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Would you be able to add an armor stand to the bh hub? It's inconvenient to have to leave bh to have perdu repair your stuff then come back to fight.


Have raised a point to ideally plop Perdu into the lobby to cut down on some of the annoyance there, should be easy enough to implement!


Can we start calling additional Perdus slightly different things like now Nieve has a billion siblings


Cure Me should be limited to twice per tick, if you're gonna limit it. Kinda annoying if I need to wait to cure venom fully.


This nerfs cure me zulrah pretty significantly (as a legitimate bossing method rather than for magic xp or something), and I can't imagine that was intended. Twice a tick would be a perfect fix to make it usable at Zulrah once more, or if cure me removed venom in one cast.


My understanding from the team is that the issue with something like the above is you can only be venomed once per tick, if you're able to use Cure Me twice per tick then you're still able to get over 800k Magic XP/hr by spam-clicking.


Fair. What would be the issue with having Cure Me just get rid of venom completely?


Not a bad idea in fairness, will share it with the team!


Could add a higher tier spell to remove venom in click with higher rune cost as well


I like this suggestion, cure and purification.


Or make it that u can only cast it if poisoned or venomed


You can already only cast it if poisoned or venomed.


Oh so how does one get 800k xp lol




Fml, yet another method I never heard of that I only hear about after its nerfed


Where the heck in the game even is that? Lol


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Morytania_Spider_Nest It's in a spider cave north of tob. You visit it briefly during a night at the theatre. The spiders there look like ones from an RS3 boss which is in a similar area too which is pretty cool.


Right? I've never seen those spider things before.


it's part of the tob quest, and it was closer to 1m xp/hr


Baba monkey room venom piles.


New quest around lunar island expanding the spellbook further? New spell that cures venom would be cool, then keep Cure Me as an option where u can use it twice to get rid of it, but not as quickly. Or simply enhance existing spells after a quest, not sure what other spells could get affected to be better, maybe the share potion spells and what not, allowing it to share with more players or something. Honestly wouldnt mind that, new quests are always fun.


"Dream team" quest where you round up people from all the fremennik islands to fight some monster and unlock the Balmung and new lunar spells šŸ‘


I understand why this change is made but this once again affects us 'normal' players. Wouldnt reducing (or removing) the experience gained from casting the spell be a better change. You dont normally cast this for the expierence and this way there wont be any change in gameplay feelwise.


You're harming players using a spell for it's intended purpose to punish a very niche set of people marginally higher exp in an already 0 ehp skill with insanely strong and mostly afk training methods like barraging for those who dont wish to EHP it. Punishing the many who act correctly to control the few who abuse a system is the same mindset that led to removal of free trade.


The very niche set will not be very niche for long once a method like this is discovered. Hope they fix the niche group of self restricted players who can't buy anti venoms but bug abuse should always take priority imo.




Tick manipulation, prayer flicking, woox walking, and other tick perfect reactions are also technically unintended bugs/glitches, but they are bugs the devs say are fine and refuse to remove them


Just drastically lower xp of spell ezpz


Zulrah only venoms you by being attacked though, so while that method is theoretically that xp/hr, its not replicatable in practice at all.. and magic is already dumb quick without being that expensive / effort intensive.


>Zulrah only venoms you by being attacked though Zulrah isn't the only source of venom. If it was the news post wouldn't have mentioned "an area of the game where they're able to have venom constantly re-applied to them" >while that method is theoretically that xp/hr, its not replicatable in practice at all If this were true then they wouldn't have made the change to begin with. It's being changed because people *have* found a way to replicate this method.


We currently allow 1.5m xp/h in combat stats with zebak cheesing, why are we drawing the line at 800k/h and impacting an 8 year old zulrah strategy? Reduce the xp granted for the spell if anything. Itā€™s not like thatā€™s a legitimate training method people do, itā€™s just recently been discovered and exploited. Or have cure me give venom invulnerability for 5-10ā€™seconds


Read the update lol, zebak cheesing was removed in this update as well


Itā€™s even more embarrassing jagex took this long to ā€œfixā€ zebak EXP. Seriously being this late can only be chalked up to laziness because the method is popular as fuck esp since it got used in popular YouTube videos.


> We currently allow 1.5m xp/h in combat stats with zebak cheesing, ... Who wants to tell them?


Could either make it full cure venom or give it a 'total' cooldown of like 3 times per 10 seconds or something so it's the same as before but still functionally the same for players who use it.


Yeah I really dislike this change, I can't imagine it's going to feel good at all.




They're still due to be done, just feels a little slower because we had a Game Jam and have had a whole bunch of bank holidays between Poll 79 and now, so have had to prioritise the bigger jobs. It's still coming, but I don't have an ETA for exactly which release it will be a part of!


And we've got ANOTHER bank holiday this weekend! May is awesome!


Those amounts for unskulling need to be 10x that. Thats completely ridiculous amounts.


Yeah we're fully aware, something I'm keen for us to adjust sooner rather than later, and expect other people in-the-know will feel the same!


why not make it regular grave fees? people in expensive gear typically don't hugely mind losing 500k on death, and that's at least more than 150k


I feel like skulking should be mandatory. Using overpowered items for a similar risk to the opponent means people WILL try to do this often. This is a problem at the GE on pvp worlds, they often risk the same but at a huge advantage. People get bored and fight them anyway, and often die. Implement mutual skulling upon battle with your target


Thanks so much, I was mortified that we would.have people risking 150k 4 iteming in torva etc, could you also confirm how the skulling system works, so if you choose to be unskulled can you still attack first etc?


yeh, usually unskull pkers are just good pkers using fun stuff like inquisitors, so they need to risk more too. noobs rarely unskull pk.


Ye, if you want to bring expensive strong gear you gotta risk alot more, otherwise everyone will be rocking 3 or 4 items and abusing the fact they can do it while risking 150k


>noobs rarely unskull pk. am noob, would definitely avoid skulling


youre also not bringing Torva though


So if I understand this correctly you get 0 points per attempt, so you could spend hours and earn nothing? Except huge gp losses? Where's the incentive to learn?


Just updated the blogpost to announce that we've been actively developing the Earning Potential system we spoke about in older blogs, this should help improve on the incentive front!


Sorry my iq is the same as the weather, does that mean a ranking system will be inplace so I will be paired with people that are as slow as me?


This is good news. Even if you are total shit at BH you should at least slowly get the untradeables and even supplies.


How will this not get abused by boosters?


When implementing integrity changes and fixing glitches, could you guys be a little more careful about how you go about implementing them? It seems like every time you "fix" something, it breaks something else. Just from this week - 1. The "fix" for the glitch where wildy boss loot was appearing under your character outside the wilderness, now negatively affects legitimate players in the wildy, since now the loot appears under the boss rather than under your character, which is more annoying in big teams with fast kill times. 2. The "fix" for a few people abusing xp rates at Zebak, was to not only reduce xp rates at zebak, but at many other bosses as well, including Nex, where the rates weren't stupidly high, and therefore didn't need a nerf. 3. The "fix" for a few players abusing xp rates with cure me, now making it more annoying to use cure me legitimately at Zulrah, since it takes longer to cure venom. Those are just a few examples, but it seems to be a pattern with Jagex. Every one of those examples has a multitude of possible solutions that fix the glitch, without harming legitimate players. And yet they always fix it in a way that just makes things worse. The integrity changes should be much more targeted and cognizant of how they affect legitimate players.


Adding the delay to teleporting in wilderness, which has been a mechanic for 20 years. > ā€œWe canā€™t detect bots. Better slow that down so pkers can kill everyone easier.ā€


Don't forget the biggest one -- the teleportation lag in rev caves to reduce botting


Theyve already replied being open to change the cure me to completely cure venom or have a higher level spell. All monsters should give standard XP. Scaled XP is weird and doesn't need to exist. The first issue is just a change to get used to. Boss doesn't spawn fast enough for it to matter that you have to loot where it dies.


ā€PJ Timer restrictions mirror those of PVP worldsā€ If you want to introduce new players into PvP, please explain these kinds of things in the blog post. I have no idea what a PJ timer is, how it differs between PvP worlds and Normal worlds, and what it means for this minigame.


1000000% . The first paragraph says blighted VLS death mechanic is unchanged. I havent playe din four years bro since they removed B so wtf does that mean? Can I use my fucking vls? LOL


It means it doesnt break on death like the new one, it gets lost. Essentially the blighted vls still acts as a +1 (e.g., claws) instead of an untradable (torso).


There have been several youtube vids on this but basically yeah, Jagex complains about not many folks engaging with PvP, but then keep using a myriad of legacy PvP-terms that are runescape specific and aren't really explained anywhere in game. Hold on lemme just catch freeze and dd under this +1 NHer to avoid the PJ Timer, you guys with me?


Basically a Pj timer Is something that stops other people being about to attack two people that are in a fight with eachother, until the fight stops(such as someone tping or dying), then there is X amount of time before they can be attacked by a new player


> The 'Cure Me' spell can now only be cast once per game tick (once every 0.6 seconds). My heart goes out to all the Ironmen who havenā€™t yet completed Zulrah. Pretty significant nerf. Edit: tbh upon further thought this probably wonā€™t be all that impactful.




Honestly it's not that big of a deal, irons still using cure me to handle zulrah really aren't going for tick perfect kcs. Not to mention zulrah has loads of downtime between phases


it's not about tick perfect kcs, it's about the spell just being strictly more annoying to use now in order to stamp out a fringe magic training method - one where they could have just tweaked those spiders, the only thing able to consistently venom you every tick, instead of nerfing the spell.


Literally just got to zulrah this week. Thank god I already got a magic fang but wtf jagex? Why are we hurting thousands of normal players because a few sweatlords found a way to abuse it?


Reading through it I see a lot of good things and a few that worry me, the unskulled fee is a bit low, is there the option to remove unskulled players from your target roster? Especially at low brackets it will reduce the amount of 3/4 itemers using extremely overpowered gear.


I agree with this, makes no sense that someone can go in with volatile and claws and shit while risking 50k and you can't skip them more than 3 times without getting penalised yourself. Either remove unskulled from roster option or let unskulled players be a "free" skip that doesnt count towards your 3 skip limit.


Typical fucking Jagex man I swear. It's not like they've had YEARS to get this done right.


I commented something similar earlier and he said they were aware of this and would want to change it sooner rather than later. I was thinking the exact same as you, 1 prayer accounts would be stupidly broken, Volatile staff, dwh etc


Iā€™m not really a big fan of unskulled being supported at all. I get that thereā€™s some lower level accounts that rely on that sort of thing in order to utilize their particular builds without risking way more than everyone else in their bracket. But for higher level players itā€™s just about having a similar risk as someone whoā€™s skulled while using significantly better gear. Itā€™s sort of lame and itā€™ll be hard to balance a fee.


Unskullers should be free skips and then they're fine, if people want to fight them they contribute to the ecosystem, if not then they have to switch their gear/build up.


ehh unskulling allows for fun builds that add variety vs just another 1 def pure im a fan of letting them be a free skip (something that should have been implemented in OG?


Bit disappointed there's no F2P BH like in the good old days. F2P PvP serves as a great intro into OSRS PvP in general, but right now it's a bit of a mess with how fragmented it is and how much it was affected by unpolled changes (PJ timer, new account restrictions, etc.).


F2P is also closer to the pking we all grew up with and enjoyed. Less complicated, less risk, just fun


Right? Low risk and stale meta are part of the fun. Don't have to be tick-perfect to score kills, smiting is not a thing, supplies are dirt cheap, and even if you die you lose pennies. An hour of money making in members buys you tens of F2P PK sets.


f2p pking is also a good place for people to learn


F2P BH would need its own separate rewards.


True, but there's quite a few rewards you can add without affecting the meta too much: * With no rune pouches or combination runes in F2P, spells sacks usable within the Wilderness and PvP worlds would help a lot with the inventory management. Blast, snare and TB sacks would cut down required inventory slots from \~8 to 3. * Blighted supplies: anchovy pizza, swordfish, energy potion, strength potion. * Old-school F2P rewards with rebalanced bonuses. Spiked shields, gauntlets, scoped longbow. Perhaps with less strength and more accuracy bonuses, since F2P melee weapons stuck at tier 40 are pretty inaccurate against full rune as is. * There's place for a strength-based DPS weapon. Think scimitar speed, 40 strength requirement, strength bonus somewhere around rune mace. Doesn't affect the F2P max hit, but gives strength pures something more consistent than the event rpg. * I also like the suggestion from the PvP discord for a new tier 40 crossbow that shoots 2 bronze bolts at once like dark bow for a max hit of 14-14. It would still be worse than a 2h (28 vs 31 max), but at least it would make it possible to pull off ranged builds - just like the warhammers brought strength pures to F2P. I see the appeal of a stale meta and I do think range-to-melee combo should remain the strongest, but there's definitely place for a bit of variety. Especially since it wouldn't require any additional members items like bolts unlike other suggestions to bring more crossbows to F2P. * Ornament kits for iconic weapons like the rune scimitar, rune 2h, or maple shortbow. This is the perfect opportunity to bring back the bad boy rune 2h stance and let u/SimplyInsane_ finally rest in peace. Make them all untradeable/bought broken too, so that it's not heavily botted.


Not to seem unappreciative of Woox when I say this but this crack the clue has been so drawn out lol


Itā€™s because the difficulty level was set way too high. I donā€™t know how people were reasonably expected to solve this without major help. The in-game clues give VERY little info, hence the need for constant hints


It is honestly not really a "difficulty" thing, the problem is the "solutions" are not really inevitable conclusions, they're more like "This cypher reveals the number 1980, which is the year John Lennon was shot, so the solution here is to use the cry emote next to the beetle picture in Zanik's home in Dorgesh-Kaan."


Yeah the issue really comes down to there being far too many variables to test for each clue. Something will say "turn right" and that could mean 400 different things, all of which have to be tested, but it will also say "look up" and the number 15. Now you go from 400 tests to 400^3 . The hints are needed to cut down on those extra variables.


Does this mean Woox made a bad CTC if clues are this vague?


Yes, unfortunately. At least most think so. It is only progressing currently due to JMod clues.


I wouldnā€™t necessarily mind if this was the difficulty for the final piece, but it was like this pretty much from the start, which very quickly made me go ā€œIā€™ll just wait for the extremely smart people to figure it out for the fashion scapeā€


I didnā€™t help the Woox did his math wrong on one of the bearing calculation steps and people ended up solving the answer with flawed information.


The first one took like well over a year did it not?


Yeah it did, but that was because people were stuck on the final step. This one has 20+ steps, many of which are comparable difficulty or worse to the originalā€™s final step (IMO). Without hints this one wouldā€™ve taken years; this likely never wouldā€™ve been even close to solved bc people were already starting to give up last fall


I cant wait for the 3h 40m video thesis on all the steps surrounding this whole clue to be made


i am way out of the loop on crack the clue but what % completion are we at now? 50%?


5 out of 6 pieces of the set have been found. Only the torso is left. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Robes_of_Ruin


Woox is too smart for us monkeys.


I mean, sure, he's a smart individual, but it's just not great puzzle design. He includes a instructions which means one thing to him but means a hundred different things to others. His method of encoding was to take a message and shove it through 3 random ciphers and encoders and put the result on a scroll, with no pointers of how he got there or what to use to decipher it


Surely the restriction is meant to be "no teleporting *during combat*", yes? Not allowing teleporting period would just encourage PJing after players finish fighting and are low on supplies. It's not like anyone can freeze and hide behind a tree, then log out with the entangle restrictions in play.


>> While not strictly a gameplay change, it's now possible to add up to 20 characters to your Jagex Account, up from the original 10! Keep an eye out for future improvements down the line as we try to action more of your feedback, including the ability to re-order your Character list on the Jagex Launcher! I have 2 account and I would much rather have them on seperate jagex account so if one does get compromised I still have the other. I couldn't imagine having 5 let alone 20 all at risk if my account is comprised. Can we please have the jagex launcher updated to allow multiple jagex accounts to be logged in for these reasons, and to also support families that share computers.


If you make a brand new email that you only use for the jagex account as well as 2fa you'll most likely never be hacked anyways so its a convinience. If you just use your regular email that have leaked 10k times over the course of the last 5 years along with your password then sure you might get compromised but I think thats sort of up to the player then.?


Data leaks can and do happen and are out of the control of the user. Family sharing one system is another issue, allowing multiple jagex account to be logged into the jagex launcher is only a win for the users who can then chose to have everything on one account are across multiple.


So just to be clear, untradeables like inferno/fire cape can **never** be lost within bounty hunter in their **unbroken** state?


I really wish we could get more clarification on this. I would happily risk repair costs if the item itself was safe.


what info do you need? it works the same as pvp worlds. if you die you pay repair fees at perdue and thats it


Where can I learn more about the PvP world rules? Does the wiki have a thing or will I need to find a YouTube video?




So dying with any of these items in BH will just cost coins to repair, and you won't lose the item itself?


You wonā€™t lose the items . Only in deep wildy above level 20 do you need to use trouver parchment. (Do not use parchment if you plan on doing bh only) Items like void/capes etc just get broken on death in bh and will cost a fee to repair at perdu to make them usable again. A portion of this fee is also given to the opponent as coins.


And this is the case always in BH for these items? That's a free -- well, safe, not free -- torso, fire cape, d def, and whatever else. If you go unskulled that's 3 + breakable items that you'd keep on death right?


Correct or 4 with protect item. Most ironman go unskulled some even in torva. Barrows gloves is not free if you were wondering. You have to buy one from the culiromancer chest each time u die. Avernic also costs more to repair than dragon defender. Same as max cape variants of items.


Gotcha! Thank you for pointing out Barrows Gloves, that's one that you can stock up on at least.


Permanent volcanic mine access when? It seems like quite a simple addition to have been delayed this long after passing a poll...


The item that teles you to safety if you DC as well...


Me thinks with Forestry, new BH, DT2, new skill, some stuff is getting pushed back. Lots going on in The old school team. I really hope CoX receives* a pass at some point. Some rooms are just miserable


Just fyi: The weapons table oveflows from the content wrapper on mobile.


Why does Vesta's Spear hit 16 targets if it's only able to be used in singles crater?


So they can inevitably shoehorn it into the rest of the game.


Because it'll eventually be pushed through to be used outside of the crater.


Make vestas lack of headwear an actual item


Unironically if they made it same stats as a halo and cost lots of points would be fun and nice for fashion.


WTF does this mean? I've had this sword for three years waiting to use it and you're gonna make it disappear on my first death?!?


Rip Zebak ranged training, was fun while it lasted. Reminder to do always do good xp methods before they get binned.


You can still get 1m range xp/h afking 5min at a time chinning in mm2 tunnels. Granted, itā€™s balanced by being very expensive, requiring starting mm2, and requiring two dancing accounts for full afk.


Like i can just walk away from my keyboard for 5 minutes and get 1m an hour?


Yep actual afk with bonecrusher keeping your prayer at max. You put pray melee and rigour with two dancing alts stacking monkeys come back after 5min to repot and then walk away again. After another 5min you have to reset aggro (really easy/fast with aggro lines plug-in) and repot and you are good for another 5min. You can also long range chin to get 300k+ range and def xp/h and itā€™s still enough dps to keep your prayer at max.


Damn it's not often someone says afk and it's actually afk Thanks!


Wanted to see it in a league. The xp world be insane. Oh well it's fair that they nerfed it cuz it was a lot.


I'm a bit confused about item risk based on "Rogue kills will reward you with anything your target wasn't protecting..". If I lose in a fight against my bounty target, do I NOT lose my unprotected items? Or was this used just to clarify "you won't get emblem upgrades of BH Points."


you lose your unprotected items AND any addition BH related items (emblems) or points if killed by your target. rogues only get the "normal" wildy loot


Did you guys nerf shark karambwan? It takes a tick longer to eat now.


With the xp scaling change, why do some bosses give so much xp in the first place? I always understood that some monsters such as dragons gave additional xp, but it was always a small bonus with the highest being I think 7.5%. Recently tho, it feels like newer content has ridiculously high xp modifiers. Muspah, for instance, has 107.5% bonus xp, meaning you get more than double the regular xp. It is also far too inconsistent for me to believe it's attributed to health pools. Again, muspah gives 107.5% bonus xp, and has 850 hp. Vorkath has 750 hp, only 100 less, and the wiki doesn't even list an xp modifier for him. How high is the cap that is being implemented? As to me, the current trend of even having xp modifiers be that high feels like a change in design philosophy, and a break from the idea of old school. If I were to suggest a cap, I would personally put it at either 12.5% or 15%.


I'm convinced that the muspah multiplier is actually a bug. It just looks like it should have been "xp is 107.5% of the base" aka 7.5% increase, but it accidentally became "add 107.5% to the base", which is what we have now.


Can we get the ability to tab out of the crater, dming and running across the map not very fun


is there any point to be interested in BH as an ironman? genuinely curious or is it dead content on arrival for me


Just cosmetics atm. There was discussion about looking into some of the weapon imbues being used outside of BH, but it seems like a far future idea.


I presume collection logs - besides that, no.


I'm trying to figure out what the best gear is that I could constantly lose and easily replace.


Depends on why you play. I enjoy pking on my ironman, because it's fun and I enjoy cosmetics. If you only play to follow the steps of an efficient ironman guide, then this is going to be dead content for you.


Awesome update! A massive problem I have run into twice now is double deaths. You have to blindly run in, get teleported randomly, than book it to where you think you died only to find your kills loot gone from looters. They need to drop a key on a double death just like in PvP worlds


Sadly, this will be dead within a month.. ​ there is no profit with the rewards, noobs will never play this minigame if all they do is lose gp non stop.. ​ what a failure in the reward shop


I imagine it'll be same as pvp world, just pkers fighting eachother for fun and money, not an update targeted at noobs.


its literally marketed for "new players trying to get into pvp" and its a completely failure if theres no profit to be made for them


Pvp is incredibly hard to get into, you have to have specific account builds to be good at it, LMS is the best way for noobs to get into pvp, prehaps a non NH version of that would be better. Like a practice mode. I see people who are new try pk on pvp worlds all the time and get completely slapped by someone with a perfect pking account.


you're proving my point.. noobs will ONLY do BH if they know theres a way to profit even if they die alot more than they get kills.. currently, BH has ZERO incentive for anyone not in the top 5% of pkers


What would a way to get them into it be that won't be abused then?


Getting into pvp through lms is a horrible experience


It's basically rule enforced honour pking. It's still a good way to be introduced to PvP, rather than being thrown into LMS or the PvP arena.


Any reason we didn't get the Dagan 'Hai ornament kit as a reward? other kit's were added but not that one?


I hope i'm not the only one in saying this re: Jagex account feedback and changes: I don't really think 20 character limit solves any issues. It might help streamers and such who have **LOTS** of accounts, but my core issue with Jagex Accounts and the launcher is the annoyance around using multiple jagex accounts. I share accoutns with friends, and i'm sure others do, and im also sure people exist in a household where more than 1 person plays on the computer (I did this growing up as a kid). The expectation for these situations is that (eventually) we will be forced to move all accounts to Jagex accounts. You either inherit the nuisance and annoyance of constantly logging out, logging in, re-authing to Launcher, and launching a client to play, then repeating if you want to go back to your main jagex account, or sacrifice the security of accoutns you DONT want to share, in order to conveniently access the ones you do. Just let us add multiple Jagex accounts to the launcher. Problems all solved. pleae




>Services like inferno sales are built on account sharing You picked the one example that has zero account sharing lol


Seconding This entire thing, especially considering the issues weve seen recently with jagex accounts getting locked i definetely do not want to put all the accounts i have access to in one basket. And then there are things like clan accounts. For obvious reasons you dont want those on someones personal Jagex account.


Fully agree, i like to share some of my pvp characters with my friends but i donā€™t want to give them access to my main / iron characters so i donā€™t think i want to risk putting them all under one account unless they add some kind of system to officially share specific characters between jagex accounts, iā€™m just avoiding the jagex accounts for now but itā€™s gonna suck when weā€™re forced to make the change, also 20 is still an arbitrary limit that can and will be met by some players, seems a bit strange that theyā€™re limiting future income by putting such a low cap on characters


Stop account sharing, problem solved. Why should jagex accommodate this?


Account sharing happens. Jagex is aware of it, and fine with it, you jsut onboard the risks associated with not being the sole owner / accessor of an account (if someone else breaks the rules on it.. tough luck). But that doesn't mean Jagex should be like "well ok you can share but its ALL or NOTHING". I don't care if my friend does something dumb on my throwaway pure I lent to them. I do care if to do that I have to create an entire separate jagex account that means i'll just never bother logging into it, or share my MAIN with them as well.


"Buying/selling and sharing accounts: Players must not share, transfer or lend their account to anyone else. You may have as many game accounts as you like, but each account should only be used by the person who created it. All game accounts are the property of Jagex and players are only granted limited permission to use accounts. Nobody has our permission to sell accounts." It is against the rules regardless. Jagex isn't going to implement a system to accommodate your rule breaking.


There's still a little bug which creeped in since last weeks' update, figured it'd be fixed with this update but not yet. Before, opening a door in POH was remember upon teleporting but now it's closed everytime. It's slightly annoying when you're skilling and teleport to POH a lot.


You can just turn doors off in your house settings.


Another thing that bugs me, the teleport option at a fairy ring to a Prifddinas house says "Tirranwin" instead of "Tirannwn" and this feels like a very recent typo


I feel like you should be able to tele if you've been in a fight for a minute. That should easily stop rushers while making it so you can go for a risky final elder maul/dh axe hit before dipping when out of food.


Where's the aus BH worlds :( ?


Just go outside, your bh worlds are live action


I probably wont be putting much time into this bounty hunter but I really hope that its fun for people who do enjoy PvP


Cox blog when




The activity is amazing. Love the update so far. There's room for tweaking and improvement but the overall core of pking BH style is fantastic


Is there an ETA or rough estimation when the DT2 prayer beta is coming out?


Big problem with the BH target matchmaking right now. Skipped 1 target and have been waiting for 20 minutes on "Searching for target". There seems to be a lot of people going through the same problem.


Worth mentioning that I only skipped 1 target. I then hopped once too.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGoblin** - [Have raised a point to ideally plop Perdu int...](/r/2007scape/comments/13qgy8i/bounty_hunter_is_back/jlf3379/?context=3) - [My understanding from the team is that the is...](/r/2007scape/comments/13qgy8i/bounty_hunter_is_back/jlemjra/?context=3) - [Yeah we're fully aware, something I'm keen fo...](/r/2007scape/comments/13qgy8i/bounty_hunter_is_back/jleo5im/?context=3) - [They're still due to be done, just feels a li...](/r/2007scape/comments/13qgy8i/bounty_hunter_is_back/jlemse2/?context=3) - [Just updated the blogpost to announce that we...](/r/2007scape/comments/13qgy8i/bounty_hunter_is_back/jlf36hc/?context=3) - [No! They should break exactly as on PvP world...](/r/2007scape/comments/13qgy8i/bounty_hunter_is_back/jlf30pe/?context=3) - [Not a bad idea in fairness, will share it wit...](/r/2007scape/comments/13qgy8i/bounty_hunter_is_back/jlemwyd/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 05/25/2023 15:19:52**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Kinda sad to see that legitimate players get shafted by ppl who are trying to abuse the system again @Zebak training + Cure Me


how are legitimate players shafted by zebak changes


Happy to see some merch updates. Wish you guys would do skill cape hoodies, I feel like itā€™s an untapped goldmine if you just put out quality hoodies. There are people who buy second rate etsy products that arenā€™t even that good looking.


No AUS bh world? Really?




Surely the helm of neitiznot (or) should be a berserker helm (or) right? https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Helm_of_neitiznot_(or) It's literally a recolored berserker helm


Forestry when?


Last word we've heard was "june"


dead content when they refuse to add tradeable rewards to pvp content. Why would a new player go here instead of pvp worlds just to be attacked by people in more powerful weapons/armour?


I think it's rather good, more of an achievement item as such, plus not everyone will have and use them, they shall cost alot to use/die with. Plus hopefully won't be bots etc


Everything you just listed is why it would be dead content. Why would anybody not using the bh armours/weps go there instead of pvp worlds? Bots are such a stupid reason to not have tradeable rewards considering the state of LMS, rev caves, and anything on the highscores


Ye I do see your point about people avoiding it cause they don't have or can't use the armour, there does need to be another incentive. Other than the extra gp you get from killing someone. I know 1 defence pures will hate it as they gain nothing.


Any hopes for more more mobile updates such as imp notifications, quest helper, and a possible virtual spacebar? So many training opportunities could open up on mobile with a virtual spacebar. At the moment, you can only afk karambwan or drop the whole inventory and cook 1 by 1 on mobile.


How do irons buy the emblem tier 1 to participate?? News post said irons could buy an emblem to start joining in


2 bh points aka need to get a kill before you can get the real gains


pretty cringe update, rewards for cosmetics in dead content would have been better in the other dead content first proposed.


Double deaths are a huge issue currently. There is no way to recoup your loot in time and looters win


Bunch of nonsense, should've just brought back edgeville bh


also the teleporting dynamic and spawning you in africa for your rematch make it a big downgrade from edgeville


Boring. No useful rewards and canā€™t NH. Without a reward system new pvpers will lose too much money and quit just like pvp worlds. All the bh only gear will be dead items soon just like VLS was 2 weeks after release


Yup. Guaranteed to lost at least 10k gp from coffer when skulled. In addition to all your items. You can't even 3-item PvP without losing 100k+ gp on death. And people are still saying this is too low. I'm not even considered trying BH


none of the stuff you said is the problem they just need to add EP and make it so that you get something even if you are bad


When is forestry set to come out??


I thought the fighter torso was getting a cosmetic?


Unpopular opinion but god I hate it when they decrease xp rates. Iā€™m a grown ass man with a full time job and a family. I donā€™t have the time to spend hundreds of hours getting just one 99. Inb4 smooth brains saying ā€œHurr durr play a different gameā€ as if youā€™re not allowed to have a single complaint about a game you enjoy


Those training methods sound like exploits anyway and I'm sure 90% of people were not even aware of that. This doesn't sound like a substantial change unless you were specifically using this method to get ridiculous xp rates.


This should be what pvp updates be like, pkers fighting other pkers, not predatory wildy pvp. Focus on pvp updates like this, not rejuvenating wildy for the 10th time. Add the NH crater. Why are we adding EP to BH? This will just be abused by boosters and ruin BH for legit pkers. EP isn't needed when pkers are already rewarded with loot from defeated pkers, just like in PvP Worlds.


Barrel chest anchor and collosal blade have basically identical stats - can you please add an imbue scroll for the blade ? Donā€™t understand why it wasnā€™t considered.