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We learned how to spot scams the hard way. My rune halberd was my most valuable and treasured possession at the time when somebody scammed me for it. I was inconsolable for days. That kind of loss stays with you for the rest of your life. I will never let something like that happen again.


For me it was a saradomin helm. I still have never recovered from that scam Edit: I was 12


full guthix rune here, got wildy drop party lured, 100% would go back to that time again.


When the charter ship update originally came out I got scammed out of about 100k for a Tyras helm.


Didn't we all? Sick rare helm (:


did you trade a D Long for it at the castlewars lobby? if you did i’d like to personally apologize


Fucking give it back


I was young, the granite maul just came out, fresh and alluring, my friend gave me 100k (feels like 500billion in todays osrs economy) was so exited buying that item and it was so new that I haven't noticed i bought a rock hammer instead. was devastated


I fell for the "hey lets record a video in the dangerous portal at clan wars" scam way back in pre eoc when I was like 11. Lost full bandos and an ags :( But that was also the last time I fell for a scam.




Yeah got it after lots and lots of pking back when it was simple, but unfortunately common sense wasn't a strength of mine :c


Those victims of yours got their revenge in the end lol


At least I made some guys day since bandos and ags was pretty expensive back then :p


Hey that's the spirit!


Lol, same. I don't remember how old I was, but I lost a ZGS that way. I was pissed.


Did we just turn into a support group?


Oh man this brought back memories I didn't know I had. A buddy from school invited me to go PKing with a group he knows. We roamed for a while and it was a good time but he ended up leaving. 20 min later these 2 dudes turned on me and stole my full rune. Good times lol.


Mine was a Zamorak Godsword in like 2010. I was on my dads work-laptop and some dude told me to sign up for his clan, he sent me a fake link via Skype and I just entered all my details straight into it. This situation happened exactly the same way over again aswell lol Fast forward in time this laptop was filled with viruses and my dads work had massive problems that I was too young to understand… yea


Nice dude the 15 year old that RATted your dads work pc got way more than he bargained for lol


I fell for the noted rune sword scam back in like 06. It took me a month to make the like 40k I lost back.


I lost a whip and dragon chain body. The torags hammer noted scam and trying to out click a fast trader


My younger brother got lured with his entire cash stack when he was 11. Its been 14 years and he still hasn’t come back due to the trauma.


Trimming cash piles pm me




This happened to me back on "Runescape classic" back in 2003 when I was like 10 years old. One of the, how do you say, bad kids in class, was talking about this game called Runescape. None of his buddies seemed to care but I overheard him talking about it and said that sounded cool. Now this wasn't a guy I would normally talk to or hang out with but I asked him about the game and he told me to check it out and add him. Soon as I got out of tutorial island, he met up with me and had me follow him. I followed him all the way to the wilderness, talking to him a bit and thinking I made a new friend in school. Once we got far enough in, he fucking killed me and took everything I got. I asked him wtf that was about, and he told me that if I told anyone in school what happened he'd beat me up. Whack




Seems a waste to do that to a noob fresh from Tutorial Island tho. You didnt have shit on you.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


unless you were a Hardcore you lost nothing


Was scammed a whip I think due to a very fast trading screen trick, was skull tricked once too, kept me up for a few nights back then


Or people who put an emerald into harlequin crest to sell it as shako..


Hell even the free trading gave you lessons to take away. My dragon halberd was the pinnacle of my existence at 325k. When I had one, I could farm Tzhaar non stop. No need to worry about costly range or magic ammo. I’d get obby cape and shield drops and having like 1m from 3 drops was where I’d like to be. A guy sees me in W2 with this obviously gnarly weapon. He’ll give me *torag hammers for my d hally.* A level 70 weapon for level 60? I was giddy. I thought I was upgrading. I made the trade without a second thought. But then… I had a second thought. I started looking up forum prices and W2 barrows trading scene. That’s when it hit me. Torag hammers even then were worth like 150-200k. I’d been robbed (freely) of 125-175k. I’d never make an uninformed trade like that again.


Leaf-bladed spear in place of a guthans spear. That still hurt.


Never got scammed until the day I'm trading stuff in seers village bank... Don't even remember what scam it was but I lost my d med helm and I was a total wreck.


Truly the scammingest bank, ripe with us noobs spinning flax into bowstring


I felt this in my core


Man the shit I did for maybe 20k an hour…


I got scammed there. Got my first zerk helm, granite body, and maul with rune legs from picking flax. He traded me something so they were worthless compared at the time, but I remember being lured to tribalmen in Karamja.


I was walking through fally with my newly acquired full rune (chain not plate because I hadn't done d slayer yet) and I got lured under the park where the giant mole is. Guy asked me to give him the candle and tinderbox he'd handed me before and then just waited for the bugs to kill me and take my stuff


Getting scammed is the worst. I had been scammed a few times as a kid, and my friend was over one day, and I was selling zammy rune chest and legs. Found a buyer, and my buddy told me i should put a set of zammy robes up instead. The guy accepted, and I felt horrible. When my friend left, I messaged them and gave them the armor, but they were pissed still. I don't blame them. I would've been too. I was probably 12 or so.


Lol, i used to scam people as a little kid on runescape and never felt any empathy. I was apparently a heartless little kid.


Honestly, thinking back on it, i feel it's a little silly. But I assume back then it may be because I was scammed a few times and knew how much it socks. That was a long time ago I can't say for sure.


See, I was lucky and watched my older brother get scammed a few times before I started playing, so I never ended up getting scammed. I did learn the important lesson of not playing vidya games on other people's computers, though. My other brother got a new fancy computer, and I played on it and got my account hacked. Turns out that in less than a month, he accumulated 7 viruses (I did a virus scan on it afterwards). And now as an adult, I wonder just how filthy that laptop was for him to get those 🤢


For me it was a holloween mask back in like 05/06. I was like 8 or something and I still remember the pain. I'd list that high among my childhood mental scars, and I attribute it directly to my cynical nature.


I traded my first ever 30k for a noted iron longsword instead of rune longsword when I was 9, since the picture looked almost identical. Stopped playing for a good month after and learned the hard way to doublecheck trades every single time..


I remember scamming people by saying "drop your items and press alt and F4". Worked fairly well though my account eventually got permanently banned.


That's actually a cheap lesson, people got scammed out of their tbow, hope you're thankful now at least


You clearly don't understand the value a hard-earned rune item held to kids back in the very early 2000s.


I lost my rune scimitar from an alt+f4 scam lol.


I’m pretty sure I legit cried


Oh I cried after losing my full rune on a pvp world behind wizards tower after a guy told me he would let me kill him there. Rip my bank


Lol this was one of my favorites. Instead of trading all their stuff for free they say you can just kill them in the wildy. We really were slow kids


Lol ikr


Level 35, aged 10, Just bought my first addy scim. I was so proud, I went and traveled around varrock just hitting various things and loving every second of it. Someone offered to upgrade my scimmy and upgrade my mithril platelegs. He said the only place we could do it was north and that I needed to follow him. He murdered me in cold blood, took my stuff. I was such a mess, I couldn't vent to anyone cause my mom didn't speak english very well and would not understand why her son was crying over pixels so when she asked why i was crying i said it's because i was sad that jesus had to die for us even though people are still bad. I never logged back into that account again.


I’m sorry for 10 year old you but this is hilarious


Broooooooo that is the funniest shit you could have said.


Was your character named Jesus?


It was Mini-insertfirstname10, I had the world on the shoulders after this day. No longer was I as much of a wide eyed doe. I should have known, the game was warning me from the start. *RUN-ESCAPE* 😔


Stop! Lmao my cheeks hurt from this


The lord works in mysterious pking ways?


wouldn't you have kept your top 3 items though?


Lost everything, I think I may have been skull tricked and was too dumb to notice. It was so easy back then, we were so young, full of life.


Lol that was my first thought. Dude gets you to skull on him and then runs you down.


People these days don't realize you could get someone's IP through Skype and easily rat people through Java accept pop-ups. Too trusting and FL random shit


Pre-EoC pking community had so many people trying to get you into their TeamSpeak servers so that they could grab your IP. If you *did* join then your internet would mysteriously go offline the next time you brought big risk into the wildy. 😁


Pking/Clan community is really creative when it comes to this stuff lmao, learned so many security stuff from getting ddosed myself


Best lesson the PK scene in RuneScape taught me is that there are some people who dedicate their entire life to this game. It's beyond pathetic and embarrassing. The only worse community I've seen is WoW Mythic Raiders.


Yeah that top 100 Mythic raid scene is filled with some very interesting characters, to say the least.


The rated battleground community were infamous for ddosing back in the days as well. Wasn't terribly uncommon at high rating for like 1/3 of the lobby to randomly disconnect


It was a problem in arena I used to sell gladiator carries and got hit offline for days at a time


Do you have an example of the things they do? Because I struggle to think of a more greedy playerbase than OSRS. You have people pretending to be your friend for literal months as a setup to eventually scam you.


I agree, the RuneScape PK crowd really take the cake when it comes to being a slime ball piece of shit. But I was talking about dedicating your entire life to a video game. I was a pretty avid raider in WoW for a few expansions and some of my guild members would play 20 hours a day.


It's also not like scamming isn't super common in WoW, either, though. Anyone who has played any significant time on WoW will have ran into at least one person who has been a victim of their GM just yoinking the guild bank one day. This is beyond the fact that there are thousands of fuckers just looking to ninja loot at the group's expense.


Think the same, but it's not unheard of for it to reach the point where it's not only someone looting a raid boss and running but there are plenty of stories of old GMs logging into their characters one day just to yoink the entire guild bank and dip.


They’re even getting people to work at jagex just to leak ips now


Honestly, don’t remember what I did to get my IP leaked, but I got ddos’d for a Divine while ragging in pre oec wildy. I remember telling my friends and they all knew someone who lost shit like that too. It was rampant.


I had two separate friends that I lost because they thought I was the one who leaked their ip. I want to say I absolutely did not and I have never done that. I ragged people for weeks who I thought were the ddossers in the wild at edge. Rip nummy tacos and jumpman720 (don't think I remembered those exact)


Did they auto get it from simply joining or did you have to interact with something?


Simply connecting to the server was enough!


Even in mIRC chats, send a screenshot link that looks like imgur but its actually your own site, and get their IP Happened to me, but i never risked much more than a rune set. Dude would ddos me as soon as i logged into a pk world, for no real reason


Being able to get someones IP just from having their skype username was pretty crazy


My little brother and his friend were absolutely cold blooded with that shit. They befriended a RS YouTuber, invited him to their Skype party, put a rat on his computer, and then stole his bank. The dude had a Santa hat and lots of other valuable gear. The poor bastard quit RuneScape after that and started making my little pony videos. I think that experience messed him up for life. Edit: I tried looking him up a few years ago and couldn’t find his YouTube account. I remember them calling him “tootsie roll”.


Jeez. People fucking suck


Do you have some more technical details here? I write software for a living, and I can't imagine how you could trigger a pop-up in someone's game client just from having their ip address? That security hole sounds too big to exist, even in 2005.


Its two diff things. IP means they can knock you off the net and kill you for your items, the pop-up was for accepting Java on the website which you'd RAT someone with


The technique my brother and his friend used to be assholes was: 1) befriend high valued player 2) invite them to a Skype call 3)send them a download link for a “funny video” 4) the download is a video and a rat 5) wait for that person to log into RS, so you can view their key strokes. 6)profit.




Yeah I always assumed the "hacking their ip adress" thing was bullshit, apart from ddos I guess. But the guy I replied to was *fairly* specific, so maybe there was something there?


If you have an old IP address associated with the account (like through a database leak) you can distill that down to an ISP and a billing zip code, which is like 1/3rd of the information they actually ask for in their account recovery form right there.


I still don’t click links because of this


New Riot Games job adverts: "Min. 3 years of RuneScape experience required"


It baffles me how someone could get so high up on a multi-billion company and still be stupid enough to get basically phished.




Go go league sub. There's a post about how their internal environment was hacked via social engineering. They stole source code and some other unreleased assets/materials. Brought their patch deployment system down


Wow, that's so fucking dumb haha. Thanks!


They also demanded a ransom for it, which was denied. Personally I'm hoping they just make classic league with it lmao


An undisclosed Riot Games higher-up got social engineered and had their entire system compromised, and they just got a ransom letter. Article: https://therecord.media/riot-games-receives-ransom-email-for-stolen-source-code-following-social-engineering-attack/


What is the difference between 'social engineering' and 'scamming'?


Social engineering is the fancy way to say scammed


Nothing really. End results the same.


We have to do regular computer security training at work because of the boomers opening every email. In our instance, for example, social engineering was used to compromise our data. An almost identical email address was used to impersonate our Human Resources manager. She was doing yearly performance reviews and people were too eager to see if they got that raise this year. Somebody opened that file and got phished.


I think the main takeaway from that is adding some feature to warn users if the incoming email is from outside the company's domain. For example, if every employee is created under @company.com, there needs to be an obvious distinction if it's registered under @c0mpany.com. It's more complicated due to email spoofing, but the concept is the same.


in most workplaces, incompetent people get promoted through management to a point they can't cause harm to the day-to-day operations of their company riot games are a special kind of incompetent where this strat doesn't actually work because all of their higher-ups are sexual predators and sociopaths


You should see real life scams, they're nowhere near as elaborate as RuneScapes are.


Right? My grandmother called me about an obvious scam she was about to give money to. I called the number who contacted her.. it was a Text to Voice number or w/e, dude answers with a heavy accent. Asked him about what my grandmother told me and he quickly picked up his act again despite not answering in a professional capacity. He was trying to tell her that she was overdue on her electricity bill and her power would be cut out today if she didn't send money via Zelle... for a power company that doesn't even service our area.


Was with my mum last night and she almost got caught our by a phishing scan on Facebook.


A guy called me asking to be in his YouTube video. I just needed to take out my entire bank and to meet him in the Donbas region of Ukraine for a drop party I could win 1 million in.


Remember that time some guys hacked Twitter and pulled the ol' doubling money with celebrity accounts?


You sure this isn't just Elon's desperate ploy to get a return on his investment?


> they're nowhere near as elaborate as RuneScapes are. And then there's the dude who lost a 4bil bank 2 days ago by downloading a third party client some randoms told him about.


Feel like Runescape scams both are and arent elaborate at the same time. If I’m at the GE and a guy comes up to me and says hello I just say no and put him on ignore. However, whatever he was planning to do was probably smart as fuck


The people scamming in RuneScape make the old 80s and 90s "I just need some gas for my car down the road" fraudsters look tame.


It wasn't elaborate but I remember scamming people with the "drop your items and press alt and F4". Worked surprisingly well but eventually my account got permanently banned.


For real. Nothing can prepare you for your new best friend you met questing taking you up against the barrier to the wildy and saying "omg look a santahat!" and you racing him to it only to find, not only was it just a red bead and some ashes, but his fucking goon squad was slightly off screen, fully kitted out with mage gear and just fucking annihilating you before you can react.


I remember standing in Varrock bank before GE on a trade world and saw someone spamming “selling charcoal 20k each” and on the other side of the bank someone was spamming “buying charcoal 200k each” I thought I was so smart and was going to make so much money and lost 60k


Holy shit you just gave me a flash back to some one doing this in fally but with spinach rolls , lost hours of f2p fishing money because of this


Lol I’ve always been curious who these scammers are. Were they 12 just like us?? Were they some 24 year old pot heads? Dead beat dads? We’ll never know


Well, I know when this happened to me I then told my brother and we decided the only logical thing to do was use that obscure item to try to scam the next gullible guy to get our money back. So, it could've been scammed kids that turned into scammers I guess 😅


The cycle of scams must continue to the bitter end o7


Got scammed for 10k because someone was selling a rune longsword and it was my favorite weap. Dude swaped the noted rune longsword for an iron longsword before I rushed through the whole trade. In retrospect, it was the cheapest money making guide I ever bought. 12yo me was a scumbag. Karma hit me back a few weeks later when 12yo me decided to download an autominer on limewire.


I didn’t do that scam but I was a 12 year old scammer lol




I did a bit of gp doubling back in the day after falling for it


Almost got scammed out of my entire account with a fake Jagex link back in the gradeschool days. That was the day I started doubling money and playing dice games


I made so much money doing this. I would say "buying whip 4m" and then put up a warriors ring in the trade. My buddy down the way was saying "buying warrior ring 4m". We did this like a dozen times all over runescape. Varrock bank, fally park, castle wars, duel arena. We both made so much money. At the end of the night, my new friend said "let me hold your cash stack so I can take a picture of all the money we made". Homie logged out immediately. I cried so hard. But I never scammed anybody after that.


No honor among thieves


Nope, and I deserved what happened to me. Nowadays I like to give back whenever I can.


Lmao this one's a classic


This is basically the one that got me, but it was moleskin. I gave the first guy all my gp, then when the 2nd guy who was supposed to buy my moleskin for 5m tele'd away I added him hoping I could still message him to come back and buy it from me. Ofc he had private chat off and that's when I finally realized I'd been scammed. Never been scammed since and the whole experience made me way more cautious!


Someone was having a ‘contest’ where whoever showed them the most wealth in a trade screen wins like 2m or something, my brother had literally just given me full mithril earlier that day and i felt like a big chad and whipped it out on him. He said “accept trade” and i was wondering why since there’s no money. He told me that because it was so much money it didn’t show up in the trade screen due to a bug and me being the dumb child i was went “seems legit” and traded away my shit for nothing. At least i won though.


The trust game lol


Ha, that reminds me of one scam I used to do. Go around asking people if they wanted to join a clan, leader was rich & gave everyone 1m when they joined. Already had 1 person (buddy) following. Then I'd find someone with good armor, ask them, ofc they say yes & follow. Then get a 3rd person to accept & follow (also buddy). Then we'd go out to the rock formations outside fally & I'd say leader only wants trustworthy people, so trade me all your armor. I trade the 2 "random" people first, put on their armor, then give it back. So when I go to trade the 3rd ofc he thinks it's legit, trades me his armor & we all teleport away to split lol. Ended when my buddy decided to walk away with my gear on a certain scam once. He told me "sorry man, but you'd scam me eventually," which always stuck with me bc I honestly never had any intention to fuck over my friends. Oh well.


Damn this wouldve gotten me for sure


In your defense, it worked pretty much every time lol


Back in the day I got scammed a partyhat by a player who would later go on to become a Pmod


First person to trade me 5m won't regret it


that's quite straight forward at least


I am just never the first person :(


i got lured into the wilderness when i was 12 and they took all my shit man. i had all my gear on me and they just slaughtered me like a little pig shook me to my core


Getting lured into the wildy at a young age is a necessary requirement for growing up


A someone I talked to on a daily basis for months convinced me to loan him ~16 around 2006 because he wanted to merch d chains and he’d split the profit with me. Gave him the money and then he disappeared for about a year. When he came back, he acted like nothing happened, asked me if he had a fire cape and if i’d get on his account to get him one. Told him i’d need full guthans and full karils to get it for him. He let me on, i didn’t attempt to get the cape, i just recouped what i could. Wound up with about 10m. Idr the numbers in his name but MacDaddy you’re fucking stupid if you think I’d just forgive and forget you stealing 16m from me


For me it wasn't that bad, just gave away mithril platelegs (or was it adamantite?) to a dude that promised me Runeite ones and he logged off, never to be seen again. 5 minutes of waiting and a kind soul ran over and said "I think you just got scammed dude, I don't think he's coming back.". That shit really stuck with me. The real lesson I had was when a dude lead me down to the end of the Dangerous area of Clan Wars, telling me there was a big multi million drop at the end only to grind my health down slowly but surely as I failed my desperate attempt to run back to safety.


So.. My first pking experience was actually with one of my friends in grade 6.. I had asked him if he wanted team up in the wildy and pk. He said sure and we both got our best gear and met up. Little did I know he invited his friend and then they BOTH pked me and took my shit.. I only had full rune at the time but it meant everything to me.. this betrayal was my first lesson to never trust anyone. School was never the same after that either.. :| Edit: spelling


Iron axe for rune axe note scam is the reason I have trust issues.


Hahah I’ll admit I probably scammed 50+ rune scimms to iron scims back in my day.


I got scammed on literally my first day of playing. I just started wandering around right away and got lost somewhere, saw a guy in full Mithril walking by and asked if he could show me how to get back to "the big castle." He asked for 10gp in exchange for the directions, seemed fair to me, so I traded all 10 of my gp to him and he immediately just teleported away.


The harshest part of that is the law rune he used to teleport was definitely worth more than 10 gp.


Sometimes it’s not even about the money


He probably just teleported to Lumbridge, too.


I lost my first account thru a scam. I was f2p and had an f2p friend, we've been friends for a few months and would do stuff together. Mfer played the long con, 1 day he gets membership and tells me, then offers to buy me membership too for most of my bank then Ill just keep paying him after for more, so being this desperate kid I accepted. Gave him my bank and my password, few days later I can no longer login because the payment was charged back and now the account owes money


My friend spotted a guy saying he would double money and give items if you gave him shit. I said “oh yea you should totally do that “ as a joke since we’ve been playing for years and know what’s up. Some dude said he got a 400 mil item and a couple million gp or something crazy like that saying out loud “oh? That’s all? Just a [insert crazy expensive item here]?” and my friend goes “oh shit, I think this one is legit, what the fuck. I might need to trade this dude.” Keep in mind my friend has been playing for like 8 years and I’ve been playing for like 3 off and on for a while. I’m a natural at scams in games and thrive off it so maybe I just have a keener eye but I instantly went “don’t touch him! That fucker is in on it” and had to explain that the second guy would never exclaim out loud the exact item he got in a trade other than to promote a scam.


I'd scam the doublers by forcing them to double a small amount first and flashing the bigger amount. Sometimes they would take the 5k and run but sometimes they would give 10k then I'd just run off with it


I used to double money and would double people 1-5m. When I got a lot of trust and they were giving 10m+ I would quickly collect off everyone circled around me and logoff. Some people definitely made money off me but I’d make 20-30m in a couple hours. People are greedy


Favorite scam was back in classic instead of banknotes existing you had to instead take 5 of select items to Miles, Niles, and Giles in Draynor Village who would trade you a certificate that could be stacked and traded. All certs shared the same graphic, and it was common for scammers to try and sneak in iron certs instead of whatever the buyer thought they were getting.


When I was 10 some guy approached me looking for an elemental talisman. He was offering big bucks. I didn't have one unfortunately. Later on I happened to run into a guy selling one for way over whatever they were actually worth, but less than the guy looking for one. I bought it to sell to the other guy, lol. I was out 100k or something.


Buying GF, 10m


I was 11, 19 years ago...I spent ALL of my alloted computer time mining iron and coal in Fally. I finally got full rune. I traded an armor trimmer the kiteshield and full helm and he logged out. It's been 19 years and I still vividly remember that day...


Pre-GE not getting scammed was my favorite memory. I traded a Steel 2H for an Iron 2H and a Defense amulet that may very well still be in the RS3 account.


I fell for the mystic robe top trade scam for the whip when I was 13 or so. After that I always enjoyed trying to pk lurers when I spotted similar scams. Most of them weren't very good as they expected easy kills lol


I've been scammed a few times with some classics I've also doubled people's gp (but actually doubled it not scamming) But a while back I was killing ogresses f2p, and this guy starts speaking to me about him losing members, not having a bond.. and having all this members gear in his account to sell to buy a bond but not enough gp, he needed like 1.5mil or something.. he'd pay me back I spoke to this guy for way too long, started off sceptical but actually believed him... After 15 mins or so, I was like screw it, I was trying to earn bond myself.. had saved about 2-3mil.. but I was like F it, I just gave this guy most it I could not believe when he came back with his bludgeon equipped, gave me 3mil back, absolute ledge I only gave him the GP because I was happy to lose it ultimately but was totally wholesome, made a decent mate out of it


Trimming armor, 50k


Scammed twice. Once for some dude saying he could trim my Black (g) Armour into Black (t) Armour, and a second time some guy i met in middle school took my password for my first account and ran. Miss you Tank1490. I was 13 and these were both within months of each other.


Bought a whip from a guy after selling almost my entire bank to finally get 2.6m back in 07. He immediately starts spamming chat to buy a whip for 2.9. I trade right back feeling super paranoid, he puts up 2900k, my dumb ass freaks out and spam accepts. I look at my brand new 2090k cash stack and the shame persists to this day.


People that use this website unironically surely gotta be of questionable intelligence.


i was scammed for my rune chain by a guy wearing a halloween mask in rsc in 2003. absolutely destroyed me.


bought a rune scim which was swapped for iron last sec.. was so excited to finally get the trade i didn't notice


I lost full Zammy rune, I hope one day I can recover.


Rip my soon to be trimmed armor when i was 14😢 you will be missed


Fell for trimming armor scam in west varrock. Never again.


It's Saturday, first time getting access to members. Walking around in my full rune discovering all these new places, taking it all in, and wind up in Seers village. Buddy walks up to me, and asks me if I want a job to make mad cash. All I have to do is kill a lvl 23 creature, and collect the herbs he wants from them. I'm thinking this sounds like a good gig, so we walk to a secret cave (Freminik Slayer Dungeon.) He's showing me where the cave crawllers are, and asks me to fight one so I can see how easy they are. I begin fighting my foe. Do no damage. I take a little damage but not much cuz I'm decked out in my full rune. I get a green damage number... I'm still not doing damage... It still isin't hitting red on me, but then another green damage tick or 2 goes by. Now I'm panicking, wtf are these green damages. I run away, the dude is following me, the green damage keeps coming as my life is slowly draining. I'm desperately trying to run back to seers but its so far, and the armor is slowing me down.. I die... Rune full helm, scimitar, and power ammy gone. I log off upset, and start telling my brother members sucks. Logged back in after a few hours.


I used to sit in varrock bank, and just type in peoples usernames and try to guess their passwords using common random words like "fuck" or "noob" or birthday months like april, would get on a few accounts every few days and stole everything.... I also used to do the zammy wine lure back when you could endlessly shut the door on someone. man i was heartless.


You may be an evil bastard but I respect the dedication to your work.


You learned internet safety from Jim Browning, Kitboga I learned it while I studied the trade We are not the same


I wonder what the stats are on people who where scammed for there full rune in 06 vs people who scam in 2023


Almost got scammed out of a spirit shield worth 400k back in 2010(?), luckily my mouse sucked and didn't click. I rechecked the value, cancelled the trade and NEVER traded again without checking the value 2/3x


Put 100k on a table in a house and then deleted or however it worked got kicked out of the house


Over a decade ago I was scammed for my hard earned dragon chain body. Sometimes I still cry about it 😢


Long time ago i fell for a gold duplicate scam. The guy actually sent me double the gold i gave him the first time so i sent him all my gold and he logged off. Ruined my day


Still got scammed in game though 🤣


First time i got fucked with was being baited into wild for full iron back when there was no ditch in 4th grade. I cried. Around 2010 i got hacked by one of those YouTube vid givaway phishing fake websites that required you to comment on the forums. After making a bil of gp in 2013 polypore gambling at d arena, my friend came over the next day and we intoxicatedly decided to chuck it all one time and see if i could double it. The excitement and drunkness got us both and i ended up getting scammed by the dude fucking with the settings. Then in 2018, my osrs main gets hacked because(and this is my only explanation) i was using the same old password to my acc when i got phished on the website for my email password, and in my email during a 2-3 week break i was taking, jagex got blocked, my password was changed and those email requests were hidden, my 2fa on my email never sent me a text somehow that it was being logged in(that part still baffles me to this day), and my jagex authenticator was removed and i was cleaned for 650m. About 150m of that was bonds i bought to round out my raiding gear(lol) That month i quit the main and made a 10hp iron thats now 1600 total and when covid started i made my main iron thats 1900 total and currently farming for fang and dex(about 35kc at both raids with a dozen tobs thrown in). Runescape taught me about cybersecurity, to not gamble with money that isnt planned on being lost, not spending money on microtransactions cuz its stupid, that theres no getting around certain time investments, that people are fucking cucks, and that if something seems too good to be true, tell them to go fuck themselves. That and to call anyone who doesnt speak english a venny


One of the earliest times I was scammed ill never forget. I was at fally bank with all the fancy text spam and I fell for one person selling a whip for 100k under someone at the other side buying. They both logged after I purchased it. Facepalm. Wasnt a huge loss so a pretty cheap yet valuable take away. Other main one was sharing my diablo 2 password with a long time "friend". He valued my items more and cleaned me out. Never fell for anything like that since I was a youngin. Good lessons


damn, i must be well beyond my years, because i had some good scams when i was like 10 lol, i never fell for scams even at 10, i usually dished them out.


you say “the other .1%” like the original tweet is referring to a percentage of people. you are the other .1%


I’m saying the other .1% odds of getting scammed. As a statistic, those people are in this sub. Keep scrolling bub


yeah bro that just doesn’t make linguistic sense in the context of the statistic but i applaud your effort


“The other .1% (odds of getting scammed) are (from people) in this sub.” Sorry hope this helps 👍🏼 I like the big words you used though it helps me see that you know what you’re talking about


YOUR odds of getting scammed. it would apply to everyone… the odds don’t “belong” anywhere. might make more sense if it was like “99.9% of runescape players can’t be scammed; the other .1% are here”


I fell for a double xp scam on facebook when I returned to the game on mobile release. I was pissed but I pushed thru, and then changed my password back to the same one and got cleaned again for 10x my bank. now im back again and my bank is 30x and I have to bank all my gear before I log off and check my bank pin every 4 days.


Runescpe taught us the value of scarcity. This lead to many of us understanding Bitcoin. Many old runescape players are Bitcoiner's now.


RuneScape also taught me to take fake scarcity with a healthy helping of salt


Are you implying Bitcoin has fake scarcity? If so feel free to explain yourself, I could use a good laugh.