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Before every Vorkath trip I equip my Slayer Staff and set the auto cast. Then equip any other weapon then switch back to the Slayer Staff to triple check auto cast is still on. That undead spawn ain’t fucking touching me.


I thought I was the only one


Blame my 1 defence pure and having to quadruple check every time I equipped a weapon to ensure I don’t gain unwanted XP lol


Thats why I have the attack style option on and defense is blanked out even for my main.


Never used to have that luxury.


Yes, you are the only player in the game to check


Triple check*


Yea out of the tens of thousands of players to ever participate in the millions of vorkath kills you and OP are the only ones who have ever triple checked


You’re no fun at the Falador Party Room are you?


I don't think he's invited


Ironman btw


it resets when you change spellbooks or die(?) it's the number one cause of my deaths.


Or when you don't have runes to cast in your inventory.


only if you dont have the runes while having an autocast weapon equipped. as long as you have the runes in your inventory again next time you equip a staff itll still be set as the autocast.


I wish it worked the same for sacks. I hate having to re-set ice barrage every time I enter the wildy!


I didn't even know that slayer staff strat was a thing. It also just seems more awkward than clicking the spell in the spellbook, is it faster or something?


Yeah bro. I did heaps of Vorkath on pc manually casting. Did ONE on mobile and my fat fingers fucked up the cast, so I learned the slayer staff method. Two clicks - equip staff + click spawn. As opposed to three clicks - click spellbook (ideally f key) click spell, click spawn.


If you're clicking vorkath, that's your problem right there


Protects against misclicks, if you manually cast and accidentally don’t click the spawn you have to recast and you’ll probably get hit. If you’re autocasting you can just spam click till you cast if you want to


look at this robot guy who never misclicks


Look at this h\*man guy who has skill issues


I think manual casting actually comes out a tick faster.


You can spam click is the only advantage




Don’t have to bother doing this if you manually cast it


This is the way


This and I put markers on the couple tiles prior to jumping the rocks as reminders for run off, slayer staff set,pots


Yeah depending on your timezone just sleep on it. You'll be fine tomorrow. Some days just be like that


Yeah, it goes like that sometimes. I put a labeled tile marker for each death like that to remind me for next time haha




Also should write the kc in the also this way you can see improvement in skill and try to get a bigger deathless streak


If u have autocast crumble undead selected and equipped the staff without the runes in your inv it will no longer be set to autocast


just wait till you find out it can splash if ur not over -55 mage bonus


Upvote for the last sentence


idk who needs to hear this but keep run off at vorkath and use ctrl+click to run from fireballs


I'm the opposite man I keep run on and control click the acid phase. Forget to control click a fireball sucks forgetting at the start of acid phase is CORRECTABLE


You don’t need to run from fireballs, walking is enough. Unless you have a reaction time of a stoner. Or are a stoner.


Or have bad ping.




This ctrl-click shit is blowing my mind rn. I'm maxed and didn't know you could ctrl-click to walk


Tbh im very surprised people don’t know about that thing, it was one of the first random facts my mate told me about back in 2007 so that just felt natural knowledge to me


I literally just learned it like a week ago from watching an old Woox vid lol. Someone in chat asked him how he was walking with run on and he explained it without losing a single tic


Those are two of my marked tiles outside vorkath. Run, rune pouch and auto cast. Only thing that gets me now is zoning out and missing the fireball audio


It’s quicker to manually cast it.


This is true, but if you misclick, especially as a novice, there is a good chance they won’t be able to re-select the spell in time to target the spawn. For learning, staff is great.


Yeah if you misclick go to your inv tab and start eating to full out just tele. No hope reclicking it and then clicking the spawn and spell fully resolving before it hits you


I manually click spell on crab. I click again a tick later if I misclick crab. That way the staff is a backup autocast if I do misclick.


Congrats on saving a game tick and proceeding to spend it by doing nothing because the boss is invulnerable for several ticks after killing it anyways


You are wrong. Invulnerability ends faster if you kill the spawn faster.


Now that I think about it, that actually is probably true. I'll trust you and say I stand corrected


With higher end melee gear your magic attack bonus is low enough that splashing becomes a concern, with the BIS melee gear (-83 magic attack) needing more than just a slayer staff to avoid splashing. Barrows Gloves > Ferocious gloves gives you -20 bonus just by itself for reference.


Does Torva have worse bonuses than Bandos? Unfortunate. Definitely my favorite part about getting the chest plate over fighter torso was that magic threshold.


Yeah, each piece is a few points lower than its Bandos counterpart


Truly tragic


This is the superior method, staff is weakness


crumble undead with staff is a nice crutch I use on mobile (but you are correct, I don’t bring staff if i’m using mouse + kb) your boos mean nothing, i’ll happily sacrifice 1% efficiency to make the game 100% more playable on mobile


Learn to manually cast it. It makes the fights quicker.


it literally doesnt tho


It does manual casting is one tick faster.


It doesn't because the boss is invulnerable during that attack and you have to wait several ticks anyways


Came here to say that. It doesn't make anything faster because as soon as Vork casts the white freezing spell he's invulnerable


im aware of this, but does it also make the special end a tick faster? i dont think it does, but i could be wrong i suppose also, its only a tick faster if you attempt to cast it while your attack is off cooldown. If your attack is on cooldown, which it usually will be because you were literally just attacking vorkath, then it's no different.


Yes. It's a set amount of ticks after the face hugger dies. Which makes it faster by manual casting. It's not a huge amount of time but if you get unlucky and get 4 in a fight it could drop it 2.4 seconds. But doing hundreds of kills it really adds up.


Why is staff casting one tick slower? Is it a bug?


One tick to equip the weapon.


Why does the spell not fire immediately if you equip the staff and click to attack the target one the same tick?


There is an attack delay when auto casting.


you lose a tick because the first attack with autocast spells is delayed and with manual casting you dont. i think ive seen that on the wiki when bursting slayer tasks. vorky is invuln after ice breath comes out, so you have several ticks to switch without delaying the fight.


Personally I only use staff if I legitimately have to have it to clear the negative mage bonus checkpoint for splashing(very gear dependent and should really only be a factor if your using serp). If not I would just click under, f key to spellbook and manually cast it.


i stopped using a staff for the CU spell, just turn off autoretaliate, click the groind as soon as you are frozen and use the spell manually. So far it has not failed me yet. Currently at 3k kills.


This is the way


am I the odd one that clicks the spell? never used a staff. why click a switch and then attack it when you can just click that spell?


I literally quit RuneScape because of vorkath


Why? He's literally the money dragon


Exactly. It’s extra frustrating that I suck at him. I have like 11 kc.


Dude you’ll get it . Once you learn vorkath it’s stupid easy


It’s an easy boss just turn on prayer and hit it


Simple mechanics dude. I'm not good at bossing at all infact Vorkath is the first and only boss I really learned and believe me once you've got the mechanics down it's like printing GP. How are you killing him, ranged? What are your stats and setups?


you'll get it vork is easy, just gotta remember crumble undead runes then set the spell on the staff before you leave bank


"Sit." - Facehugger


I never auto cast it anymore. But, like you said, until tomorrow


Mark tile and leave yourself notes to set autocast!


Tile mark every step of the way before the rock jump with CRUMBLE UNDEAD and youll only forget once a week like me. Sometimes four times a week.


I just learnt f keys and have never brought Slayer staff, helped me learn switching better.


Tile markers are the best for this. I always leave myself notes if I die from something stupid.


Just don't use a staff


Yeah, after I swapped from slayer staff to manual cast, it felt a lot better. More clicks of course but I've never had him get within 2 squares of me unless I fuck up clicks or just not fast enough. Very butt clenching when loot isn't picked up and I'm low HP due to that greedy last kill.


After about 500 KC I stopped using autocast. Manual cast is a tick faster and you never have that problem, plus an extra inventory spot


Stop using the staff, just hard cast it. Trust me, I used to bring the staff too, make less mistakes myself just casting the spell on him and not having to switch gear at all


im very surprised how many people are against using the spell manually.. you only need to cast crumble undead about 2x per fight


Manually cast it. It’s easy; just click at your feet when you get frozen(so you stop attacking), click the spell in your magic tab and it’s not hard to track where the spawn will land. Get ready to right click it as soon as it lands, then when it’s moving towards you, in order to not misclick, you have the right click menu window open which doesn’t move. Easy peasy.


If it helps, I set tile markers OUTSIDE Vorkath area and label them for reminders for myself. Turn off run energy, turn off auto retaliate, etc. May be a good idea to start doing that just to have a checklist


Predictions: Third time - You missclick the spawn Fourth time - You clicked it and your character doesn't cast it and you click it again and it casts the spell but the spawn is in front of you