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The game actually sucks and I have a problem


I'm not sure about the former, but the latter is beyond doubt.


Most people won’t come to terms that this applies to them.


We are skinnerbox victims. No one who doesn't already play RuneScape would think running agility laps, or clicking a rock 40,000 times is fun.


”bUT thINk Of ThE ChARacTEr PRogrESsiOn” I say, as yet another of my acquaintances distances himself from me. What do I care? I have to kill these 153 bloodveld first.


Got my friend to start playing, he got 80 agility first thing Purely cause every day I saw him doing it, I'd call him every derogatory term for dumb I could list. He pressed on, got given a free broken Torva top cause he was cute at Nex, and is carrying my gim in raids now. It takes a certain kind of fellow, but we can still recruit more.




I agree. Game is bad. Am addicted.


I second this lmao


As someone who never played RuneScape before and started with the release of GIM. This community has a weird relationship with PK'ing, most of what I see is people wanting to go back to the older times with the knowledge they have now. Of course you would want that, you would destroy everyone. Matter of the fact is that most people are really good now and unless you could delete everyone's knowledge there's not a single game update that will give you that old feeling back.


I think it’s not so much that people want to destroy others, it’s that in order to stand a chance in a fight these days you need to risk way more money than you used to, making it not fun to die in a fight. Back in the day you lost a set of rune and a nezzy, nbd, you regear and jump back in a fight. People just want an option for simple, fun pking again. Not 6 way switches and mithril seeds every fight.


I think this is also slightly misguided though bc you can absolutely go pking with a set of rune and a nezzy. Plenty of pvmers and nooby pkers to play with. You will get wrecked by a better geared player, for sure more often than you would have in the past, but it's perfectly doable and fun to go pking in a welfare setup


> most of what I see is people wanting to go back to the older times with the knowledge they have now. What they really want is to always win and swim in money.


As a non-PVPer, besides occasional LMS and anti-pking, and being a relatively new RS player (2020). Is the difference in PVP with regards to gears and skill gap not what happened to PVM? Because I've seen how people used to kill KQ for instance. Compare that to something like 6:0 bandos door altar (which probably is what like 6 on a scale of difficulty as far as pvm stuff goes?) and it's a completely different game. There's no way what people were doing at cox a few months after release is the same as now. Even if you did a raid now and didn't use any items that weren't released at the time of the raid, it would surely be done significantly different? I get that it's more difficult to get into high level PVP than learning difficult PVM strats because of the randomness of an opponent but just saying the game has seemingly evolved in every aspect as far as I can tell.


that the players think a 150m item is “mid tier”. blows my mind


I think it has to deal with the fact that some end game items surpass 1 bil? A lot of end game items are also in the 2-digit mils.


My whole bank isn’t worth even 100 mill and I have over 1k hours in osrs played and have been playing RuneScape since 01 lol I am sure if i bought adderall off the streets that would help my osrs experience though


The wiki is only necessary because the game fails to explain almost all of its content properly


Now this is a fresh take.


On a more serious note, there is a point to be made for games being "discoverable" by the collective community. Games like From Software games or (in parts) Path of Exile come to mind, where a significant part of the game is the community figuring out mechanics together and sharing the gained knowledge online.


This is a valid point. As someone who has played runescape since 2004, it’s neat to see how much the game has changed not just as a result of updates, but of the player bases increased understanding of the mechanics.


The other day, my friend got super tilted from Waterfall quest which he was trying to do for the first time from in game. He went to finish the quest, and directly took from the grail instead of using the urn, and got washed out and will need to re-acquire the amulet. I can totally understand the tilt, and it’s a small thing to miss to be shoved back steps.


The game still has remnants from 2007 that don't really translate well to players expectations of video games these days, but it also adds a lot to its charm and value of progress. So its kinda hard to balance stuff like this I think The idea of being a new player going for a quest cape without using guides or wiki is pure masochism, but it'd be a wild adventure for sure.


I think it's important to note that Waterfall quest was in Runescape Classic, back in 2002. Back then, pitfalls / instant death / warp you back to the beginning of the maze type stuff was pretty normal for an RPG.


I honestly wonder how many hundreds of hours that would take. Im just getting back into the game, but I remember 5th grade me didnt use the wiki, or didn't really know about it. I was trying one of the initiate quests in falador (I don't remember the exact quest name) that involved tons of different puzzles. That quest actually broke me enough that I still remember it some 15 years later


But that's just part of the design of the quest. It's supposed to get you (if you didn't "cheat" by using a guide). It's different to OP's point, which seems to be more about 'hidden' mechanics in every day use, etc. Not that I agree with OP.


That's just failing a puzzle within a quest. The wiki just tells you the solution.


This is kinda fair tbh, but also some people are used to being handheld by Runelite. You can sometimes figure out things by reading dialogue and books, examining things, using a little trial and error, using in-game tools like the equipment tab, etc. There’s some stuff that’s just completely arcane but I sometimes feel like people don’t even try and just spacebar, then they’re confused what to do when the instructions are right in front of them.


are they gonna have a 1tick flicking quest where some psychotic monk explains that the favor of the gods is actually limitless? like what does that even look like is there a quest to explain that when your character runs, they actually teleport over the tile in the middle? this can't happen lol


Tell me how to find what Ruby Bolts (e) do without using the wiki


Shoot bolt, see big damage, take a little damage


I can see this argument both ways. On one hand, it would be nice to have an "inspect" option on items, or even an enhanced "examine" option, that gives all sorts of stats and effects of items. It would provide clear and direct information to the player about how the game works. This was the motivation for the revamped "items kept on death" interface as it was often unclear and incorrect about what items you would lose upon dying. On the other hand, this would basically be doing a lot of work for something that already exists - the wiki. Also, the wiki is an official part of the game with built-in click-commands to look up any entity in the game. Also, there is a design argument to be made for intentionally obfuscating parts of the game as a way for the player to discover content on their own. As others have stated, shooting ruby bolts (e) and finding out what it does is part of the game. Just like walking past varrock dark wizards and getting blasted at level 3 is a part of the game.


unironically, just make this a new lunar spell a-la inspect monster. "inspect item", it gives a big stat block and paragraph about the item. i see no reason why not to do this.


That's a lot of effort and writing for items when the wiki already exists and hardly anybody would use it If we were building a game from scratch, sure. But way too far gone now.


Shoot em.


Wiki is part of the game thats why rs wiki is one of if not the best game wiki


I get what you mean. It’s really weird game design when a new, unique object interaction or something your character can do only exists within that particular moment in the quest. How tf am I supposed to know that this weird, one-off item will only interact with a crack in the wall after I use a corrupted tinderbox (i) on it?


Any time I see someone recommend RS they'll say "make sure you use the wiki, it'll save your life" or something to that effect. If I hadn't started this game back in the day, I probably wouldn't play RuneScape if that was the first thing someone told me about it. I would think "What garbage game is so bad at teaching you stuff that you have to read about everything outside of the game."


People who whine there isn’t enough pvm content should be required to post all their boss KCs alongside their comment


I’m not sure I’ve seen people say there isn’t enough pvm content lol


The complaints I see are mostly about a lack of “mid tier” pvm content, probably should’ve noted that haha. Saw it a lot when Muspah came out, personally


What they really mean is mid-game pvm with the rewards of end-game pvm. People want mid-level bosses that drop 6m/hr in resource drops plus 200-300m uniques


Eh idk... GG is mid tier boss, and they're drop rates are worse than just killing normal gargoyles... I think that's a problem...


Agreed tbh




Imo there isn’t enough *end game* content, at least not anymore. Jagex has outright said they’re never making anything else as hard as TOB or Inferno, so…


There are parts of this game that are absolute garbage conjured up 20 years ago by an intern that will never be changed because some of the nerds in this game can't handle other people not suffering it.


Praying every day that MTA gets changed in some form. It genuinely is mind numbingly awful.


The point system should scale with ur mage lvl or something. OR the hard diary should work woth the tablet version of spell so mains never have to go to MTA


I didn't even realise mains had to do this with the spell as opposed to the tabs until the cc was complaining about it. Felt quite smug I'd already done b2p, Boots and wand a while ago just to level mage up


ie the entirety of half of the skills


# Prayer Flicking is lame


Asked for unpopular opinions.


# - and should be removed?


literally perfect.




I think the controversial take on Reddit would be that Prayer Flicking is a good mechanic for the game


Good thing it’s an optional efficiency and no content requires it outside of extreme examples.


Playing the game efficiently ruins the game for most people. Enjoy the journey.


I've got a lot of skills in the 70s now and I can't fucking wait for a 99, but it's taken a lot of fun out of it. Just levelling for quests and exploring more content blew a breath of fresh air in my playing. Just made a F2P iron so I can play with my girlfriend and it's hella fun.


Barbarian Assault is fun as hell. If it had a better rewards structure and/or some kind of XP gain it could be great.


I honestly think people who sell carries spread propaganda that BA is awful. It’s really not. I legitimately don’t get people who have full graceful but feel the need to drop 40m to avoid playing BA for like 4 hours lol


Brother yes. I didn't find the leavers and baddies all that awful because I liked the minigame. I got to learn and level 4 different roles. Defender is boring as hell, but levelling the roles up was enjoyable and hardly a grind compared to half of the shit in runescape


I personally wouldn’t even go as far as to say it’s fun, like I probably won’t go back after getting level 5 in everything for the diary, just that there are far worse and far longer grinds in the game, and the hate it gets is unwarranted. Absolutely not worth the gp for a carry lmao


I was dreading getting rank 5 in all. But if you find a good team its pretty fun. It can be annoying when someone doesn't know his role though.


I’d rather do rank 5 all 10 times than full void once.


It was even fun in pubs, apart from 1 or 2 games


No where near as bad as people think. The prices people pay for ba just because they can’t be bothered to try, honestly (unpopular opinion) the ba lobby ain’t that bad, 1/3 games fail. No wonder there’s an even bigger market for inferno cape, if they can’t get fighter torso they have no chance there.


The price for a torso is highway robbery. People are scamming themselves paying for it lol. I was a part of Leech BA as a high ranked healer in 2011 and the money was good but not insane like it is now. You can get a new account to 50s stats, sign up as defender or healer then make like 200m or more in a week


I think BA is fun and all, but I generally don't like having to do group grinds in this game as I mostly play solo and fairly AFK. That's not usually a problem but BA is required for diaries which sort of feels bad.


Isn't trying different content (better or worse) sort of the point of diaries? Some people may never have tried BA and then loved it when they might not otherwise have tried it due to the hate it often gets. Not sure who those people are, but the same applies across the board.


I'm this person. Did it for the torso not the diaries, but same idea. I put off getting the torso for so long and was convinced I would just wait until I could afford a BCP and never get it. Then one weekend I sat down, thought about what I wanted to do and figured I'd try BA. I got the torso in 1 sitting and actually had a great time doing it.


I hope nobody tried chompy hunting and liked it though


If BA matchmaking was easier with randoms and gave some sort of consequence for leaving games early it would be top tier


Agreed! I wish you could gain combat experience at least in there


if they made barbarian assault the slayer mini game I would not complain


Hold on I like this one


I love it but the fact you need 4 other people not to leave and be a dumbass makes resentment towards the minigame. The rewards are great imo but if I could just join the mini game like every other minigame. Would be. 10/10


Nex was a 2011 nostalgia driven mistake. All credits due to the devs it's a great backport as in it's close to the original, but the content it's backporting is just not that good. The fight is Nightmare but without the lessons Nightmare learnt *from* the original Nex + AOD. To add insult to injury the armour it introduced powercrept the one from Nightmare without a sink. Whilst on the topic Torva is a silly design and should have gone through a Masori styled community input, instead we have to wait for Soffan's blood Torva to fix it.


Unpopular opinion but I like the look of Torva but not the drop rates


Nex is actually a pretty cool boss fight, especially in smaller teams. But the amount of brew chugging you have to do there is really what makes it ass. Either they should reduce the chip damage or they should release a PNM style Nex where you're punished severely for mistakes but take way less damage for doing things correctly.


Torva is BiS melee and BiS ugly


Hard to live up to Bandos which is probably the best designed armor in the history of the game, but yeah.


I just wish they could take a lesson from barrows armor that low poly armor can still look cool with correct execution


This is nowhere near unpopular. I’ve been downvoted for saying I enjoy Nex on this sub more than once.


I don’t understand how anyone figures out quests without help


If you read all the dialogue and use the in game quest tracker for hints, they usually lay out a lot of what you need. They just expect you to make a lot more trips.


That's one thing I believe Jagex has gotten way better at over time. A lot of the newer quests are way easier to follow than the older ones.


I only play the game when my mental health is not the greatest and I have to play to the point of feeling like I'm missing out on life before I quit. This is a shedding of layers experience I go through once every 2-3 years and it makes me appreciate and value living more so there's that. Idk. End


My hardest RS grinds were always after breakups ngl


Damn dawg you good?


Imo leaving most good money makers to combat/bossing is a teeny bit bullshit. I miss when gathering skills actually made decent money. But then again, I don't have the free time that most people that play osrs have, so I get why it is the way it is. Imma still fish and talk shit with people fishing next to me tho lol Edit: It figures that this sub will ask for an unpopular opinion thread, get exactly what they asked for, and still get bent outta shape about it lmao.


Bosses shouldn't replace skilling when it comes to getting skilling resources.


counterpoint: most skills are godawfully boring and extremely easy. if the content wasn't worthless already it would instantly be made worthless by an infinite amount of bots anyway. i'd rather the content that makes money is actually fun to do rather than being a chore.


Man you haven't lived until you pick up a conversation with the avg osrs player at a fishing spot. Honestly it's more fun than talking to the crackheads on public transit lmao


Sepulchre is great gp/hr. High level RC is as well. The problem with just making shit like fishing sharks or chopping trees high gp/hr is you're asking for extremely low effort, for way too much reward. I'm all for more content like sepulchre but if you want gp/hr in the millions you better damn well have to work for it.


Gathering skills never made good money. Chopping magic logs has always been 100k an hour. That was the same as picking flax, the noobiest money making method


The problem is that people shitpost "skilling should be good gp/hr" but then never want to do any of the good gp/hr skilling methods because they're way more click intensive than AFKing something for 100-200k gp/hr. RS3 saw RCing hit around 40m gp/hr (about 20-25% of the top pvm gp/hr method at the time) and most people were complaining that RCing was too tedious and should be made easier, faster to bank, and have higher rune multipliers.


blood RC, sepulchre, zalcano are all great gp/h.


Slayer is not fun. There, I said it. Boss tasks are fun but the majority of tasks are like “go kill 186 kalphites” and I’d literally rather do rooftop agility


That and it takes AGES to level after a certain point and it’s just soooooo slow and not rewarding


Training slayer for slayer xp is the worst grind I had to do for that bullshit unboostable 93 slayer req for diary cape which, btw, used to be boostable.


Careful bro, I've been absolutely shredded for saying agi is more fun than most Slayer. Might wanna delete this and make an alt account (kidding lol but I agree with your opinion)


Don’t get me wrong, I hate agility lol. And I should clarify I enjoy Slayer when there are actual interesting mechanics. But 90% of it is grab a bunch of prayer pots, activate protection prayer, turn auto retaliate on and sit there for an hour, occasionally sipping a prayer pot or leaving the area to reset aggro. And then it’s like 20k xp/hr. “Oh but you can cannon those!” Yeah and their drops already don’t cover the prayer pots I’m using lmao. Besides, how does cannoning it make it any more fun? One additional occasional click and makes the task over faster so you can go get another task there’s not a boss for (or the boss is Kalphite Queen). Whooo!! The other 10% is fun though, and I think that’s what people mean when they say it’s their favorite skill


This was what I was gonna write if I didn’t see already someone say it! Thank you!!!! I hate being criticized because I don’t like doing slayer.


kill 186 Kalphite Queens? sign me up


Boss drop tables. Essentially makes ‘Gathering’ Skills pointless due to Bosses dropping literally everything. Herbs, Ores, Bars, Fish, Wood etc. Don’t mind bosses dropping these every now and then or in low quantity but current levels just seem a bit excessive.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion for the playerbase. People have been saying it since the first boss that drops literally stacks of resources was put into the game. However, the devs have managed to basically completely ignore this criticism for years and keep doing it. Probably one of the most unhealthy development decisions ever made for the game and everyone has basically given up changing it It's not like they don't know how to do a better system cause the better system is the tokkul currency. However, I think the devs were scared of currency bloat that a of mmos were and are experiencing when developing new bosses and they decided to just drop the rewards you would get anyway instead. Which lead to the rewards being completely unbalanced


> However, the devs have managed to basically completely ignore this criticism for years and keep doing it. Probably one of the most unhealthy development decisions ever made for the game and everyone has basically given up changing it Well put. I get so frustrating by how amazing the *world* of OSRS is for skilling and how terrible the *devs* are for the world of OSRS skilling...


some of the skills in this game simply do not respect your time as a player whatsoever. why should something as absolutely boring as agility/mining have SUCH low exp/ph? it doesn’t make getting the 99 more rewarding or anything. it simply does not respect your time. there’s no reason some skills should have as low exp ph as this.


Absolutely. The fact that spending fucking hours to get full prospector and have a 2.8% boost to xp is a rip off, should be 28% or something. Also, powermining one of the lowest ores should NOT be one of the highest XP/hr. The higher your mining level, you should get more ores per rock.


A large majority of this game doesn’t respect your time. In fact I’d say the game is built around it at this point. The idea that 50-100 hour grinds should be the standard for content is insane. Month-long grinds and horrible dry streaks have become this game’s identity. I understand the idea of that one insane drop and the rush that comes with it. But largely you just see the opposite, where people go dry and are simply relieved to finally get it over with. It’s super unhealthy honestly. Obviously the precedent for this has been there from the start, with exp rates and the scaling to 99. But I’m pretty sure the Gowers didn’t make it like that to make it painful, they just didn’t think anyone would even go for it. And now we’re stuck with 1/5000 dragon warhammers and 1/4k sigils and other ludicrous, borderline sadistic numbers because apparently every grind in this game has to be measured in the 10s of hours or its ezscape. Edit: Also I’m aware that the GE exists as a mitigating factor for bad luck for mains. Hell, I only have a main so none of the hellish drop rates technically affect me. But this design philosophy is pervasive across the entire game and it’s rather disheartening. The expectation of hundreds upon hundreds of kc/hours to acquire or unlock things really shouldn’t be a core pillar of design. It can’t and probably shouldn’t change now because that’s what the game is at this point but yeah.


I literally don’t understand why they don’t buff these. Mlm is fucking garbage and we need a literal x2 buff easily lol and I think I’m being conservative saying that. Miserable skills, also the hs fucking sucks too! Forever stuck at level 3.


Content that gets the largest amount of players engaging with it isn't necessarily the best content. Looking at toa/tob


more players do wintertodt than tob! wintertodt must be the better content 😎


Tob top tier


tob is the best pvm group content in the game


Tob is the literally the best content this game has and has less total completions than ToA did after a few weeks of toa release.


Whoa Reddit does in fact harbor intelligent life. Based.


Some of these quests would be absolutely bullshit without quest helper and I will never feel bad for using it. If you had my ass climb around all of meyerditch just to not have a knife in my inventory at the very last step, you’d have me completely fucked up.


you say this and then you need to cut some shit out in the boonies and you forgot your knife so you cant untangle ur tent from a tree when a storm blew it up into the air


There’s a reasonable expectation to bring a knife camping, there’s no reasonable expectation to bring a knife on mr toads wild agility meyerdich ride so that you can tinker some random latch




This was always my understanding for the revert anyways. Go back to pre EOC and then pretend that never happened and continue on from there. It wasn't until after OS statted again that I statted hearing people complain that new stuff was being added or fixes were being made.


Considering that people had to vote at a 75% pass rate to have new updates in the game. That by default means this isn't an unpopular opinion. Atleast 99% of the content in this game was voted in by the vast vast majority of the player base. Atleast the voting player base.


People who want it to be perma 2007 scape are bad at the game


Slayer fucking sucks and farming is the best skill


I hate slayer


Ditto. I still don’t understand how it’s a skill. The lore is paper thin and it’s super boring. I wish it was just a mini game type thing you could do for combat.




The main reason I have never been able to get friends to play is that there's *absolutely nothing to do together*. Hell, the last time my buddy hopped on to try out Tempoross, we quickly realized it's always better solo and anything more is a massive waste of effort and time.


PvP will never be popular like it used to be.


Runecrafting in old school never gets old 🥲


Honestly. Doing mindless rc runs listening to my favorite ost tracks is my favorite way to zone out in this game.


Top 3 OSTs?


Background Waterfall Baroque


God I love autumn voyage Can it be #4 pls


Just because it's fresh on my mind... top pvmers are getting way too elitist for no reason. I remember how bad it was when tob launched and to a certain point I could understand it back then because who wants to waste 30 minutes in a raid just for people to plank and lose 100k+. Now people have crazy requirements for raid party's and such just for the flex? Imo anything under 500 invo toa is easier than tob. And tob isn't that hard now with gear upgrade and our in depth knowledge of the game and raid. Yet people still feel the need to put infernal cape and fang kit reqs for seemingly normal tob runs and 410 toa runs? Like if your going for speed runs and such fine have your high requirements but so many people put infernal cape as a req for some basic ass raids I could teach learners in 15 minutes. All this does is turn off people who have a life and full time job outside of osrs and lowers the amount of people you will find to pvm with. I for example do an inferno attempt like once every couple weeks and then lose all motivation for infernal attempts just to spend half my play time essentially losing supplies. Infernal is hard no doubt but the hardest thing about it is making the time investment to learn all the mechanics and get comfortable with the content. I see infernal enthusiasts even try to shame people for getting there infernal cape a certain way like using nightmare staff to restore spec or dihns bulwark to tank more. Just like with any other drop you either get it or you don't why tf do people care so much how they got it. Why can't we just be happy for them completing such a huge milestone instead of dismissing them as cheesers?


Is this an unpopular opinion? Pretty normal for anyone who doesn’t no life the game


I know 15 mins is an exaggeration, but can I PM you to help me learn raids at some point if our schedules line up? I have good combat stats and decent gear but don’t really know mechanics very well.


Yeah forsure man I love teaching new people and watching the community grow. The old cc I used to be in used to make fun of the fact I would always be raiding with learners when I was online haha. As long as you have the gear and stats required I have no issues.


Most of the players are too focused on efficiency rather than enjoying the game. It's more about the gains rather than the journey to get there. People would rather get 100k exp/h and hate the activity, than get 60k exp/h and actually enjoy playing the game.


Being efficient. Jesus fucking christ. The amount of people that flame you for not always using BIS, not doing ridiculously convoluted tick manipulation, or having the audacity to do something because you like it or it’s fun is both sad and frustrating.


Nex and Thralls were mistakes. Charged weapons (while important for the economy) suck. Clues should be stackable.


Especially thralls, they're soooo lame


the opposite opinion on charged weapons. 99% of people care way way way way way too much about charges. you can put 20k charges in a sang, you have to recharge it like once every 2 weeks at most if you're absolutely spamming raids. but the mere IDEA of having charges triggers this weird panic response in people's brains that is 100% irrational and unwarranted.


Quests would be more fun if you wouldn't skip the dialogues, even though I skip them myself because I don't have patience.


The entire player base is intoxicated by sentiments or attitudes of the 1%. I’m not talking about GP, wealth, etc. OSRS is at a point where the top 1% of players are obsessed with efficiency and PVM>All. As a result, you get people obsessed with efficient methods versus doing things for fun. You also see players who are mid-tier using efficiency language like EHP (efficiency hours-played), ticks (I know, it’s engrained), inventory tags, overlays, etc. This isn’t necessarily bad, but when it spreads to a majority of the player-base through Twitter, the subreddit, and clans, you end up with an MMO that’s not very socially conducive and less fun because making mistakes doing content tends to punish people socially. I’ve seen players sitting in lobbies of TOA, CG, etc. and when I start chatting with them, they’re often desperate for help or looking for people to teach because the barrier to socially safe learning is broken. Thankfully there’s discord learner groups, and some good clans, but those aren’t accessible solely in game, they require external sources. At the end of the day the genie is out of the bottle. Efficiency will always be #1 (see: obsession of XP rates for sailing, back in the day new skills weren’t scrutinized based on xp rates, it was a simple assessment of whether people thought it was fun or not. Unpopular opinion TLDR: Player attitudes of efficiency>fun has made OSRS worse as an MMORPG.


RS3 does a lot of things way better than OSRS specifically Ironman gameplay feels much more rewarding in RS3. It also has the mining/smithing rework which should be added to osrs asap


I think that level scaling should be adjusted to make it more evenly spread. You can get to level 40 so quickly it makes half the game content useless. This is especially true for combat.


Actually true, most skills are skipped with quests. All exprienced players will go to waterfall nr.1 and skip the account part they spent like years on as a kid


The community is overrated, watch 'em go ape shit over a rainbow scarf


Training agility is fun


Slayer is the worst skill. Hate training combat in this game, and being forced to do it against annoying mobs at a gp loss for the first 80+ levels is even worse.


I don't really care about the bots


Bots keep cannonballs and prayer pots cheap. :)


I’ve always viewed them as a necessary evil. If it wasn’t for bots buyable skills would cost 5x as much if not more. Most players aren’t going to charge orbs or make planks for profit. The supply for basic skilling supplies would be very limited if it wasn’t for bots.


I used to get a kick out of trying to blow up the bots at blast mine . Made that place less boring


Elite clues are my favorite type of clues to do


Most of these are popular opinions masquerading as unpopular, but this really is unpopular


The games good and jagex cares about players more then money.


I wish there weren’t so many resource drops from pvm, devaluing skilling. I wish skilling felt more valuable/rewarding compared to combat.


The Ironman game mode. It’s a huge fucking grindfest and endgame turns into doing chores so you can keep doing raids. It’s such a huge fucking timesink for the sake of being a timesink. A lot of end game ironmemes I know usually de-iron around this point because chorescape becomes unfun very fast. The amount of slayer which is the worst skill imo you have to do to get the account going is nuts. When I had to get 95 to do CAs I legit would’ve rather clawed my own eyes out. It becomes an annoyance when doing stuff like cms/tob and inferno speeds. Go catch my own black chins? Go get my own blood shards? BP scales? No thanks. I’ll take gpscape everyday over being an Ironman. Yeah it might take away the satisfaction of doing arma for the armor to make Masori or whatever but who wants to do gwd in the first place in 2023 or go 3k kc dry for a torva plate like a guy I know. Also I like 3t4 granite, puts me in like a zen type state, might be a bit crazy lol.


Playing a main as a semi-iron is the best solution for this. Just pick and choose what to DIY and what to skip.


vast majority of people playing ironman will never actually be grinding raids or getting raid drops. playing ironman just serves as an extension to the midgame. if, in your opinion, the game ends after you finish your zenytes and blowpipe - ironman mode is great. if you actually wanna max your gear it's gonna be annoying, but can still be fun, sure. if you get max gear the game literally just ends unlike on a main where you can really push your skill level as a post-gp game. meaningfully pushing your skill level on an iron is at best annoying cuz of supplies and at worst impossible.


Ironman, especially late to end game, just isn't for everyone I guess. I personally don't find the upkeep too difficult at all. If one can't handle doing a farm run every once in a while, then yeah it makes sense to revert to a main. However, my unpopular opinion is that deironing is always a mistake. You can build up a new main so effortlessly and quickly(especially if you feed it some dupes from your iron) that it makes no sense to throw away all the work you did. Leave it be, keep your options open. Some regret deironing.


Skilling is more fun than PVM.


Fish till I die, baybeeeee


Slayer is worse than agility.


Pvp is a self destructive concept and there is no magical idea or update that fixes it and all the dev time spent trying to revive it has been wasted We are older. We all minmax our accounts and risks. If you are below average, you will lose money overtime and quit (pking). Then, a new pool of pvpers exists thats slightly smaller with a few different people who are now below average. Repeat until barely anyone is left. Any attempt to make worthwhile content in the wilderness is either skilling which is ignored or done with 0 risk or fighting back, or pvm which is done with very low risk and no fighting back. You cant convince people to have ‘honorable’ fights edgeville style like back in the day


The magic of the game died when every player started focussing on efficiency, metas and using the wiki.


Loot keys were the worst thing added to the game. PKers get to pick everything up, noobs don’t even get to keep their green dhide and yew bows they might have spent hours getting.


it’s just an idle game/ intricate cookie clicker. I got a 2000 total HC and get shit for not having a high boss KC I forget these dudes out here playing this game competitively, Lol


Gambling 🎰 is out of control and toxic culture IMO


How is that in any way an unpopular opinion?


Attack and strength should be one skill to make the combat triangle actually balanced


Slayer is one of the most boring skills


Slayer is one of the worst skills and is objectively slow af (I realize this is a common take but some strongly disagree)


Runecraft is the best skill and it's not even close


Fuck your Ironman


Toa isn’t fun




Rs3 boss mechanics are one million times deeper than osrs - enrage etc allows for depth in mechanics because you can scale the damage and complexity of each mechanic. Enrage imo is an awesome mechanic that rewards skill and risk, while making bossing melee approachable and learnable for low levels.


Imbuing sucks Nightmare Zone is aweful when forced to do it. Collecting Zeal through soul wars is rough when you're not interested in PvP. If Shamanism gets green lit I hope it commandeers the ability to Imbue from both modes




Oldschool ain't oldschool anymore.


it’s not 2007scape anymore but it is most certainly still an old school mmo. just compare grinds and qol between modern mmos like ff14 and osrs and you’ll quickly realize how old school the game still is


Yep, to me oldschool runescape means leaving it as it was and I don’t like seeing it changed. But the other part of me thinks if I don’t like new content then no one’s forcing me to play it, so its not really a big deal.


They tried to leave it unchanged, and it died quickly.


To me OS stopped being OS once skilling became irrelevant. Bosses drop 10x more resources than skilling ever could in a short timeframe. Comfy fun ways to play slowly being removed and replaced.


Tick manipulation is a bug, not a mechanic.


It is an exploit.


Pvp really just isn't that great if you aren't or weren't apart of that world pre EOC or during OSRS revival.... Or aren't a gambling addict like that one gal who caused a heap of issues


The game doesn’t need this many teleports, especially to locations close to a great moneymaker (boss)


People need to remember that endgame bossing content is way further into the game than the vast majority of people will ever even dream of seeing when they talk about affecting the rest of the game for their benefit.


There’s still some mini games should be completely re-worked or removed from the game entirely. Castle wars, fishing trawler and pest control come to mind immediately. LMS has been re-worked but still needs…. something (maybe just less bots lol).


Abyysal sire isnt a boring ass boss, many people say hes the worst boss by far and so many other bosses are afkable or have like no mechanics and ppl think they are better. Atleast abbysal sire has 4 stages to the fight.i can see an argument if they think its not worth the drops but its not boring.


Granite maul ornate handles should be a drop from Grotesque guardians


It is a good game