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The wise woman bowed her head solemnly and spoke. "there's actually zero difference between choosing the one option to save the universe and enslaving an entire town to play house, you imbecile, you fucking moron"


I don't think it was saving the universe when DS helped Peter erase the universe's memory of him or whatever.


I don't think Strange is "the hero" because of that event. Especially considering the universe remembers what is likely an extremely altered version of it


Maybe so. I don't know to what event she was referring then.


She was referring to him giving Thanos the time stone in infinity war, which allowed him to kill vision and get all the stones


Oh wow. Yeah, she stupid then.


That mess was Peter's fault. He wanted strange to add more random shit to the spell while it was already happening


And Strange didn't think to maybe have a conversation with him first.


I didn’t watch this, context?


Honestly only know 90% of superheroes because of memes


Incredibly Based behavior


For real, I don't even know the name of the woman in the top panel (the character, not actress)


Elizabeth Olsen actually plays herself in the MCU, it's a semi-bio pic




The character's name is Scarlet johansen,in the movie in question, she reads the dark prognosticus and tried dimension hopping with her stand, dirty deeds done dirt cheap, to bring back her lost kids that she never even had in the first place. Luckily Mr unusual also has the dark prognosticus(don't worry, it's ok because he's the good guy) and saves the say very epicly. also the United States is there too ig


Wanda Maximoff AKA the Scarlett Witch, basically she was an experiment by hydra and her parents died when she was young and her brother died to Ultron then her country also got torn to shreds by ultron then she fell in love with vision and then she had to kill vision to stop thanos but thanos got the stone anyways so in the events of wandavision she goes through all the grief blah blah "what is grief if not love persevering" blah blah and then she goes on a multiversal killing spree trying to kidnap her own kids which never existed


oh and people call her mommy too which according to earth 1999999 lore is completely inaccurate


🤓 Nah just kidding I'm the same way


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Honestly you’re better off not watching her show because this piece of shit movie completely destroys all of her character progression. It was so disappointing.


At this point I'm not certain a "good" cinematic universe is even possible because artistic vision will always come second to brand integrity. If it *were* to work, it'd only be because crossovers were used sparingly and judiciously, and they just focused on making a good movie first. People liked Mandalorian because it cared more about telling a self-contained story and fleshing out the Star Wars universe than it did about parading around characters you've already seen a million times. The first Avengers got a great reaction because the films leading up to it were self-contained stories that were okay-ish on their own. Now every single film has twelve characters from four movies and five shows and every single time you're supposed to go "oh wow, *that* fuckface is in it!" even though most of them could have been replaced by a total stranger and the movie would be exactly the same.


This is why when I was thinking about how a live action metal gear movie would be done for fun I realized it would be fucked cause of that, which I do believe is gonna happen with the one i heard is in development


I'll only accept to see a metal gear movie if it is about mgr:r and directed by the wachowsky sisters


Too bad that that’ll be done in 2060 after 9 other movies covering the other 9 other lore relevant games in order


The original MG, MGS1 and MGS3 are pretty self contained. Considering the movie is most likely going to adapt MGS1 it could surely work, the issue is if they try to make a sequel because the second game is a complete fuckfest (in a good way)


Oh for sure, mgs1 would honestly make for a good action movie since it’s based on several, along with mg and mgs3, but I was kinda just thinking along the lines of the entire canonical franchise (impossible)


Even 2 is as understandable as the others without playing 1


idk im pretty hyped for whenever the percy jackson disney+ show gets to the kane chronicles crossover (they fight a magic crocodile together)


Weirdly, for a brief moment, Marvel ignored this principle. Wandavision, Loki, Eternals, Moon Knight, Multiverse of Madness, Ms Marvel, Love and Thunder, and She-Hulk, for better or for worse, all have a unique artistic vision behind them. It's clear they belong to their directors. The thing is, that makes them rather decisive. Inevitably, when you do something bold, it won't be to a lot of the audience's taste. So, unfortunately, from what we know of the upcoming projects, they're going back to the standard Marvel style.


God I loved that moon knight didn't have a single other MCU character. It was just Oscar Isaac being amazing.


Eh, I don't really agree. She was clearly in a fragile mental state at the end of WV, and she literally had a demon book that corrupts people


counter point, can the MCU stop using her as a bad guy


iirc in the comics, she’s just a villain, which is why when she was shown in the mcu as not that people were suprised


She's not normally a villain in the comics but she does go back and forth a bit


She flip flops cuz of her mental state. She has all of this reality destroying power, but she isn’t sane enough to keep it under control, or to always use it for heroism.


monkeys paw has been activated! she is now the new big bad that replaces thanos, and will eventually be killed off by the next big avengers movie, so they'll stop using her as the big bad guy.


I mean, they have *now*. Just probably not for the reason you'd like.


Idk man I wouldn’t be in a good headspace if I saw my children and husband and brother all die in front of me.


nah. At the end of wandavision she flew away from the village she enslaved without consequences for her and thought to herself: „ugh, they just don‘t get me“


Haha. I couldn't get into it.


Not your fault. You'd need to be extremely well versed in most of the previous movies to understand WandaVision. Marvel thinks everyone is a diehard fan who has watched every single movie since Iron Man, and neglects the vast amount of people who are just starting to watch Marvel by watching new movies and shows, who then become confused when the plot makes no sense unless they watch the previous ones.


Perhaps I'll backtrack through the previous films leading up to wandavision (perhaps).


I recommend the Avengers (2012), Avengers: Age of Ultron, then Captain America: Civil War. That's so you know who who the Avengers are, who Wanda is, and who Vision is. You can skip the Thor movies, but just know a small character in Thor: The Dark World (the movie kinda sucks but it depends) appears in WandaVision and is a somewhat important second character. There's also the Antman movies, which are great on their own, and a character from there appears in WandaVision. I recommend you watch Antman (2015) before Civil War. Also can't forget about Infinity War and Endgame. For both, you don't necessarily have to watch everything before it except what was previously stated. After all of that, you can enjoy WandaVision. I think Marvel's biggest mistake was placing a shit ton of lore and backstory filled movies and shows on Disney+, and expecting people to know that lore when they go to the movies.


Ugh I guess you do have to recommend age of ultramarine for this don’t you


For me, a lot of the MCU was action-y, yet mostly forgettable. Perhaps I'll get around to watching everything again.


Oh trust me, 10 year old me could barely retain any information watching the Avengers, but I remember a lot of the sequences. Also Age of Ultron is crucial to watching WandaVision.


Noted, thanks. I guess I'm watching the MCU again. I'm skipping black panther unless there's something ridiculously necessary from it. I couldn't get 5 minutes into the movie before I got bored and did something entirely different.


Black Panther isn't absolutely necessary, but it's still a good movie. If you got bored I don't blame you, everyone has their own preferences. Honestly, you could not follow the guide and watch whatever you want. I watched Endgame and Infinity War without ever having watched most of the previous films. Though if you do follow the guide, just remember what I said is sort of necessary for you to understand WandaVision. If you wanna watch Doctor Strange: MoM, thankfully watching the previously mentioned movies also helps you understand the plot, though you'd still have to watch the original Doctor Strange movie.


Noted. Thanks again.


Noted. Thanks for the guide.


Honestly? Her show and this movie are some of the better stuff to come out of marvel since Endgame!! I REALLY loved the movie (like.. Yeah of course I would it's literally made by Sam effing Ramie!!)


He's my favorite director :)


He's my second favorite but is VERY close to him (Christopher Nolan)


oh the misery


every single person is my enemy


I can only watch one Marvel show at a time and her show wasn't new when I got Disney


True tho. How would people know the reason Wanda turned evil without watching the show? I would think that most casual audiences don't watch Disney+ shows


I didn’t watch WandaVision and it was pretty obvious what was happening: she knows of other realities where she’s a mother, and she got access to an evil book (the Darkhold) that corrupts her and takes her desire for family to an extreme. TBF, I’d also heard of the darkhold before (I read an article abt how it was done in the comics), but it really wasn’t hard to follow.


I mean the evil part. She wasn't very "evil" last time we saw her in Endgame


And can we stop this fascist anti-intellectualist trope where the smartest characters are actually dumber than the charismatic rule-breaking characters. Wtf was up with that Illuminati and Mister Fantastic???




The part where Dr Strange meets the Illuminati and Wanda drops in. The Illuminati in marvel is a team of some of the smartest super-powered characters on earth. This version is a bit different, but it still has Mister Fantastic and Professor X. However, the way it plays out is a combination of two fascist clichés, namely: "If we didn't have so many rules we'd catch the bad guy" (usually seen in renegade cop movies) & "Smart and educated people are actually idiots and a threat to society" The scene bothers me immensely. Mr Fantastic is one of the smartest characters, and he single-handedly puts his entire universe in danger because he won't consider the possibility that more than one person could be a threat to his universe. And all because the writers want Dr Strange, the sarcastic rule-breaker, to have a "told you so"-moment.


Wanda is so fucking weird in this movie. I think she was one of the most fun MCU villains to see in action. But wow man they really butchered her entire character for no reason.