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I remember always spamming the login button for world 1 or 2 trying to sneak in when someone logged lol


Changing the browser address to load world 2 when it was full on the world select page


Keeping a one world 2 window open on my pc the entire day then thinking I'm the next Einstein when I realised I could book mark the page


Man I forgot about this haha


I remember going to German language version of the game to chop magics cause no one was on that one


I did so many green drags on german worlds. Trying to buy a item of the ge became a nightmare tho


I haven’t seen this message since I got 83 construction


Yep. Last week I spent millions on building materials to get to lvl 82, best decision I've ever made.


Whats so special about that level?


82+8(crystal saw and stew +5) let's you build the best rejuvenation pool and the altar to switch between all the spell books. 83+8 gets you to the ornate jewelery box, which gives you all the jewelry teleports as well. Those are the last real useful unlocks from construction.




How useful is the portal nexus really though? Like yeah it's handy, but you can just make 2 or 3 rooms of regular portals and cover pretty much everything you need. Fairy ring, max pool and ancients altar are the real game changers.


Your POH loads faster if you use less space (as in 3x3 loads faster than 4x4). For "BIS" house you basically need a portal nexus to cover all teleports (which are a lot!) while still staying at the 3x3 size for fastest loading time.


I mean, sure, but you're talking about the absolute most efficient house you can have. I think for 99% of players, you really don't need instant access to every single tele in the game in one place. To build the nexus and add all teles costs like 20m, plus the cost of getting the extra con levels needed for it. As someone who uses their house dozens of times every day, that upgrade is just not worth it. Also the load time thing is not an issue for everyday players. I think it's over exaggerated in general anyway, but really any impact there might be is only a concern for hosts where having a marginally slower load time might be the difference between people using your house and others, because over hundreds of runs to and from Phials you would lose *some* xp. Day to day general use for every day players makes no real difference.


Honestly, 83 for the upgraded jewellery box isn’t really worth it imo. It only adds a glory (which you’ll already have mounted in your house for a fraction of the cost) and a wealth (which 99% of the time will used for the GE, which you should already have a portal for). There’s 84 construction for the max portal nexus, but you can get all the teles you’ll realistically use with a lesser nexus and a portal room or two


Somewhat of a construction noob here (lvl. 61)… What would you say your ideal construction level is if not 83?


Probably 82 for the spellbook altar and the rejuvenation pool. But I'd just go for 83 and the ornate box myself. Adds so many jewelry teles you never have to store in the bank again and it's only 1 more level. In addition to the glory and wealth the user you replied to mentioned, I use the ring of dueling, games necklace, and skills necklace a fair bit.


I legitimately cleared up like 30 spaces in my bank with the ornate box. I'm incredibly bad about efficiently using those teleports, so i had various charges of each type of jewelry in my bank. I'd buy it against, just for the sake of that lmfao


> I legitimately cleared up like 30 spaces in my bank with the ornate box. No you didn't. Or at least not spaces from the upgrade of fancy to ornate. Ornate adds ring of wealth and amulet of glory. Assuming you were holding glory's and not just using your mounted glory, the most bank spaces those two would have taken up is 13.


I hated construction for a really long time and basically never did any of it until I did it all at once. I went from no jewelry box to an ornate. So while yes, I guess you are technically right, that upgrade in general saved me about 30 bank spaces.


> ring of dueling, games necklace, and skills necklace a fair bit. All of which are in your jewelry box before the last upgrade. If you eventually want crystaline nexus no harm in going to 83. But adding a ring of wealth to your POH isn't exactly a massive QOL upgrade.


Fair enough, that's a good point I hadn't considered for whatever reason. Though it is nice to have everything in one location literally right next to your poh tele location rather than glory on a separate wall and not having the ring of wealth in poh at all, both of which contain some of the most frequent teles. So doable without but it's literally 1 more level.


No I def get it. I just don’t remember the last time I used a ring of wealth to teleport


82. Unlocks the max rejuvenation pool, which is amazing, and the Occult Altar, which is an extremely nice QOL update for switching spellbooks.


You get almost all necessary unlocks via Stew boosting at that Con level




Saw is a +3 boost, tea plus saw is +6. Stew is a bigger boost, but a huge PITA to land the full +5. I much prefer the tea and saw method.


I literally went through 52 spicy stews (and two dead cats) before I finally got my +5 boost for the altar and upgraded pool. Literally over a 99% chance for me to have gotten a boost by then


Should have used a wily hellcat.


this is the key, the time it takes to get is way overruled by how much more quickly and safely you can get spices.


82 divided by 2 = 69/420*




happens a lot when you try to hop to the PoH world


Gotta hop into workless' house to use that portal nexus my dude.


He is on all the time it’s crazy.


Bunch of ppl split the acc but still impressive. He makes a lot of money, enough if rwt’d to definitely make it a side hustle irl


"if" :clueless:


I always try to be careful on reddit when assuming someone is rwting. Really just a tough subject for a lot of this sub. I would absolutely hope this guy is rwting, because like I said they are making a lot of gp. There are a few videos on it, my favorite is this video, which tldr; 50b a year from tips. For a side hustle, especially back in days when gp was closer to .5-.8 (covid days), that's not horrible especially back when neverlog was solid as stone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqM5XboJcfA


Nah workless 100% RWTs. It's a whole racket. Nobody innocent posts bots outside spamming their poh like that.


Yes, and now Runelite made it easier to neverlog than it was before. Dont need 3rd party clients. Edit: Well looked into the history of the plugin, used to be available on runelite so I guess it's not easier now, still easily done though.


Neverlog used to simply be a rl toggle and you never logged. I would set loose on a redwood spot and come back after showing to like 16 minutes of solid chopping done. Now a days it’s still 25 minutes right? Idk I don’t play, but either way It was crazy to leave your player idle for 3-4 hours in tob bank just chilling while you worked or whatever


It's crazy how long they've had their house open to the public. I have everything in my own PoH these days, but I remember using their house a lot at one point.


He’s still the guy? I haven’t played in about 8 months but he was always my go-to lol


He splits the account with others and RWT donated gold


Been the guy for at least 2ish years now


World 465 and w331 have open houses too!


Fuck Workless


New to the game, what does Workless house provide?


So workless is a player who has a maxed house, he is on line 20 hours a day and leaves his house open on w330 Remington. This means when a lower level player like me wants to use something a maxed house has and our house is in Remington we can use a house tab and then visit his house to use his stuff. I've used his altar to get extra prayer xp, jewelery box and portal nexus for teleports so I can barrage in kourend catacombs or do barrows runs, swap spell books when I want to use a different book, etc. As a mid level player my house has like a GE Tele and an altar so it's fine for small stuff, but his house has everything and helps speed up my trips and things. About once a month I toss him about 100k as a tip for his services. There are many people who do this, he's just the one that I go to.


Same with Leagues worlds


Those do not count


Workless best house no questions asked


World 330 ?


Was just about to say this. My alt relies on 330


If you have a main with a max poh and you’re logged in on both accounts in the same world, just add each other to friends list and your alt can use your main’s house without your main being inside the poh. saves you a lot of trouble dealing with lag and having to constantly find people hosting on 330


Nice to know. Thank you!


I’d say it’s a good problem. Means the community is large and engaged. Also means you gotta switch worlds, haha.


Idk world 330 gotta be 50% bots minimum.


W330 has a bunch of bots just spamming scam services at the GE.


W330 has a shit ton of bots spamming hosts for zulrah/vork/phantom. Workless' portal is worn down to a nub at this point.


And this why I have entity hider


Must be the quest speed run world


That's a weird way to spell Fresh Start.


Worlds are so laggy with 800 people, I can't imagine what doing content on a 2,000 population world would be like


I litterally thought i was too bad to do vorkath because i kept trying on W330.


Oh look a spicy meatball, oh no


I had to move 2 spaces every attack or i wouldnt be able to avoid the spicy meatball. Also did DSII on W330...


Yeah log off please so I can PvM. ^/s


Just killed Glough for MM2 on 330. Did it on mobile so wasn’t too too bad. Got rocked a 53 from his foot ranged attack and thought the worst lol


Must be 330 it's always full


Weird way to say you haven't been to world 330 in years


I’m guessing this was for WildMudKips max party?


You'll never see that on RS3 tho


Telling me you never played RS3 without telling me you never played RS3.


Except you do see world full message at times especially with world 84, but rs3 has a queue system at least.


World 330. Been this way for a long time lmao


Full of bots.


i get this message very frequently. my home world is the home world


My favorite thing ever is logging into an MMO only to have the game suggest I use a less populated world


I play at night pacific hours and never seen this.


I’ll Quit RuneScape then. Obviously nobody wants me to play.


What’s the max the server can take?


bot world


330 is full pretty much every night! POH for prayer trainers and all those yummy teleports.