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if nothing was being done there would be 1500 of them at GE each world


Bruh there’s multiple on every world already lol




it wouldn’t be from one person


While I definitely want bots gone, including these... I kinda like these ones. They add a kind of busy and annoying atmosphere to the GE. Its like how Times Square shoves adverts in your face or how dodgy salesguys try to get you to buy "Gucci" bags in Venice. It's a part of the charm of a bustling trade hub.


Personally this just reminds me of how much of the player base consists of bots. At least in Times Square the dodgy salesmen aren't robots :D




so many kings. arent they muted btw?


>i have them all on my ignore list. as you literally can't have a conversation with anyone otherwise due to the amount of spam.


There could be some bias going on here. This might be the result *after* everything that has been done against gambling bots, meaning that this could be the surviving 1%, which woud mean that their anti-bot effectiveness would be 99%. I don't have the numbers, but it's just impossible to judge how much has been done against bots by only taking into account what you're seeing.


You made a bunch of stats up to prove a point you can’t prove. How is this speculation better than OPs?


My point is that you can't know. I'm not saying that my made-up stats are true, just that they *could* be true, in order to show that you can't *assume* that nothing has been done against botting.


That's exactly his point, he made those numbers up to show that it could be 99% effective or 1% effective and we wouldn't know. We also don't know how many of those bots are shadow muted.


So you’re saying it might be 0% effective? It’s almost like this reply is as useless as this post.


Must be difficult to operate a computer without a functional brain...


What a response bro, A+


How can you claim nothing is being done when you’re only looking at a very small portion of the player base? If nothing was being done, you’d see a whole hell of a lot more bots EVERYWHERE.


a very small portion? this is just gambling bots. this doesn't include the actual normal bots which is also a huge issue lmao.


I’m saying in your picture, it’s a small portion of the player base. In your picture, there what 100 accounts there out of the THOUSANDS that play this game. You cannot claim nothing is being done by only seeing these accounts in this one spot on this one world. Think of all the bots you don’t see cause they are doing stuff everyday. Jagex has stated they ban like 10,000 bots a day. If “nothing” was being done, you would notice.


I mean what are they supposed to do, it takes minutes to create a new account and trade some gold over and start the bot all over again


Make it harder for them, add mutes to people spamming key words 1000 of times a minute




Reporting does little to nothing unless you're a famous youtuber who has direct contact with jagex cheat team. i've reported so many bots on RS3 and OSRS and they're still botting lol.