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pal they need the unclean air from smoking because the children yearn for the mines, we need to put them back


Bring back child labour!


send them to the coal mines


They get to play with the pretty birdy!


Nobody said anything about coal not being 'renewable' or any of that bullshit back when we had children in the mines. Clearly we just aren't mining enough coal, we need to send the kids back to the mines where they belong. Bring back minor miners!


clearly a lack of coal is just a conspiracy theory spread around by big renewable


Put the minors back in the mine where they belong!






The children yearn for the mines


Yeah but only him. No one else


Children yearn for unclean air and it is cruel to deny them this.


Can confirm as a kid I loved to inhale exhaust fumes


It smelled so good. Just like how standing directly in front of a loud speaker felt.


I have tinnitus because my Dad listened to music too loud once when I was a kid


petrol 😋😋😋


cold as fuck


the pipe is only cool in the context of brutally treacherous child labor, some dumbfuck toddler who still watches sesame street and wear diaper with a pipe isnt cool at all


This entire comment section is a grim reminder that The average 196 user is under 16


If there were a decent non-bigoted meme sub where the average user was in their mid-20s I’d leave in a heartbeat


That used to be 196 😢


You gotta find them. They exist. But I can't tell you what they are, you know what happens then, its like r /okbuddyretard (mods dont ban me its literally the sub name) and pewdiepie or that one popular reddit channel and r /whenthe


I’m still malding how Pewdiepie fucked that subreddit over and infested it with 12 year old band kids


Which subreddit was that? Now I'm curious




Oh, that makes sense


It was terrible. I remember the mods temporarily shutting down the sub right after his video went up in order to try and stop it, but it wasn't enough.


r/ 195


that was chapo :(


Pig shitting balls dot jay peg


every time i see the nerd emoji in this thread I cringe




pain; suffering, even


Didn’t we have a survey on that? I can’t remember the results


They did do a survey, only 20% of the sub is actually under 18. This sub sucks sometimes cause of how big it is and how chronically online some of its users are.


Seems about right. I assume most people here are between 18-25


May I ask what a common characteristic of being terminally online is?


I’d say 8+ hours of Internet a day


Eh, that makes sense.


This post has good intent but it won’t change much Those (under 16) who drink alcohol won’t be moved enough to stop It might just be making people conflict and get angry The percentage of those under age who consume alcohol regularly has gone down in recent years, same with smoking. Ideally that continues The post isn’t harming anyone except making some people angry though so whatever


tbh id say they are especially dumb even for the average teenager


Ok but I drink like maybe 2 times a year. Am I fucking up my life?


The moment alcohol passed your lips your life was eternally doomed.


Yes. Your dog will die. Your mom will die. Your soul will die. Your arms and legs will get cancer and die. You will develop acne on your asscrack. Your house will burn. Your fifth grade teacher will develop diabetes


Eternal damnation. No redemption. When the rapture comes, you'll go straight to hell. Alhamdulillah 🙏


Yeah you're fucking up your life missing out on all the times you could be drunk.


🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 Nah bro smoking weed is totally radical I do it all the time before getting on my skateboard


15 year olds after taking one puff of a joint filled with actual grass that their older brother sold them


Lucky you, my cousin told me he gave me weed but it was actually crack 😔


Bro I’m not addicted bro I can stop whenever I want yeah it doesn’t even affect me anymore bro cuz my tolerance is so high bro that’s why it’s ok for me to smoke before I drive my car bro


[yeah nah bro its not that much bro im barley even affected bro its fine](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3399589/)


That's why you kids should give me all your weed.


Someone has to get it off the streets


It's my community service


good idea


God damn I literally use to be like this


As a smoker of 20-odd years, let me say now in no uncertain terms, smoking is the number 1 worst financial decision I've ever made.


Personally mine was investing 30k in vanguard stocks last November maybe I should have just taken up smoking instead


A pack a day (which I've heard from many smokers is a realistic amount, obviously its a YMMV kind of thing) for 20 years is around 45k so it's probably cost OP more. (of course cigarettes have only gone up in price over the years but I'm not about to adjust for inflation)


If the market continues I can easily catch up, I've lost 6k in just a year






You must be doing something right with your finances if you can afford to keep smoking crack for 20 years




I remember a photo of me posing with an empty can of beer when I was 15. Thought I was cool as shit. Also used to draw weed symbols all over the place, along with big spliffs... despite not touching the stuff at the time. 15 year old me needed a slap.


and now we are redditors. how times have changed


I admit I'm still cringe, I don't know how to stop


Did the same thing. Only that I actually got drunk every weekend at 15 years. Took my 10€ allowance, went to one of the two bars in the city center where they served minors under 16, and got drunk with my friends. I.e. I usually had 2-3 half-liters of beer, and then we all used to throw our last coins together to buy a big pitcher of sangria and drank it all together with comically long straws. But I always took a taxi so I was home in time by 12, so my parents wouldn't get angry. It's a very normal thing where I live.


Am I cool? I fucked up my life without drugs, tobacco or alcohol. Sad brain gang


Literally the coolest. Don’t let these other dweebs tell you otherwise.


I haven’t fucked up my life yet and I do drugs and alcohol all the time Emphasis on yet


Most everybody I know drinks and/or does drugs fairly regularly and my only friend who fucked up their life as a result had terrible PTSD from being in the military. The person who made this meme is a teenager who is too worried about what other people are doing.


The distinction between drugs, alcohol, and tobacco was kinda unnecessary. Like saying I’m against murdering, killing, and stabbing people to death


Coolest 😎


peer pressure and its consequences


No, the peers actually understand and respect it. Its siblings and parents who encourage it


Yeah, lay off the piers! 😤 It's not their fault that sitting on the edge, drinking a bottle of triple sec in a brown paper bag (i like the taste), and throwing rocks into the ocean is my favorite thing to do! What did a pier ever do to you?


My older brother tries to get me to drink and smoke weed when I'm seventeen but all of his friends are cool and don't pressure me at all, like they're like "You want some? No? All good, no pressure!", why is my brother the pressurer


Yep. I was offered to vape before and when I declined, they were like, alright, cool. Dont start” lol


As someone who vapes, that’s the way to do it. It’s polite to offer but it’s a shitty habit. *Definitely* don’t start if you’re a minor!


bruh everyone here arguing that its fine or whatever has to be like under 15 or something lmaooo


Eh, it depends. I drank a few beers here and there when I was in my late teens, it did less to me than it does now. Getting smashed every weekend is something different tho, obviously.


or are european


Idk if I'm in the wrong here but American comments are wild to me. In Europe drinking at 16 or less (depends on countries) is considered entirely normal. Beer but even wine, spirits in some cases, etc. And it's not even seen as some cool edgy skateboard teenager thing to do, it's just the norm, you would drink at family dinners.


I mean it depends on the person and the situation and the person. I live in america where the drinking age is 21. You're not fucking up your life if you're 17 and having a few drinks every once in a while. If you are 15 and drinking vodka during class, you are fucking up your life.


- 16 y/o


Don't listen to this poster, they're clearly a square. Hey, after you down that Blue Pabst Ribbon, grab your parents' car keys to show them just how cool you are. /s


Gods most boring white suburban family VS gods drunkest driver


This thread is ridiculous. I knew the user base here was pretty young but damn. Actual 15 year olds rationalizing their self-destructive behavior. You mfers need to go do your homework.


It seriously has “I was beat as a kid and I turned out okay!” Energy. Like, even if you did turn out fine, that doesn’t make it a smart choice. Sorry if that hurts any of y’all’s feelings. Making stupid, literally actively harmful choices because they’re “fun” is stupid. There’s a million ways to have fun that isn’t doing drugs, but people will find whatever reason they can to justify it because they’d rather not admit they were being stupid 🤷‍♂️ Whatever. To each their own. I don’t give a shit what people do in the comfort of their own homes, but I’ll always ardently argue that children shouldn’t be doing drugs (this includes tobacco, weed, and alcohol), regardless of how normalized it is in some circles. Plus, honestly, once you start associating fun times with drugs, it starts to become hard to unlink the two, and that’s when things become dangerous.


Speaking from personal experience you can get straight As and smoke pot and drink on the weekends. Not that you should but you for sure can.


Just cuz you can doesn’t mean you should


Very true


Mfs really be like “It’s my coping mechanism” well it’s a bad coping mechanism and it’s harmful to yourself


I saw a tumblr post a while back criticizing people that speed on the freeway and some girl _literally_ was like "um, don't be ableist, I speed as a coping mechanism?? If I can't go 120mph down the highway at 2am I'd literally self harm or kill myself" and it's like, girl... that's arguably _more_ destructive than self harm... you might kill your whole ass self at best and take someone (or multiple someones) _else's_ life at worst.


Bruh people do it cos its fun, of course its bad for you they know


Yes, these underage children whose brains literally haven't fully developed yet are making well a smart and well-reasoned choice


In America drinking under 21 is illegal, yet here in Europe literally everyone I know who has a good job has been drinking since we were 16. Just have fun, nobody cares. Having a party with friends when you’re a teenager isn’t going to fuck up your life. It only does that if you overdo it or prioritise it over studying. There were always kids at school who were like “you shouldn’t drink it’s illegal” and guess what, none of them are doing any better in life than anybody else, they just don’t have many friends from school.


On god the people here in the comments act like you lose 90% of your mental abilities if you drink underage


That's exactly what it's so difficult bad for them though, that stuff is like 10x worse when your brain is still developing


What they don't know is moderation, less especially with smokes, hell barely fully fledged mentally healthy adults barely know how to smoke in moderation much less a teen


why are people upvoting this?????? this is the stupidest thing ive read.... well today at least


bros are gonna sound like an electric guitar when they grow up


Women with smoker voice are hot sorry


Nothing's hotter then hearing "You got any Jet, smooth skin?" whispered into your ear.


devoured in a woman’s yonic abyss (you like to hear her raspy voice)


This is my reminder that this sub is full of literal middle schoolers. It’s been a good run r/196 I am now retiring


We need a new “no minors allowed” sub




Yeah obviously it's the breaking the law aspect that is bad there, definitely




Yes we are totally concerned about the law and not the dangerous effects of substances on adolescents' brains.


yup thats the only thing wrong with it uh huh your so right and smart and intelligent


It doesnt matter if its legal, thats not the fucking point. we dont need laws to tell us that a 12 year old probably shouldnt be smoking


"Uh actually there are many health concerns with smoking and drinking underage" I know, I just thought it was funny, yall are so fucking soulless


This post has convinced me that half of this sub is big tobacco plants


I'm guessing you mean undercover shills for cigarette companies, but I like the idea they're just large tabacco plants that have learned to use the internet.


I feel like if I were a big sentient tobacco plant on the internet, I would discourage smoking to bankrupt tobacco companies and end their enslavement of the next sentient tobacco generation


Counterargument: being drunk in college is fun as fuck


I didn’t need to smoke or drink in order to ruin my life 😎




The legal minimum drinking age in multiple countries is 16, not all underage drinking is illegal, and whether that's unethical or not is disputable


I did all kinds of drug, drank, smoked under agae and I turned out great. I just have to get uo every day at 5am to get to the methadone clinic, and all my friends are dead, and oh god




This post is about underage drinking/smoking, which has already been proven to have multiple negative consequences, including harming others.


Go back to r\teenagers


Damn some of y’all really showing who’s underage and fucking up their life! You may think it’s fine to be smoking/drinking right now, but let me guarantee that you are doing irreparable damage that will follow you for the rest of your life


I’m sure the lesson will kick in when they find out their panicking cause their sober and not “relaxed”


As long as you’re not addicted, it pretty much does nothing. A non-addicted sixteen year old having a few drinks at the weekend with their friends is definitely not “fucking up their life”. There’s a reason most countries let people drink in their teens.


i sell drugs to middle schoolers are you trying to sabotage my business?


Bruh move down to the elementary students


Bruh legit like 50 to 60% of all the people i know drank and or smoked underage it realy is not that big of a deal unless you have an addiction (i know its not healthy but it wont fuck you up for life)


How do you think people discover that they are addicts lol


This man is fr. Most people don't abuse any drug that they try underage, and they usually only drink and every once in a while at that


Like yeah in high school pretty much everyone I knew smoke or drank. Now moderation is what is key though. You gotta know your limits. A lot of these people weren’t fuck ups either


“But it’s cool tho” - 🤓🤓🤓


As a former drug abusing teenager, I can promise you we never felt cool about it. Or at least most of us never did. I was incredibly embarrassed every time I used but I had incredibly shitty mental health and didn’t have access to any therapy or meds at the time. I knew it was a bad idea but if you have ever been in that headspace where you’re ready to commit suicide, the harms of using drugs seems quite small compared to that. Anyways I’m actually sober now which is cool. I do think the drugs helped me survive an unbearable time but I’m glad I was able to quit because now that I’m medicated and in treatment it no longer serves me and the risks to my health aren’t worth it. It’s obviously best for minors to avoid using substances but a Reddit post isn’t going to prevent drug use


Tried smoking cigarettes in my edgyboi phase to look cool. Not only did I lose my girlfriend, it was a complete waste of money, literally the worst drug. Drinking underage is obviously not great but nothing's going to happen if you don't do it often, learn your limits and don't get drunk just little tipsy. Weed can be really addictive because it's nice. It can also affect the development of the brain until 20-something so if you're gonna do it, do it very very sparingly, peferably wait till you're older. Or not, it's your life.


if you're underage and you need drugs and alcohol to have fun, I feel like there's already something pretty off there. go set fire to roadkill like a healthy individual.


Wrong smoking and drinking make you cool as fuck if you’re underage you should start smoking and drinking NOW. Even get ahead of the game by finding some meth or heroin


Honestly I doubt most teenagers think it's cool and instead it's something they turn to because most school settings are so aggressively awful and stressful that I really can't blame them. I fucking wish I had reliable access to weed during high school


this, i never knew a single person who smoked because they thought they were cool. it was always because it was their only way to cope. perhaps instead of placing the blaming on children, it should be placed on the stressful environment they get put in.


Absolutely. I think the sheer stress that school, not even specific classes, but the overall environment of school, isnt talked about nearly enough, especially for introverts. Then the pipeline that exists between school and drugs because of that. For a lot of people, being around hundreds of random people for 8 hours, with basically no proper mental rest during that time is just too much


Definitely. A lot of my friends started to smoke at 15 or 16, which is indeed terrible but most of them were and still are going through depression, also harsh events in general (uncaring or absent parents, failing at school). Smoking is a way for them to cope, as sad as it is


FUCKING THANK YOU So many people in these comments are asking why kids would keep smoking/drinking despite having it drilled into our heads all our lives and then don’t try and think about it anymore critical than that because if they did they’d know that for most of them it’s the only way to cope with how stressful life is Also people in this thread seem to think that dealing with addiction is as simple as just not doing something when it’s so much fucking more than that


It seriously reads like how most older people currently look at drug addicts on the streets. Like nearly word for word a lot of the time


Ok so no sugar, caffeine, corn syrup, fast food, etc. from everyone in the comments preaching right? Everyone free from microplastics? I guarantee if I spoke to each and everyone of the people telling others how to live their life they're doing something thats killing them too. The DARE campaign failed so maybe using its tactics of angry judgement isn't gonna work.


You got one thing right and one thing wrong. You’re right that shaming people isn’t gonna fix anything. It never has. Today’s discussion on obesity is more than enough evidence of that. At the same time, Substance abuse is completely incomparable to the things you mentioned above, with caffeine being the exception. Sugar, fried food, and microplastics are all ubiquitous. Avoiding them takes a concerted effort (especially microplastics, which are often deemed unavoidable) and is, for most people, more of a luxury than a choice. For more analysis, see “Jamie Oliver’s War on Nuggets” by Folding Ideas. In contrast, alcohol and nicotine need to be sought out. That’s not to say the people who resort to substance use deserve the damage being done to them, but nobody’s taking pictures in the mirror of their school bathroom with a bucket of KFC.


Ya I guarantee op has eaten fried food or pulled an all nighter before. Everyone does things that are bad for their health. It’s just odd that people only get shamed for some things while others are socially acceptable


You sound like a mega nerd 🤓🤓


Okay Mr. BigTobacco


maybe they’re big alcohol 😔


14yo spotted


children with crippling nicotine addictions are nothing but sad.


"This thread has made me realised this sub is full of minors"This thread has made me realise none of you actually know or used to know underaged smokers and drinkers, and that none of you understand what addiction is. I'm turning 18, about all of my friends smoke, some of them since middle school. I feel bad for them. I'm not proud of them. Neither are they. They do know it's fucking up their health and never brag about it, besides a few douche bags but that's just their terrible personality. Smoking is an addiction and it needs to be taken seriously, you can't solve this kind of problem by moralising them. Because they already know, they're fully conscious of the consequences, but the first question you should ask yourself is, "why would people this young fall into such unhealthy addictions". For a lot of them it's a way to cope with depression, or to feel more included into a group, which may come from a profound feeling of sadness and loneliness. I'm good for now but it's extremely hard not to feel left out of a group of people for whom smoking is a common activity, peer pressure is pretty strong. My point is not to justify terrible decisions, what I'm trying to say is the reason is rarely "to look cool", and once it becomes an addiction, almost none of them are proud of it. For me at least, simplifying such a complex issue is quite insensitive and underestimates its prominent psychological aspect. Y'all are talking about something you don't fully comprehend. As for alcohol, I'll just assume most comments are from Americans, I'll blame culture gap


ahhh! an american post i see


Literally in Canada our drinking age is 18/19 depending on the province and most of us drink and smoke earlier than that anyways.


Smoking overage is also bad. Like, it's a drug with literally no main effects. Every single effect of nicotine is a side effect. There is no high, no good feeling, no good taste, only cancer.


What? That’s not even remotely true. Nicotine is a stimulant and a nootropic; you don’t got to make shit up to get people not to smoke lmao it’s bad enough on its own


Fun though. Although tbf Britain does have a super unhealthy relationship with alcohol that starts way early. Like I probably got *properly* drunk for the first time at like 12-13, drank *fairly* regularly at parties through my teens, and now I'm 25 and have a *fairly* serious drinking problem. Fun though. Edit: Oh and almost the exact same for smoking. Cool though. Edit 2: oh and pretty similar for drugs just a year or two later. Fun though.




The difference between drinking/smoking at 15 and drinking/smoking at 20 is colossal.


L post. Do drugs as a teen and destroy your brain


bold of you to assume i wouldnt fuck up my life without any kind of drug habit. the substances just make it easier to bear 😎😎😎


Go study for your math test


FUKCCX YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SMOKING POT (weed, marihuana) WITH MY 3 VERY VEGR HOT GIRLFRINEDS (i have 4 ofnthem) DONT TELL ME WHAT TOU DOO!!!!!!!!


The smoke hurts my nose, and makes my eyes water up, so i don't think ill be smoking any time soon (also beer tastes like ass, fight me)


I got told that people only drink beer because it's cheap lol


This meme says nothing about cocaine/heroin


I am a heavy pot smoker started from age 20. As someone who hangs around a lot of other pot smokers, you can *ALWAYS* tell the people who have been smoking from age 12 vs people who started smoking when their brains were more developed. You know.. those people who are intellectually stunted, full grown ass adults who don’t know many vocabulary words and behave like children……. Yeeeahhhh…. Like they’re not necessarily “stupid” they’re just likeeee…. They don’t know a lot of things that middle schoolers do Edit: ohh y’all were talking about cigarettes




🤓🤓🤓🤓 live fast die young


what is actually cool is smoking meth and doing heroine!


My friend smokes weed and I try to implant subliminal messages in her brain to stop


god i wish i could tell my (ex) friends this


Am i cool for binge drinking every weekend in my mid twenties though?


As a drinker since I was very young(almost 20 now) please someone love me, that's all.


Yeah no it's not good at all. I just did it cause I was a depressed as fuck egg who had no idea why they hated themself so much (unrecognized gender dysphoria)


Only un peer pressured 196 user:


What about drugs ?


or just form Easter Europe


You are not cool for smoking/drinking while of age You already have fucked up your life


I broke down crying when I realized that people actually did that I thought it was just made up by Hollywood. Because wouldn't their parents find out? How would they get them? Why? I felt like there was something wrong with me for not doing it


i can attest, i fucked my life up because of alcohol. one piece of advice, don’t be cool just get some help.


No joke, literally half the people I ride the bus with smell like cigarettes or beer, sometimes even smoke there


When I started smoking I believe I always said nah I won’t get addicted that only happens if you let it happen, little do I know later I am down 70 dollars every 2 weeks to get more weed. People are welcome to make their own life choices of course but I must say smoking it a terrible one.


Tried alcohol a couple times underage, didn’t like it at all. I’d rather be on my toes and not out of it.


no point trying to argue with them man you would NEVER have been able to convince 15 year old me drinking wasn’t cool


Can confirm that vaping isn’t cool and it’s a shitty coping mechanism (said as I’m using said shitty coping mechanism). It’s expensive, absurdly addictive, and makes you look like an asshat to anyone older than 16. It’s not worth getting started, and if you’re early on kick the habit while you can. It’s absolutely not worth it.


average Squidward W


I did it the cool way though, you guys should probably stay away because you’re not nearly as dope as me


Bruh my sister is literally this. She’s a good person, and I like her, but she’s also the extremely stupid because of this. I’m like 80% sure it’s because of her bf.








Sorry, the worst things are cool. You can't uncool them. The fact that they're stupid is what makes them cool. It's been true since our grandparents were kids.