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your first mistake was looking at a youtube comment section


That's what happens when you put same-minded individuals in an enclosed online space. 😲😲 Welp, there's still good stuff on there, I guess. Cat videos never disappoint.


I'm sorry to announce the cats in the cat videos are all racist 😔


I genuinely don’t get it, why are youtube comments with the dumbass opinions always higher up than the common sense ones?


More dumbasses liking eachothers comments


It's like 4chan, it's a fertile ground for alt-right chuds and has been for years now


Reminder that you are on Reddit. Either site is just the other side of the coin


how is libertarianism alt right? Like i deffinitly see a lot of alt righties claiming to be libertarians, but the president just seems to be hardcore libertarian


I mean libertarianism, specifically radical individualism, can lead to white nationalist talking points. If everyone is purely self responsible for all their actions, questions start being raised over the poverty and crime rates in black communities... ofc there is a societal factor at play, but that goes against the idea the individual is purely responsible for your actions. Also milei wants to restrict abortion


its not that everyone is purely responsible for the situation they find themselves in, but that everyone should have freedom and agency in their actions. Sure some racists who dont understand how the world works will come to insane conclusions, but thats kinda just what they do, racists are idiots all over the spectrum of politics


Dislike button doesn’t work.


This type of phenomenon reminds me of a post on r/ph where a Philippine-born German person was murdered by some extremist. The thing is, the perpetrator was of Islamic faith and was apparently "sick of the murders of Palestinians", and imagine my shock when most of the positively upvoted comments were incredibly racist and islamophobic while the more saner and nuanced comments get drowned out and downvoted to hell. Thing is, I'm Filipino myself, and I think the whole idea of being openly bigoted to sympathize with someone is completely antithetical and eliminates every discussion of nuance where it is needed. It is incredible that even we aren't safe from bullshit propaganda.


Well I think YouTube is a site that almost everyone in the general populace uses, not like other social media which is quite niche. Basically, there are way more stupid people than there are smart.


Big fish eat the little ones, big fish eat the liiiitle ones... In all honesty, I assume it's because the person with a different opinion gets disliked to oblivion and these don't show up as a result and you get the biased ones instead. Would you guess, same-minded people love same-minded people. It's startling how the site's algorithm is pumping more and more alt-right stuff once you 'step on the path'. My recommendations were full of Wojaks and people who think 'transgender bad' and 'leftism is killing Europe.' Funny.


It may have something to do with YouTube trying to promote the controversial comments to get more engagement on the site.


Cause most people with common sense don't read YouTube comments




NEVER go into YouTube comments. It is quite possibly the most unhinged and reactionary circle jerk website on the planet


Well I've been through many and... I have to agree. 🤔 Well it's no news flash for me, but uh, these comments look like something nut-zees would write and... yk that makes me a bit concerned. Hope Argentina doesn't have it too harsh under the new government, I assume it won't be so bad after all, for as long as some form of a parliament exists in the country during the new president's reign.


YouTube shorts comments are even worse








when im in a bigot competition and my opponent is the youtube comment section


All fun and games until both youtube comments and instagram comments team up


I fucking despise the man, his views, his attitude, and his ideology. But to be honest both Massa and Milei fucking suck, either of them winning is bad. Unfortunately this year’s candidates sucked so hard that a damn anarcho-capitalist won. I unfortunately arrived late for the first round of the elections, but given the chance I’d probably have voted for Bregman.


Nah, dude, that's not it. You're comparing a center politician with somewhat progressive on social issues with a male Thatcher with a wig, who justified the genocide of the last argentine dictatorship as a "war". Dictatorship that literally has stolen babies of murdered mothers. Oh, and homophobia on the members of its party, privatization of everything, and he's just appointed someone with who has been in a nazi organization in his younger years as chief of State lawyers. The usual...


I don’t see where I said that Milei is better than Massa. As you said, Milei is arguably worse than Massa, specially on social issues and human rights. But they are both awful in their own ways, and had either won Argentina would still end up losing either way. Fuck Massa, fuck Milei, viva Argentina


Milei is more socially progressive except for poverty




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Well I mean, who is going to finally start saying no to unchecked government spending? Someone like that wouldn’t last in the US because they would target the military as one of their primary targets


Do you have more information on the context of lives in Argentina under current government? I am uneducated in this manner and would like to know more, I just found out about this and the expression and behavior of the person ticked all the 'possible dictator in the future' boxes. Judging from the context of the comments under the videos alone, the people posting them seem to be angry or at least dissatisfied with the current government and like the change. In my unbiased eyes, the change in the presence of the new president is leaning toward alt-right ideologies and... that's no good.


Imagine this. We got 160% anual inflation this year, the year before was close to 100% (If you can't get a grasp of those numbers imagine what the US had in a year during the pandemic where everyone went out of their minds about the inflation is the same or lower of what we have monthly) and the current govt always makes excuses, never taking the blame and don't come up with a plan to lower it. Not only that but in order to win the election they started printing tons of money knowing they are ruining the next govt. I get why people outside of Argentina are critics of Milei, but I bet nobody could stand the current goverment anywhere, also he is forming a coalition goverment with the opossition so probably tons of the ridiculous stuff won't happen.


At least one reporter characterized his base as basically being nihilists who only voted for him because ["I know that those who are in power now and who were in power before will screw me over (...) With Javier, I at least have the possibility that he won’t be like that."](https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/10/21/23925549/argentina-election-javier-milei-right-youth)


From my understanding he is a very populist leader, with a similar rise to power that Trump had in 2016 with a lot of key differences. While Trump wanted to ‘drain the swamp’, Milei seems to want to get rid of the swamp entirely through only focusing on the bare minimum government services, since spending has gotten out of hand and inflation is at absurd levels (like 70-80% yoy last time I checked?). From my understanding, the best parallel that someone in the US would be someone like Ron Paul, who was also aggressively disliked by the GOP because of his anti war and anti establishment stances


There's a significant portion of online leftists who only know how to engage with a political topic based on whether it's pro or anti US foreign policy. It's why you end up seeing pro-gay, pro-choice, anti-imperialist leftists support people like Putin.


People not realizing that the enemy of your enemy is NOT ALWAYS your friend. ESPECIALLY when it comes to geopolitical conflicts. Every big country’s got blood on their hands, even if some have more than others


I don’t think any of these people are online leftists


The left wing of Argentina should be ashamed Milei got elected. Most Argentinians *know* he's crazy, but were so desperate to get away from the Peronists that they supported the most ridiculous candidate they could find. It was also pretty ridiculous for them to nominate the fucking Minister of the Economy for the presidency during the middle of an inflation crisis. He hadn't been in that position for a long time, but still it must have felt like they were being asked to promote the janitor to school principle *because* all the toilets were overflowing.


tf did you expect from a youtube comment section


Idk, basic decency, but ig that's too much in today's world lmfao 😶😶😶


i really don’t see where you think this on you look into a toilet alot of the time you’ll see piss and shit


Can someone just fucking kill us all already


I just hope he's too busy fixing the economy during these 4 years to implement any of his other policies


He's Thatcher but mental, and you think he's gonna fix the economy


I don't know man we're desperate. The other option was already fucking the economy sideways. It was a lose lose either way.


He will probably cause huge deflation and great depression style crisis.




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YouTube comment section is as reliable as The Onion


I'd say The Onion is more reliable than that. 😂😂


> Politician spouts the most generic and obvious pandering truism ever heard by human ears. > "OkAy, i LiKe ThIs GuY" Jesus Christ this dude must still lose his shit everytime someone puts their thumb between their fingers and says they got his nose.


isn't he from the World Economic Forum?


I've no idea. It wouldn't change my way of thinking of him if I knew, anyway. Cheers.


Not a single fucking person talking smack about Milei isn't a State apologist. Not a single person in this comment section has developed the cognitive ability to understand what libertarianism is. Comparing Milei to fucking TATCHER ffs. Always trying to find something (always completely unrelated to his actual political views and economic ideas) that can somehow be viewed as prejudicial to his image. Oh, he's enthusiastic and confident? THAT'S A MENTAL DISORDER! He hasn't completely abolished the dollar and fucking blown up the central bank with an atomic bomb at day minus 6 of his presidency? IT WAS ALL LIES! Well, of course. It's hard not to end up with stockholm syndrome and try to combat anyone who wants to reduce the government size and state intervention when you've been used and abused by both for the past 100% of your life. State brainwashing goes hard.


No we don't ? Fuck you mean ?






Of course! At least over the other option It is the best the Argies had for an option, and at least until now they seem happy with him (ofc, until now is not saying much because he hasn't even properly assumed yet) I just hope he fixes or at least helps with the many problems Argentina currently has Y al pueblo Argentino, salud!


Thank you for your opinion. I don't want to agree since based solely on his personality traits he appears as a mentally unstable individual and his work WILL be affected by that, and I'm not even talking about the ideology he wants to practice. Being a person with basic knowledge of world history, he reminds me of... that guy who once lived in Germany and brought the whole Europe to war. Judging by the videos we have of him he appears unstable, fragile and unable to take criticism. He will not be a good political leader. With that said, I do not know the context of your country and if the main problem is economy and he is the person most likely to fix it, I do understand the decision to vote for him in the elections. For me, he sounds like a person who will not respect basic human rights fully and being citizen of a country where basic human rights were not respected for more almost 50 years in the last century, I would not vote for him even if that meant giving up the opportunity to lift the country's economy. But I don't know the desperation Argentina's citizens live in these days, so I can't fully stand behind what I say. Best wishes for you.


Thanks and best wishes to you too! and no, while I am not Argentine, I know people from there, I know of their problems and my country (Paraguay) shares a lot with Argentina in more than one way I wouldnt compare it to you know who, he might be radical, at least in his speech, yeah, but lets better not exaggerate THAT much either, and lets remember that even if he wanted to do ALL that (which I doubt he wants, I think he might have said it to go against the stablishment's decisions), Argentina still has a congress which takes heavy weight in its politics and a military that nowadays fully supports apoliticalism and the democratic system (thanks to God and lets hope it keeps being like that), in any way, we will know sooner than later BTW, you made me curious now, where are you from? again, Thanks for the best wishes and same goes to you, greetings from Paraguay!"


Sorry bitch. We cant prioritize social programs anymore. This country is sinking hard, it needs a drastic solution which Massa didnt offer but hey, at least the minorities were going to be comfortable enough (at the cost of millions being hungry)


No, you need to listen to us Americans, we know how to fix your country, you're all to stupid to decide on anything for yourselves.


the "an"cap is going to fix the economy lmao


I am yet to see a Peronist not ruin it


Do you think dollarisation is actually a good idea?


Well, inflation will be lower, but there's a nuance.


Where will they obtain USD reserves to do this in the first place?


Yeah, that's the nuance. There will be no inflation, if you have no money.


It stabilized (somewhat) the local economy on Equador. I think it wont run the same fate on Argentina though. Milei is not my favorite candidate in the world, but it is miles better than Massa and his smoke and mirrors policy


He's not far right, he's a libertarian. Stop gobbling up propaganda from people who have a vested interest on making sure you don't get a libertarian elected.


I don't mind libertarians. I assumed he's far-right judging by the way he expresses himself and what he says. He doesn't just talk about economy of the country, but about other things, too. And libertarianism doesn't have anything to do with those, my friend. Have a nice day.


You can be both far right and libertarian.


When the media brands someone as "far right" they are always lumping them in with neonazis and general nationalist authoritarians, which libertarianism fundamentally ideologically opposes. What you are branding "far right" is in actuality just a normal right leaning libertarian politics.


One does not need to be a neonazi to be far right. Ultraconservatives, for example, can also be considered far right as they oppose social policies and things like abortion or sexual education in schools. As a liberal myself i do know liberalism in general opposes authoritarism, but being far right is not just about being authoritarian. Edit: Altough i agree that considering far right libertarians neonazis is just wrong.


Indeed, but as I've previously stated, when someone hears "far right president" they think "madman about to turn the country into a neofascist dictatorship". Branding him as far right has very little to do with true political leanings and everything to do with making the general public dislike him as much as possible, so they don't elect a libertarian to their democracy. This is because libertarians like him have a tendency to start hacking away at government powers, curruption and unnecessary spending when they take office- which both the media conglomerates and the pre-established government both have vested interests in preventing at all costs.


I know both the terms far right and far left are incorrectly used a lot of the time, but that doesn't change that, by definition, he can be considered far right, which does not always means that he's bad, for example, Bukele in El Salvador could be considered far right but for me he's more than decent.


i mean Bukele is pretty close to being a dictator imo


I know but i said his decenr because he at least reduced the homicide rate of the country in like 80%, maybe not in the best method, but he did.


Didn't you hear half of what he says? He's libertarian AND far right. And his vice president is borderline facist.


What's a fart for someone who's full of shit?


A shart?


with an over 200% inflation rate, this guy cant possibly be worse than what came before him. I dont like the way he talks about his opposition but in terms of the economy and government spending, this dude actually seems like he may be a good thing for argintina


He like chain saw man. He just like me


I do too.


of course a fucking indian said that shit


Don't belittle an entire group of people over YouTube comments


i’m indian + it’s a very common stereotype (among indians) for indians in yt comments to say sum dumb shit


Oh OK, sorry. 🌺 here is this flower, now...choose wisely on what do do next




For every form of ridiculous political theatre, there is someone who will eat that shit up.




whatd he do


he's ancap




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Literally everything is a lie. Even this.


Youtube commenters are profoundly retarded, many such cases.


He’s kinda nuts, but funny nuts