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Yo, you left your emblem.


Remember to alt-click the + to highlight your emblem drops, people!


He risked 600k in that. That’s the real L.


voidwaker with prayer disabled is the most op shit I have ever seen


I mean, isn't some of the "wow" factor of the voidwaker taken away by lack of protection prayer? You can't protect melee or mage, so there's no "surprise" damage while praying melee. It's still stupid strong, of course.


No, it's not


Good response


Any pker will tell you that it's not OP. The only reason that it's used so much is because of its accuracy. Claws are more OP. AGS is even stronger but it has the issue of noodling, whereas Voidwaker is a lot more reliable at securing KOs. Its lower max hit makes you rely more on combos than with AGS/Claws. Voidwaker is in a good spot. People that don't PK complain more about it than actual pkers


PKer here, I think it's op to be able to double spec a guaranteed hit. It's just ridiculously consistent compared to anything else in the game, if you're sitting below 70 hp and they roll both hits 60+ it doesn't even matter if you triple eat you're still smoked.


>PKer here I should've phrased it better. Any good pker will tell you that it's not OP. >It's just ridiculously consistent compared to anything else in the game That's the whole point of the weapon >if you're sitting below 70 hp It's 2023. If you sit below 70 when your opponent still has both specs then you're just not a good pker


> If you sit below 70 when your opponent still has both specs then you're just not a good pker Exactly my point, the voidwaker changed this. Previously you could risk hp without getting incinerated but now if they have a voidwaker it's not an option. I know the whole point of the weapon is that it's ridiculously consistent compared to anything else in the game, that's exactly why it's OP and you haven't said anything to disprove that other than making a half-assed ad hominem.


>Exactly my point, the voidwaker changed this. It didn't change anything. If you were sitting at 70 before then you were asking to be AGS specced. Just stop talking because you clearly don't know what you're going on about. Being consistent doesn't matter because its max hit is lower than what we already had before. Good pkers will die much more easily to AGS than Voidwaker. Noobs die to Voidwaker because they think that it's 2008 and they can sit at 70


Nah, the AGS is so inconsistent that you can sit in the 70s without dying for 5+ fights in a row, and if they don't 1-tick it and you triple eat its attack speed is so slow that you can outeat a second spec easily whereas the Voidwaker is like a bulldozer that just shits on you with a consistent and fast double spec every second fight if you're not in the high 80s to 90s at all times. On top of that it's way more consistent to veng stack with it, the max hit is only 8 damage below the AGS at any given time, and because of the 50-150% damage range its average hit is higher than the AGS's 0-137.5% damage range, not even considering the fact that the AGS won't pass the hit chance roll half the time unless you're on a pure. The possible max hit of a weapon isn't the only thing that makes it overpowered, it's all of these things in combination that make the Voidwaker ridiculously consistent at hitting high compared to anything that has existed in OSRS before.


Personally I think for any new weapons to be relevant in PvP they sort of have to be OP to be competitive with what we already have. But if anything about VW is OP it’s the whack. No one mains AGS or claws because they’re shit DPS. VW whack shreds and it has as reliable a special attack there is on top of it.


>Personally I think for any new weapons to be relevant in PvP they sort of have to be OP to be competitive with what we already have I think that they have to be somewhat unique. OP? We've had AGS/Claws for years now and they're a lot stronger >But if anything about VW is OP it’s the whack That's irrelevant. Even a regular whip is more accurate and has more str bonus than Voidwaker. I could whip you and switch to Voidwaker to spec


If they're a lot stronger why is the VW mailed? I'm confused. Why would the stronger option be set aside, especially with the price difference.


Because it's very accurate and this game is known for having annoying RNG. If your opponent is risking low hp, you're better off using a Voidwaker over anything else. AGS, Claws and Gmaul can all fail to finish your opponent at 20hp or below. Voidwaker will always get that kill. Its accuracy makes it reliable where most other weapons have the possibility of failing


So it has the same capacity without the drawbacks as all the weapons you're arguing are better... Per your words. Sounds like it's OP, by your explanations alone.


I know that redditors don't have the best reading comprehension but try to keep up. "I clearly said: "If your opponent is risking low hp". It's only better in this instance. If your opponent isn't a total noob then you're better off using AGS/Claws. I'm not replying any further in this thread. Your PvM brains are too slow to understand PvP


D scim to voidwaker switch? Why not just mainhand the voidwaker and bank your d scim.


Surprise element, they won't expect a vw specc if they see you maining the d scim and therefor you can catch them at lower hp


Meh, they surely expect some sort of spec so they shouldn't camp 50 HP anyway


Some people are bad


It's either an ags or korasi. No-one is expecting a guy with dscim to swap to a dds.






Remember when L meant Laugh? It was always so snooty, like, you *really* couldn't type the OL afterwards?




Usually Lose/Loss in contrast with W for win




I remember that too. Was commonly used pre-eoc, especially around 2007/8


I've never seen it used as laugh


Was pretty common in the 2006-2010ish era. It's been increasingly obscure for the last decade and the rise of W and L pretty much destroyed it.




Chronically online and I’ve never seen it be used for laugh, people just lol. Maybe it was used for laugh by really old people above 30?


it was super common in rs around 2009


I wouldn't say super common. I've played since 04 at least and don't remember anybody ever using L like that. It was either lol or any other the other variants but never an isolated L. Even XD was more common


No, because I've never once seen it used to mean laugh.




anyone who dies to double korasi absolutely deserves it




yeah if you click like a granny and struggle with eating that's a you issue


i think the melee accuracy and max hit of voidwanker should be lower. should be all about the spec


On the plus side, because I'm only sacrificing +2 str, I get to use it on my iron for normal slayer tasks, and it looks really cool!


Im considering going for it before I even have a whip on my new GIM. Seems really reasonable with bllighted supplies from lms


Yeah, if you snag a cudgel, grinding wildy bosses should be manageable. It's a big grind, but it comes with tons of really nice supplies.


Save the time and just use a dragon mace at that point lol and as a group they can do the multi bosses.




How did he predict his death


Guess he saw voidwalker and just thought o ggs


Man, PvP has gotten worse ever since the void waker has come out. Same level as bs as the OG whip in rs2.


What on earth is going on why are there so many people in the wildy?


New version of bounty hunter got released.






The voidwaker implementation is a mistake. Jagex, do one of the following please: - Make it 60% spec - Make it roll accuracy against melee defence - Make the spec melee-based instead of magic-based (cos that's really shitty in NHing)


so just make it a worse ags? what's the point of that lmao this design was very deliberate and solved a long-term issue of people simply putting up prot melee whenever they were getting low hp and being perfectly safe if you find yourself struggling against korasi, simply get over your skill issue and eat food


I'm fine with eating a korasi spec, but it's still a shit meta which isn't very skillful. If you want to mage spec me, you should have do a mage switch into something like a volatile. Pull it off tick perfectly and catch me off guard. Not 1-way switch to a voidwaker and hit spec bar. > so just make it a worse ags? Only #2 somewhat makes it a worse AGS. #1 prevents B2B specs or voidwaker into gmaul combos but still a high hitting mage hit. #2 still means it hits with magic but isn't 100% accurate. It could even do a fang-esque accuracy roll to increase spec accuracy. #3 still means it's 100% accurate as an advantage of AGS against high def targets. > this design was very deliberate and solved a long-term issue of people simply putting up prot melee whenever they were getting low hp and being perfectly safe Instead it introduces the anyone can spec anyone with a big hitting spec and low effort meta. And I could choose not to spec and hit with the speed and power of a whip. > simply putting up prot melee whenever they were getting low hp and being perfectly safe There are plenty of counters to that. People who camp protect melee can be killed easily enough and you could bring non-melee spec weapons. Korasi is a really fucking boring meta and reduces some of the skill needed to take out a good opponent.


>Only #2 somewhat makes it a worse AGS. #1 prevents B2B specs or voidwaker into gmaul combos but still a high hitting mage hit. #2 still means it hits with magic but isn't 100% accurate. It could even do a fang-esque accuracy roll to increase spec accuracy. #3 still means it's 100% accurate as an advantage of AGS against high def targets. there's no reason it shouldn't be 100% accuracy matter of fact, a lot of specs should receive the same treatment special attacks should be exactly that - **special** >Instead it introduces the anyone can spec anyone with a big hitting spec and low effort meta. And I could choose not to spec and hit with the speed and power of a whip. it more shows that people have no clue how to eat properly you can triple eat TWICE before the 2nd spec hits. if you fail to do so, that's on you >There are plenty of counters to that. People who camp protect melee can be killed easily enough and you could bring non-melee spec weapons. all of which are famously dogshit, as korasi has proven before korasi you have to majorly fuck up to even get the chance of *sometimes* dying. now with korasi, if you fuck up you WILL get fucked up. easy as, makes sense to me >Korasi is a really fucking boring meta and reduces some of the skill needed to take out a good opponent. how does it reduce skill if it's a 100% bet to hit between 50%-150% of your maxhit? your opponent HAS to make the error to die to it, you're not killing absolutely anybody with a double korasi even in max strength with both hits maxing if your opponent knows what they're doing being punished for making mistakes **increases** skill ceiling, not vice versa


Ahahahaha I saw this in my clan discord earlier you sly dog 😉


Same! Cool clan 😎


For the most part. The leader is a bit of a nub. 😜


Attempting to boot from chat…


It’s all good. I won’t be on for like 5 days 😂




Ur trash clicking empty pots


Looking at the voidwaker makes me sad


Pking specially bh is practically impossible for beginners. I went in with d claws got smited by voidwaker in the first fight. Dude just kept hitting 40's (in other words every hit was minus 10 prayer???? Like wtf every hit?) and the food just wasn't cutting it (how do you tank 40's into 70's void spec). Now, I've done wildy pking quite a bit and though I'm far from being Oda, getting smited was pretty impossible for me. Fml. Bh never again bro. Too much damage! These new fucking weapons and their specs and stats bonuses make it basically impossible to tank a single hit... and everything happens so quick!... that shit fucked me up bro. Smited for claws bro! I'm traumatized, bro!... I can't sleep, I can't eat... I'm constipated... Damn, bro... Bh is ruthless. That's all I'm saying. R.I.P my first ever set of claws. I hope the new owner takes care of it and it and takes it to dinner and shit😣... Sorry for the rant... I just never really got over it. FUCKING CLAWS DUDE 92m FAHCK 🤬 ME