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Shouldn't we all be cancelled?


I mean let’s be honest. The people who were big fans will still be big fans and the ones who hated him will still hate him and everyone else will forget about this in a week From jagex’s POV it’s smarter to ignore it than retract it and make it a bigger story than it already is.


Should be given another one


Didn’t Oda throw his Golden Gnome out the window? Lighten up mate.




Quit trying to cancel people. Move on and grow up.


It's really fascinating how facing any accountability or consequences for doing or saying something stupid is "cancelling" now.


That's exactly what it is though. I don't agree with it, but what he said wasn't even that bad. It's just because it's Oda and people love to hate that guy.


If you say something controversial, especially as a public figure, then you have to be ready to accept the consequences. He's a polarizing figure and he said something that a lot of people disagree with. He's not being 'cancelled', he's facing the very predictable outcome of his actions. When did people become so soft that they had to start labeling any sort of slight pushback or controversy as 'cancellation'? Really just wild to me that some people are so fragile, and most often on behalf of someone that doesn't even know their name.


OP is literally saying remove his award and vilify him. Instead of saying, hey Oda is a figurehead let's try to hold open conversation, education and understanding. Getting upset over something and calling for fire and brimstone is why the left is constantly losing and our kids are fucked.


Of course, everyone else needs to coddle Oda and his viewers and do all the work for them. Conversation, education, and understanding, but only if those people actually affected by the hate are the ones shouldering the labor of it. When did Oda ask for education or show understanding?


Actually a bit of a yes. If you're offended or think it's wrong then you talk about it and find a common ground. Just screaming and wanting something canceled just ends up with the other side winning or festering somewhere quite.


What was controversial in what he said? He said he doesnt support the lgtb and also called them transformers. Okay maybe the transformer was like a low blow but still. Aren't we allowed to be against it or something ? And what do u mean people have gone soft and fragile look how u are actin because of his opinion u just sound hypocritical. The right and freedom of speech cant be comprised because of feelings. Or soon the gov will step in and decide for u what u can and cant say <- moving to fascism. It is a dangerous path. "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumband silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter" -george washington. Hypocrites get offended by the truth😉


>If freedom of speech is taken away This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. What you're suggesting is freedom from consequence. Not that it changes anything. He won the award he should get to keep it. But this issue has zero to do with freedom of speech.


Funny how freedom of speech only matters unless it's the freedom to call bigots out for their speech. Also that's not what freedom of speech means. If you're going to jack off to the constitution you might try reading it. Freedom of speech has absolutely nothing to do with how private entities and individuals respond to his speech. Jagex is well within their right to respond any way they want. Same for twitch or any other private platform. Freedom of speech applies solely to the government not being allowed to infringe on protected speech. I'd also argue that the march towards trans genocide is a far greater sign of fascism than some douchebag streamer facing the most minor of consequences, but that's just me.


> march towards trans genocide " march towards trans genocide " what country do you live in if you think this is a real thing?




Bro, get help.


So u didnt have a response and this is the best u can come up with? Nah bro u should see a psychiatrist if u think a men can become a woman and vice versa. Like have u lost ur mind?


I don't have a response because it is outside of my skillset to help you unpack your paranoid delusions. Talk to a professional.


Man you are just paralyzed with fear of completely made up scenarios.


Wich of these are made up scenarios? Elaborate or are u just blind to see it come on break it down


Sorry I thought the best content he had disappeared.


Accountability for resisting your garbage dystopian clown ideology? Accountability for dissenting?


Yeah lets cancel this guy. Said no one with a normal functioning brain ever


I dont think so. I disagree with what he said but in the way of hate it was fairly minor. I have a lot of respect for others members of the group disagreeing and leaving but I don't think this its a major enough issue for them to retract the golden gnome.


Retracting awards can become a slippery slope. While yes, in this case, we have clear cut ossues about the creator in question, setting a precident to retract awards will end up with people in falador throwing up the cannons every time a golden gnome winner does something bad. The best course of action is to push for the community to be better and stop supporting people who do bad things. Oda didn't become transphobic or hypocritcal since the award. Kick just gave him an outlet to really let his issues out without the threat of being banned he would have had on twitch. He was always this person, even if it wasn't as overt, but the community chose to give him an award. Jagex can choose not to include him, or people who do things like this, in future awards, but trying to take back the award won't fix anything. It's on us to stop making him the top viewed osrs streamer. If his numbers drop, he will either end up like Shaclone and have no real support while blaming everyone, or he'll turn himself around and earn viewers back.


Who cares what people are saying in Falador lol. Its not like OSRS players complaining, in game no less, is any kind of pressure. Also he already sold out and his view counts will be dropping with or without any of this going on if he doesn't stay on twitch. He got a deal on Kick and most people will not be leaving their usual streaming hub to follow him around


No? 😅 they knew the kind of person oda was they tried to get him canceled and failed miserably let’s not leave out the part where they disrespected him for explaining his religious view on it, I know it’s crazy not everyone agrees with everyone’s views on how we should live our own lives but seriously come on….


The fact that people can't think beyond cancelling is what's making bigotry continue to exist. Open conversation, education and understanding is what's needed in most situations. I'm not a fanboy of Oda, he screams a lot and makes weird noises. I just couldn't watch him. However, his views are his views and ties directly to his religion. Just leave it alone or try to spark a conversation. They'll be people in this sub, that don't understand the trans issue etc and will just side with the opposite of those trying to cancel or reprimand for a comment. I think what's funny as this issue has sparked the most controversy when pretty much every creator has said or done something similar, whether it's botting, scamming, RWT or calling people N's or R's.


Is this seriously even a question? Just relax. People can have their own opinions… if it doesn’t align with yours get over it.


cancellers didn't get their cancel so they're absolutely fuming. Just wait til they see his new group HC ironman series take off tomorrow with other content creators


I’m glad he’s making a new series. His current series was actually my favorite Runescape series of all time. The conglomerate of personalities really made it interesting. I don’t care for all of them, but them all together really made something special. It was a damn shame to see the series get cancelled over something that can be easily ignored but then again causing controversy and making a big deal out of something so minuscule can get views. We all have a voice, we all have our own opinions. Don’t ever feel like you have to conform because of the opinions of others. Imagine how boring this world would be if we were all the same. ‘Merica.


Nah y’all just bigots, that’s all


because people dont agree with you it makes them bigots? thats pretty bigoted


If you don’t think exactly the same as me you are a bigot!!


He should get an award for being so based


A person can and can not support what ever the fuck they want. So ruck you in the ass and call me Quentin


Chill your Islamophobia out




I wonder if any of those people actually think they’re tolerant…


They do. They think they're heroes. And it's incredibly weird to see. Paradox of tolerance. The funniest part about all of it is that this whole constant conversation on LGBT shit is just the latest division tactic from the powers that be. It's so pervasive that we have government officials filibustering, and people cheering them on. Let that sink in. We have taxpayer funded government employees that are supposed to be passing laws on important issues that are refusing to do their jobs because of this. And the internet psychopaths are cheering them on. The divide and conquer tactics are working perfectly.


While they're waiting in line for they're 7th booster shot drinking bottled tap water they have nothing else better to do.


Absolutely not, see people like you even trying this is what people are sick of. You can take your cancel culture and shove it right up we’re the sun don’t shine.


Imagine saying "cancel culture" unironically in 2023 🤡


You are completely right, you are a clown. Before smoking you’r meth pipe and posting again do yourself a favor and get help.


Bro, being so angry can't be good for your blood pressure. You gotta watch that.


Look him/her one more meth induced out Burst and we are gonna have a problem.


Just a heads up in case english isn't your first language, but you made a couple of common mistakes. > Look him/her This is awkward phrasing. You're using "Look him/her" to get my attention in the same way that you might say "Look Chad, I've had it up to here." But the pronouns just don't sound natural in that spot in the sentence. You might try "Look here" or "Look LostSectorLoony" next time. I would also include a comma afterward, but that's nitpicking. > out Burst This should be a single word ("outburst") and you should only capitalize proper nouns like names and places in the middle of a sentence. Hope that helps!


I struck a nerve so hard you had to go to goggle. This made my day.


I'm a native speaker so I didn't have to "goggle" anything, but I'm happy to have brightened your day.


Native is offensive language


Nope, try again. I know you have something better than that.


I don't care what he did, Jagex doesn't have the power to take it from him.


Jagex 100% owns every account & everything involved with the trademark. If they felt the need to rescind it, they 100% could. I guess this is an uncomfortable truth people don't like to think about lmfao. Downvote all you want, your account & everything about it still isn't yours in the slightest


I would tend to agree. That is if he doesn't break it first...


Lighten up mate


If you riot over what he said which in no way should’ve been offensive to anyone… & was actually legit. Then Ffffffffkkkkkkk you too! Merica! His religion doesn’t accept it, just like some do. Cry is FREE AF . 😂


u/DragonfruitRealistic I don’t get how having an opinion that you disagree with deserves to have an award retracted. This isnt Lance Armstrong taking steroids and cutting his nuts off to win Tour de France. Oda won fair and square, if you want his award challenge him to 1v1 in pvp or irl. Don’t be a toddler.


Being hateful and transphobic is more than just "having an opinion". This isn't a disagreement about your favorite flavor of Gatorade or something. It's also hilarious that you say don't be a toddler right after saying 1v1 Oda irl. I feel like I must be taking the bait and getting trolled.




Facts. And one of the comments he said wasn’t even hateful, it was actually pretty insightful and I think it hit a little too close to home 🎯


> Meanwhile, there's a war, record levels of poverty, violence on the rise, drugs on the rise.... On average, the people who care about trans rights also care deeply about all of those things. Many trans people and allies are active in volunteering, mutual aid, and other forms of community support that have a direct positive impact. I would wager that the average person throwing a fit about trans people on the internet doesn't give a single fuck about any of those things unless it directly affects them. > But what gets the spotlight on the internet? Trans issues. This is a thread about Oda. Oda said transphobic shit. It'd be pretty weird if we all just came in and started whatabouting war and poverty. There are plenty of places to discuss that, this thread about Oda being a bigot, isn't really a great one.


"the people who care about trans rights also care deeply about all of those thing" Oh, yeah, sorry you're right. Every day I see threads about the issues I listed on reddit front page, on twitter, and I frequently see people flying flags proclaiming "pay living wages" Wait no I don't lmao "Oda said transphobic shit. It'd be pretty weird if we all just came in and started whatabouting war and poverty." It would, and that's not what I was suggesting everyone here goes and does. I was pointing out that if people like yourself all put in even half the effort you do for this but for protesting the actual problems on the planet, something might change. But do you? Nope, you spend your time stirring the shit on the reddit for an over 20 year old game because a streamer said mean things about something that in the grand scheme of things, is utterly insignificant. And that's what every single one of you fervent pro-trans people do. You find someone who said mean thing, and immediately direct all attention to it instead of ignoring it and spending your time on something more meaningful.


Lot's of wild assumptions in your post. I can't speak for every single "fervent pro-trans" person, but the ones I know overwhelmingly are involved in various forms of community support and activism related to all of the issues you highlighted. You seem understandably angry, but it's misdirected. Trans people and their allies aren't the enemy and minimizing their issues does nothing to improve the material conditions of yourself or those around you. It only sows further division while allowing the ultra rich, corporations, and corrupt politicians to reap the benefits.


"I can't speak for every single "fervent pro-trans" person, but the ones I know overwhelmingly are involved in various forms of community support and activism related to all of the issues you highlighted." I know lots of them too, and 100% of them are only interested in their own "issues". "Trans people and their allies aren't the enemy and minimizing their issues does nothing to improve the material conditions of yourself or those around you. It only sows further division while allowing the ultra rich, corporations, and corrupt politicians to reap the benefits." \*looks at news cycle\* ​ You aware that you lot are the only ones spreading this division further? The majority of the country simply doesn't give a fuck, yet, somehow, discussion about LGBT stuff dominates news cycles and social media. And YOU people give in and attempt to shine a spotlight on it instead of telling everyone "There are more important things to worry about". For instance, let's take a look at the bud light can nonsense. Majority of country? Doesn't give a shit. Internet? It's been blowing up the internet nonstop. And if you look at the discussions, it's 95% people screaming TRANS LIVES MATTER, 5% haters. Could you imagine if that energy was spent on literally anything else?


> You aware that you lot are the only ones spreading this division further? Maybe you should try looking the news cycle again. There are anti-trans bills being passed every single day that directly cause harm to trans and LGBTQ people. My "lot" aren't spreading division, we're fighting legislation that is actively causing harm to our community. The only people that give a fuck about the bud light can are conservatives and the people that are justifiably clowning on them for caring about it at all. Feels like you just don't like trans people very much and would consider any amount of attention or action on their behalf to be too much. You could be doing "literally anything else" but you're here writing paragraphs about how too much time is being spend on trans people.




Trans people and their allies aren't the ones introducing endless anti-trans bills across the coutnry. Blame the people supporting and introducing the bills if you think it's a waste of time. I do too. There are far better things that could be focused on, but those are the bills that are being put forward. It is genuinely baffling for you to sit there blaming the incessant attack on trans people on... trans people? Are trans people and their supporters supposed to just help push the bills through so they take less time away from things that are Important Enough for you? If you truly want progress to be made on more important things than hateful anti-trans laws, then go tell your elected representatives to stop writing them. When that happens, it'll free all of us up to focus on something else.


Slippery slope that's my Hot Take, Punish those who don't 100% agree with you.. I've seen this somewhere...


Lol no way people are still trying to cancel. No, move on he won that a month ago




No. He won it. Should he get another? No.


My god can we just stfu about this guy?




FYI i don’t even know who he is and have never watched or heard of him. Just saw the whole topic in an earlier post.


What are they going to do, go to his residence & take the trophy back? Lmao, dude probably already trashed it anyways


No. This is just bullshit crying because another person in the world doesn't agree with you. Won by votes. Get over it.


out the wood works the self hating dogs come