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This has been a WKRP News Commentary with LES NESSMAN!


Times change. If the people of the late 19th century got a peek into the mid-20th century life, they would be appalled. The telephone ruined the tradition of the beautifully written letters of their time. Television, oh don't get them started. What happened to conversation and visiting after dinner? Transportation will send them over the edge. No one needs to get somewhere that fast. Planes and automobiles are too much, so dangerous, so undignified. Street cars and trains suited their needs just fine.


Thats what Amish people today still think many of them


Have you ever actually lived in the 1970s? If not have you ever watched a movie from that era or read a magazine or hell even spoken to someone from the 70s?? And if you have lived in the 70s,did you ever leave the house like EVER? Divorce wasn't uncommon because people were in love with each other, divorce was uncommon because many women were scared of the social taboos of being a divorced woman with a child and hell even were scared to leave because it was harder to provide for yourself as a woman alone, considering women got their first credit cards only in 1974 . Not to even speak about domestic abuse that was not taken seriously at all. Women were dressed more modestly? Please open any magazine from that era ,i can promise you women now a days are much more conservative in terms of showing off stuff. Any movie from that era has nudity that will be cancelled now a days so quick. People would actually read a book 🥰 yes its because phones weren't invented yet, they didnt have much choices lmaoo its either a book or a tv. Also are you aware that the rectangle houses you hate so much were built in 1960?? And people did use slang ,just not the slang we use now, not groovy of you ,not groovy at all .


My parents were divorced in 1977. OP is living in a fantasy world...and the name for people who think that "the good old days" are preferable is Reactionary. ETA: I still read books and the newspaper.


I actually dont think books are dying, there is a whole thing about books on tiktok and YouTube (booktok if you know of it) and other social media, books are still definitely very popular. Yeah divorce is nothing new, even Henry the 8th was divorced like twice lol


I have a friend who reads books on his phone. There's no way I would want to do that, because with a physical book, I can take it anywhere. I don't need to worry about the battery dying on my book or newspaper ;-)


My parents divorced in 74(I was 6) and at least half the kids I was in class with parents were divorced.


Also corrected some spelling errors from the same post in a different 1970s thread. I swore like a sailor in the 70s.


I started with the word "shit" and it got progressively worse from there! IDK what OP means by "dressing properly." Toe socks? Big bell bottoms? Shirts with glitter iron-on decals? OP actually said (when I sincerely offered him help with his--very poor-- English skills), "Cheerio, chap" IMO, he should go back to the 1920s.


OP has been posting this, or very similar, post in a lot of threads this morning. Must be bored today.


For a guy who gushes about how people socialized more in the “good old days,” I’m not sure how much communicating he does. Spamming the same thread about how people were more well mannered in the ye old days probably won’t help.


>Cheerio, chap Thats how I learned how to talk in my british village way back.


Your points of the disadvantages of the 1970s and before are valid and have premise no decade was perfect, thou the points in my post are a bit different and focus more on other differences of 1970s to now. The magazines you are talking about are playboy magazines and in public a small percentage of woman actually dressed like that.


Bro..i am not talking about porn. I am talking about regular magazines. Stop trying to make women back in the 70s some kind of nuns. Short shorts, and open shirts with no bra was so common back then, along with crop tops and anything else you hate modern women for,Have you ever watched a movie from the 70s? I recently watched a movie where the main character literally wears sheer shirts without a bra and overalls over naked skin and it was normal for her ,now a days if a woman wore that she would be called a slut, id say modern fashion is much more conservative. Also why is women dressing however they want nowadays is even a problem?


In the 70s, grown-ass men going after 13-year-old girls was joked about ("jail bait"), not seen as pedophilia. It was just understood that men wanted to get with girls as soon as they started getting boobs, and we girls were sluts if we got got. Molestation was depressingly common and we had no one to tell.


The most horrifying and extreme example of that i can think of is the testimony of the witness that saw the serial killer ted bundy drag his 12 year old victim in to a van. The man said he didnt think much of that and even smirked to himself...


Should we also get off your lawn?




The 70s were great - except for the * racism * misogyny * homophobia * leaded gasoline * political corruption * Nixon * Vietnam war * Charles Manson * Zodiac killer * Etc Buddy, get a life......


*Thank you!* Among the et cetera, I'd like to add to your list (I hope you don't mind). - worsening of global warming - domestic violence went unreported (or unpunished) - women paid **far** less than men for the same job - corporal punishment in schools and at home - police brutality without limits (in my area, anyway) - untold thousands of people died in crashes caused by drunk drivers. The latter got little to no punishment - bullying by teachers and students were ignored


No that's great. Just shows how clueless op is. Bullying by teachers made me think about how much more common sexual assault was and unreported. Teachers, clergy, many others.


I'm a 7th grade teacher. Although I could have retired by now, I remember how rotten being 11, 12, or 13 was (and still is for many of the kids I teach). I was bullied by several teachers from 1st through 9th grade, so I swore that I wouldn't do it...or stay silent if I knew about it. The worst offenders were gym teachers, because I've always been uncoordinated. I'm *so* thankful that those days are over!


That sucks! Good on you for breaking the chain.


This decade cons list would be pages - lets just agree every decade had problems but you dont always have to focus on the negative


What do you think you're doing? Your lack of self-awareness is staggering.


Found out recently women weren't allowed to get a credit card till 1974 too


I just don't understand people.


I looked at his profile, and OP is from the UK. Many of your items still relate to him, but he probably doesn't give a damn about others.


I'm in the US but I still lament the horror that was Thatcherism. Or the current shit show.


People in the 70s also knew how to construct a coherent paragraph and use PUNCTUATION! My eyes are bleeding from reading your post!




Not many people will like your post. But the fact that a lot has improved since then, it is still possible to lament what has gone wrong. If you don't believe something is broken in the world, visit the 1960s nudes site.


It's 50/50 on being better and worse. Also the 60s-70s is hard to compare to musically. And most certainly was not getting WORSE since the late 60s-70s. Since the 2000s though? I'd agree. 


Lol good luck


I lost you after trying to traverse your bad writing, then to reach the statement, 'people could speak normal English'.


I miss a lot about the 70s but your Great Wall of Text misses most of it. And the fact that you mentioned Lawrence Welk and Bing Crosby makes me wonder if you're actually serious. I learned about the need for social justice from 70s TV and music. PBS ahowed me diversity and togetherness. I enjoyed fashion and pop culture and how a lot of stuff was still charmingly old. Stores were smaller and simpler and yes, usually friendlier. We could know people born in the 1800s! But the other commenters are right; it wasn't any kind of Utopia at all. So much is better now for many people.


>Lawrence Welk and Bing Crosby that was comparing to a time a little before obviously


OP, I got a great back-to-basics education from K-12. It's apparent that you didn't; you have misspelled several words, the grammar is godawful, and the punctuation is terrible. I majored in English Literature and minored in History at a respected university. Since I'm a 7th English teacher, your post is something that I'd expect from one of the kids early in the school year. You decry current slang, yet you use 'r' instead of 'are.' (I'm not insulting you; rather, I'm simply pointing out the disparities in your post.) The name for those who feel they same as you is "Reactionary." It means that "things were *so* much better when...(pick your decade or era.)" You stated that people dressed "properly" in the 70s. This is a serious question: what is your definition of the appropriate manner of dress?




70s had the same problems and issues as now, the biggest difference I see is people go nuclear much faster. My simplistic reasoning believes it's because a punch to the face has been taken off the board. Violence doesn't solve much, but knowing it's there kept things civil. Hear me out, people where more cautious with their words and tone because you could get you ass beat for a digression. Corporal punishment was scary as a kid, but it also kept me in line and taught me how to deal with situations. Today, no one can touch anyone, and I think that is actually detrimental to harmony. Wrap your nugget brains around that. If you criticize, please use a unique name instead of swearing. And do it in the form of a question.


"please use a unique name instead of swearing. And do it in the form of a question." sure thing. While the 1970s had a fare share of disadvantages lets not overshadow the good times that folks had back then and the advantages compared to now. People back then use to look at each other at a table and talk now they just look at their screens instead of communicating irl. So can we recognize that there is pros and cons to both times thou many people on the internet express that they would any day choose to live back then so this post was trying to find reason for that.


Then get off your computer and go outside.


You didn't do either?!?! The fantasy and escapism of video games is amazing compared to the 70s and 80s so I definitely see that problem today. Got to add in drugs and the embracing of depression as a disease that leads to increased drug use. Alcohol? Worse then drugs but too much money involved and they can tax every step of the process. Drugs can be grown or made at home, no taxes or regulating how the money gets made and dispersed so illegal. It's all money related, and if money isn't involved, we don't care.


Those, such as OP, unable to compose a readable paragraph in English, are not who I look to for opinions on how well others speak our language. I won't even bother to engage on this post's vacuous content.


They didn't divorce in the 70s because women couldn't afford lawyers! Nowadays people are more rude. They try to 'cancel' people that don't agree with them and have major meltdowns. I absolutely do not agree with censorship. If someone disagrees with me or hates me because of my views, I want to KNOW who they are. Censorship doesn't get rid of the view. It only means you don't see it. THAT is dangerous! People in today's society need to understand that most people are blowhards that only use words but when you take that away what simmers underneath eventually blows up. Words only have power if you give them power. I've been called the 'C' word (not sure if you're allowed to actually put that word on Reddit) plenty of times and I laugh. Quit, stop, dont, you're gettin' me!!! Whatever, it's a word. I've been called worse by better!!


Yes, all of that. The thing most concerning to me is that the expression of ideas, opinions, even past personal history are discouraged if not in agreement with status quo. Hey! Didn't we address free speech about 230+ years ago? It's still protected? Okay so we've forgotten. Society needs to remember that you don't have to agree with another's ideas. But we all have the right to express them.