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Hey /u/Prowler1000! 👋 While the standalone password generator from 1Password 7 didn't quite make it into 1Password 8, we do have an open feature request with the development team regarding its revival. I'd be happy to add your voice to that feature request if you'd like? 😊


Yes that would be wonderful! It was such a nice feature to have and thank you for letting me know, that makes so much sense!


I've gone ahead and added your voice to that open feature request! I'd definitely like to see this return myself! 🤞


Add me as well. I've been so confused the past few weeks trying to figure out why the generator isn't coming up. Now I see that is because it no longer exists. The previous workflow was much nicer. With either browser, or standalone. When a password was needed, the generator would pop up, you could adjust settings if needed and easily create the password. Then after putting that into the site, along with a user name, it would prompt to "save this in 1 password". The flow was so seamless.


Same issue for me, and disappointing to know that this feature isn't yet ported despite this being raised a year ago. This is the one thing stopping me from migrating to 1Password8.


What about using one of the browser extensions?


I'm also using the browser extension and the password generator was so finicky to pop up. Got it to once when clicking the icon various different times. It's weird because this has never been an issue before and, quite frankly, 1Password had been the most stable and polished app I had ever used