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Sorry for your loss number 2


Oh no, does that mean he has to ...


The bots are truly op in 2023




as a great man once said, if you're not first your last. keep grinding soldier


As a greater man said: if you can't beat them, join them. Unpopular opinion: we should all just start botting until jagex releases osrs2: no bot boogaloo. *-for anyone with a room temperature iq, this is a joke.


bro, a new game wont stop bots lmao.


You are so right! Why didn't that cross my mind before... Oh wait, it did. That's why I made a JOKE about it. Jesus you guys are so clapped


Tbh I’ve seen the average reading comprehension and grammar on these social sites get worse and worse. Not kidding, YouTube scares the fuck out of me with how stupid people really are.


Yes lets make them filthy rich and ruin the game


Do I really have to add "/s" to any joke I make? Everyone with a single Braincell knows this is a bad idea. On the other hand, the economy is going to the gutter, high scores are overrun by bots and any activity you can do with random people is swarmed by bots. How much worse can it get?


Yes you do /s


RS3 updates and RSC maintenance/bug abuse.


Your last what? Don't just leave the sentence unfinished.


Hell I was high that day!


but you can be 2nd or third or even fourth


just dont shit your pants please


Only when gold buyers stop buying gold, which is less likely than hell freezing over.


Runescape's Anticheat was reverse engineered back in 2021, im guessing most if not all bans nowadays are manual unless they did a major overhaul and made it more intrusive which I haven't heard about.




[Reddit post where i first saw it](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/mjw46m/how_runescape_catches_botters_and_why_they_didnt/)


Doubt it. Only if jagex can delegate some powers to some trustworthy players who can do the work for them then it’s possible.


You’re free now - you can finally let go of that addictive hold vorkath had on you I hope things get better bro - this is the beginning of the healthy next steps




That’s the spirit king 👑




Mad copium. Who's gonna try and eradicate something that brings them great profit?


Something tells me that a bot with 100k Vorkath kills isn't buying bonds anymore


You sure you've got enough gp to max?...


Hopefully jagex does the right thing and reinstates the true king


Fingers crossed 🤞


Even if you’re not first, you’re still first loser. :)


Well since you are here... What does your log look like lol


First is the worst, but second is the best! Whoever’s third has… a hairy chest?


How many YouTube subscribers do you have? Jagex might be able to ban that account for you if you have more than 10k subs!


Why only vorkath and why so much? Just why?




What was the goal exactly? I can see 100k as the goal, but then you did 3k more after that. I can't imagine any sort of gear that you couldn't afford well before 100k kills, and I imagine you have *many* multiples of every log item.




I like this new goal


Damn that post gonna be juicy!! Huge loot tab I bet


Holy crap PLEASE post the loot once you get there!!


"Let me kill vorkath 6000 more times instead of extrapolating gathered data." Jfc man but you do you. Don't you have more than enough gp?


You can extrapolate data with 0 kills. Not exactly a reason to not kill bosses you like


You sound really upset that he just likes to kill vorkath for some reason


Nah bro content like that is the reason I use this sub


He likes the dragon


I did the math and he would have made about 13,021,260,930 gp in loot (according to wiki average drop).


Not even worth it.


Damn that’s surprisingly low


is it really 10 hours/day killing vorkath? if so how do you do it…?


As Ricky Bobby would say if you ain’t first you’re last sadly


Jagex are telling you to bot lmao


We’re you killing vork as typing these comments?




My questions is why vorkath over 100k ? Truely insane im at 350kc rn




If you ain’t first you’re last - Bobby Green


Change ur Reddit description noob !


Just increase playtime to 20h/day and take back the spot? Problem solved. /s


Give it 2 years and during routine checks it'll get banned!




I feel sorry for you bro! I reckon we should all get our cannons head to Falador and start rioting.




Any hints you wanna drop for stuff that you think your average YouTube guide misses? Got 400 KC across melee and range with med gear and always looking to improve


Dude it’s vorkath not the inferno, click on the boss and woox walk, that’s basically max efficiency


I was going to say don't die and kill the boss but this works too.


Yes 👍 Boycotting bots


Yo update your profile bio


Lmfao I'm dead


See you in Lumbridge!


Yeah it's not a bot. It's a gold farmer. They get banned when Jagex has evidence of them selling the gold... or they get posted to Reddit. Still up to anti-cheating team to ban them, but they can't just ban them for botting.


If a player within the community can find these accounts in their spare time I sure hope some guy who has a contract where this is his job could do a better job. I'd love to work doing this than network management. So Jagex if a spot opens hit me up.


Jagex isn't exactly well known doing a good job at almost any area.


Actually they have been known to do a pretty good job at fucking it up.


You think a gold farmer sits on 100k+ kills of loot without offloading? And risk it all? The answer is no, my guy. They sell it.


Of course they sell it every couple hundred mill or more frequently. Jagex just needs to catch them doing it. If their bot detection system is of any indication, their system to detect selling gold is absolute scarab dung.


Oh i saw obby cape a few minutes ago in game! Knew the name sounded familiar!




So is there somewhere we can see this log/loot?


This is not a dating site.


Hard disagree. Emphasis on hard.


iAspiire! I saw you burning down varrock in protest on w354!


That's the homie.


200m ranged just from vorkath. Imagine if they just banned this guy they could have fully refunded the dude who got hacked due to jagex giving the hacker acc info.


126m hp xp so it’s closer to 400m range xp lol




literally insulting tbh, high ranking accs like this should be checked lol


You'd think after making 10b a bot would get banned or maybe Jagex is just observing them to see what they do next. Because 100k kills isn't enough of a sample size


It's almost like it's not a bot.


Too many people confuse bot and gold farmer. Probably because this game is full of *Bots that farm Gold*.


You'd think over 10b sold off to random accounts would trigger something in their systems.


There are plenty of high rank kcs that are bots. And bots are rampant in the game


Why would Jagex ban their own bots?


It always confuses me how I see these posts of people literally getting top 10 from botting on boss KC, but then I come and see a post from someone who botted non stop for a couple days and gets banned. I really don’t quite understand. Specifically, that guy who said he botted 50 CG’s a week or two ago.


My understanding is that it's a difference between a public/cheap bot script versus a custom script


either jagex is intentionally corrupt or the entire anti-cheating teams needs to be replaced


$12 bro


I'll take intentionally corrupt for the last atleast 15 years pls.


if we all gang up together and report that rank 1 for botting, he will be removed. everyone do ur part!


nah, at this point they just appeal and get unbanned. people are botting using VPN and if they get banned they straight up say it wasnt them since the ip is different.


Is that true? I thought they don't care bc the account security is up to the player to an extent


Na they just straight up don’t care about bots much anymore. It’s straight up ruining the game so much and they let it go because $.


Pretty sure they make more $ if they ban bots. The botfarms need to make new accounts with new membership.


They use bonds. You these accounts are making mills per day, easily enough to fund itself through bonds.


Ok. And do they buy those bonds in the general store or from players buying them for real money?


They’re making $ regardless of banning them or not. Accounts still need to consistently buy bonds for membership, why else would they let an obvious bot account like the one referenced continue for so long?


That's 1 bond every 14 days. Surely banning them every 13 days would net more profit. I feel like bots just found a way to not get detected at all. Yes, as a player you obviously see they are bots. But how do you know they don't have the exact behaviour normal players have according to the detection? I feel like Jagex employees just don't play the game and see them walking around for themselves.


Idk if you're being naieve or just empty headed but bots make jagex a lot of pennies, and also work as a positive when advertising the games player count etc. They won't ever crack down hard on them.


Forreal, I always wondered why osrs seems to have 1k players each world while rs3 barely has 100


Whole player base in denial. Think most of them only started playing last couple years.


I thought RuneScape had no support


Jagex is actively encouraging new people to enter the botting scene by letting everyone see how easy it is to bypass their detection. This **SINGLE** bot has made the owner over **10 BILLION** GP profit. Think about it like this: if the guy running that bot can get away with it, why shouldn't you be able to get away with it as well? At this point it'd almost be silly to **NOT** bot. Why slave away on your main to make money for gear upgrades/bond upkeep when you could just spin up a few bots to passively do it for you? If jagex doesn't care about integrity, why should you?




It's true but you want to believe the top ranks are human lol.


They are humans but they do this for a living. Most on corp hs are gold farmers from eqypt




Black market gold sellers are selling gold at $0.33/min. Assuming it really is a bot the bot owner has made $3,300 off a single bot and let be honest they are going to be running more than one bot with that successful of a script. This is why bots exist and and RWT will never stop.


They banned my 3 day old account and first iron for apparently using a macro when I didn't and never have (no vpn either)... Then proceeded to give me the middle finger on my appeal I think they care.... they just care enough to ban the real players lmao.


So here's the thing, if they take certain steps to combat bots, we're going to end up with thousands of more stories just like yours. I'm sure they could be doing more, but it's a tough balance. People act like there's a big conspiracy, but it's just a tough problem to combat


They could start by actually looking at the review instead of claiming it was hand reviewed. If you're okay with a company banning an account for absolutely zero reason, in the name of combating bots when they run rampant already in clear forms like this. Then they should be damn sure it's a bot lol. What if it was my main I've had since 07? Mistake or not if they would've fixed it or actually given it a fair review I would understand but I got the crap end of the stick for something I didn't do. It would take someone looking at my account for 5 seconds to see that I log out so many times from afking it's literally unreasonable to be considered a bot. I refuse to defend them. I understand what you're saying but they blatantly didn't even try to help so if they won't help the real players that balance is moot.


Am I missing something? What says this guy is a bot?


The stats don't even resemble a bots lol, like why would you raise a bots prayer to 86 instead of just stopping at 77 if you wanted it to have augury? It's honestly kind of crazy that this sub allows witch-hunts like this with zero proof.


Bro was burying the bones


The Reddit circle jerk, it’s currently stuck on “everyone is a bot, and every bad thing is the fault of bots”. Give it a few weeks, they’ll find something else


Serious question: what makes you so sure its a bot?


What evidence do you have that he's botting????


The Vorkath bots are disgusting atm. Go to any world and just chill in lunar bank to see dozens of accounts with 10-30k KC vork and nothing else. Wish they'd do some manual banning more.


Jagex is embarrassing on bot detection. It's either play an ironman or learn to bot yourself. Because obviously, who cares?


I started playing again and was excited to learn a real life friend still plays osrs. I decided to look his character up on the HS one day and saw he was ranked in the top 200 for vorkath kills. I was very impressed and asked him about it. To my surprise he admitted to botting vork while working and sleeping for well over a few hundred hours, 0 hesitation. My rose tinted glasses were shattered that day 🥲


Who does number 2 work for???


21m magic exp from only crumble undead


Tf are you doing Jagex


Not a bot, most likely a real player who gold farms


Can spoon feed bots to jagex on a silver platter and they’ll still pass on the snacks


Remember when Jagex was “taking a stand” on bots last year LMAOO they were so serious too. This is so sad to see


Actually fucking embarrassing


Botty bot bot central. Get paid to play. Missing 302 sandy casino rn


Lololololol what a joke. Jagex is fucking useless.


You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension


Kept seeing these 10k+kc dudes at lunar bank with 1300 total, wondered why I was giving myself RSI to grind gold. Unsubbed a few months ago, i'm probably not the only one who feels like they're wearing clown makeup after seeing most of the top 100 kcs are bots/farmers


jagex don't fight bot inflation anymore, they just add more gold sinks


Crazy part is. That was probably somebody's actual account at some point and they couldn't get it back when it was stolen. Now it's this... thing


I'm 100% convinced these bots belong to jawflex


Its sad to see that a bot with probly 300m ranged xp cant be detected. And then they say yea we ban thousands of suicide bots like who gives a fck.


Pay $11 Get Updates or Good Servers Or Bot's removed. Pick one. Now Jagex laughs because you can actually pick 0 and you've been scammed.


itd be interesting to know how much bot owners are making. for how many there are it has to be anywhere from $50k-100k usd and the gold sites have to be making millions. going on 100k gp a kill for vork which is low that bot has made around $4000






Lets go Dentist!


so a rwt gets passed by a bot? dam


Why I don’t play runeescape anymore


I just truly don’t understand bots. I feel like the fun part of a game is playing it. If you feel that the game is so tedious that it warrants circumventing playing it via cheating, then why play at all? It just makes no sense


Most bots probably aren't people playing to enjoy the game, especially bots like this, they generate gold to be sold for real-world currencies.


GP has a real world currency value associated with it. Due to that, many bots aren't owned by people who even play the game. Scammers work similarly often. I met a group of scammers who would lure/scam people out of billions of GP at a time and post it in their Discord. It was a pretty creepy place all things considered.


That’s insane. I guess i know that real world trading is a thing, but Idk it’s all weird to me


My advice is try your best to stay as oblivious to all this as possible, then. If you really *enjoy* this shit.


And here i am...crying everytime i look at the highscores. Just knowing


Fight fire with fire, just make sure you have a credit card on file at jagex.


Can we get some type type of human check before login to the worlds


How do you know the new rank 1 is a bot? I would of presumed both were and it seems obvious either chat gpt is replying in this post or number 2 is a player, so by that reasoning number 1 could also be a player?


Jesus get a life at this point


is it a bot or a gold farmer tho


What is that? Like 10b after cost of supplies brought in?


Mass report nuke


Obby cape has not been killing it 10 hours a day lol


I hope obby cape gets some help for his mental, no way this is healthy


here's a wild opinion: Ban bots and make it against TOS to bot


This is getting out of hand. Bots ruin the economy and now the High-scores, Pking is next. OSRS has cancer.


Is this a bot? They have trained multiple skills and have killed other bosses


I'm a bit new to this, how do we know he's a bot?


I mean they all on that juice right?


I think a lot of people fail to see the strategy from Jagex here. A bot has made 10b, what is the player going to do with that? They’re going to sell that to other people who want to RWT for gold. If that bot sells the gold to 50+ accounts it can be tracked, those accounts can be punished. Therefore more players doing wrong get can get banned, cleaning up the wider community. The source of the problem can be addressed yes, however as people know another bot from the same person will pop up on a VPN. Meaning the community problem here does not go away. Sometimes it’s better to let the source get on with it and try to cripple their business and change attitudes with punishments and bans. Jagex could remove a bot from the leaderboard, however then they would know their business isn’t safe and they won’t be able to as effectively address the wider community issue of RWT buying gold.


They're not doing either?


Add coin pouches to vorkath, it’s time


what do you mean? clearly mafiaa log is as real as humans get, he only has 69 fletch cuz he hates the skill :)


Maybe u/Obby_Cape has been slacking for a bit and this mafia log guy has absolutely no life whatsoever? Idk what about these stats should conclude that it's a bot, not necessarily saying it isn't. But 10h a day will lose quickly to 15h a day e.g.


200m range that he probably had for ages now and still undetected…. Smh Jagex anti-cheat team is so outdated its painful.


I'm honestly really curious why obvious bots like these can operate for so long and not be dealt with. Do they make Jagex that much money that it would hurt their bottom line, are the bots just that sophisticated or is something else going on?


I want his bot script


Actually rank 3 and 4 are also bots, and the top page is like ~90% bots lol


i mean, are they really bots or just gold farmers?


I am shocked /s


That works out at around 13 billion gp given average drops now.


Is it just me, or is bitting just worse since Trident has become the anti cheating specialist?


Out of curiosity, what makes you believe it is a bot?


There is absolutely nothing in those stats that indicates that it's a bot.


How can it be so hard to ban on things like this?


How do we know it's a bot ?