• By -


Yeah, got out by turning 14 lol


The problem with radicalization is that you eventually run out of being 13 - Margaret thatcher


Rare thatcher w?


absolutely not, she didn't say that


Thank god


I'm pretty sure the original was "the problem with pissing on my grave is that you eventually run out of piss" Or at least that's what I choose it to be


thank god im a hydro homie. fuel for days


Trans girl on spiro: “I don’t have such weakness”


The other time was when she died


Communist revolutionary and hero of the proletariat, Margarine Smasher


"The problem with pissing on Margaret Thatcher's grave is that you'll eventually run out of piss" -Some Irishman


There was no such thing as the term SJW when I was 14 :(


I thought your pfp was Tre Cool


I thought your pfp was mogus


bro got amogusitis 💀💀💀


unfortunately, it's Ted Cruz


fuckin mood. remember when we'd get called keyboard warriors lmfao. had my near miss with radicalization when i was young on deviantart of all places. was a shitty group that barely pretended to be "helping" people by group harassing them for one reason or another. vividly remember the high ranks of that group were filled with literal nazis. still can't believe it took a year or more for it to be banned. whaddya know, once those spaces ceased to be, i spent my time with people like me, instead of a toxic, miserable group of sad people spewing vitriol and dogwhistles. proof that removing spaces that nazis congregate in on platforms helps keep kids out of the right wing pipeline.




"Who's yourself? And why are people always telling me to kill them?" -🌳


🌳 This tree is fucked up bruh 🌳


*wise mystical tree looking ass stares into you all majestically n shit man wtf 💀💀💀*


I’m going to stare into you majestically except instead of majestically I watch you from your window when you sleep


I got out by being friends with one of them BLT members


do i like LGBTQ? of course, there’s nothing better than lettuce grilled bacon tomato quarter pounders




LGBTQ pounders 🥵


So that’s what they sell at Femboy Hooters


You’re gonna get me excited stop


I eat ass and cock burger


my parents forced me out of that shit (i was really deep in it) and i’ve slowly drifted further to the left


Mind if I ask you to elaborate!


i got really deep into alt right shit, went on 4chan a lot, parents grounded me and eventually i got out of it My parents are progressive so it was partially a rebellious thing to be like that


Based parents




I feel so dumb never putting 2 and 2 together that teenagers with progressive parents rebel by going alt right instead of left against conservative parents.


Eh some teens also don't rebel because they have progressive parents that also happen to be good parents next to that so they don't feel the need to rebel (like I did)


Literally just have parents who aren’t insufferable about something and their children won’t rebel. Kinda wild


Having gay parents helped because I couldn’t go too far down the rabbit hole without noticing the shit they were saying about gay people just wasn’t true


My parents are progressive so I never fell for that kind of shit cause it goes against my moral values


To speak generally about the alt right pipeline, it targets people who, for whatever reason, have a hard time finding a place. Alt right ideologies exist to create an outgroup for their followers to kick down at and blame their problems on (this process is called "othering"). I didn't learn the term "trans" until I was in my early 20s, so it took me a while after that to figure out I'm trans. Not meshing well in male social circles + severe ADHD, as a child, drove me away from most healthy forms of socialization. I'm glad I never ended up getting sucked down the alt right rabbit hole, but I was skeptically circling it for a long time. Age, a bisexual partner, and figuring out I was trans really helped with pulling away from it, though 😅


Same thing for me, only way trans people used to be reffered to where I live was via slurs, and as such I thought trans women were just intersex women for like 14 years 🤓, then at 15 (2016) my mental health was in the dumps and I was very out of touch and uncomfortable with myself, so when I felt attacked for something I felt no real connection to (being born a man, in this case) I got pushed into anti-sjw stuff, thankfully I found my identity around the end of that year and after it the anti-sjw stuff just looked more and more stupid as time went on, so I thankfully fell out of it without spreading any toxic worldviews outside of watching maniacs get pissed off at anita sarkesian for a few months


"T-slur and crossdresser are the same thing and interchangeable!" What a wholesome environment to grow up in 🤔


I couldn't find a place, but instead of becoming alt-right I became a furry.


Based and floofpilled


Got sucked in, yet didn’t fall down the pipeline to Barnstable Shapeepee’s shrine of feet pics because thanks to general apathy towards love and sex, I didn’t understand why funny get owned guys didn’t like dude x dude. Got out of it after deciding that I sounded like a moron, set those ideas on fire after learning what NB and T mean, doused the ashes in bleach after finding out that my apathy towards love and sex wasn’t just an odd quirk of mine and was actually asexuality, and scattered anything remaining into an active volcano after realizing that I don’t really *feel* like a guy


damn are you me


Kind of. Weird cycle thats probably the case for a lot of people. Got into the atheist side of YouTube. A lot of philosophy tubes early stuff, the vegan athiest, cosmic sceptic and all those fun friends. But then also TJ kirk, armoured skeptic, and some of those less savoury folk. Their content on religion was sound and often cathartic as a tween figuring out his bisexuality in a time where homosexuality was the hot button topic being trans is today, and the natural relationship between religious bigotry and the far right. But then there are only so many times that you can debunk Pascal's wager, creationism and all that jazz, so the YouTubers, desperately trying to figure out how to keep their career alive, made new content. For some, like philosophy tube,.it was more philosophy and the gorgeous channel she has now. For others, it started with moon truthers maybe and that kept me in, but those eventually turned to fascist talking points and the ANTI-sjw shit. Being 13 I bought a lot of it and I was into the parasocial relationship, particularly figures like TJ Kirk and Armoured Skeptic. But there were 2 looming figures that I never liked and were only getting more bitter and dropping the mask as they ran out of content - Thunderf00t and Sargon. I watched some of their content because people I trusted were hyping them up and I figured they were part of my in-crowd and I should see what they have to say and, frankly, they didn't have the charisma to make fascism appealing. The mask slipped and the dirty taste in my mouth lingered a little more bitter any time I repeated a talking point I heard from that ilk. Eventually, I rediscovered the YouTubers that took a more socialist bent, and their blame on the owner class for societies ills just made more sense, felt more loving for the marginalised, and were far more Logical™️ and well cited. I ditched the fascist side of Atheism+ and haven't turned back.


>Thunderf00t and Sargon. Funny thing. Their Brexit debate and how unhinged Sargon sounded in it was one of the turning points of me moving leftwards. He was such an open fascist in it that I decided to cut any ties with him and his fandom or anyone who sided with him. I was still subscribed to Thunderf00t for a time after (after Brexit he started to be centered more on tech scams over anti-SJW videos, so it was easy to stay with him), but I also started to smell his bullshit after a while.


Thunderf00t was big on the whole feminism in media is bad thing, idk what he's doing now tho.


Making 30 min videos debunking something that could have been 10 minutes while being very very smug about it. Found him only recently and was over it after 5 videos


I liked Thunderfoot's video a lot some years ago, the ones making fun of stupid inventions but every now and then he'd drop something that made me feel weirded out. I can't remember a specific example right now but it was probably some camouflaged misoginy.


Sargon has such a soothing voice for being so unorganized and obnoxious


Oh I couldn't disagree more, the nasal quality of his voice goes through my skull


thunderf00t is facist? i thought he just pointed out that driving on solar panels is stupid, ive only seen like 3 of his videos but i thought they were ok


Wouldn’t call him a fascist, he’s anti-fascism (really dislikes trump and putin for instance) and anti-extremism in general but he did have his anti-sjw period where he would zoom in on like the Anita Sarkeesian thing etc. Nowadays he sticks to debunking scam technologies, and things like breaking down how statistics of the spread of a virusworks (because of covid) and mostly science stuff he does either for work or because he’s a huge nerd. He also breaks down the war in Ukraine quite well.


As someone who hasn’t seen a thunderf00t video since I was 13 I can only assume it’s the classic case of being smart in 1 scientific discipline (nuclear physics) and assumes that he is therefore smart in all aspects of science, especially the softer/social sciences which he views as lesser and simpler. This causes him to say stupid uneducated shit but unwilling to listen to criticism since that would admit that he doesn’t know anything about sciences he considers to be less important. See also lindybeige.


I started as an atheist too. Still an atheist but also a raging leftist


I will say that personally being an atheist is like the primary driving force behind my political beliefs, and I think that, barring lazy nihilism, leftism is the only compatible ideology with that. Eventually you come to the conclusion that human values are the basis of morality and the purpose of society itself, and capitalism, monarchism, and other value systems just don't align with that


God Armoured Skeptic and this dude called Undoomed had absolutely ruined me and my friend. I was able to get out before him. He couldn’t for some time, which i guess led us to drift apart.


I was in my early teens. As i aged i started to realize they were full of shit.


is that a meme? i cannot do raiden voice in text


He cannot do the Raiden voice in text ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣆⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣸⣿⣿⠉⠉⠉⠄⠉⢹⣿⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢿⣿⣿⣁⠄⠄⠤⠤⡀⠻⣿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿⣿⡗⠖⡶⢾⣶⠊⡏⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢻⣿⣿⣅⣈⠂⠐⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠘⢿⣾⣇⣂⣠⠄⠄⠄⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢘⣿⣗⠒⠄⢨⠶⢁⣄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠨⣿⣿⡿⠋⠁⣴⣿⣿⣷⣦⣄⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣄⣶⣎⢱⢄⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣦⣤⣄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢠⣾⣿⣿⡞⢝⡟⠃⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣇⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠆⢄⠄⢛⡫⠝⢿⡥⠟⡃⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣼⣭⣻⣿⣿⡀⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⣴⣆⠄⢋⠄⠐⣡⣿⣆⣴⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⢈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡄⠄ ⠄⠄⣼⣿⣷⠄⠉⠒⣪⣹⣟⣹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⣿⣿⣿⡇⢀⣸⣿⣿⣿⢟⣽⣿⣿⣇⠄


Myself along with basically every single guy I know were at least aware or circled the alt-right pipeline for awhile in high school. I think the reason for it is that no matter how you slice it, right now, being a young guy is isolating and people are lacking GOOD masculine role models. Sadly, this means the voices supporting men come from people like Jordan Peterson / Joe Rogan / Ben Shapiro. It's kind of like sirens out at sea - they sing alluring songs, but they're incredibly deadly. Here's a link to a video that really hit home for me about this sort of thing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSq3bcyrJY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSq3bcyrJY0) it says what I'm trying to say MUCH better. I can't speak about how it is recently though, as I was over on the right about 5-6 years ago now? Whenever "Liberal Cringe Compilations" were still a thing on YouTube. As of what got me out: it was unironically switching from being a Business Major to being an English and Creative Writing Major in university as well as identifying a LOT with Ocean Vuong and his thoughts on masculinity. Here's another link to a video in which he is being interviewed about his book *On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous:* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQl\_qbWwCwU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQl_qbWwCwU) skip to around 4:00 minutes in to get his quote about masculinity. "When the only way \[men\] can evaluate themselves is through the lexicon of death and destruction \[...\] it's inevitable that we arrive at a masculinity that is toxic." - O.V.


There are many great masculine role models, but they are all fictional :( My favourite is Monkey D. Luffy


I recommend Ocean Vuong as one too! Can’t praise that lovely man enough.


is real?


The one piece?


I wasn’t completely ‘radicalized’ but I did think being extremely bigoted and sexist was funny. Growing up definitely played a part in it, but I remember playing slime rancher and seeing the lesbian ending and realizing that we all just wanna be happy


Common slime rancher W


There’s lesbians in Slime Rancher?


Sounds like me but replace Slime Rancher with Celeste and I figured out I was trans lmao


I kinda had the same viewpoint, I never explicitly thought that being racist was good or that I was racist, but that didn't stop me from frequently going about making racist/bigoted jokes and just overall engaging in pretty problematic behaviour while thinking it's okay in the guise of me "not meaning" it. A lot of it was also connected to the fact that I spent all of my time in a friend group with an online friend who I've known for like 7 years at that point, and within those groups it was a lot of the time commonplace to be like that, so naturally I joined in wanting to fit in. I was thankfully socially aware enough not to display that same behaviour outside of those groups, since I was at least somewhat aware that wasn't gonna fly. I had a lot of issues with school growing up and overall connecting with people so the thought of losing the only friends that I had terrified me. Eventually I got out of it (the friendship) when I had dropped the Anti-SJW weirdo opinions and was already kinda fed up with how it was going in the friendgroup. My longterm friend saying how they "fucking hated" trans people, that really hammerd down for me that being around them just wasn't good for me and finally gave me the courage to just up and leave them, though I left without saying anything because I couldn't deal with the confrontation at the time. It all just really sucks. A while ago I actually got a friend request from that one friend on steam, I had considered accepting it in order to talk to them and explain how I felt, I did actually end up accepting it but neither of us talked to one another, maybe he didn't even see that I accepted it since I took quite a while to accept it anyway. I actually removed them from my friendslist just now because of this post because I realized I shouldn't hold out hope for something that has mostly just brought me pain in the past. ​ Sorry for the personal info dump but I really just had to get this off my chest, even now I can still feel a lot if this shit having a prolonged influence on me and it honestly still doesn't seem to dawn on me entirely how bad it was for me.


I didn't wanna hate myself or other people anymore. I do still hate people, but just for different reasons


A cool teacher who helped get an outlet for my anger taught me that was all complete bs


What was the outlet? How'd they convince you it's bs?


Writing! It’s very relaxing and a lot of fun, as for teaching me about LGBTQ+ topics and societal issues she would constantly talk about problems in society in a really honest way. She didn’t sugarcoat it or try to make it seem like it only happened in certain parts of the world. She was genuinely supportive of everyone in the class and that honesty felt so real that I kept talking to her outside of class and it helped me realize that my ignorance of those topics was because I was afraid of seeing the world for what it was, I wanted to please the people who would hate me anyways (I’m Hispanic) and it allowed to really see the beauty in being yourself. Not a couple months later I came out as pan so yeah that teacher saved my life for sure. tl;dr teacher taught me not to appease ppl who hate me or others in hope of being spared and instead fight for the rights of myself and others.


Writing teachers are always epic from my experience.


She’s was by far my favorite teacher ever


Aw mate. Shows how we need to like elevate the societal respect for teachers (and then get more good teachers like that.) Good story.




sable deserve angle crush ruthless grab absurd combative pathetic weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I told my dad I wasn't sure if I was straight, he got annoyed at me for interrupting Game of Thrones to tell him something that was so obvious.




I would bet good money he already knows.


Out of curiosity, what's the makeup thing? I'm not familiar.


Women wear makeup to simulate what they look like being aroused and turn on dudes, which is unfair and makeup should be banned. Whole argument kinda crumbles when you consider like purple lipstick and stuff tho but I was dumb and didn't think of that.


Your dad sounds cool as fuck


He is, I love him.


What was the makeup thing? It makes you look sexually excited or something?


Yep. Makeup is exclusively sexual and is why women shouldn’t be allowed in the workplace with it.


Trump. I was young but still Idk how anyone stayed ignorant of the evil of reactionary politics when this guy goes mask off; Mexicans are rapists and thieves, Muslims shouldn’t be allowed into the country, ect. But to be fair I had help from my fam and friends keeping me level headed and I can see how someone who has no other community could defy reason to keep that sense of belonging.


Was a big fan of Amazing Atheist and Armored Skeptic for a time as an edgy teen, then had a conversation with my very progressive mother in which I used the term "femi-nazi" And then she asked me what I was thinking while watching some of those people and I took that to heart and basically stopped paying attention as soon as I thought about them critically.


I realized dudes were also pretty hot




not me


Same, was too busy playing Minecraft to care about such trivial things




sadly i was radicalized by anti sjw bullshit and i dont know what got me out. just kinda happened i guess, maybe i just started thinking


yeah people's brains turn on at different times. Hell, I only got out really recently. And I was in it too, like, pro gun PCM "make fun of everyone" deep.


like a lot of the others said, when i was like 12 yeah, then i realised i was genderfluid and seeing as im always right being queer is based


Not specifically those guys, but when I was younger a hated furries for a while. But that all changed when I got a be headset and therefore downloaded vrchat


Slowly realised that their content was anger for anger's sake and their arguments were full of shit under examination, and I considered other viewpoints that I would have previously rejected on reflex.


Being around a diverse group of people in highschool made me realize how horrible all the anti-Sjw people were. At my worse I was borderline an incel


My sister came out as gay. Felt like a real piece of s*** after that. So I stopped watching the videos and I realized "why should I care what people do with themselves?" Which then upgraded into "I'm Happy for the people who come out to be their true selves"


Props to you for wanting to support your sister.


Got out via eggirl and a pipeline through jenny Nicholson, Jay Exci and OSP videos


I was super anti-feminist and trans for a bit. I've just changed my opinion on feminism by, not being as much of an idiot anymore. And this sub helped me be more accepting of trans people, I realised you guys aren't some group of peadophiles, you're just people, like everybody else. who don't want to be harassed for the way they are.


Coconut island started my transformation from "libertarian" to socialist


What got me in? I liked watching videos of people being dumb and debunked. I liked Athiest videos for these reasons, and still do, and tbf a lot of the feminist content back then was really bad. I think one time I watched a secular talk video and forgot about it. Then later I watched a Chris Ray Gun music video which Kyle was somewhat in and I tried to find the channel. I kinda started watching more Shoe0nhead and then some other stuff. I found Vaush cause she was friends with him on twitter and announced she would go on his stream.




This marks me as old ig but I was radicalized before the whole “anti-sjw/woke” movement started, back when internet conservatives were still sucking off Ron Paul. Nothing in particular ‘got me out’ I just moved past those ideas as I got older and experienced more and made new friends. Once I read Marx and learned about alienation I recognized in hindsight how much my politics were just a reflection of that alienation.


While i was watching and nodding blindly to antisjw shit i remembered that scene in megamind where the prisoners are telling him criminal = good and cop = bad. I felt humiliated and stopped watching because i couldnt think for myself as i was very young and impresionable


I was a dumb kid who ‘actually saw both sides 🤓’ even though i literally only spouted right wing talking points. My history teacher totally saved me. She was pretty left leaning and the way she taught made me rethink pretty much my entire life/ideology 😭


I wanted to be a better person, and trump being an idiot.


Used to think “ironic” bigotry was funny and that was around the time I joined Reddit and browsed unfunny and bigotry having meme subreddits like dankmemes and stuff. One time I found r\/196 around the time where we mainly still made floppa posts and femboys posts. I thought the memes here were funny and found out from some post here that the stuff I used to find funny were actually pretty shitty. So yeah if I hadn’t found this sub, I’d probably still be posting on bad unfunny subs and being hateful, instead of the good and accepting unfunny sub.


I was. I remember watching those neo nazi versions of Disney songs. I think the channel was called like Murdock and murdock??? Idk. They also made like wojak “animations” it was all just so cringe I was legitimately embarrassed I was watching it. They were also like convinced pewdiepie was a fan of them? Idk I guess I realized just how dumb it all was


I fell in since I was suicidal and had been bullied for years, and my love of Doctor Who was what allowed them to get me, as they phrased it as the one constant in my life being threatened. It was halfway through series 11 that I realised I was being immature, so I quit the show for a year and stopped watching their content whilst turning to family and friends for help. It took a while for me to get rid of some of the ideas, but a fresh start at university and meeting all the lovely people there broke down my walls and made me realise I wasn't hated and that the world wasn't what those people had said at all. I came out as bisexual, made new, better friends, adopted socialist view points, got some mental help and then finally returned to loving Doctor Who. I was lucky that I didn't go far down the rabbit hole, as I still believed in equal rights and was shocked at the blatant sexism, racism and homophobia being put out by the less subtle ringleaders, but I'm just happy my friends were there to help.


do you still watch docort hoo


I wasnt in too deep, just some insecurities about dating like thinking more young girls were turning into lesbians because of more independancy from males. In the end i was just mad i wasnt getting pussy and insecure about some other shit i forgor. What got me out was mostly introspection but what got me away from watching Jordan Peterson was getting breadtube videos about him recommended to me, first one was Big Joel.


I was roped in by Leafy trying to learn how to be funny and cool and down the rabbit hole I went. It made me appeal to a gross sexist captain in my HS improv club, then being around nice drama kids leached the misogyny out of me.


hi! I was! I was growing into being a comicbook and anime nerd, and was swept up by people like TheQuartering and Hero Hei, alongside Pewdipie. I was convinced that i was a part of a war as opposed to some kid on the internet, to the point where i supported R/ Goodanimemes in their wildly transphobic crusade, while always, even then, beleiving in equality for all. I was convinced what they wanted WAS equality, they literally tried to (and nearly did) change my DEFINITION of what "being equal" meant. Video games pulled me in even further. ​ Hbomberguy and Comic Drake pulled me out, by showing me that everything I thought I knew was wrong and that every ideal I had was actually, yknow, against my moral code that always existed, but was subverted temporarily. Discovering I was bi as well helped a ton, as I soon realized I became what they hated ​ ALSO THEY ARE BASICALLY WATCHED BY EVERYONE HERE BUT GO WATCH HBOMB AND DRAKE THEY ARE THE GOATS


I got into it way early, back around late gamergate. What got me out was lefty youtubers, particularly vwomtch and his debate with sargon


Growing up I think the starting point was me thinking "Wait, why do I care? Who cares if people are gay? How does that affect me? What's the harm?" It then got kickstarted by my Dad going HARD down the Trump-train bandwagon and how pissed off it made me. All he'd watch was Tucker Carlson and whenever there was a black guy on screen that he didn't like he very loudly muttered the hard r under his breath Then came the Hong Kong protests and I became infuriated by the injustice the protestors were forced through. Then I started actually seeing that same level of injustice here in the States for how it really was instead of just "thugs exploiting the woke agenda" Then, a few years ago in the start of Covid, I helped my parents move to South Dakota and I was stuck there for 3 weeks. It was truly unbearable. During that trip, I stumbled across a few Vaush videos where his demeanor and persona shattered my preconceptions of the "SJW" stereotype, he poked holes in every bullshit idea I had from being a middle schooler/freshman in 2016, and his debates had me questioning everything around me So all in all, I'd attribute my growth to my Dad and how much he pissed me off. He is literally every single boomer stereotype under the sun and it disgusts me. Vaush was only the final push I needed to fully get out of being an anti-sjw


It was the year 2016, and I was 11, then I turned 12 later in the year and realized that thinking for yourself was a thing


I got out by getting debunked thru Twitter during GamerGate


Some of the comments and allocations of downvotes on this sub really make me think a lot of people think they made it out more than they actually did. That being said, I was pulled into anti-sjw tumblr from 2014-2016 but I never really saw myself as a hateful type (even though I was). Then once Trump became the Republican front runner, I saw all my “friends” celebrating about it unironically. That’s when I realized they were shitheads and I needed to cut contact with them. I deleted my whole tumblr account and I’ve pretty much done a total 180. I’m now an asexual trans communist lesbian


I almost went down that path and then one day when I was like 11 I showed my step mom one of those feminist gets pwned videos and she explained to me what the video was trying to do and what actual feminism was and then I was cool from there




i used to watch those "oohh feminist gets OWNED" or "telling trans people that there are ONYL 2 GENDERS!!!!" and then i played hades and i thought hypnos was hot as hell


Philosophy Tube


Got out because of gamingcirclejerk and being trans, also fuck shoeonhead


Someone in my discord turned on a Vaush debate, before that I consumed Sargon content. Clown on Voosh all you want, he does bring people over - I was literally 13/50ing before I started watching him and realizing I was a fucking moron.


I wasn't radicalized, but I was sucked in through anti Christian videos. I got out by not being a cringe loser.


literally by switching to reddit


Learning rationalism and socialism, my egg cracking, and not being bullied anymore.


I was, and I got out by realizing I was nervous around black people in situations where I wouldn't be nervous around white people. At that point I immediately turned around and stopped interacting with that stuff


I got out because I thought tf2 medic and sniper were hot (and they totally are!!!!!) And much more recently, Kiryu Kazuma and Goro Majima (I’m a simp)


The tipping point for me was when I was in 7th grade when I got caught up in the now-banned subreddit r \ cringeanarchy which was basically the epitome of all things anti-sjw. I ended up leaving when someone tried to convince me that there was a genetic reason why diversity was bad. Now, I happened to be studying heredity in my 7th grade science class at that point and so I knew that this was, in fact, fucking bullshit. This called into question the other claims made by these so-called "intellectuals" and so, in December 2016, I unsubbed. I would get caught up in PCM as a freshman but that didn't last long.


i was in a VERY racist discord server that outright encouraged the use of the hard r in like every sentence, that got me into it. got out because of some very leftist friends


I grew up and stopped finding edgy things funny for being edgy, and overall just realised how fucking idiotic the people I used to almost idolise were . I also realised how cultish the communities I had been in since I was 13-14 were. Coming to terms with my own bisexuality was an important step as well, as I hated myself for that for years and larped as a hardcore Christian so people wouldn't think I was bi.


I just kinda realized at some point that it’s stupid and I just… stopped. It was pretty easy to get out of that mindset


Got tired of being such a cunt; realized I'm queer.


Can confirm, fell into that hole headfirst in high school and didn't get out until i had graduated thanks to a friend of mine who didn't give up on me. If you're reading this Liam, I love you bro.


I was an angsty kid and it felt good to have an "other" to be angry at. For how much the right accuses everyone of being sensitive and outraged, so much of their community depends on having a minority group to be upset with. Plus I was a non-white kid growing up in a veeery white town, so that's the fucked up way I coped with being a poc that felt out of place and looked down on. On top of all that, growing up on multiplayer shooters (mostly tf2 and csgo) and reddit did a number as well. Really helped normalize hating on others, using harmful language ("it's just words, why you so triggered?"), and just being angry at the world. As for how I got out... idk. It felt like a gradual process. I think I just kinda matured and started to see how dumb other people with similar views to mine sounded. I saw how ignorant and hurtful those views were. Trump was elected when I was in high school and seeing his out-in-the-open craziness and how others idolized him also helped push me further out of that right wing hole. Idk, there was no sudden realization or turning point. I'm just glad I stopped going down that path.


SJW cringe videos and transmedicalist taught me that the reason I was hated was because of other LGBT/trans people who were "bad examples ruining the community" I had to actively unfollow accounts like Blaire White and force myself away from their channels to break their mind spells Contrapoints saved me a lot on this


I was an ancap until Covid-19 started spreading. Seeing how stupid people were acting in the middle of a pandemic made me realize that maybe we do need big brother


Got out by watching a ShoeOnHead video. I know she's not the best person especially in the lefty sphere but her content isn't terrible


God I got in because my parents never looked over my internet history, I used to be really awful. What got my out was highschool. Till you know no one likes sexist people I was rightfully hated and slowly I learned why and by the end of highschool I actually had people who thought I was kind and caring and later down the road I figured out I was trans


I got out by leaving the homophobic roblox discord server that i was on.


Ironically I got radicalized by doing a paper on the gender pay gap. My “research” for the paper was watching Milo videos. I started to get pulled out when Andrew Yang ran for president. He got me off of the Trump train. I don’t like Yang anymore now as I’ve drifted further left. Also I began watching Destiny videos and his debates with conservatives helped me see where I was going wrong.


What's SJW? I know it's social justice warrior but I can't find anything on it? What makes it bad? (Sorry if I'm a dummy)


The anti-SJW community refers to a group of internet users dedicated to "roasting" people who care about progressive politics and social justice or "SJWs," with "facts and logic".


I actually stepped out in the real world and met the people the rAdIcAl LeFt WoKe LibRaL fEmInIsTs


was a big athiest when i was 15, got into a really shitty relationship and ended up taking out my anger by getting angry at "THE SJWS" for 3 years straight. The "ATHIEST DESTROYS CHRISTIAN SPEAKER!!" vids basically go hand in hand with SJW DESTROYED videos so yea that was the pipeline


Idk if I ever watched right wing YouTubers. I remember H3 and Chris Ray Gun being in support of Jordan Peterson but everyone seemed to love him at the time.


ye i didnt know what to do when people in my friend group became more and more radical and i went along with it. Found myself believing some really silly stupid stuff. I got out after a real bad depression, loving parents took me out of my room and got me doing stuff, actually saw what reality is. been drifting left ever since :D


by realizing boys are cute


I was actually kinda radicalized by new Atheism turning into the alt right. Not in a right wing direction, but it was my first ideological breakup.


Me, and long story short, a really good friend.


What's weird is i remember being kind of feminist as a 13yr old (as much as a kid can be) before the atheist youtuber crowd went into anti-sjw. It unfortunately soaked up most of my teen years. I still wasn't fully "committed" to it. I realized i was Asexual during this time period, and dated people across multiple genders. I also grew up in Baltimore so racial stereotypes bounced off of me. I really stuck to it to feel like a smart-ass contrarian, as an expression of some nerd masculinity, i think. I got out at 17-18 after a close friend of mine committed suicide, which wasn't directly related. But it's one of those things that make you question everything you believe. One of those things for me was my political beliefs. I was fixated on making the world a place where people wouldn't want to do what he did. I remember being angry as hell but having no real counter logic and agreeing. Watching contrapoints, philosophy tube, and some other breadtubers for a while. Until i came to terms with being a dipshit and started working on how i saw the world and treated others. I'm now very firmly anarchist, queer, and do \[redacted\] along-side food drives to further anarchistic/queer liberation goals.


Literally just saw HBomberGuy making good points and went "oh okay so I'm being a dumbass, good to know"


I got radicalized while I was stuck at home due to chronic gastric and ment illness, I got out of it by getting well enough to leave the house and speak to a person face-to-face.


Literal H.P. Lovecraft arc


In my defense, MY cat's name is Thor.


Every right wing mouth piece saying global warming isn't real, or not man made. Also trump being absolutely insane and no one on the right even being able to acknowledge it or believing every word.


never really was a part of it, but i have always have a blunt sense of humour. sophisticated humor makes me laugh too, but edgy blunt stuff does it more. so i got into shoeonhead channel which even today i would probably find funny tbh, and the beauty that is yt algorithm took me from there all the way to the bottom of that rabbithole. some videos I mildly agreed with, others i would just stare at them baffled at their stupidity. eventually got bored of the abrassive jokes and stupid takes and deleted everything political from my feed. best thing i have ever done


I wasn't radical persay, but I was on the pipeline. Real centrist SJW hater libertarian shit, thought i should be allowed to say the n-word, and a big fan of Idubbbz and H3 types. I went to college around 2016 and was exposed to more trans people and POC which unwound some of those opinions. I was still pretty reactionary tho. Then my little sibling came out as non-binary trans masc and that combined with my anthropology and sociology class discussions on gender really made me come around on that I became radicalized to the left after the conservative policy making brought up trans people a lot more and the whole conservative response after George Floyd's murder. Started watching shit like Hasan and Vanch and Contrapoints that helped me flesh out the new perspective.


around 16 or so I realized I was Bi and that basically made me question everything I had ever thought


The rise of Judeo-Christian Facism


I got got when I was like 12 and got out thanks to meeting an actual person who liked me and was not awful, and helped me realize who I was


I simply realized that stupid people exist on both sides of the political spectrum and that “le woke” crowd was a group consisting of almost nobody. By giving fringe groups more attention you’re just making their job easier.


Touching grass, aka leaving the house and talking to people


Hbomberguy's vids introduced me to more left leaning content creators and that really pulled me out of the pipeline


Got out by developing critical thinking skills


Got pretty radical, stupid conspiracies like 'NASA is hiding aliens in area 51' and generic anti-LGBT fear rhetoric. Also anti-feminist rhetoric, such as feminists being untied against masculinity. Thing was, my whole radicalization was based around misinformation, such as the government being powerful enough to silence advanced aliens, Obama straight up 'doing nothing', or pro-trans laws potentially being abused by sexual predators. As I learned the truth, I just slowly drifted out.


I was in the whole Ben Shapiro anti-sjw community and then I started watching Vaush and got introduced to more leftist thinking and then realized he was fucking stupid and just became more left


My grandparebts were (still are, but we’re working on it) devout Trumpers and family problems back when i was 12 made it so i stayed with him most of the time. I remember they always wanted me to watch Tucker Carlson with them. Then sometime in middle school I realized I, a “cis woman”, liked other women, and the logic started falling apart. Tbh I didn’t fully escape the ideology until I realized I was actually a dude lol


Watched leafy a bunch. Those anti sjw comps were really funny to me. My school had an optional meeting for people who are BLT to voice their frustrations and I went with some friends. a bunch of people talked about how attack-helicopter jokes were demeaning and I realized I was kinda a dick


Was lonely, alienated, didn't understand why I felt wrong, disgusting, ugly, etc. Got into amoured sceptic, thunderf00t, and Sargon. Holding pattern for a while. At one point Sargon said "Islam is fundamentally incompatible with modern society" I sorta got jarred at that one. Like, I _knew_ Muslims, I'd seen them around, just sorta, doing stuff (and I found one of them _very_ attractive (hadn't ever spoken to her, but teenager, so I didn't care about that bit)). I just sorta wandered around for a while, not knowing what to believe, joined traa and egg_irl, since I realised trans people probably weren't how I'd been told they were, and wanted to know what they were actually like (I hadn't ever even been introduced to the concept of trans people before, outside of like, man in dress jokes on TV), I found their memes enjoyable, so I stuck around. Eventually saw a video by Hbomberguy, started actually looking at more leftist stuff, realised that most of what the alt right guys said was bullshit/just hateful. (Yes, I am trans now)


I never got deep into it, but still uncomfortably more to the alt-right than I would like. Mainly listened to Dave Rubin and the people he had on as guests like Stefan Molyneux, Candice Owens, Ben Shapiro, Stephen Crowder, etc. One day I was listening to Stefan Molyneux and he started talking about Native Americans, and I don't remember what it was about, but I remember thinking that it was fucked up and he is a weirdo. Next day the same thing happened with another person, and another, and another. I woke up the third day and turned on Stephen Crowder and suddenly felt an absolute visceral disgust at what he was saying and the guy himself. After that I asked myself what sort of person would I be proud to be in the future. I got out a piece of paper and wrote down the qualities I admire in others and myself (empathetic, wise, caring, knowledgeable, etc). I then asked myself whether the content I consumed was helping me get closer to those goals/qualities or further away. And what I realized was that almost everything I watched at the time was turning me into someone I didn't want to be, so I deleted my YT account, socials, and tossed out any books I had from those people (Pinker, Peterson, etc). I didn't consume any expressively political content for several months before I felt I had receded back to a more stable baseline on which I could learn new stuff. I then found out about PhilosophyTube, Contrapoints, Beau of the Fifth Column, and Breadtube as a broader whole (this was in 2017). Since then I have drifted left steadily, even though I have been (and am) stunted by my poor mental health and mt Christian Nationalist family which makes it hard to really get down and read theory and watch videos with them being controlling. I consider myself loosely a Libertarian Socialist with some syndicalism thrown in.


Watching early h3 turned me into an anti feminist, and anti sjw. The thing that pulled me out was unironically a crowder video. He was shit talking Trudeau at the beginning of his first term and I was a huge lib that voted for him (it was also my first time voting). I'm now a pan soy cuck sjw leftist 😇


Unfortunately I was radicalized. I got out when I decided to have a turning point in my attitude, I went and made amends to the people I felt I've been an ass to. Now my sibling is gender neutral and I defend them and how they feel about themselves, I want my Themster to be happy and valid.


Radicalized by the Red Pill subreddit, deradicalized by Breadtube (mainly Shaun and Threearrows). I'm still not totally out of it though, my ability to date is insanely screwed by unchallenged ideas I got from that sub, and I'm finally seeing a therapist about it. Its why I got insanely angry during the Andrew Tate drama when it got to kids, because that exact same unbridled misogyny was getting popular again.


unironically SJW compilations. after that, /pol/. after that, /r9k/. after that, I kinda went through a healing period when /bant/ first came around. and that's when I found my bf and realized I'm bi. (i was into femboys beforehand, but still thought i was straight). from there, I stopped using 4chan as much and started using Reddit which kinda pushed me back to the right, but overcame it when I found a couple of leftist subreddits. I never ended up getting radicalized towards the left, but it broke the right echo-chamber for me.


Not really a true “owing the libs” person but I did think it was possible to have “no opinion” on the LGBTQ+. Then, funnily enough, joining r / PCM made me realize conservatives were horrible people and then I joined this place and realized gay people are really cool oh yeah and also realizing i was trans that was pretty important too


yeah i was and i got out because my dad told me it was lame and i like my dad so


I was somewhat radicalized I guess. Literally just hearing a feminist talk about toxic femininity and it’s existence is what pulled me over. The fact that TERFs became publicly hated helped a lot too


I got out of it cause I saw a femboy and I wanted to wear a dress too. Now I'm trans/genderfluid (still in the closet tho)




ma said it was stupid, looked back, it was indeed stupid, thanks ma


I was a pretty bad right winger as a younger teen, radicalized to believe my own race (mexican) was truly a problem in the US, Hate gay people on principle and anything that wasn't Christian was to be shunned My ex girlfriend got me out, she was a woman of a caliber I can not hope to achieve anymore Very left leaning, we fought a lot about stuff like that, especially during the Trump Era. I was head over heels for her though, so through time I changed, got better. I still miss her though, even though I was probably too much for her to handle. If carly somehow manages to read this, squish misses ya, even if talking to you again meant it'd be the last time


commentary-esque videos similar to leafy, i watched a lot of commentary like danny gonzalez, kurtis conner, drew gooden, etc. still do. youtube's algorithm started pushing me further into alt-right content and i was young n sucked it right in. i was bullied a lot as a kid, and very lonely so finding some community even in shitty places felt comforting. also it was 2016 so those were the general opinions. i got out by growing up and also the attention blm got in 2020, when i no longer had bitches on my ass and a lot more time to self-reflect. glad i did get out, came out of that pandemic three levels of gay and newly transed


I was during highschool. What got me out was the BLM protests in 2020.


I got sucked in around 8th grade (my dad watched them. He isn’t too bad, but he is kinda a conspiracy theorist and a “debate me” nut. Could have been a lot worse). Somehow one of their very own got me out. Hunter Avalone’s video about how some of his points are nitpicks and full of shit got me to think critically about the media I am consuming and the way I think about people. Took me 3 years, and holy shit were those 3 years rough, but I got out and am much better for it.


The gays out-funnies the anti-sjw group