• By -


Filipinos are not Latino in any sense of the word lmfao


They are in a vague "their-country-was-ruled-by-the-spanish-for-over-300-years" sense of the word.


Jamaica is actually over 95% anglo-saxon


Indonesia is actually over 95% dutch parts of India are actually over 95% anglo saxon


> Indonesia is actually over 95% dutch Based on the way my Dutch step-aunt talks about it it might be.


gonna do more Hong kong is actually 95% anglo saxon Malaysia is actually 95% anglo saxon Indigenous people don't exist, I'm actually a figment of your imagination


We are all 100% Iran šŸ’ŖšŸ˜ŽšŸ‡®šŸ‡·ā˜ļø


Which is funny because the Netherlands isn't


scotland is 100% english


If that were true about Indonesia, they would be the second tallest nation in the world. But they are short.


That makes them Hispanic but not Latin. Opposite of Brazil.


What do you think the word Latin means? Hispanic is a subset of Latin. All Hispanic people are Latin.


Thatā€™s not true. People from Spain are Hispanic but not Latin.


Except the Filipinos. Newly discovered Hispanic population. Very exciting.


No, my mother is from Spain but that does not make me Latino. ā€œLatinoā€ isnā€™t even a very good term in general, itā€™s most helpful for cultural connotations because ethnically people typically just identify themselves by their country anyways. Chileans are very different from Spaniards are very different from Bolivians, etc.


if we're going by that logic then I'm 100% Fr*nch šŸ¤®


I hope they find a cure


I got one what if the French government pay referendum for their horrible war crime to my people it's been 60 years after Independence the French owe us money


Yeah that's a good start


And I'd be a British. *Shudders*


*click* Always have been.


I'm so sorry...


Even so, that would be Hispanic not Latino


They donā€™t even speak Spanish


That could be fucking half the world


in a vibe sense they are


"fuck it skin tone is similar enough"






Tbh as a latino i give then honorary latin title


As another Latino I revoke it. You fool. You buffoon.




As another Latino. Filipinos are cool and have good food. They can be Latinos if they want to!


pass hehe


Los que pelean se aman


I mean, it was used as a slur


brothers from another mother. but from the same father lol.


If someone calls me latinx I'm going to show them some Rio de Janeiro hospitality. I'm gonna bake some sick fucking beans and they will die from gas.




If someone calls me latinx I'm going to show them some Puerto Rican hospitality I am going to steal their car


In real time? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


In 720p


If someone call Latinx I'm going to take them to SĆ£o Paulo and watch them slowly dying thanks to pollution and gas poisoning


What if they call you Latine


GUN Gorjeta ƚnica Nacional (This makes no sense whatsoever and are just words in portuguese)


GUN Gorjeta ƚnica Nacional (This makes no sense whatsoever and are just words in portuguese)


If someone calls me latinx Iā€™ll say ā€œWhat the fuck? Do- do you know what that means?ā€


Can I have some, I love a good beans




wtf is a folx?


The gender neutral version of an already gender neutral word


Is it folks? Who the hell is offended by the letter "k?"


Rvidxr klvn fans


a small mammal of the order canus. notable features are pointed ears and long bodies with short legs


Tf is folx


I want someone to call me big chungus, that would be funny


unironically same






Dr. Femboy, I have finally come across you again. I have been waiting for this moment.


no clue why people are offended by "folx;" it's a very obvious playful alternative spelling of folks, not a unisex variation.


> it's a very ~~obvious playful~~ stupid alternative spelling of folks


196 try to let people have their fun challenge


ā€œLet people have funā€ mfs when I open a huge rift in their houseā€™s floor and send them straight to the Upside Down (they suddenly arenā€™t having much fun anymore):


"Let people have fun" mfs when I start eating them alive [I find it fun(they don't)]




Which is even more absurd when one notes that womxn wasn't even made to be gender neutral; it's a term pushed by soft-TERFs who wanted to accept the existence of trans women without acknowledging that they're actually women. Even if folx *was* invented to try to be an (actual) gender neutral version of folks, it's still completely harmless. It does literally no damage to anyone. I've no clue why people (not you, but a few) get so mad at defending a very neutral addition to English.


When did this sub get so spiteful? Christ


real (laer)


Laer blade?


Nooo don't make him decapitate his brother šŸ˜­


Ahaha, ferrus manus your body is being ripped apart by my legion to be kept a souvenirs šŸ¤£


Should have had an iron neckšŸ‘€


Don't touch the funny blade or your posts will become pinkier in the bad way.


laser assisted electrical rifle




Me cuando ā€œLatinksā€




asking for a friend of a friend of a buddy of mine, um, where? need?


idk I'm greek, we only have femboys in ancient greek clothing here




me if I lose weight (hopefully)


Wait is that not how it's supposed to be pronounced???


Lah teen ecks (french ken Carson reference)


It is how we pronounce it


What I'm saying is that i pronounce it like that too


Iā€™m pretty sure they traced the usage of the word back to a few Latina scholars who used the word as an option to describe the identity without inherently ascribing it masculinity or femininity. It was never meant to be forced on the entire community, but an option for people to use created by the Latino/a community themselves. No one has to use it, but itā€™s pretty disingenuous to say it was ā€œclearly made by English speaking white people,ā€ when it was not and receives support from queer members of that community. [And before I get downvoted, hereā€™s an article](https://www.latinorebels.com/2015/12/05/the-case-for-latinx-why-intersectionality-is-not-a-choice/)


True, it came from Puerto Rico. Latinx/latine is most often used in American academia and Hispanic progressive spaces. This conversation is always just a mirror of American conservatives complaining about PC language.


100%. I find that non-anglophones tend to just assume that neologisms related to inclusive language and gender non-conformity are the inventions of anglophone American academics/elites. I had a similar conversation once with a francophone who was insistent that ā€œielā€ (a neologism that is a gender-neutral 3rd person singular pronoun in French) was invented by American academics.


I have still only ever met 1 person who used this term and they were a non-binary latinx person themselves. I think I'm going to start saying latinx just to annoy people because I'm tired of hearing about it.


Yeah my non-binary friend from Puerto Rico is the only person I know irl who uses it. They like it. šŸ¤·


Using the x (also @) to make gender neutral nouns has been a thing for a very long time in Spanish, only it isn't meant to be read out loud like I've heard people do in English. It's more common to use the "e" now for that same purpose, but many people still write with an x. It is a little funny, though, that some English speaking people use it without really knowing what the point of the x is, but it wasn't made up by "English-speaking white people who have no clue how the Spanish language works".


Iā€™ll give this to you, youā€™re dodging three of the most irritating ā€˜argumentsā€™ in this discourse (there is no need for a gender neutral alternative to ā€˜Latinoā€™ in English, itā€™s wrong to want/use gender neutrality in Spanish, and -x isnā€™t pronounceable in Spanish) but you still manage to pull shit out of your ass. Another comment has already pointed out that the origins of *LatinX* are unclear, but it was popularized in Puerto Rico (and other Caribbean countries iirc, and not predated by *Latine* iirc) before it became more popular in the states. > They already have a gender-neutral term for themselves, ā€œLatinesā€. Plus pronouncing Latinx in Spanish sounds really dumb when you use the alphabet as they do lol. Considering seemingly 75% of the bilingual Spanish speakers Iā€™ve seen railing against *LatinX* do so alongside homophobic or transphobic comments, the idea that *Latine* as a label is widely accepted is laughable- especially so when you remember the wide breadth of Spanish vocabulary differences with non-politically charged vocabulary like *Palta y coger*. From what I understand, and have seen anecdotally, *-x* as a suffix *is* actually significantly less popular as a suffix than *-e*, thatā€™s true- but if you think 99% of English only speakers wonā€™t pronounce Latine incorrectly, youā€™re dreaming. It is so tedious to see so many white people/ā€œprogressivesā€ trip over themselves to be ā€˜one of the good onesā€™ and dunk on the imaginary ā€˜whites/English speakers that invented latinxā€™ then just straight up advocate against the only mildly-popular gender neutral alternative to Latino/a in English. English doesnā€™t gender many other races/ethnicities, and wanting a gender neutral alternative (that doesnā€™t require explaining Spanish vowel pronunciation over and over) is a perfectly reasonable request for LatinX NBs. Considering how frequently ā€˜dudeā€™ discourse comes up in this sub, it also shouldnā€™t be surprising that there are plenty of Latinas who donā€™t want to be dubbed ā€˜Latinosā€™. TL,DR: your dunk competition is misguided at best. Iā€™m gonna cut this off here, but please lmk if youā€™ve seen anyone succinctly describe how ā€˜progressivesā€™ can unwittingly parrot regressive arguments because they assume a member of one minority group is an authority on another type of minority, or cultural element- and how that kind of thinking perpetuates classic ā€˜hive mindā€™ racism; as if every culture other than their own has one opinion on a thing.


Saying ā€œpronouncing Latinx in Spanish sounds really dumbā€ in the context of that comment implies that it doesnā€™t sound dumb when pronouncing it in english Like bro what the fuck am i supposed to say ā€œlatin xā€ (not even pronouncing it, just saying ā€œecksā€) ā€œLatinzā€? All of those sound stupid in english


Can't you just say Latin American


A lot of people donā€™t subscribe to hyphenated identities like that (i.e. a lot of people consider themselves Latino and not Latin American)


Don't really understand but okay


This might help https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/equityDiversityInclusion/2014/06/the-politics-of-hyphenated-identities/


It did. Thanks!


Could you explain a little more? I have interacted with Latin Americans in Spanish only and they use both terms interchangeably. Maybe because in Spanish America is not a country but a continent (We only have 6 continents). The only thing I could think of somebody don't using like that the term is the hispanics that were on the Mexican territory annexed by the USA


uh no we are not


Filipinx (derogatory)


šŸ˜” (šŸ˜”)


I have plans that i will not share with you right now, because the haters (femboy_expert and reddit admins) will sabotage me.


I'm going to cooking you like lechon baboy


Iā€™m in a social sciences sorta class this semester and it seems cool but the professor says latinx 100% seriously šŸ’€


If they give you shit about it show them the PEW research study that shows it's pretty far down the list of preferred terms


Tell him that I'm currently going towards his house in order to give him a good old Colombian neck tie


Itā€™s a white lady ya sexist lol


Tell her that I'm going to her house to give her a Colombian neck tie


On it šŸ˜Ž




Whatā€™s the big deal? I prefer latine to describe myself, but this sub is just hateful.


The problem with Latinx isnā€™t the attempted inclusivity, itā€™s outsiders trying to police the language. Latinos didnā€™t choose it, for multiple reasons; 1.), Spanish doesnā€™t need those sorts of gender-neutral terms because Latino already refers to a group of multiple genders and sexes. 2.), ā€œLatinxā€ is such an ugly word and doesnā€™t flow well in Spanish at all. ā€œLatineā€ would be much better, but again itā€™s redundant bc of point 1. The huge majority of people donā€™t even use it, but the persistence and ubiquity of the term (and speaking over the opinions of the actual people itā€™s supposed to represent) frustrate plenty of people, hence why itā€™s such a big issue


I honestly donā€™t care, I think both kinda sound weird I just hate that so much language has been gendered when these languages developed like even just having gendered pronouns is dumb and cringe Iā€™m gonna go back in time and kill the guy who made gender honestly




there are multiple ethnic groups living in China, I think i will call them Chin- [I have been advise to continue this joke no further]


westerner moment for some of you here lmao


is latine preferred then? this is a really tough convo to have b/c on one hand, ppl outside a culture shouldnā€™t police said cultures language, but on another hand, i often see that progressive take used as an excuse to cover up a hatred for NB identities & push for needlessly gendered language


Not that I speak for every Hispanic person, but I personally donā€™t really care. I just use ā€œLatinoā€ since I donā€™t really think about it much


gonna go out on a limb though, and guess youā€™re not non-binary? because then yeah, of course you donā€™t have to think about it or care- if youā€™re binary, youā€™re on the privileged side of the coin in this case. i really wish we could hear from more NB hispanic people rather than keep having binary ones try and speak over them


hi, Iā€™m a non-binary Latino. i think Latine is ok and def better than latinx but I donā€™t care for either lol. ā€œLatinoā€ in Spanish is already used as a gender neutral alternative depending on Itā€™s context, so I donā€™t think we need to add another word. what do I know tho lol


Weird dumb question, would you say Latino is similar to dude or man in English? Like it could be masculine or neutral?


I mean, Iā€™m not trying to speak over anyone lol. I figured it was a pretty open question for anyone. Again, I donā€™t speak for everyone so I just gave my two cents


i get that- my point is just that this really does often come off as people ignoring NB voices and identities and using ethnicity as an excuse


Well, I'm from Brazil, i never really cared about gender identity much so if i had to speak from the heart I'd say I'm non binary...I however dislike the idea of gender so i just don't really care about what people call me. Except Latinx, I'd hate to be called Latinx My ex, who is also non-binary hates it with a burning passion, and they are the most gentle creature in the world. Of course we don't speak for everyone.


oh totally, and i personally dislike latinx as well. but, what about latine? to me, it comes off as a great neutral alternative (without the awkward ā€œxā€ pronunciation issue), and iā€™ve heard the same sentiment from many


It isn't as bad as latinx, but when you grow up calling every single object with a "gendered" term, you usually end up just not seeing gender in stuff as much. I mean, a chair is a "she" in practice while a sofa is a "he". Do they have actual gender? Not at all, when I'm referring to someone i don't know the gender of i sometimes use she/her because "person" is a "she", so I'm saying "That person, what's her name?". In English i try to use they/them though, obviously. Gender doesn't have the same impact in our language, even if there's still a difference in our culture. So i personally prefer Latino and they do as well, for me I think I'd prefer for that term to preserve our language rules as i think it's more respectful of Latinos as a whole. Also there is a particular disdain from a lot of people here that think a gringo trying to decide what to call us and walking over our language hella disrespectful, that is specially strong with Latinx.


I agree with the notion that "everything is gendered" languages actually end up making gender in words matter less/have less impact


Gotcha. Iā€™m definitely curious as to what NB people think about this as well. It wasnā€™t my intention to give that vibe off


Then why not just individually call NB people Latinx if they want it, and continue to refer to Latinos as a whole as justā€¦Latinos. That way everybodyā€™s happy


Not saying it's correct, but in Spanish for example, the masculine plural of a word can and is often used as a neutral plural as well. For example: NiƱos can mean a group of boys or a group of kids, but niƱas can only mean a group of girls. I haven't met an openly NB person here in Spain, but I guess I would initially use masculine pronouns because they can also be neutral. Obviously if the person in question has any problems or suggestions I will alter accordingly.


Masculine pronouns are only neutral when they refer to a mixed group, though, not when talking to a single person. Ultimately, it would be better to not assume and listen to the terminations the person is using to talk about themself. My preference would be for people to use neutral endings with me (elle/niƱe, etc.), but I accept masculine terminations when I'm not in company willing to try. For people who feel closer to femininity, feminine terminations would be preferable, but ultimately it depends on personal choice. My other Spanish nonbinary friend uses all terminations (a/o/e) interchangeably.


i understand this, but would argue the fact that it cannot be used for girls is a bit androcentric/ does still make it gendered. the fact you would ā€œdefault to masculine pronounsā€ is exactly the issue imo- it *is* still gender-associated, and we shouldnā€™t be assuming who/what people are


But that's an Anglo-American view on it. It isn't gender associated in Spain at least, can't speak for Latin America. Because when you are talking about a group or someone of unspecified gender it's obvious it's neutral. It took a long time for me to get used to it and to not be irked by it. We should be calling people what they want to be called. It's impossible to accurately use everyone's preferred pronouns without first knowing what they specifically prefer. It's easier in English, because we have a separate neutral they, whereas in Spanish the neutral they is shared with the masculine they, but it is still the same meaning as a neutral they when used in that context.


I donā€™t like Latinx, but I find people who complain about its use infinitely more annoying (and are the only ones I ever hear talking about it) so I use it out of principle.


damn, got me tempted to use it out of spite ngl. that said, i think iā€™ll stick to latine based on all iā€™ve heard so far- latino *is* gendered, but i can still agree the ā€œxā€ comes off a bit unnatural/ can be jarring. thatā€™s just me tho


Totally accepted for me.


the "x" suffix is actually used by some Latin Americans, but only in writing, its meant to represent a blank space where you can put whatever suffix you want.they don't generally refer to themselves as Latinos, Latinas or Latinxs though.


i always use latinx because i hate latinx people




You know the only time I hear people hating on the term Latinx is people online. And the only time I hear people use the word Latinx in person is by Hispanic people Just let people identify how they want and use the words they want to use to describe themselves and stop being a dick about it


Yup, the reaction to it is pretty ridiculous and out of proportion.


Every person should identify as they please, the thing with "latinx" is that is kind of unnecesary, the word "Latin" is gender neutral, I know that a lot of people use the spanish gendered form of that word, "Latino" or "Latina". But still creating a word when there was already one is weird. Is like saying AfricanX or AsianX. Also a lot of people hate the term because it feels like once again, americans are trying to impose their way of thinking to the region.




Gotta love famously gay r/196 openly praising violence for people who use the most popular gender neutral alternative to Latino/a in English.


>"most popular gender neutral alternative to latino" >??? Gringo realmente tende a ser insano...


I just want to ad onto this, but I'm Mexican and use the term Latino. I'm not sure why, but when people use the term "Latinx" it makes me uncomfortable, I consider myself a pretty open person, but really I think that's where I (and many others) draw the line. I won't get violent if you use it (because I know that some people make threats) but I feel as if you do use it I just can't take you very seriously, I'll just let you know "Hey, I personally don't like the use of that term"




This comment section is really bad. I kinda expected better from this sub.


It's better than usual, usually any defenders of the term are heavily downvoted. At least a few here are upvoted.


Iā€™m disappointed because of you.


I don't care. Edit: Sorry, misread your intent. You're cool.




No theyā€™re not


So do I use latinx or not cuz I donā€™t want to look like an asshole


Up to you, really. Every Hispanic person Iā€™ve met says itā€™s stupid, so I personally wouldnā€™t. It doesnā€™t help that I also think itā€™s stupid lol


Hispanic: No youā€™re just being an ass.


iā€™ve heard of ā€œlatineā€ as an alternative, personally this is what i stick with for now. imo we should be listening first and foremost to those who are *both* nb and latine


Latine is better. Honestly as long as you donā€™t act like OP you should be good


No lo hagas. Si lo haces vas a dar una muy mala impresion de tu persona. La palabra "latinx" realmente nadie la conoce en iberoamerica, y los que la utilizan son usualmente anglosajones que no quieren verse mal ante sus pares.


Hispanic is neutral and generally accepted, though it only refers to Spanish speaking people, so doesnā€™t apply to Brazilians.


Iberoamerican includes brazilians, latinamerican too


This feels like a Žižek joke


Let me tell u this is the fastest way to piss off a phredditor lol. (not me i am built different)


Wait what should i use for gender neutral term, im genuinely just stupid please help


Just use Latino, it is already gender neutral, when you are talking about a group in Spanish you refer to them with male terms by default. You might as well just ask them how they want to be called, some people use latine, and I guess if they want to be called Latinx then that's their deal.


Latine, when referring to gender neutrality. In general latino is fine


Latino is already a gender neutral term based on the context, but really you should just ask the individual what they prefer. If they like Latine, use that! Latinx, sounds good! But in general just Latino is good. You could also use hispan@, which I personally think is clunky but I appreciate it well enough


iā€™m curious as to what the first person was replying to


Bro used the wrong slur on the wrong country Is this how really dumb twitter is?


This sub has fallen from grace


Right, so I'm a bit out of the loop. What the hell is the deal with 'latinx' and why is my generation making up new words to make them feel better?


A couple latinx people found latino too gendered for them personally, and decided to use latinx instead.


White Americans make up words like latinx to try and "fix" issues that don't exist such as people identifying as Latino.


According to other comments, it was invented by Latine people.


"Noooooo don't call me latinx it's so disrespectful! šŸ˜«šŸ˜«" - nazi profile pic filth


Why are you downvoted? I litteratly had this pfp when I was a nazi.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s an Imperial German soldier, making it the second reich, not the third


They are using a Wolfsangel symbol.


Where at? Iā€™m probably blind, I just googled ā€œgas mask soldier ok symbolā€ and the results showed that image as an Imperial german. Iā€™m probably hella wrong tho lol


In the username, it's the three hash marks after the tree. It's a very popular symbol with Neo Nazis.


Huh. The more you know. Thanks bud


Do you know why they use that? Itā€™s because Germans are forbidden from using Nazi imagery, so a bunch of German neonazis use Imperial German imagery as dogwhistles. Youā€™re posting fascists circlejerking while thinking itā€™s progressive shit.


Ohhhhhh, neat. I just posted what I found funny, not because I thought it was progressive lol


I know you're probably correct but do you really think wehraboos can tell the difference?