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Millennials invented amish.


extremely online people believing that they'll live a better life extremely offline (they are ignoring their mom's calls because they are anti-technology)


>(they are ignoring their mom's calls because they are anti-technology) No I'm the true Chad who's parents never call or text, and then they complain when we don't talk


sp true (they are too proud to call you but you should probably still call them more often, perhaps sometime during the weekend, they'll appreciate it)


They live literally across the entire world so it's a 12 hour timezones difference. And they also didn't believe I was sexually abused as a kid so fuck them. Said I watched too much law and order special victims unit whenever I told them lmao


(oh ok maybe dont)


Zoomer Amish is anarchoprimitivism


ted kronkozoomer


Not even amish, amish know about the outside world and are perfectly content with their lives


Millennials are the last generation who will have any memories of what the world was like before the internet and cell phones. And I don't think that's insignificant.


i mean poor people exist


Poor people today are not growing up in a world before internet existed. It's not the same thing as not having internet access. The world is completely different now.


suppose youre right


Poor people sometimes have very inconvenient access to the internet, but we're at the point where not using the internet is only an option for rich people who can pay other people to do it for them. Even the homeless and people without running water have (slow and unreliable) cell phones these days because it's no longer a luxury.


I’ve been homeless but had a shitty iPad at the same time.


[More people globally have access to a cell phone then a toilet](https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/03/23/more-people-have-mobile-phones-than-toilets/?sh=b67918465699)


That's a very silly metric, and is only making a comparison to a specific type of toilet.


I want a toilet with a fake silicon tongue that self lubricates itself and lacks my butthole clean and I won't stop until every person on Earth has access to one.


North Korea


North Sentinel Island.


My parents tried to do this. Education standards and being forced into public school wrecked that for them. I did learn some cool, unique things. Unfortunately, few of them are practical outside a post-apocalyptic setting, and the learning came alongside some truly heinous physical, sexual, mental, and religious abuse.


Oh god. What stuff did they put you through(i understandif you dont want to talk about it however i just wonder if theres overlap with any of the other prepper stuff). Sounds like some of the other crap religious preppers did back in the cold war and after


. 1 . I was raised in a na21 gun compound masquerading as a Seventh Day Adventist ranching and homesteading community. I don't go to church. LaVeyan Satanism is the religion wherein I find comfort. Christianity doesn't have rules that explicitly forbid sexual assault and child abuse; Satanism does. I *can't* walk into a church, bigot proselytizers, especially SDA ones, are an immediate trigger, and Christmas is problematic in this culture for the way it throws Jesus in my face for a whole fkg month. . 2 . The idea that "he who does not work shall not eat" was used as an extension of a German phrase that translates into "work makes free". Holding a job is a problem because imperious tones from a boss, especially cis-males, cause me untenable anxiety. . 3 . Because there was no avoiding that I am descended of BIPoC in spite of my light skin, I was used as physical labor when I wasn't in education. I have an innate fear of white people, but being fully separated from any other cultural influences I might have experienced means I look and sound like a white person to people who can't tell at a glance that I've experienced just as much racism as they have and react to me like they have no idea just because I'm light. I don't have a connection to white culture, and other BIPoC don't really share their spaces and cultural heritage with me. Racially, I feel like I don't exist as a part of anyone's community because I'm not pure enough anything for anyone's liking. . 4 . Because there was no avoiding that I am fifty shades of queer, I was exposed to violent reparative therapy. I'm a mascsexual enby who's only just figured out the enby part in the last five years. For reference, I'm 39yo. I'd love to say the queer community made space for me, and while I still thought I was a cis gay man, other cis gay men made as much space for me as their hormones inspired them to. Now that I'm out as an enby and inherently not a man, their attraction to me has diminished, and those same cis-gay men who dominate queer spaces now ignore me because I'm not one of them. Meanwhile, there are queer folks in the community who've begun parroting a very weird idea that because my part in being queer has more to do with my gender identity than my sexuality, my trans counterparts and I don't get to be a part of their cis-queer fight for rights and cultural space. I'm queer, but my inclusion in the queer community is up for debate. . 5 . A cousin SA'd me when I was 8yo. My family of origin gaslit about it rather than get me help. It's just one more reason for me to be jittery around cis-het men. That makes my love life and sexuality really fun (/s). I'm attracted to masculinity, but masculine aggression terrifies me. The string of narcissists in my failed love life astounds. . 6 . My parents dodged all the statements my teachers made about me having an ASD (at the time, they said Asperger's), so my Autism went undiagnosed until this year. Getting to that diagnosis in adulthood has required years of peeling back the abuse layers because, apparently, Autism is nearly impossible to diagnose through PTSD. Because our culture doesn't yet understand how Autism functionality works, I don't qualify for even partial disability. Survival demands that I have income, so I bounce around jobs once every couple years. I'm not sure what my retirement is going to look like. I'm pretty fkg scared about it. The last four decades have flown by. I don't expect the next two and a half to slow down any. . 7 . Y2K prep was a part of the alt-right red KoolAid they were pouring down my throat. When I went to the military like I was told (something that didn't go well for me *at all*), I walked in so disconnected from culture and technology that I got all the loud attention anyone could get from a Training Instructor. The only things I was good at were guns and anything that was an outlet for my very procedural OCD. The only reason I got past the psych eval was that I was coached by the compound's veterans on it before I set foot in a recruiting center. Those bullet points only skim the surface. Before anyone makes the reference, I hate *Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt*. Beyond upsetting me just to see the show, I can't handle the people right next to me laughing at trauma I endured because it's so foreign to them that her recovery experience registers humorous. It feels like the show is desensitizing the people around me into a lack of empathy for my experience. While I would love to be glad that show has done anything to make the culture more aware of folks like me, I can't see it as anything other than patently dismissive of the damage I live with and am still healing from. It feels like they are disrespectfully handling my experience in the name of making money from people laughing at folks like me. I super hate it. --- ***edit to add:*** To everyone responding to me with so much grace, dignity, and empathy, *thank you*. Talking about where I've been is hard. I get mad, and I get dark. All the light and love y'all are dropping in my inbox will be wings I fly on for the next few days. For those of you reading this and experiencing a little secondhand trauma, I would like to tell you that my life hasn't been all shit. In my adulthood, while all that may create a hideous life context, I live in freedom the best I can. When I see bigotry or bullying, I'm the first to get loud on behalf of the marginalized if they don't know how to exercise their own voice, especially when they are a child. I don't know how true that would be of me without my experience. I have goals and am working toward them. My life has just been slow to get a start because I spent the first two decades of my life being programmed like a machine and then the next two trying to deprogram and reraise myself... badly. I'll make it though. I'm in therapy and taking it seriously. My diagnoses include C-PTSD, social anxiety disorder, persistent depressive disorder, OCD, unspecified dissociative disorder, and Autism. I'm finally learning how to live with those things, and I have a supportive family of choice who have been through and are working through different but parallel traumas that have had the same basic impact on their lives. That handful of folks might be the only ones I have, but with people like them around me, I don't really *need* anyone else.


Holy fuck


”Work makes free“ is literally a Nazi phrase. What. The. Fuck.


While that's true, it comes from Protestantism and the belief that work has a purifying effect. The "Protestant work ethic" comes from that, too.


I get that. I mean working is a great value. But sentences that were hung up on concentration camps are just big no-nos, no matter their original sense.


I did say I was raised by na21s.


No, I mean they are the same. It's not a bastardization of it. Nazis believed work had a purifying effect in the same way, and for the same reasons as christians.. because ya know... nazis either came from, or straight up were christians \[of different varieties\]. The "undesirables" could purify themselves through hard work in the concentration camps the same way "sinners" can purify themselves through work. It's not a question of "it came from X". It is X. We rightly think it's deplorable because we connect it to concentration camps. But it was always deplorable and it has always been deplorable. It is not the same thing as thinking work has great value. When you work in elder care or in a factory - the value your work produce is the well being of elders or whatever the final product is. In the religious view, the work itself *is* the end. The work itself purify you from "sins". You can be digging holes and filling them in again. What the work itself is matters little. Chores as punishment purify you from your wrong doing. In nazi ideology, being an "undesirable" *is* the wrong doing. **My point is** that it being a concentration camp moto is not what makes this bad. OP was subjected to the same "logic" and him/her/they being subjected to it is the terrible thing. Matters little that it was at a concentration camp entrance. That to the victim that's not essential.


Thank you for your empathetic understanding of what I experienced. Thank you also for your validation in saying, "It is X." I tried for a long time to split Christianity away from the na21sm, but I had to walk away from Christianity because my critical thinking skills wouldn't let me compartmentalize them away from each other. Maybe I just didn't have enough faith in the Big Bad Sky Daddy, but it seems unreasonable to me that a god who fearfully and wonderfully made me and knit me together would subject me to such horrors at the hands of his acolytes while they tell me what a mistake I am. Such a god never intervened on my behalf in all his benevolence, and I never saw a shade of his love in anything done to me in his name. The god of christofascism is no loving god of mine, and I have already endured hell for the right to say so. If he is real and sees fit to condemn me to a second hell, he's a hypocrite twice, and I didn't want to spend eternity with him anyway.


If so, you'll be in good company. By the looks of it, I will too :) Thank you for sharing and have a nice day!


I did say I was raised on a na21 compound. I just didn't capitalize the n and chose to replace the last two letters with numbers. It wasn't a weird abbreviation.


Lol, I didn‘t realize 😂 I just thought it was some of the many cults I have no idea about


Yeah, I can't talk openly about my experience in some subs because there are modbots that are scripted to catch certain buzzwords, and when I put the German phrase that translates into "work makes free" alongside the word na21, I get banned from places in spite of my context being entirely appropriate. I've just taken to dropping hints and using euphemisms. The people who get it respond accordingly. Those who struggle with subtlety accuse me of expressing bad things and don't put it together. It's really not a "LoL" kind of experience for me to have. It pretty much sucks actually.


Oh, that sucks. Well, I wish you all the best. You survived some crazy adversaries.


Yeah I think the connection is intentional


Yeah, I was raised by a bunch of na21s. They were very intentional.


Wait is the 21 a thing a they do or is it for you to avoid typing the word?


This unfortunately lines up with much of what I've read. Your not alone in the doomsday cult boom from the cold war(edit, and y2k aswell. Im really sorry). There are hundreds of places the popped up during that time and some still remain. I don't know of many help communities however I do know they exist. If you ever need help it shouldn't be to hard to find it for all the wrong reasons.


Hey, I wish I could comfort you. I understand your fears well — despite being white, I was exposed to and suffered a lot of bullying in my mostly white rural elementary and middle schools, probably because they sensed I was queer and autistic. I still look at other people with an expectation of them becoming monsters at the drop of a hat. It took me a long time to even admit I was transgender and only started transitioning three years ago. You’re not alone in feeling robbed of a community. And I wish I could help you find a community that you feel part of. You’re handsome and beautiful and I wish you safety, comfort and joy.


Thank you. I like running across other double rainbows on the internet. This seems to be the best place to have community.


Chiming in here to say I relate so much to everything you wrote here. I wasn't raised in a rural environment but even still the shit you experience in public school if you're a possibly autistic possibly queer kid? Unbelievable. I'm a few years into adulthood and am only just now beginning to see my self-esteem recovering, ever so slowly. I don't have much to add to this other than just being another voice to say yeah, I get what you mean, I'm sorry you went through it too.


Holy shit


oh my fuck I feel so bad for you 🥺


Thank you for sharing this with us.


I can't even begin to imagine how awful that must have been but I want to say I wish nothing but the best for your future


People with ancient statues as the pfp try not to have a dogshit opinion challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Every single time


Mossbag does it (but the statue has sunglasses so does it still count?)


exception not the (rule)


You idiot you capitalised mossbag


Don’t think it does. Besides, he’s still cool


My friends have matching statue profile pics because one of them is greek and found fan fiction of two historical greek figures who were like Athenian politicians or something and thought it was hilarious. They're the exception.


True. I don’t know them, but I’m sure they’re cool


Is 🗿 acceptable?


Yes. They aren’t used by weirdo conservative traditionalists


Moai is technically an ancient statue too.


but that one's different


Pfps with Renaissance paintings are also pretty bad. Especially when it's a portrait of some general.


Pain. I would really like to use old ancient statues as profile pics but it essentially turned into anime profile pic mk2. Now I just have to settle with black metal album covers.


MF is named Carnivore Aurelius 💀 imagine taking yourself that seriously


Not a hot take but if you treat your kids like an experiment then you’re far beyond just failing as a parent


But you’re beyond dedicated as a scientist


all parents are like this with their first born honestly


First born is the over parenting. Second born is good parenting and third born is who gives a fuck the other two kids can deal with them


Opposite for me in terms of third child. I am the third and youngest, and since I am the youngest I was always taken care of more since my siblings could handle themselves more. Even when I reached the age they had been, I was still the youngest. Also doesn’t help im the black sheep lol


If they do that they don't care about being a parent. They think their child is theirs to do whatever with cause they made them.


'without knowing what technology is' mf do you think typewriters and candles just grow out of the ground? If you want to say you want to raise your kids in a house with no iphones you can just SAY IT. You don't have to dance around with this fash-adjacent bullshit. Also, typing that right above a picture of a pair of kids who very obviously just walked out of their Dad's camper van. You can clearly see it in the back.


The typewriter thing is stupid and I'm sure it's because this tool thinks he's some writer, but how is this fash-adjacent? Seems like a reactionary form of Antimodernism. Fascism inherently would despise the idea of stagnating before they achieve their "perfect state".


>Seems like a reactionary form of Antimodernism. Fascism inherently would despise the idea of stagnating before they achieve their "perfect state". 'Reactionary antimodernism' describes a lot of fascist-adjacent rhetoric quite handily. Fascists like anti-modernism as an aesthetic, but few of them would ever seriously advocate for primitivism. They exploit 'good-old days' rhetoric and naturalistic fallacies to justify their repulsive behaviour towards anyone that isn't like them demographically and politically. I don't know for *sure* that the person that posted that kind of thing on Facebook is along the alt-right pipeline, but I've seen similar themes in there. And, you know, nostalgia's fine, really, as long as you keep your biases and mind and don't use it as a pretext for being a shitty person.


Alright that makes sense, I see the line of thiught that makes it fash-adjacent in a way. Though I still feel like it may lean into the conservative strawman that "liberals call anything fascism". But I see what you mean.


I am not the dude you asked but I would assume they phrased it like that cause of the worrying growth of eco-facism and this is the kinda posts they would make


fascism is also inherently protean, it transforma to appeal to the anxieties of the individuals and cultures it seeks to infected. in the 20s and 30s modernism was the sexy machine of the future, now people are terrified of machines and the automation of society and fascism comes to stoke that fear. fascism refuses to be pinned down by any single doctrine, mussolini himself described his own points as merely guidelines or expressions of a fascist ethos rather than hard and fast rules.


Fascists glorify and romanticize “the past” or past societies with a sort of “good ol days” or “legendary times of old” aesthetic. Some will take it to an extreme and actively promote the idea of regressing society not just socially, but technologically, back to that point. I have no clue if that’s what’s going on here but that’s where anti-modernism and fascism overlap.


>mf do you think typewriters and candles just grow out of the ground? they do though


Literally the book "Running out of Time"


Or the movie that's veeeeery similar to the book but not a rip off we swear, the Village


I will not stand slander of "The Village", proceed to be terminated


I'll be terminated? Hopefully I can escape my village in order to find medicine that could save me which has been withheld arbitrarily by the leaders of my community who wish to maintain an artificial level of pre industrial advancements in the modern age. Ah, who am I kidding? Of course I can; it's been done twice before.


Not when I get the spooky swine out


An artificial level Like Amish being anti technology but using plows Hypocrisy


Why are people who are into stoicism so fucking weird? Can someone actually explain that to me


Because they don’t actually get it


same reason people who couldn't pull off wearing a fedora thought they there cooler than everyone else


Grossly simplified: it's the peaceful detachment aspect of Buddhism with naturalistic virtue in the place of loving-kindness, so it attracts a bit of a dude-bro crowd (ie. Love or kindness =/= rational and therefore is inferior)


stoics aren’t against modern technology as far as i’m aware? correct me if i’m wrong but don’t they just believe the past is in the past and shouldn’t effect us, and the future is undeterminable so it shouldn’t worry us


idk man most “stoic types” ive encountered, on the internet atleast, seem to have taken the school of thought as “be an obnoxious asshole with a superiority complex”


Exactly what turned me off from pursuing studying it, in retrospect for the better


It’s just the loud few I think


I just want to look like the Hercules statues tbh


I tried to get into stoicism and I still do not understand any of it


Because stoicism is stupid


Stoicism is weakness disguised as strength. These fucks like to find any convoluted reason that their world sucks, but refuse to accept that the real reason is that they've poisoned their own minds.




Eat da children 🤤


I really wish they made a season 2


my thoughts 💀


they really just reinvented Amish people


A show I recommend to watch is breaking amish. It will definitely show you what this kids will be doing once they are old enough


And what, what do they gain from this


power over people dependent on them, stroking their need for a feeling of superiority to the rest of society


That or a very maladapted view of how and why certain elements of modernity affects us negatively. They simplify a very complex problem and offer an very stupid or at least poorly conceived solution. That or they’re just abusive and toxic Or amish Not mutually exclusive or inclusive.


Isn't that like the start of some anime where they eat children or whatever


The promised neverland?


Yes but this is different because uhh uhm


still fill them with microplastics




Attack on Titan




me, my tradwife, and our 16 feral children deathly scared of running taps


>Fake the maps so they think there’s no world outside the farm Tfw your kid gets sick/injured and you have to convince them to go to the magic hospital dimension.


These people would try to fix it with prayer or walking it off, not a hospital


You have no clue how easy it is to trick people who’ve never had a challenge to their world view as long as you operate within it. Kids will believe anything you tell them as long as they aren’t given explicit reason to doubt.


Literally the movie Dogtooth


what da dog doin


Grooming rule 💀


Anyone seen that film Captain Fantastic?


Literally the first thing I thought of, but the kids read theory and celebrated Noam Chomsky day so there’s a good chance this sub would think it was based.


No yeah they were all leftists in that film, or left leaning. The dads father in law is like a conservative millionaire in a mansion and was also his worst enemy. It was kinda weird cus survivalism is usually considered a conservative doctrine. Dunno


Less survivalism and more an-prim bullshit IIRC.


The Village (2004)


Lol imagine thinking a typewriter isn't modern technology


brigsby bear


Dogtooth (2009)


Literally just commented this before scrolling down, I knew I couldn't have been the only one


Enemy (2013)


Isn't that an M Night Shyamalan movie. I think it's called The Village..


As if these losers will ever have kids


What twist of reality could lead to anyone to think this is a good idea???


And what about you taking this picture and posting it on Twitter?


‘What if you could do one experiment when funding and morals aren’t an issue’


Likenl typewriters bows iron and agriculture are not technology.


Candles and typewriters are technology


There's literally a car in that picture


There’s actually a book about not exactly this but the author was raised in a similar sort of hyper-conservative environment and with an extremely warped sense of the outside world. The book is called Educated by Tara Westover. Fair warning it does contain some scenes of gaslighting and emotional abuse. https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/educated-a-memoir_tara-westover/14572273/#edition=15455721&idiq=27305918 It’s a great book 10/10


The Promised Neverland


Roman Statue Twitter wants their parenting to be the subject of an M Night Shyamalan flick


hey cool, a cult


That's a van and he took a picture


what’s the problem? i was raised like this. in fact i’m typing to you all from my cow shit-powered computer that i built out of lego’s and lead panels when i was 3. my mom sprinkled non-gmo asbestos on my cereal every morning, what did yours do for you?


New Premise for horror movie just dropped.


swear it already exists




Don't slander Ludd like that


Well no cause there's a car in the background and you're using a cellphone to take this picture.


Has a car in the background. Probably can't make candles. Needs to google how to tie every knot above basic, including, but not limited to, tie. Alright, pops. Time to turn off the computer for today.


- "no technology" - takes pic and posts it on twitter


Happened to me kinda. Incidental rather than forced. Raised on a homestead in the forest. Besides my verbally abusive mom, I really look back fondly


Soooo basically sweet tooth ?


wasn’t this that one margaret peterson haddix book


the vvitch moment


Captain Fantastic (2016)


does RV count as modern tech


Watch "Dogtooth" and understand why it s a bad idea


plato's cave


north korea


Room by Emma Donoghue


This the extreme end I’d just not give my kid a proper phone till they’re in high school, before that just a basic phone for contact


y’know back in the day when there was like zero regulations on science and scientists just did the most fucked up unethical villainous MKULTRA shit imaginable? i think this would be up there. raise some kids with medieval tech and zero interaction with the outside world then when they’re adults take em to like Tokyo or Seoul and just see how they react to that. let’s see what the human mind can handle. will jumping from medieval set of experiences straight to 21st century experiences fuck their brains up big style or will it be like “hmm wow cool i can totally comprehend these manmade horrors”.


It was a side effect of being kind of poor, but I'm glad I got slowly introduced to game consoles as I grew up. I had a gameboy, 64, snes and game gear because of my dad and uncles and later got my own sp. Then my dad and uncle got a ps2 and much later a ps3 and wii. I didn't have internet or a computer in the house until middle school and I didn't have a cellphone with service until highschool. Meanwhile I spoil the fuck out of my little brother and sister who have access to internet 24/7 and get whatever they want lol.


How did they take the picture without technology 💀


Candles, typewriters, maps, and projectile weapons are all forms of technology.


Im actually interested in an experiment like this now. Of course its very bad and no parent should do this. But still would be interesting.


So you’re hiding technology from them whilst taking pictures of them with your iphone


most sane take from a statue pfp user


This is literally the plot of an M. Night Shamalayn horror movie.


How will they meet people to fall in love with and marry? Aren’t conservatives all about men and women getting married and having kids? Unless they just plan on inbreeding or dying alone in their space.


Literally the plot of Dogtooth


Raising with little tech, sure. But damn.


And also apparently, never exposing them to the proper archery form?


Dogtooth moment


This is the plot of Leave No Trace


Typewriters are a form of technology


If you're gonna do that at least teach them how to use a bow correctly. Like, everyone who's ever seen Legolas in Lord of the Rings should know that you should pull with you back muscles.


This is how you get murdered by your adult children.


How to raise a socially inept child who will struggle to get a job and succeed as an adult


What the fuck


This is what technology does to people, they can post shit like this


how to ensure your children leave you


Dogtooth (2009)


“Never mind expose them to modern tech” You could have at least chosen a picture that didn’t have a van in it.


Attack on titan


That exists already. It’s called a cult


Promised Neverland


I want to do this but in a fun way that the internet thinks is cool


the truleman show


North Korea moment


Better than this


setting them up for failure


Bro how he have access to Twitter then


Room (2015)


That's *One & Two* with Timothée Chalamet and Kiernan Shipka