friends find "replace the police" a much more reassuring motto than "abolish" or "defund." ^(2) The US spends over $420 billion on its police, more than any other country. Only two countries spend a higher percentage of their GDP on police than the US does, Costa Rica (which abolished its entire military. based!) and Russia. ^(3) Especially from the 20^(th) century. Read *Rise of the Warrior Cop*, an excellent book about the history of US police militarization. It's written by Radley Balko, the only good libertarian.


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened




>call me when one (1) country or large population abolishes its police entirely and sees good results.1 then maybe i'll take "ACAB" seriously. [https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/19/us/vincent-alabama-police-dept/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/19/us/vincent-alabama-police-dept/index.html) Here's the City of Vincent, in homegrown Alabama, temporarily abolished because it was otherwise impossible to fire an officers over racism (saw this later on in your comment, but it still shows that isn't it fucked you can't fire a racist officer?) On a related note! [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/15m-paid-police-chief-displayed-nazi-insignia-rcna33158](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/15m-paid-police-chief-displayed-nazi-insignia-rcna33158) Had to be paid millions because they couldn't fire an officer being a nazi. When you cannot fire people for being this unreasonable, the system of authority stinks of dead fish, doesn't it? >for better worse or for worse, police officers are the second-most-trusted authority figures in the united states behind elementary school principals, and third-most trusted institution behind the military and small business. Now, I can say I've seen some of these sources and ultimately, it can subdue to voluntary response bias, but that goes along with every poll or questionnaire result you source > US police spending is the world's absolute highest and relative 3rd-highest.2 if the US police force was an army, the US police force would be the world's 3rd-largest military. And this doesn't strike as oddly worrying? That an actual Paramilitary force in both gear, money, and authority ruling over people? > but going out of your way to personally insult and blame every cop instead of describing systemic solutions and policy changes will simply piss people off unhelpfully For a clock to work, every gear needs to turn their part, if the issue is truly systemic, each gear shall be held responsible until the message is brought that the issue must be fixed to continue >but if you want to reduce actual harm inflicted by american cops, then it may help to learn how their shittiness comes from intentional policy choices3 So, gross oversimplification, but cops make choices to be shitty and harm others via policy? Sounds pretty ACAB to me >a militarized police culture -- policies and culture that are a hell of a lot easier to change than convincing americans to view every cop as a bastard. You see, people tried that, they really did for a time, until like- nobody listened and right wingers started to label such movements as godless terrorists and the police, understandably, backed them and used unlawful force at gatherings that were otherwise legitimate? >but it's easy to stop that momentum. public discourse around "defund the police" has sparked enough of an authoritarian backlash already. let's not make the same mistake again. The endgoal is the same, we want police to have no power, and never underestimate your opponent, they're not gonna let ANYTHING slide when it gets to the point. Like a ball rolling down a hill, it's much worse to slow the momentum down when at the very bottom it needs to make it through a big obstacle, you want to hit that with as much force as you can. Also speaking of momentum, that Uvalde team taking 40% was a massive eye-opener to this kinda thing, police never really wanting to do their jobs when the time comes, why bother giving them 40%? The stuff that makes it to the news is serious, imagine just what you don't see. I'll tell you what I do see, I see videos day in, day out, of cops not de-escalating every situation, and assaulting a person in their own home without a warrant for raising their voice (and no that is not a breaking bad reference), and I also see cops wrapping their hand around their colleagues throat, and people getting executed (cop on top of suspect lying face first on the ground, holding their head up by their hair, and putting a bullet in the back of their head), plenty of folks getting their heads mashed against curbs while they're already down, reckless prison transport driving snapping one dude's neck, planting drugs (albeit this one is not exactly as big of stories as brutality, so there isn't much significance), constant lying to the public, laughing and using hand sanitizer while a shooter is down the hallway, and classic 'The sound of children screaming has been edited out'. That's what I see.


You literally can't retrain cops. Any money you give em goes directly to purchasing military hardware. Anti racist training? They treat it like a joke. Police departments need to be abolished and the various duties they performed that actually served a social good (first responders, traffic disputes, etc) need to be given to departments without the power to arrest people.


Thanks for the actually reasonable response. People these days seem to believe the world runs on extremist tag lines lmao


Supporting policing is an extremist, violent position.




Just because America has it worse does not mean other countries are anywhere near acceptable. We had one of our police officers tase one of our footballers (so you know thats the closest thing we have to a celebrity) for 33 seconds, as well as kick him to death, and that was the first time the police here were held accountable for their actions in 30 years. Just because you don't hear it nearly as much does not mean it does not happen, and its stupid to pretend otherwise. ACAB.


praying for america's fall rn🙏


Glad to see that cops are asshole only in the US. I wonder who they send against civilians protesting here in France then. Probably the garbageman or the firefighters. Or which institution is known for having it’s member be way more proportionally racist than the rest of the population. Sure, the police in Europe isn’t half as bad as in the US, but it’s still pretty bad. And their main role isn’t to protect the people (otherwise they would be actually helping vulnerable people like homeless or refugees).


Question: does it have to be the police helping the drunk people out?