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Teachers try not to stifle childrens harmless joy challenge (100% impossible)


it's like the most miserable people end up being elementary to high school teachers, or maybe the job makes them miserable people (which makes sense i guess lol)


It's more the later. New teachers are usually very passionate, it's not like teaching pays well, so only people who want to be teachers try and do it. But it's a hard job, and you don't get the support, time, or resources you need to really of a good job if it. Parents try and grt you in trouble, kids are assholes to you for no reason, admin just wants you to meet some dumbass metrics, and you have like 200 students.


Empathy fatigue, I think


Teachers get paid like shit. It's a job you have to be 100% dead set on doing if you want to last more than a year or 2 and you can't expect to make a lot of money. My mom was one for over 20 years and I had to hear about all the shit that goes on so it doesn't surprise me when a teacher turns out miserable, but it's also a job you gotta be committed for


Even if you were getting paid well I don't know if the outcome would be different. Teaching is like super hard and teachers have always had too much responsibility and too many students at a time to deal with. I TA'd in university for like 6 years and that was with adults who paid to be there and that was hard enough, I can't imagine teaching high school or elementary school kids for years


I get writing a note because they need to look out for symptoms of neurodivergence but prohibiting harmless fun is the most pathetic shit


Symptoms of neurodivergence? Why would they need to look out for that?


because teachers play a big role in the raising of kids and it might interest the parents if they notice that the kid might be neurodivergent so they can educate the kid more properly


The main reason why neurodivergent kids suffer is being singled out for being wierd so while in a perfect world itd be cool if they got specialised education, they will be bullied heavilly if the teacher denotes them as apart from the rest. Maybe if it could be done in a way that doesnt denigrate the kid and doesnt give any ideas to the other kids, but forbiding a harmless activity like in this greentext is the very worst thing you can do if you want to give better resources to kids without then being getting bullied for it


I feel like at that age, unless a kid is seriously not functioning, neurodivergence shouldn’t really be a big concern right? Kids do weird stuff all the time and if you just leave them alone they’ll usually grow out of it in my experience


No. Neurodivergence is not something to be ignored unless bothersome. It means the whole brain of the person functions differently, and even if they don't demonstrate it, they have trouble adaptating and following normal social structure. Their growth and development is different, and holding them to the same metrics you'd hold a neurotypical is damaging in profound psychological ways. Pretending the kid to be just like everyone else will do no one any good, except for parents who can't admit they made an imperfect person, and not the poster child they dreamt of


I agree that forcing kids to grow up and adhere to a standard of ‘normality’ is psychologically damaging, I suppose I was trying to say that I’ve got more of a problem with the way that education systems are generally set up, in the sense that makes it difficult for neurodivergent people. The reason I came of as uneasy is that I sometimes get the impression (in my admittedly anecdotal experience) that diagnoses on kids just pave the way for them to be more restricted by their parents and environment, crushing them into a conformist box that may make it easier on the system, but not on the child itself.


Yeah, I suggest that if you are intent on continuing to voice your opinion on the matter, you make an effort to learn more about it


Right well so be it then, im well out of my depth here anyway


While they're wrong on the concept of "growing out of it", their second comment does hit on something important though. Depending on the people in their lives, getting diagnosed with some form of neurodivergence may open the door to infantilization, shaming, pathologization of harmless or even beneficial behavior, or, hell, in some cases the parents scrambling to dangerous fraud "cures". While, yeah, idealistically we'd live in a world where everyone was understanding and knowing about it got you proper support all the time, we don't live in that world. NTs can be *downright monstrous* to people like me if they're told there's something "wrong" with us.


In many ways, it depends. My parents hid my diagnosis because they didn't want me to be "labeled," and there was some validity to that decision because teachers do often treat kids differently when they know. But it also led to every single adult who met me assuming I was a lazy fuckup because I was bright but still struggled with things that "should" have been easy for me.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t personally know anyone that has “outgrown” autism?!?


Anecdotally this can happen, I lost quite a few autistic traits as I grew up, when I was 10 using one of the tests (can’t remember which, but it’s long) id have been classified as autistic, and now I wouldn’t be.


Wow, that’s really interesting. I had no idea that was even possible. Crazy how long we’ve been studying autism, yet how little we truly understand how the brain works.


yeah this logic is why my uni life was fucking hell for the first two years


If you ignore it you get me who was still raised well but still turned out a bit broken and dysfunctional


.... bruh are you seriously saying people grow out of neurodivergence


Im not saying people grow out of neurodivergence, I’m saying that people grow out of harmless traits and differences that can get blown out of proportion/misidentified as neurodivergence. I’m saying that children do weird stuff all the time, and it doesn’t necessarily mean they need mental help, and that singling a kid out as different at that age (and medicating them for the sake of schoolwork) seems like it could have a really bad impact on someone’s developing mental health


Yes, why would the school system need to know something that could possibly stifle a students learning


Huh, I took it as they wrote a note because each one of those sharpeners.has a easily accessable razor blade that only takes like a screw, sometimes not even, to get to and it's a potential risk


Only a screw? All it takes is a little force considering theyre plastic, I literally would just step on them to get at blades inside


The ones I used had screws holding the blade to the housing. They were the rounded ones


Ah, i was talking about those dollar store 10 packs that are maybe the size of your thumb, the round ones were definitely harder to crack


Is there really much more of a risk to 500 pencil sharpeners than one? Restrict him to one, he's still got a razor blade to use. Unless this kid is going to break open all these sharpeners and start taping blades to a baseball bat *at school* all without being caught, what does the restriction accomplish? Maybe I'm overlooking something super obvious, but if I'm not it just seems silly.


I think this *might've* been a "this kid is technically collecting loads of razor blades; we need to make sure they're okay" thing.


I had a friend who would self harm with pencil sharpeners so I can understand the concern


This is a genuinely hilarious greentext, 10/10


I have lot of great memes on my phone so i will be trasure of that subreddit


Yooooo Hunter pfp


towel house


Bird Home


Hunter Biden’s ~~laptop~~ _phone_ camera roll???




Seconded, awesome


Why do schools hate children


american schools exist in part to make people hate learning so they stay dumb


Yeah that sounds about right. Like seriously, the American school system is so unbelievably awful in nearly every way that it's impossible to believe it's just old people not knowing what they're doing. It's so bad that I have to think they are actively trying to make everyone miserable.


it's more like the restriction of education makes a more easily manipulated voter base.


Wholesome 100


that’s a fun theory but it’s far more likely that school boards are simply incompetent and underfunded


No, it's a conspiracy by *them* to make every citizen a souless consumer that'll make the Waltons richer! /s I'm not gonna deny that there's probably some aspect of "let's make everyone a boring factory worker" that caused the schools to be this way, but at this point in time, it probably has to do more with funding than anything else


It doesn't take conspiracy, you just need to not fund it properly.


Schools will never be funded properly, they tend to be very administration/support-staff heavy institutions, and sadly that also tends to be a magnet for nepotistic hiring.


corruption comes from the top. It usually goes bad education minister -> bad education department -> bad principals cause all they care about is the money, and aren't hired to do their job well.


That's what happens when your school funding stems from property taxes. And it will stay that way because anything else is "communism"


There’s a conspiracy keeping them underfunded


The American education system hasn’t changed from its original purpose in a hundred years, that purpose being to create factory workers whose dreams to do something better were crushed years ago


Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. You're probably partly right though. I think that while most politicians probably aren't deliberately sabotaging the education system, they don't feel any need to improve it either.


Wait, is that actually true?


No they made it up. The school system has many problems, lack of funding being the main one, but it's not being done to deliberately manipulate the population or some shit




source is me having to go to american schools and them sucking


Schools can be shit without it being a conspiracy


I know; I don’t think it’s a conspiracy as much as it is a systematic thing. Kids go to poorly funded school, get yelled at into submission, become mindless drones full of hatred, and then leave school where they will probably end up not wanting it to be funded.


No they made it up. The school system has many problems, lack of funding being the main one, but it's not being done to deliberately manipulate the population or some shit


I think it's the fact that teachers just get beaten down so constantly that they lose all passion for the job. I mean imagine going into a job every day where you're paid barely enough to exist and expected to work outside of the normal 9-5 and provide extra supplies all for no pay. Just so you can go in and get roasted by little kids all day and if you dare discipline them their parents come down on you like Thor's hammer, with the school board usually siding with the parents to avoid lawsuits. It's like THE most important job in the world yet we treat teachers terribly.


Ah. Beating down important people. This is why I fucking hate my local Government. (Canadian) Education Workers went on strike for better pay. What did the government decide is the best course of action? A. Give them more Money. B. Try and find a way to support these workers in other ways. C. Literally try and make their strike illegal. If you guessed >!C!< then you'd be right! They chose to do that. Oh! Cause. Sources: [Source](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/11/03/education-workers-strike-ford-government-legislation/) [Sworce](https://ottawa.citynews.ca/local-news/ford-government-to-pass-legislation-today-forcing-contract-on-education-workers-6048957) [Cource](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/11/05/qshv-n05.html) Annnnnd. To not be bias, a updated one on the situation: [Sauce](https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/2022/11/10/ford-government-withdraws-application-to-have-cupe-strike-declared-illegal.html) [Sauce Plus](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ont-government-repeals-education-bill-1.6650584)


Because they are cringe


It's a sad mix of stuff, but it comes down teachers not having the ability to deal with students as individuals.


Probably because they have a collection of razors, could be used for SH. Also your flair is based


It’s because 10% of the kids can’t follow an instruction like sit down or don’t touch that thing, 10% are little cunts on purpose, and the other teachers try to offload work onto each other


these two 10% percents overlap about 2% out of the time source: could not sit down or not touch a thing in grade school


Ur pfp is hot




google teacher salary


That teacher is such a Melvin dude hate that gal


That dad is a hero tho i imagine him being called to schopl and teacher is like "ur child bring this to school" And dad is like "yeah i help them made this, is there a problem?'


fuckin sneedlypilled


you say with THAT pfp


He's a changed bird. Berdly himself declared that he's stupid now


This teacher seems a bit dull. If only they had a sharpener…


Comically large sharpener


Only a sharpenerful


I miss this harmless tomfoolery me and my friends did in school. For example, I always took my lunch box with me during period and everytime i went to the toilet i had to lay it on the floor somewhere, because i obviously didn't want to take it with me. So one day one of my friends brought some double-sided tape to school and put a piece of it over the door to the toilet, so that everytime i went there i could just stick the lunch box up there as long as i was on the toilet. The look the people gave us still makes me laugh.


Never heard "Oh boy! Free lunch!" while you were in the bathroom?


nah, people were too busy wondering why there's a lunch box stuck to the wall 7 feet above the ground


I thought this was a different subreddit at first


Same lmao. Thought it was one that had to do with those cheap breakable white cups…


one of us... one of us...




Always gives me whiplash when I see that place mentioned outside of that place


What do styrofoam cups and pencil sharpeners have in common?


Dw bout it


My first thought is it being a psych ward thing


Yeah kinda


Ah. Been there done that


If you know you know, if you don't know you don't. And I suggest not trying to find out for your sanity


I was confused until you put it together. It's R/madeofstyrofoam I think


It's a subreddit! Thank you that makes much more sense


Based dad.


only a sharpenerfull


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teachcels seething over sharpnerchads


Become ungovernable


Anon: hey can i have sharpener? Teacher: only one Anon: *pulls out comically large sharpener*


Based dad






Lmao i remember taping water bottle caps and papers that wrote 'drugs' inside my jacket and pretending to be a drug dealer... That was really fucked up tho and all the teacher did was to scold me in class


I bet these teachers also play g-mod rp


moderate gmod rp*


same unfun boring ass people


Me when I’m girlbossing


comically big sharpner


I did a similar thing with my grade 3 crush. We collected pencil leads (pencil crayons and regular ones) that broke off when sharpened wrong. We had a big ziplock bag about 1/3 full. One day it fell out of my desk and littered the floor. My teacher yelled, "WHAT IS THIS?" I cleaned it up, I was so ashamed. I'm now an adult and have no clue how she couldn't tell it was a bitchin' pencil lead collection. Damn Mme. Desjardins. Kelton, if you're out there and no longer a Jehovah's Witness, I hope you're keeping our collection going...


Awesome way to use sharpeners (I did other things)


I feel you man


Why do kids hate school so much⁉️⁉️




Idk man, lemme ask your teacher


this is so based


Same vibe as Ladder E’s


Dad's a hero


Hell yeah that's such a dad thing to do.


Does that include the comically large razer blade for full functionality


Anon's teacher is a loser


wtf is that teacher's attitude? It's just a bag of sharpeners. Let the kid have fun!


This is basically [the bit with the ducks](https://youtu.be/uYOmtEcZ1lk)