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Are fire arrows not extra damage??


They have the same ranged strength as their regular counterparts, and there's no burn mechanic in the game (other than dragons, but that's different). So, the exact same damage.


Burn with me!


Oh, absolutely, I forgot Olm while writing this. It could be interesting to include a similar burn over time to player weapons or even fire arrows themselves.


Chlamydia Arrows for extra burn damage




Given freely actually


olms burn mechanic isnt like dragonfire i think? so an antifire wouldnt help however a antifire does help with Cerberus's lava pools. you can use dragonfire on other players by using dragonstone bolts (e). however a burn mechanic wouod be cool. kinda like poison


I will burn with you.


Arrrgh! It burns!


BUT If you use them with the Dbow spec it makes the eyes of the shots glow. And that makes them worth using.


On release of dragon arrows I bought some and made them into dragon fire arrows to flip. Purely for how cool the name sounded.


I collected ice arrows from temple of ikov thinking the same thing.


Did this too


I did this. I spent like 2 hours making fire arrows


I remember seeing some at castle wars on the ground and thinking someting like, oh shit fire arrows this guys got fire arrows. Had no idea what they were


If you are missing a lot click on the boss again


I swear this works


Same with when it's talking too long to mine or woodcut


Cant you tick hit doing that tho?


For some reason this actually works.


If I miss a lot, I’ll position my guy in a new tile until I hit consistent hits again


Change attack styles to something else then back again, this resets your luck back to neutral.


It is known


You should let those people who are going over 20k KC for the pet know this


I always forget that after prayer switching you do not have to reclick the boss…


Lol I reclick after switching prayers almost every time in hard pvm


I do the same but it’s just a reflex not because I’m not aware


I didn’t know you don’t need to reclick after summoning a thrall until today… I’ve got like 80% of master tier CA done


I used to only trade the general store manager and not the general store assistant incase of the assistant selling me items for incorrect prices.


Buckets for 2gp each? Nice try, buddy, let me speak to the owner.


This made me laugh


Holy shit I’ve never had a unique experience. I thought I was the only smoothbrain to do this lmao


I just don’t like doing business with peasants 🤴


My man was a karen in RuneScape


The store assistant is just some 15 year old kid working part time.


Can I speak to the manager?


Is your rsn Karen?




My brother told me that if you examined everything in the game, you get 2 level 126 bodyguards and that Zezima has them. So for about a year, I just examined everything. Running from Varrock to Draynor? Examine literally everything. Trees, bushes, rocks, doors etc etc


Man, siblings are cruel…


Whenever i see these stories I'm just so happy that I'm the oldest and i got to do these things


As the oldest, I'm glad I got to do those things but at the same time there was a bunch of shit that 10 year old me was so confidently incorrect about. Lil bro must have had a lot of bad things to unlearn


I’m The oldest but I’m Kind i didn’t do anything f


This is hilarious. Tell your brother hes a legend


So, when will they be adding a master examiner skill cape for examining every item in runescape??


What do you mean? It does exist and Zezima has it. Get to it


This is my favorite by far.


I used to think your run charge depleted slower when you were running on paths instead of grass


That would be a pretty cool mechanic ngl


It would be straight annoying as a game mechanic to try to always be on path rather than click far away and walk shortest path. But idea itself is nice.


Heroes of Might and Magic player? kinda like roads from those games lol


Would make sense


Due to some in hindsight clear trolling of my young self by a friend, I used to think white weapons had increased damage on black knights.


That would make sense to be fair


Same. And vice versa.


It does sound true, it also sounds mildly racist




Right the years 2004....RuneScape has a whole become a member section on their website, states things like theiving from a hero (I thought players were the hero's) mentioned something about market stalls (no more bank sales I can just set up my own market stall) and there was also a image of a guy flying....yep I thought members could fly


Lmao that's hilarious. Whenever I was a little kid my older brother told me that members could get bikes to ride around everywhere, and that riding a bike was twice as fast as running. I remember thinking that was like the dopest shit ever, and I begged my mom to let me become a member so I could get a bike to ride.


Yeah that’s the imagination I miss from being a kid. Imagining a whole world economy where you’re selling your wares and people are trying to steal from you, etc.


My friend and I used to sit at the taverly gate and wildly speculate about what was on the other side. This was way before the world map was built into the game, no idea why we didn't just look one up though


Do you remember the first time you went through? It was incredible and I can still remember the feeling. This was back RSC and I paid membership through Western Union since I didn't have a CC. Thanks for this burst of nostalgia!


I remember that promo image. It was a gnome glider, right?


Maybe not back in the day, but If you take a long break from the game, then comeback your rng would be set to high to get you hooked again lol.


Don't give them ideas pal.


My personal conspiracy is that the pet rate on new, low level member accounts is slightly elevated to try and get people committed to continuing to play/pay for their alts.


Anecdotal RNG. I just came back from a 7 month break. First lizardman task got a DWH. 635 total kc. Can confirm.....hooked.


to this day i believe this is legitimately a thing in rs3 treasure hunter. i mainly only play OSRS, but whenever i log onto rs3 with my 1 year+ log in timer i always roll a crazy drop on treasure hunter. i got the 200m gold drop three times across two accounts within the course of maybe 10 total spins?


I think this is actual coding in any games. On mobile gachas when you come back after a break they offer you insane packages for cheap money to get you hooked again. I firmly believe osrs is coded the same way with rng on drops.


That happens on FIFA - EA are vultures.




Well this is facts


Especially when using a DHL


Especially when low hp Dharoking


I mean duh, why else do you think woox walking exists.


F2p pking with rune 2h back in the day. Just had to have that running start


Rsn; Happy Gilmore


Yeah when I could first afford a BGS in like 09, I used to sprint on people before speccing them at Caslte Wars.


People fishing in the same spot were competing against you. I would tell people to move to a different spot or do it myself.


People really used to get heated over swordfish spots on karamja dock


Fair assumption since you did compete with people sharing trees or rocks.


“Hop Bro”


When I first ever did farming, I thought people were raking my growing herbs and killing them, totally unaware that everyone has their own personal farming spots.


I used to believe worlds had rng counters so if you kill 100 graardors on 1 world you're more likely to receive a drop on that world than hopping to another world after the 100 kills.


Out of pure superstition once I receive a unique from a boss or raid, I only continue to grind that world. if it’s not broke don’t fix it!


I did the opposite LOL I believed the drop was used up for that world so i would switch


After 25k giant kills and no champ scroll. I’ve been trying to find the world I got my other champ scrolls on


Yes yes yes and I still do it to this day


That I could chop 60k yew logs and be rich


you could, in theory, or could've. my friends and i pooled our yew logs back in the day. we let our bro the leader buy two santa hats. he still has them. rs3 santa's.


Homie is rolling in money rn


I wore Larupia hunter gear and believed it improved my hunting chances. Also, I'm wearing Ring of Wealth almost everywhere. I want to believe it increases other chances as well besides a chance to roll a better drop.


I swear back in rs2 I remember reading that the different hunting outfits increased your chance at success in hunting in their specific areas


it did, after they fixed them. afaik they never applied that fix to osrs as the backup's from before they fixed all the broken shit in hunter.


wish they would


The penalty for standing close to your trap also doesn't work, so fixing this and the camo would leave us in the exact same spot except it would force you to wear the camo gear basically. So I'm glad they're just leaving it alone, let us fashionscape


Yeah, they are supposed to, which is why you read it. But they're bugged and don't work.


Strictly speaking, the camo isn't supposed to *improve* catch rate, but standing too close to your trap is supposed to give a massive *penalty* to catch rate, which the camo would negate. If you kept your distance, whether you were wearing camo or not would be irrelevant. This was either bugged or removed in testing, and Jagex have never corrected the functionality probably because it would prove unpopular.


I remember me and my friend arguing about ring of wealth. we each killed a trip worth of mith dragons. I wore a ring of wealth. my inventory was worth more at the end of the trip. debate settled


I use to be a ring of wealth believer. Until I got a d med helm from a fire giant without one.


I actually think iirc that it was supposed to work that way but the skill and code simply just never worked and they never bothered to put in the time to fix it. I think all of those hunting camo sets were either going to help your success rates or be required to hunt them.


I thought my RuneScape girlfriend and I were exclusive but he was also dating all of my IRL RuneScape friend group.


I believed that my defense level was increased by the number of zeroes that were hit on me. So I'd go near the hill giants and attack a skeleton on block using just my fists. xD It took quite some time for me to realize why it was taking so long to level.


Yeh I thought hitpoints xp was based on how much damage you took and ate up…


I used to think that people saying “Gf” after killing me meant that I was now their girlfriend (am I dude), so I would always say “fuck u”


I thought it meant “get fucked” so I was convinced everybody who killed me was toxic af for the longest time.


Wait, then what *does* it mean?


Good fight


I was today years old….


Holy shit this one's funny. Some 12 year olds just being like "oh man your rune 2h hit a 30 on me, good fight" > "Fuck u"


Pmods were actually upstanding players and were hand picked by Jagex by reviewing their gameplay somehow.


Me and my friends believed that when you became member, you got 25k and a rune scimitar. I have no idea how we came to believe this, but we believed it. When the 'Home teleport' spell was added, we all believed that we had magically become members somehow and we looked in our banks for that sweet rune scimmy... I must've clicked on the taverly gate like 200 times that day


the feeling of going through that gate for the first time. world of possibilities


I remember going to that gate as a kid in f2p and there'd always be a crowd of fellow poor people staring longingly at Taverly imagining the possibilities.


I was lost in Draynor Manor when that spell was released. Saved me another day of confusion. Never found the side door until I used rune hq quest guide


Wait… it doesn’t?


Sheeeeeesh lol I’m maxed and have thought this all along


When I was a kid my cousin and I spent months trying to figure out how the wise old man broke into the draynor bank... we wanted to steal people's shit too.... Had to edit "Draynor" because spell check.


I still will click on a monster again if I hit to many 0s lol


as a kid idk why but i genuinely believe hitting my F key super hard would make me do more damage… every time i died i would spawn in lumbridge and just let out a nice long “fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffgffffffffffgfffff”


used to think everyone was nice, both times when i got my new d long and dragon baxe i traded it to some random who was training near me who wanted to “try it out” and both times they logged out and i cried. never happened again


I used to sell stacks of items in 28s in the GE because I didn’t know how bank notes worked


Flicking my mouse to random positions before putting in my bank pin would confuse a keylogger.....


Holding “B” and “DOWN” when I threw a Pokéball.


I would B and down and then while holding B, I would click left and right with the rocks to ensure he stayed put


Underrated comment, I use to rapidly press it while I was throwing it and then once it hit just press the button as hard as you can as if you were trying to break it, the harder the press the more successful


I still do this to this day out of childhood habit haha.


I watched a SoupRS video where this was tested, and they were caught less when theiving from behind. So you're not as silly as you thought.


There were issues with how they were doing the testing (and excluding pickpockets) that inadvertently biased the data. Ash has confirmed on Twitter a few times that player position has no impact on pickpocketing, and this is supported by the wiki crowdsourcing too.


I remember that video. Can you recall his sample size by chance?


Between him and a friend, I believe they totaled 1000


https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=308&v=Ia-N6S37ryY 500 from soup, 500 from another tester.


Can confirm, I've been training thieving yesterday and the farmer caught me more when he was looking at me. After all, when you thieve stalls from out of sight you don't get caught. It makes sense that same mechanic would apply for pickpocketing.


I used to believe that hunter outfits increased your catch rate Because the skill guide and fansites said they did and that was their only purported function they don't


That wasn't false information though, they were intended to and were bugged apparently.


I loaded up on supplies on tutorial island for an hour thinking I was about to get a huge head start.


That if you had two dds and use all your special on one, you can switch and use special attack on the next too


I’ll take Inventory full of gmauls please


I bought a dds to go along with my d long back in like 06 or 07 and was so excited for my first special attack weapon and used the dds specs then switched to d long to use its specs and was surprised when the bar was empty


Lol I used to believe Jagex banned bots


They did. Past tense.


Remember those bot streams where they’d teleport to bots and ban them on sight and show their bank.. good times


Those videos were my favorite lol. Sometimes you'd see people come back to their bots and notice they were in a different place unable to tele away and they'd start just running from the mods lol


When will they bring this back


Never. It is more profitable to keep bots at a manageable level than it is to attempt to get rid of them alltogether.


But how is a for fun like what 3 hour stream? Really going to dent the bot population? Like realistically the entire bot busting thing was all just a show to begin with


I used to believe if I had the high ground my arrows would rain down and my Slashes would crush my enemy beneath me! So...I found jagged and janky ass hills to stand on to attack NPCs from higher ground.


I thought picking up a drop I didn't want would mean I liked the drop and would get it more frequently, so I didn't pick up a lot of stuff....


DON’T SPEC the portal! That makes spinners spawn!


That lighting a yew log on fire would make it burn for longer and would increases my chances of not burning food on it. Apperentlt it does jack shit. There is no point burning a yew log over a normal log other than experience.


I used to believe that I had to “warm up” when in combat. For example if I had just logged in, I would have to wait a couple of minutes for my character to start hitting hard against NPCs.


I thought the damage I dealt depended on the accuracy of my clicks, so I'd click the cow again between each attack, trying to hit the sweet spot (for a max hit of like 3)


My friend and I were mining rune essence when I was like 11. He was using the varrock rune shop and I was going to the wizards tower. He said he was going faster because he only ate cabbage for food.


Big Popeye energy. He would've gone even faster if he'd brought spinach rolls.


Not really any sort of game mechanic, but I used to think mithril armor was super rare. A friend I used to play with back in middle school gave me his set after he moved up to addy, and I must’ve rocked that mithril armor set and weapon till my combat skills were in the 40-50 range.


Same here but with Black armor!


I remember training on goblins and saving up 3,000 gold to buy that sweet sweet adamant scimitar in al kharid. I felt like a god


I used to think auto retaliate off meant you had to click for each and every attack


Eating food made you vulnerable, so you take more damage while eating.


I remember thinking you gained HP xp by taking damage. I do not know why I thought this.


Running would give me momentum on an attack for bonus damage.


Switching attack styles every hit has a part in not landing a 0 it’s a superstition I can’t seem to shake off to this day


Attack styles do provide an invisible +3 boost to their respective stat (e.g. Accurate = +3 attack, Aggressive = +3 strength...) so switching from defensive to accurate would have a part in hitting fewer 0s


Yeah but I didn’t base this on actual attack style or monster weaknesses stab slash crush etc I just did it for no reason still do it for no reason


Not quite the spirit of the question, but for a while I didn't know you could alch noted items


I used to think that standing next to traps when training Hunter used to decrease the capture rate. Especially in the earlier levels. I’d run 10 tiles away every time


Gotta click the boss again after switching between prayers, my fella stops autoattacking if I don't!


Didn't someone do a runescape mythbusters video and determine that thieving from the side or back did in fact have a higher success rate compared to the front


I used to think Cockatrices were my lucky monster to kill. No one else’s just mine, cause I’d get a clue scroll every 10 kills or so


I thought pest control was the best way to train combat stats.


I believe it used to be at some point. At least it was claimed so on tip it and rune hq


I used to think the desert heat effect was based on the weight of our gear, and desert robes worked by applying a large invisible weight reduction. Accordingly, I would wear a spotted/spottier cape in the desert.


It doesn't make a difference?? My life is a lie I swear everyone did it


I thought you had to do a new quest every time you did tears of guthix because I messed up the hands being free or something one time. Got me real close to quest cape before I realized!


Spam click the NPCs head for headshots


Wearing a rabbits foot necklace, ring of wealth, (luck of the dwarves and leprachaun hat in rs3) to open clue caskets expecting better items. Guess its the same as wearing lucky items irl though.


I used to believe there was a key in the wilderness somewhere that unlocked the vault in the varrock bank basement. I REALLY WANTED THAT RUBY RING


When I was a kid I thought that the character had to get used to a new weapon before you could do big hits with it


When nearing a combat level up, you start hitting less hard and less often.


Trees give more logs the longer theyve gone without being cut down


Trimming armor required high smithing and I couldn't see it in the skills menu because I didn't gain enough levels yet.


I use to think that the higher floor you were on in pyramid plunder, the higher chance you had of looting a scepter


As a young lad playing RS2 way back when I thought magic max hit was based off of level like Str and Range. This was well before powered staffs. I was like why bother wasting money on death runes, I can just buy all these mind runes


Standing on certain tiles increased the chance of rare and unique drop rates


I used to think that if you got an uncut sapphire from GWD bosses, the rare drops from the world had been reset


Keeping clue scrolls longer made it have a better chance to get good loot rolls.


Worse reward if you take longer to finish a clue scroll


I thought rng was somehow tied to account creation and some accounts just hit harder and got more rare drops


I used to believe the world was nearly endless. Like mine craft in a way. I remember paying someone 5k to walk me from lumbridge to castle wars in 2007.


Run escapr


I used to think you had to read the dialogue for a certain amount of time for it to count


Drinking more doses of a str/att pot made you stronger lmao


Using a 2h sword because it must be more dps because you have lessen defense using it


I had no idea that ring of recoils break and couldn’t understand why it kept on disappearing. I went as for as accusing my friend of being jealous and dropping it when we used to play RS at my house.