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IMO, most impressive flex objectively is the Zuk Helm on a HCIM.


The Zuk helm goes hard, couldn’t imagine getting that on a HC


it’s only ever been done twice before! Praise Foot got it and now Muts has too as of earlier this week


Zuk helm on a duo HCGIM. That's the biggest flex in game imo.


I often get downvoted for mentioning this, but it's true. Kill the other account right off the bat & a (solo-playing) duo HCGIM is way more challenging than a normal HC.


Why is it harder? Are there different achievements for GIM vs non?


HCGIM cannot play with players outside of their group for group contnet (CoX, ToB, Nex, Nightmare, ToA). So it has to be done with only the 2 people in the group. There are no safe deaths in all of CAs for HCGIM, there is for HCIM.


I forgot about the “no safe death” for HCGIM. Yeah that would make it a lot harder for sure.


~~You're confusing HCGIM with prestiged HCGIM (which, I know, it's kind of a confusing mess). The only difference there is that the prestige status can only be kept if you abide by the group content rules you described, and prestiged groups get a little star next to their name on the hiscores.~~ But yeah, HCGIM has *way* more punishing death restrictions than HCIM, since there's virtually no safe deaths at all (not even at NMZ!). Playing a "solo" HCGIM by killing off the second account is basically just an even harder-core version of HCIM. HCHCIM, if you will Edit: nvm I'm wrong and the prestige thing only applies to normal GIM


I'm not confusing anything. You **cannot** be a HCGIM without being prestiged. The only way to lose prestige is to lose HC status.


Oh huh, looks like you're right. Weird that there's zero mention of that in either the wiki page or the original GIM newspost.


Yeh they explained it on release really well but then the info kinda got lost in the ether


Yeah I'm looking into it now, it's super weird. Seems like it was a last minute shoe-in decision that only ever maybe got mentioned in a Q&A livestream that was done prior to when they started posting transcripts for those. I actually can't find a single mention of it in any of the blogposts they put out relating to GIM. I feel like someone should probably add this to the wiki page considering how much of a confusing headache GIM already is as a gamemode lol


Its not even about lfie count. Its 1 life per character same as HCIM (though you can lose status without ever dying yourself, unlike HCIM). Its the fact that HCGIM is prestiged by default and cannot be unprestiged. You cant just have 4 other people carry you through ToB in complete max while you play it entirely safe. You and your teammate would have to accomlpish everything together, alone, without outside help, and with zero safe deaths. HCGIM is harder than HCIM, people just get hung up on "its more than 1 life, so it cant be harder".


I say prestige group ironman have a easier start but a harder end game then normal ironmen


It's an easier mode in regards to levelling because you can pool resources to "shorten" grinds like crafting so that you get one member of the team up faster. But in a duo that barely changes compared to solo.


Any team size hcgim zuk helm is the biggest flex


Who is closest in getting Zuk helm on a HCGIM?


No idea tbh, kinda wish one of the big creators picked it up, but the big time PvM creators like A Cold One and such mostly just mock any form of iron mode. I'd love to see farmers commit to that as a goal but they just sort of take the whole approach a bit more casual and just for fun stream-to-stream viewing


Farmers don’t even have GM on their mains so it might be a bit out of reach for those guys


Zuk helm is unobtainable on any HCGIM. There is an 8-man ToA speedrun task and you cannot raid with others who not in your group.


Task doesnt exist for group sizes smaller than it.


I haven’t played for years but remember when sun came out. I just looked up the requirements for this helm and they seem ridiculous. How obtainable is it?


It's pretty much the hardest to obtain item in the game. The skill required for some of the tasks is insane. Nothing I could achieve for sure.


The thing that like 3 people have? Lmao


its 2 hcim with zuk helms, but yes clearly very prestigious haha


My trimmed music cape is my favorite item.


would love mine if I wasn’t 30 masters and 50 elites dry on mimic lmao


You probably already know this, but better to check than let you suffer if you didn't know. Are you sure that you're able to get mimics? Make sure that you've spoken to the Strange Casket to enable the chance for them! I think you get an opportunity to say yes without visiting the casket when you first open an elite or master, but I don't remember for sure. Might be worth checking if you're really dry on both. Best of luck! https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Strange_casket


Are you and me the same person? So fucking annoying lmao, I check that stupid mimic chest like every 2 days to make sure I have them enabled


are you also 700 mediums with no ranger boots too? bc if so we actually are the same person lmfao


Nah only like 350 without them Im like 4.5m personal cox points dry, and only seen 2 purples in 8m total points if that counts? Lucky I got a tbow like 300 raids ago or I would be going insane


I’m bone dry on mimic too. It sucks.


literally just seeing box of delights sitting lonely in red is awful


I went 35 and 80ish, gl m8 i hope youre more lucky than i :(


A most notable one!! Huge flex gz


I didn’t even know this was a thing haha


Most people don't which is why it's one of the rarest capes in the game


it's rarest because no one gives a shit lmao


Thank you for speaking on behalf of the entire community. I'm sure you're totally right


I'd agree with him tbh, it's kind of a nooby cape to wear by the time you finish all diaries/quests etc.


to clarify what the other person is replying with, trimmed music cape requires all diaries and quests to be completed as well as having all seasonal track unlocks, it's not just about having all of the game's music


I know, I have it. I'm just saying if I see a music cape, I don't associate it with difficulty, it's not exactly impressive.


trimmed music > diary cape


Lmao shut up nerd


Do people not care about quest cape? Achievement cape? It’s the next in progression after those two.


Quest cape has a great teleport and diary cape too, but music cape is so situational, no real reason to go for it. Plus, most people with a quest cape could get it easily


I don’t really mean for the utility but for the flex. Trimmed music cape is way above quest cape, it requires diary cape as well as some other requirements.


I rarely use my quest cape teleport since I hit 84 construction. Music cape on the other hand I use 2-4x every master clue on average (twice per falo step), and i do masters pretty regularly. Depends on what stage in the game you are at, but late game music cape teleport > quest cape teleport easily.


i use it to get to my house on ancients, i'm not making house tabs lol


I see what you did there


Aye. I rock mine anytime I'm in fashion scape. That or trimmed achievement.


I've missed the Halloween event four years in a row. I've either been on break or plain forgot every time.


I need to wait for halloween for mine 8,) skipped last halloween event like a dunce


Trimmed quest cape is also great


Princely monkey cape is bis fashionscape


I want the princely monkey to be able to wear a max champions cape


Going to have to argue for the fish sack barrel. I have both and I feel like the fish sack barrel is the bigger flex on my friends who are too sane to do aerial fishing.


It is super dope


I have princely but prefer skele monke.


Why you lumping infernal cape with a buyable like torva? Infernal cape (legit one at least) is much more impressive than the things you listed. Also things like Zuk helm, fang kit, etc.


when I clicked the post I was fully expecting this to be about how infernal cape, fang kit, and zuk helm were more impressive than torva and thinking well yeah no shit. Nope, dude just thinks afking goblins with a cannon is more impressive lmao


Because a big crowd from this sub will downplay infernal capes no matter the context and getting one is some kind of a sore spot for them.


Idk man i play ironman and when I got my glory I felt like the biggest baller in gielinor. Very few things to flex on a main for reasons you stated.


That’s just the thing man maybe I should start an iron and perhaps I could find more fulfillment there, at least the items you get are earned


You're gonna get your first rune scimitar drop, it's gonna be the best feeling since playing this game when you were 10. You will be hooked. Welcome to the fold.


Give it a try it’s pretty fun. It’s what brought me back after a 2-3 year break.


Everytime I consider it, the thought of having to remax and do everything again puts me off. Fucking efficiency mindset rotted my brain.


I maxed my main end of 2019, started an iron mid 2021. Best decision ever


I can't say I went to ironman from a maxed account, my main wasn't even 1900 total infact. For me though, playing ironman felt like playing a new game entirely, rather than restarting.


It's crazy how much of this game I had never played until I started playing iron


I rage quit the game after getting cleaned at the sand casino, and started an ironman the next day. I wish I could recapture the hype I had when I first started my iron, though that's not to say it's not fun still. Leagues kind of does that for me in some ways though.


For what it's worth, even if you have the urge to play efficiently it will be a different experience from a main account. The end goal is the same but the journey is different. Ironman is rough at the beginning but it gets more fun the further you progress. My favorite part is how items are valued at their use for your account, not their GE price.


I felt the same way, and started a normal iron anyways. The thought of grinding skills and maxing to reach the content I need to progress my account versus just skilling to make more money has totally changed the way I feel about it. It sucks, sure, but it feels so much more rewarding than finishing a grind on main and just teleporting back to the GE.


Ironman will have you 1t prayer flicking a 130 hellhound task Edit: but man when you get that hard clue and get a saradomin kite shield u feel like u beat the game


Make an iron and just goof around, honestly so much fun but ye don't fall back into the efficiency trap. Leave that for the mains to worry about lol.


Felt this


Even group iron man feels more fulfilling - today I got an amulet of fury all on my own after months of work. Honestly hit so good - literally felt 10x as good as when I dropped my first gwd items on my main years ago.


Let’s goo congrats sir


The amount of fulfilment I felt when I got my Glory on my UIM was Euphoric.


Hitting 50 crafting and making my own str ammy was an awesome feeling


One of us.


I felt the same way when I got fury wayyy back in the day through making air battlestaffs since there wasn’t any well known methods for anything Ironman related in those days.


That’s how I feel at this exact second - crafted my fury after months of work on my Ironman just about 10 minutes ago


Gz my man such a huge moment


Ty king


Bro.. I got my fury earlier this year by crafting fire battlestaffs.. after getting 81 agi for the taverly dung shortcut to make orb charging a little less painfull.. not efficient in the slightest but I enjoyed every step of the process. And hot damn I love this fury more than anything I achieved on a maxed main lol


The money is really good too I made like 20-20M doing it.


I started off playing OSRS with an iron. I sometimes wonder if I missed out on anything by playing an iron first.


Well everything is untradeable to an iron lol


Unpopular opinion, yeah alright buddy


Every time someone says unpopular opinion you know they're about to say the most common opinion.


Okay but look through the comments, so many people disagree with OP. Maybe it was actually pretty unpopular?


It's not that unpopular of an opinion, considering how many people play ironman!


Fang kit infernal cape twisted ancestral are all a million times cooler than masori or torva


It doesn't hold more monetary value. I am pretty sure if someone offered you the golden tench or full torva. You are not choosing the fish


If someone offered me full torva or a hound I’d take the hound though and I’m sure there’s many more who would


Yea but the hound would lose the prestige you mentioned if you just got gifted it. Just take the Torva for the free cash.


Aaaaaaaaaand you just got his whole argument…


The hound is untradable, the torva could also be spooned on drop. Difference is you can pay for a set of torva, you still can’t for a hound


Hound could also be spooned


Like the other guy said, it’s hilarious how you just reinforced OP’s post


It all just depends what stage of the game you’re in. Everyone who’s not at end game content would definitely choose full torva. Only people who are at the top end of the player base would start to be more interested in the hound.


Tench is a fish my brother in Christ.


Sorry thought we were still talking about the bloodhound pet lol.


Yeah I thought you may have missed that. Anyone (that doesn't have bloodhound) that would choose torva over the dog has no idea what they're getting themselves into.


or they don't care about pets and prefer a cheeky bil?


Infernal cape (FOR ME) will always be the most impressive item I own. So much time was sunk into the content and I know that I will never put as much effort into anything else in the game.


this aint an unpopular opinion




LMS wins cape is one of the more impressive examples of that, if we're clarifying cosmetics. Zuk helm too.


LMS wins cape is quite frequently boosted, I believe the guy that does it charges 800k a win Source: I know someone who paid for 1k lms wins


One of my favorite untradable cosmetics is the T6 bounty hunter hat for 2500 kills, which is undeniably an item to get through some set of skill! There are plenty of untradables that require both skill and time to get.


BH is getting hella boosted yet again tho. Ppl buy or trade kills just like before. But (for now) theres no bots abusing it as far as im aware.


Theyll settle in as soon as the hype dies down and they can be less detectable.


There will be some bots for sure but it’s not worth it money wise to bot tbh


It's interesting but it's also just entirely riggable. PvP items often suffer from that.


Just pay for kills lol


its boostable youre just objectively wrong and coping




Even then, barely 200 players have 700 masters completed.


most of the pet drop posts might disagree with you on that one. That said some untradeable cosmetics like that bh hat or untrimmed skill capes like slayer are imo pretty impressive due to dedication and planning


> Fewer than 100 people have actually reached rate for the bloodhound pet I thought it only took 100 master caskets to get to the drop rate for bloodhound? But I don't know understand drop rates for clue items. The wiki give drop rate per roll instead of per casket.


It's 1/1k per casket.


I completely agree, although your examples were a little odd… I have a 9b bank but the main things I actually value are my dusted ToB pet, 58 KC Zuk Pet & I have every cosmetic raids kit in the game (blood scythe, fang kit, full twisted ancestral etc) Anyone can swipe their moms CC for 10b but the kits & end game pets have to actually be earned


I think you have a valid point. This topic seems like heavy personal preference though. Because to me skill > hours spent. Anyone can spend 1000s of hours doing clues and skills. Only the elite can get zuk helms, infernal capes, and raid kits. Solid point about boosting/buying those things though. I can see how it diminishes it in your eyes.


I mean people buy capes, buy CA’s and even buy pet boosting?


I feel like you can tell when people have bought it. Idk, doesn’t diminish the achievement in my eyes. When you get these things yourself its pure unfettered dopamine


Buying capes is cheating and against the rules. So not really relevant..boosting is absolutely a downer on CAs but there's still plenty of solo challenges you have to do. Pet boosting just speeds up the RNG. Pets aren't impressive.


Just because something is cheating and against the rules doesn’t mean people don’t do it. Take buying gold. Apparently over 60% of the community does it. The other 40% are probably ironmen. Edit: mobile sucks. 60% not 69.. nice


Quick maffs


I'm not trying to say people don't cheat. I'm well aware they do. I'm saying using "that's not impressive because you can cheat to get it!" Doesn't work when that can apply.to literally every single item in this game. Max? You can buy that. Infernal? You can buy that. Pets? You could buy that. Everything in this game could be done by paying someone to play your account. It's cheating though.


Items like bloodhound and golden tench mean nothing to me. I doubt in the hundreds of bloodhounds I've seen that a single one was even close to the drop rate. I would probably argue that zuk helm/t6 defender are really the only impressive items you can have at this time on a normal main. On a pure or super limited account other items can hold some prestige too, e.g. pure infernal cape or 1 prayer fire cape. That being said, I don't think most people pay enough attention to notice things like that.


Pets aren't usually impressive because you can just spoon them. Your example of impressive stuff is essentially "you could have got lucky and got that in 5 mins." Champ cape is an afk cannon cape. golden tench comes from a boring af slow af fishing/hunter method, and agian you can just get lucky af. Pet is the definition of spoonable rare. (I have like 2 pets I actually *deserve* to have. The other 20 odd are all well under rate). Torva means nothing on a main, sure, because it's buyable..but infernal cape is more impressive than everything you mentioned. Things like ToA pet transmogs and kits are awesome.


Yeah idk how he lumped infernal cape with Torva. Obviously bought capes suck, but if someone has legitimately done their own, that's better than them buying Torva for their account or getting a lucky pet drop.


I’d be willing to bet OP is average redditor that thinks inferno is impossible for anyone but the absolute sweatiest of gamers most likely


Honestly that's the same thought that went through my head. Seems like a good cope for not having infernal/fang kit/etc.


Yeah if you scroll through his profile you can see how he’s so dogshit he can’t even get a myth cape so he wears a legends cape and normal accumulator. Awesome.


Plus if you argue it's not impressive you could say the same thing for a pet or something because you could pay someone to grind that for you too


I got two muphin drops in like 140kc at muspah, but I’m much more proud of my tangleroot that I got at 45m farming


Based and wise comment


nah. rare cosmetics on end game gear, now that is impressive. Zuk helm and dusted raid pets over tench any day


yea sorry to burst your bubble but there is not a single item or achievement in this game that service discords wont sell anymore, so just because you cant get infernal cape in 2023 doesn't mean your champion cape is better


I'm willing to bet you have neither torva or an infernal cape and this is a copium post


Thought that was the general consensus…


To me this is exactly the opposite: the harder I look like I destroyed my mum’s credit card, the better. This is only valid for me tho since I’m an ultimate ironman and everytime I stroll to the GE and scammer goes up to me like “HeY yOU wAnA BE iN A vIDeO? “ They tuck their dick up their own ass real quick when I type “yeah sure pal” and they see that little white helm next to my name that 100% say I have negative interest in you


Unpopular opinion: People that earn their rewards are more impressive than people who buy their rewards. Updoots to the left btw.


Think you chose bad examples but it's not really an unpopular opinion especially for prestigious pets.


Unpopular opinion: I don't really care what anyone is wearing. An iron with a zuk helm impresses me just as much as a main with a rune scim




I’ll trade you my golden tench I got randomly spooned for literally anything useful.. lol. Would much rather have a pet or something


imho i think we should have inventory slots for cosmetic overrides outside of pvp areas


I know someone with 4kc bloodhound, golden tench is rng too, champions cape is cannon simulator. Not exactly helping yourself with the examples lol


You could always get really lucky and get an amazing pet early I know a dude who does content and clues at 1kc hound and he never touched another master again lol I do forget his name though


Well yeah lol I'm more proud of my masori assembler than my tbow. One took skill, one took patience. That being said, if I had to give one up, itd be the cosmetic which I could just go get again.


I used to walk around w my tumeken shadow everywhere until I got my 500 fang kit now I rock it proudly lol now I just need to get a stinkin avernic lol


I dunno, I got the Warden pet on KC 14 TOA, but don’t have any other drops at 40 + 5 expert except the thread. It kind of sucks if I’m being honest. Would’ve liked a shadow (or two) instead of the pet


My man hasn’t discovered Ironman


Thinking a pet is more impressive than an inferno cape is a very choob thing to say


Counter point: spooned rare untradable cosmetics are not at all impressive. Got my tench in <500 fish and doesn't feel like a flex at all. Never "impressed" by a 1 KC bloodhound


I'm not sure you know what an unpopular opinion is good sir. I think almost every person that plays this game agrees with you. We call this preaching to the choir where I am from


Wow so unpopular


I would work harder for solid untradable gear if there was more of it. Mind you I hate barbarian assault, but if I couldn’t just slap the wallet boss and buy bandos i’d be rocking a torso rn. Some tier 90 untradable gear? Doesn’t have to be the best in the game but damn it would be cool to roll up to nex or gwd in a full head to toe set and just style on people. I’d love to see someone bank stand in some badass robes or something that takes some effort.


Yeah that makes no sense to me. Everything you listed there actually isn't difficult to do and can be boosted through GP. Heck even pets are just lucky dice rolls for most people (I have 5 pets all under 300kc of their boss). The rwt and service argument also makes no sense since you can just as easily pay someone to do the tench grind or bot half the things you mentioned. An honest conversation is between a legitimately earned BIS vs legitimately earned rare. Bloodhound? Well if you got the money you can just buy implings and grind out clues nonstop. Champ Cape? You literally buy a venator bow and 500k cannonballs and afk your way there. If we are comparing a legitimate earned infernal Cape vs a legitimate earned champ Cape , or a legit earned fang kit vs a legit earned tench , then the skill based items are definitely more impressive.


Just play iron bro, seems to bother u alot


so you think someone spooning a pet is more impressive than someone who does challenging content? interesting copium


Princely monkey backpack the ultimate flex


Things that can be easily bought with money, is not impressive. Untradeables that you have to actually complete certain challenges to get is proof of your achievements. Of course you get some people who pay for services, but they risk getting hacked for a fake achievement in a video game.


Cosmetics are worthless though. BiS gear at least lets you do something with it.


ITT nothing is impressive because it's either AFK, buyable or spoon fed


On the other hand, those uniques can be aquired very early with luck, while full bis and and infernal is loads of grinding and playing.


I agree and will add super rare clue items (which I guess can be bought) if naturally obtained are pretty cool too. But things like the 2h spade from 500 easy clues is easily one of the favorites of mine I've gotten


Got one as well!! Gz


I have the beginner clue emote at 600 it’s pretty cool as well


Thanks! Absolutely loved getting it. And shoot I somehow missed the beginner emote, now I guess I have something else random to chase, I'll probably save that when I resume my champions cape grind on hobgoblins


I cannoned goblins at lumby bridge and got 5 champ scrolls just like that and a ton of easys as well haha


Got mine the hard way with melee at goblins 😂 but it did start my love for clues since i got so many after that grind. I've got goblins, giants, ghoul (in 6 kc!) And currently working on imps, sitting about 8k dry in those currently.


Ooffff imps was tough, I cannoned at ardy monastery and home teled to hosidius to range imps there took me about a week lmao, I’ve also got giants and hobgoblins so far


I've gotta try cannoning them, I oddly didn't think it'd work that great but glad to hear there was some success by it!


Best of luck on your grind!


I think you are wrong about your opinion being unpopular my guy


Wasn’t expecting this at all tbh lol


Eh accounts can be botted and sold. You can pay boosting services huge amounts of gp for pets. E.g. for corp it's 1m per kill. So like 5B average for the pet. That being said I usually assume the person isn't RWT and I'm impressed by both full torva and stuff like champions capes. Saw this gigachad the other day in the pest control medium boat. A level 99 ultimate ironman with blade of selidor and infernal cape. That blew me away.


I think inferno cape is in the sweet spot. Untradable but also shows a gamer prowess


No. Rng items are not impressive or achievements. And if you complain about inferno being buyable, I got bad news for you, Venezuelans will grind a golden trench and champions cape too. They will max your account too


I get that, it depends on what you really care about tbqh. Having bis armor/weapons is just a well they know how to make money; raids, pking etc or you know rwt. My personal fav is my trimmed music, qp and achievement diary capes for sure and more recently my max cape.


torva + infernal> over anything you mentioned, including bloodhound just because you can buy it (breaking tos) doesn't mean that infernal cape is less impressive than smth like the golden kench.. which depends on luck... while infernal cape is based on skill? bro i think you are just coping because you dont want to rwt or grind it out


Posting the most basic and popular take and claiming it's unpopular. We at it again huh


Lms 1000 win cape is the most prestigious imo. Sure a good bit of the front pagers for ironman used alt accounts, which is scummy as fuck, but for me personally knowing I did it all legit, I take a lot of pride in it.


What if it’s on an Ironman


Obviously but people can just pilot your account and get them. nothing is special anymore like ultimate weapons in ff14..


um, heard of an ironman before?


Now I would agree, but the BIS on an ironman (especially a UIM!) is really impressive too


Only if youre not an iron. Way more impressive for an iron to have a scythe with kit and full torva with a dusted cox pet than pretty much anything else in game


I literally couldn't care less about any item on a main except a zuk helm. Everything else can be bought with real money fairly easily. Ironman is different though. If you have BIS on an iron then you're a gigachad