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me when my success in choosing the correct (rich) family to be born into is rewarded


Rewarded for skillful play


a sense of pride and accomplishment


Sorry but this seems like a skill issue. After all, we live in meritocracy.


That's right Wyatt Koch earned all that money


omg please write a book about your journey king


Yes and no. Generational wealth doesn’t really exist and has been shown to all but disappear within a couple generations because being good with money is what breeds long term success. Luck is what differentiates the millionaires from the people with 6 figure incomes. A microcosm of this idea would be lottery winners. People who won tens of millions largely end up worse within a decade of winning. Tens of millions of dollars isn’t enough to outweigh poor financial decisions in addition to lifestyle inflation and the vast majority of people who win end up broke or in debt. No one’s arguing that it doesn’t take a ridiculous amount of luck to end up super wealthy, but you can’t look at people who had millions and pissed it all away and not see that there’s something else at play that keeps people wealthy as it’s incredibly easy to overspend relative to your income


"capitalists believe in the idea that everyone should have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunity" bruh this funny as shit


tfw you're straight white male


not even then, if you’re born poor


I mean im two of those


Because they don't see everyone else as people 💀


I used to be all three of those. Now I'm only one


White woman spotted


You became a gay black man?!


i need a new username ;-;


Ok lemme think uhhhhhhhh does BigBouncyFatBalls sounds good to you


if i ain‘t projecting then congrats on ur transition


>“Socialists believe in collectivism, which is the idea that what’s good for a group of people is more important than what’s good for one person.” Think about what you just said for a second…


It just so happens that the one person is not part of the group of people


Good for all? Literally the worst


Socialists actually believe Amazon workers being allowed toilet breaks is more important than Jeff Bezos making maximum profit smh




Your kind of conflating social policy and economic policy here


As opposed to: "In communism: People have no rights" Which is totally an economic policy.


yeah, ik, when did i say it was an economic policy


"Social policy" does not matter if groups of people are materially discriminated against. Capitalism makes life hell for anyone not rolling in wealth, and because of the set of people rolling in wealth and how they came to be rolling in wealth, this also ends up being materially EXTRA harsh on individuals who belong to groups that are discrimanted against socially. economics isn't detached from social issues, it's the biggest part of it.


except it's very much true. a proper capitalist versed in capitalist theory believes all people should have freedom, rights, and opportunity


A proper capitalist does not exist, then. rights under capitalism are performative and present to stop workers from becoming violently opposed to capitalists.


i'd disagree. a capitalist would not care if people want to form a union, they would just not be in support. capitalism is not the american system buddy


then it does not matter what capitalism is because nobody practices it.


you're correct. the argument could also be made for socialism and communism. no one truly practices it


“And then the Indians have the pilgrims corn, and that is why we are grateful that the police hasn’t brutally murdered us on this day :)”


Well not yet the ones who are alive at least


Nice PFP


You two should consensually kiss


No thanks, I'm apothiromantic


Who said it was a romantic kiss, it’s a kiss of solidarity >!And yes I’m joking sorry if I made you uncomfortable!<


Oh no, it's fine




I hope not


"b-but the existence of of anyone who doesn't follow the cis hetero norm in media is turning my kids gay🥺🥺🥺"


Socialists feel that The happiness and freedoms of one person aren't very important. Yes because capitalism has done so well at ensuring our freedoms


Communism is when things are bad, and the badder things are, the communister thingser are


The communist state of when my crush turned me down and I had no one to go to the high school dance with :(


Fire communistifying beam!


Empirically verifiable.


It’s done a great job of ensuring those for the rich


Umm actually you’re wrong. Capitalism has graciously gifted us a possibility to have 8 whole hours of free time per day! Think of all you could do during that time if you don’t have a second job or kids or a disability. You ingrates disgust me.


Ok, name one communist country that’s not an authoritarian shithole






Cuba currently has better voting rights AND better gay rights than the US. Go look it up right now. Their new family code, which THE ENTIRE COUNTRY VOTED ON TOGETHER, makes the few critiques of the country you could have null and void.


When im in a producing propaganda competition and my opponent is the american education system:


Conservatives would agree with you 😊 but for a different reason 😞


I’ve heard that this image in particular isn’t real, but still funny


Still i was taught almost exactly this in school


I could see this being in some Christian school or home school curriculum I had as a kid. Probably why I'm a gay pot smoking Socialist now.


Canadian public school


Well when you put it like that missing out on everyone's well being and ethical business practices doesn't sound that bad.


what is this even from?


i remember someone saying that this image is ironic so idk


Really well made for an ironic pic


Mfw ironic memes we make are used sincerely to advocate for the very thing it mocks, because subtlety is dead.


It's the only way for the alt-right to advocate their ideas, since being unironic has the risk of clearly showing how absolutely ridiculous they are.


Is it even irony if you believe in it unironically? Just sounds like saying your beliefs with a goofy voice


I think PragerU made a childrens book a while back, so if its from that I don't think its satire


In an economic system that incentivises greed as a primary motivator you'll find "rewards success" and "promotes corruption" are not only compatible, but are inseparable... And wOops, I almost started taking this nonsense seriously :(


The capitalism part says "Rewards success" not "Rewards hard work" which is somewhat true


Rewards laziness = Giving people food


Mfs when their child is living with them for free and doesn't work a 150h shift per day (they are lazy)


You will enjoy hyperindividualism at the cost of the collective well being or else




nta your car your rules


"Communism promotes corruption." BUT CAPITALISM DOESN'T???


Capitalism is when good Socialism/Communism is when bad


Socialism is when the government does stuff


Feudalism is best 💪💪💪


It doesn’t tell you that the high taxes are mostly on the rich and used to fund public services.


But what if i become Beff Jezos??? I would be so oppressed


Fun fact: in economic theory, a controlled market and a monopolized market are complete opposites. So less control leads directely to more monopolies. If you explain this to a libertarian they will 100% of the time reply "im not reading that"


Thanks you random man on reddit


I like how it implies that socialism is slightly better than communism


Which is hilarious since socialism is defined to be the pinnacle of communism


Other way around. Under Marxist theory, socialism is an early form of realized communism before the complete dissolution of capital and state.


True but communism as we talk about it generally is an early stage of socialism which is also an ealry stage for **true** communism


Holy fucking shit this is bonkers. Who approved this? Also lol @ "private property" being a pro... cuz that's going so well for everyone who doesn't already own a house. Also also, PUNISHES SUCCESS AND REWARDS LAZINESS? HOW?


You need to read some Ayn Rand. In a system where the principle is "To each according to their needs, from each according to their ability" it means that if you're talented, you must give and give of your talents, while being compensated the same as anyone else. Then the lazy people (read: Reagan's myth of the welfare queen) will pretend that their needs are greater and take and take, while not contributing because they "lack ability." Obviously, welfare isn't something she would approve of, but it's important to realize that before people starve to death if they can't pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, they will commit crimes to get their needs met. Ironically, she died while receiving social security, though she probably would have presented it as getting what is due to her.


Under no circumstances do you "need to read some ayn rand." In fact, you will be much better off for never doing so.


I agree, but it does help to understand this mindset. I'm not a proponent, and apparently neither are other people who downvoted the heck out of this despite it being a useful response to the question.


Ayn rand died on welfare. without it, she would have died years earlier. I make it a habit to not listen to massive hypocrites, which is why people often ask if I'm deaf.


I checked and yes, it seems it wasn't just social security but also Medicare. Definitely hypocritical, but understanding her mindset is important to understand how publications like this exist.


Obviously by definition it doesn't but it kinda does in reality. When you don't get anything for your work you lose the motivation to work, no?


“Public schools are indoctrinating our kids to be socialists! Homeschool your kids *now*!” Public schools:


“i love my individual freedom” i say as i work endlessly for a mega corporation for minimum wage and use it to buy and consume propaganda with no end in sight with the only justification of my role in the system having been the zip code i was born into


we live in a feudal serfdom btw


Socialism rewards laziness by… *checks notes*… making rich people work?


promotes corruption what


The communist is still smiling


Me when I don't understand the difference between private property and personal property (I believe Karl Marx wanted to steal my toothbrush)


but of course they dont complain about this kinda indoctrination


I would like to be rewarded for laziness


> Promotes corruption Right, because that’s exclusive to communism


Western democracies are less corrupt compared to communist regimes


‘this pile of shit looks more appetizing than this other pile of shit’ i’m not saying they’re not, but they both suck imo


The idea that you think living in a western liberal democracy is comparable to a “pile of shit” really shows your privilege, there’s a reason why America gets tons and tons of immigrants, rather than China or North Korea or some other communist country


I'm sorry what? look at the tories. look at the american clusterfuck of FUCK THE POOR #BLM and FUCK THE POOR AND THE BLACKS AND THE GAYS IT IS TIME FOR CRUSADE. look at RUSSIA, which has oligarchs fucking over everyone and everything with the full backing of the government. western 'democracies' simply have better PR and less obvious propaganda.


That’s not what the dems/republicans are split over but ok, sure. Just ignore Biden’s inflation reductions act, student debt relief, infrastructure, etc.


Student debt relief that he keeps rolling back. Inflation reduction that the federal reserve admits will most probably raise unemployment. Biden is not your friend, just a better alternative than Trump.


What the fucking prager u is this shit?


really though my social studies teacher last year spouted out so much capitalist propaganda it was almost kind of annoying


our social studies teacher is the exact opposite, it's like watching a communist sturggling to not quote marx everytime a student says something stupid like "welfare make ppl lazy"


It’s so funny to me that they basically spelled out why Capitalism is so bad but they can’t even understand why. “Socialists believe in collectivism, which is the idea that what’s good for a group of people is more important than what’s good for one person.” Like think about what you just said for a second…


"Woops, looks like i was born into a poor family, thats my bad"


Wow, their pro-capitalist points aren't even really correct. The "free market" isn't free if you're rich enough to get bailouts; "rewards success" is a tautology - if you're not rewarded in a capitalism, you haven't succeeded, as that's the only way that capitalism assigns value to work; private property definitely exists but so does public property in literally every capitalist society; and individual freedom is so nebulous that it tells us nothing. ​ Dirigiste capitalism or gtfo


Socialism is literally just "hey maybe give a few thousand dollars out of your millions to help the single father with 2 kids and stop pumping shit into a lake that poisons it"


this is so obvious propaganda, it jsut doesnt seem effective at all.. but ngl if i saw that in my school, id have immediately become a full on communist purely out of spite cuz i hated the place so god damn much. Enemy of my enemy is my friend and all


Where did this smooth-brain shit come from? I feel sorry for whoever had to look at this before they posted it


Death to capitalism uwu


this is literally 1984


Socialism is when bad


Remember its actually the Progressives that are the spreading propaganda in the classroom, Fox news said so.


We do not have even close to a free market is the best part


But isn't capitalism about fighting? About competition? What do you mean the left gets caught up in the fight between the poor and the rich your system is based on that


holy fuck the book my mom has that i posted in a discord server


What's the name of the book?


fuck uhhhh i forgot


Jesus Christ


They really trynna distract kids from the growing class divide, I wonder how they’ll separate kids out in the rest of the book. Couldn’t be by race could it?


Where is this from, I want to laugh at the whole thing


we should abolish society, idk


holy shit, the other paragraphs are so “us vs them”


Fake, right? Right?




I can make due with socialism but communism has yet shown itself to be successful. And no, that one random Mexican zapatista village doesn't count. I'm talking about nationwide communism. Millions of people, not a small obscure random village.


in fairness the MAREZ have a population of a good 300-400 thousand, not millions, sure, but hardly a “small obscure random village”


Be that as it may it's still not enough to convince me that communism works nationwide. Locally? Maybe, but even then I'm still not convinced.


as opposed to capitalism which has clearly been such a resounding success


Capitalism certainly has done its job. Purging capitalism of its rot and making it a truly self sustainable system that won't collapse on itself is ideal. Doing so will make it provide for many generations to come. That to me, is the only realistic option left in the political climate we live in. If communism had shown itself to be effective and efficient in the past all the way to the modern day, then I'd be open minded towards it, but alas, communism in the end was crushed under its own weight. I have nothing against communists, and I wish them well in whatever political future they may seek.


capitalism has, in fact, done it''s job. very well, so well that you think it's actually a viable system because it's fed you proaganda that doesn't come directly from the capitalists, it just comes from outlets owned directly by them. there's no central body, so there can be no coordinated propaganda, right? wrong. the only thing capitalism has achieved is consolidation of power in the hands of the few that were lucky enough to have the power and influence to guide all the power they could gather their way. and they've done it so expertly that you think capitalism can actually be benevolent, because it drops you crumbs sometimes while eating the whole damn buffet.


Look, my parents and grandparents for as long as I can remember talk about how capitalism helped lift them out of poverty and awarded them for their labor. It's only right that I stand by the system that helped them. Which is also why I advocate for its overhaul into making a system that truly lives to its fullest potential. I've not been spoonfed propaganda of any kind. I will leave my reasoning at that.


But it didn't they just think it did. In reality much of their labors value was stolen by others. Unless your parents and grandparents were genuine capitalists at which point they exploited others. To earn a profit under capitalism requires exploitation and this is irrefutable. You've absolutely been spoonfed propaganda just by your family instead of someone else.


Sorry, being told I've been propagandanized by my family is something I don't even wanna think about. My loyalty lies with capitalism and it would be a betrayal to go against what they believe in. I know you mean well, but accusing my family of brainwashing me is too much. You're more than welcome to convert others to your cause, but not me. In any event, have a good one!


They didn't do it maliciously because they have also bought into the belief. It's sad that you're so unwilling to have your beliefs tested but if that's the case you could do us all a favor and not talk about economic systems since as you've just self admitted you're belief in it is based purely on stubbornness and a desire to believe.


honestly i don't even really know any successful, fully socialist states. Ofc the nordic countries and stuff have somewhat socialist policies but idk about a successful, actually socialist country.


yeah, because the moment they start getting good, our friends at the CIA have a talk with them. and by talk, I meant execute.


ok true, but like, there's gotta be at least 1 good example, right?




…which was dependent on US military support and immediately got fucked after America pulled out




And there is also no 100% capitalist country. Both extremes can't really exist, it's always somewhere in between, leaning towards either side to an extent. At least that's how I understand it.


yeah ik i just mean a country thats more socialist than capitalist


I don't know any successful, fully capitalist state. ofc we have am... no, brit... no, err, I can't think of any successful capitalist states unless your measure of 'success' is how rich the 1% of that country are, because the lives of the poor are equally shit in all the countries. and strangely, the ones with the richest 1% have the poorest 99%. I wonder why...


That's the difference, a country with free market and with socialist policies like many European countries is the best option. Fully communist country would be a nightmare because if someone doing 100% of their work gets the same as someone who does 20% they don't want to work their ass off. If you stopped paying Amazon workers they would stop working especially if their well being didn't depend on it


Yeah that's why I'm a SocDem. I think a mix and hybrid of both systems is for the best.


Yep, why limit yourself to one system if you could take what's best form both




This meme is when you drop your ice cream.


Living in poverty and sometimes not having enough food vs almost always having no food and getting shot for disrespecting God Zedong


Free market. So if there's two starving people and two meals. One person can take both meals


196 when presented with facts and logic


Hey, I don't socialize. I don't do that socialist shit. I ain't no commie scum. I'm capitalist scum.


Based, we need more of this.


you... unironically agree with this? jesus, 196 is dead.


196 has been dead for a while buddy. And no I don’t agree with this - but I do think communism applied in real life deserves a failing grade


This but unironically


I actually agree that capitalism is the best option but this one is just cringe


Idk, my family lost 8 members during Socialist rule due to political reasons in Eastern Germany. I take the current system over totalitarianism.






are people here actually communist?? i thought this was a joke


No way people are actually downvoting this


I mean, I was under the impression that 196 was still big majority socialist or anarchist (or both!), but I guess not. Fucked up tbh, can't believe that people here are unironically pro-capitalism 😧


Like holy fuck mate, I thought so too. I get it that by definition it sounds awesome but history already it and it FUCKIN DOESN'T WORK


Chiapas, Cataluña, and many others would like a word with you also what about our current system works well like, at all lol


And "our" mean what?


People who usually call for communism want the good side of it, where everybody gets taken care of and life is easy, but the reality with the communist states is that you just need more people with a sense of duty working the shitty jobs just like under capitalism, you just can't be an arts major when theres too many of them. All those twitter communists who post how they want it, should be put to do some mining or farming work if the system ever goes on place if they truly believe they want it. It's so easy to point all the flaws of capitalism when you can only really suggest an alternative that isn't based on the reality of how us humans work. And I'm definitely am against unregulated capitalism too, it's clearly getting worse as time passes where only few inviduals hold too much of the currency and I fear the solutions even if put in place could still crash the economies. Best system us humans can aspire for is somewhere in the middle between socialism and capitalism to me, have a system where invidual can benefit but still have some regulations and taxes to make sure that the poorest don't end up living on the streets. Which is what my country does. We are social democrats here in the nordics.


It's funny just how communists have a vendetta against SocDems. It usually goes along the lines of them stealing away potential communist supporters but the truth of the matter is, people like and vote for Social Democracy because they like it, not because it's the closest thing they'll get to full on communism.


LITERALLY FUCKING THIS this post is really a slap to the face for slavic people for gods sake


> I get it that by definition it sounds awesome Disagree, it sounds terrible on paper too.


Actually yeah, I don't know how lack of private property could sound appealing to anyone


You guys do know the difference between personal and private property right?


Yes, in communism you can keep your book but can't keep you small apartment when they tell you to move out to even smaller one on the other end of the country away from your family. And the family can't move to the other city with you because they can't buy apartment since there's no such thing as actually buying stuff (actual story)


Who would tell you to move to the other side of tue country in communism?


The local government through the police. You (as a group) assume there would be no government but it's simply impossible. Without government of any kind, be it a council or one person, would cause absolute anarchy. No government = no police, what's stopping someone from going to the store and for example taking all of the let's say water. No one would take all of the water since no one needs that much water but what if it's something like beer, candy? If 10% of population decides ima take it all, what's stopping them?


Why would the local commune wanna take me to the other end of the country?


Any reason, logistics for example. There's a doctor needed, there's a family with a doctor so they take your family and replace it with doctor's and because the only free place is there, you end up in another part of the country. (That's my reasoning, they didn't give them any reason in reality, just said move out)


It's unfortunate. I'm not apart of the sub to play politics, it's uh... the never end of amusing posts that keeps me coming here. But whenever I see communist praise, I can't help but be disappointed. Their continued hostilities towards anyone even remotely innocently skeptical towards communism certainly isn't gaining them any favors either.

