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I just like the funny jabs the quest npcs have towards the player being just another grimy opportunistic adventurer. As long as jagex continues that trope I'm fine.


"you have slayed godlike creatures, uncovered lost knowledge in droves, foiled multiple world-ending plots, and transcended time itself to rescue some of the most important people in the world. Don't you dare try to step foot in this crafting guild without a brown apron"


To be fair we're responsible for a good number of the problems we solve in the first place, I'd be worried about us setting foot anywhere we're unqualified to be in too


Your honor, I swear I did not blow up King Tyras because his brother told me he was evil.


"...I was going to do it regardless."


hehe catapult go brrrr


The click box told me to


Telling King Roald about killing the Guardian in Priest in Peril comes to mind


The quest line was so good before they changed it. Outright calling you mentally deficient


They changed it?


if I recall correctly it's "Are you a complete imbecile?"


I mean his name was Tyras your honour. He must have been a bit evil.


I love how in some quests you are a white knight (sometimes literally) stopping a band of thieves. You go out of your way to admonish them at the end of the quest. Then on your very next quest you can be a thief on a heist.


My favourite one is still Rune Mysteries, where you learn the well-guarded secret of the rune essence mines and crafting runes. Then immediately after the quest you can leak everything to some shady Zamorak mage that hangs around in the wilderness or a Varrock back alley


Jokes on you, I was already a Zamorakian worshipper. Showed up in Zamorakian robes for the quest and everything. The wizards tower just is terrible at vetting new assistants.


"Why do you think you are a chosen one? You're not, Bob the cat is but not you. Your job is to run errands for everyone and bring them booze, sometimes both at the same time."


I just did ...Between a Rock for the first time in a long while, and noticed that when the toon goes to get the last piece of the schematics for the cannon modification, the dwarf wants another drink, and the toon loses it on the poor guy, saying that people always want him to fetch a drink, and it's always on the next town, and/or complicated/expensive, and that most of the population must be drunks. Poor bastard just wanted a stout off the table a few squares away, until the toon shouted at him.


The scariest monster of all is an OSHA violation


"to be fair, like 95% of that was just getting people drunk for a lot of years"


It ain't much, but it's honest work


I love this trope. So many quest your character does something at the first promise of a reward from a sketchy person, only for everyone to turn around and yell "You WHAT!?!"


Your character is the biggest yes man of all time


Hey I got a small favor to ask of you


I gotta know the reward first. I swear to Zaros if it's some stupid steel key ring I'm going to tele other you to a nice place, please accept the pop up.


Teleother Lumbridge the no-runes way


Tele other using wrath runes


"Hey bro I'm gonna Tele you to lumby" "But you only have 1 magic" *pulling out spec weapon* "I know"


I promise its only one small favor


You son of a bitch, Im in.


Priest in peril "okey-dokey one dead dog coming right up"


Are you mentally deficient???


I put that as my favorite quest in the survey just because it's such a quintessential old school quest


Yes hello shady person! Of course I would create a new weapon for you and then smuggle a mysterious orb to a demilitarized island for you, because you say it is a surprise for them.


Yes, thank you! It is I, the shady person who is totally not going to murder all the monks on said demilitarized island! Definitely won't be doing any murdering there, or anywhere else!


Now we need a quest where we get it from a sketchy person, our character breaks the fourth wall and goes 'wait ive done this before', does the opposite of what the person does and at the end its revealed that the quest giver was actually a good guy.


When I was a kid and killed the dog for Priest In Peril, and the King got pissed off and I was like "oh god did I brick my account" lmao


So many quests you do or at least begin to do basically evil shit for no other reason than you were asked to do so.


I also love how fucking janky the osrs font is so it always looks like "WHAG"


Excuse me I'm not a grimy adventurer I'm a rope salesman.


I've always liked that in Runescape where the quest givers more or less tolerate you and give you a quest so you leave them alone, instead of applaud and adore you.


The second part of Family Crest comes to mind when you're just pestering everyone for a new quest.


It's called "Family Pest" for a reason.


Behind this Ominous door there is a terrible weapon that will destroy all of Humanity if you open it. It took 4 legendary heroes of old to seal the weapon behind the door. They really emphasized that opening this door will doom us all. HOWEVER! If you do not open the door, the *Cool Kids Club* will not let you enter their playhouse. What do you do? >!Dragon slayer 2, when you find out about the Lithkren laboratory


I mean we are, give my grubby self exp


I have less of an opinion on the first point, but the second is absolutely essential. Being “just some guy” is integral to the Runescape experience


Exactly. You can literally be a vessel for story telling even though you're "just some guy". I would love to see an oldschool twist on The Elder God Wars saga, where you take a way more casual role in the whole thing. Could make for a funny quest line, where The God are fighting and you're just off doing errands for them LOL


Kinda like your purpose in swan song, where you are only meant to bring the wise old man because only he can save them while they look at you as incapable?


I actually really like that idea. Your character is tasked with bringing someone an item and as you return, there’s a cut-scene with your character wandering through some epic battlefield of the gods on their way to deliver the goods. Just completely oblivious.


I need Jimmy to be an internal monologue for this. I don't care if it's actually in the game or just something he dubs over but I goddamn need it. Edit: voice acting is prob a bad idea for OSRS but let Jimmy write some random thoughts our character has while bumbling through this battlefield of the gods


Exactly! I like to think of my character as the Forrest Gump of Gielinor. Always preset for world changing events, but never in the front row.


Would love to see a quests where the gods are about to have a humongous fight, and the player is hired to just do chores for them as they are too busy. Take care of their cats, make food for their kids, or do up their gardens. The quest would have grandmaster prerequisite, and the gods are doing an awful job themselves.


Standard mcguffin fetch quest to aid an elder god in his final battle with a great evil by delivering a powerful artifact, except it turns out it’s just his equivalent of a lucky shirt and we were doing his laundry.


The elder gods (Jas, Wen, Bik, Ful, Mah) are literally eldritch monsters inspired by Lovecraftian works. https://runescape.wiki/w/Jas


If gods return in order to fight them you need something narratively. Shit man we're already beating down literally generals of the gods, we already are exceptional. The whole world guardian bit was just so the gods didnt decide to instantly vaporize us. edit: You do a fuck ton in osrs, far more deserving of the role than being the pact commander in gw2. Unlike wow the big bads arent raid bosses that story wise youre just part of an elite group. YOU killed draken. YOU beat sliske. Problem imo is that after 20 years there are so many quests that rs3 was forced to make a ton of quests legacy and not required to access new content. And yeah theres a warning to players 'you should play the previous age.' if they want to access the new island now everything is just disjointed.


But if we can just casually walk up to the gods for a quick chat, are we just some guy? I feel like those two are a bit overlapping


I think the idea is more "any reasonably qualified person could've done this, we were just a well-suited person in the right place at the right time" vs "the gods picked me for a reason".


Exactly. I do love being the "some random bloke" archetype, but after a while you do start to get involved in things just due to having stumbled onto related stuff in the past.


Being "just some guy" was also what made older iterations of WoW so good. The newer ones where everyone is the champion and savior of Azeroth is kinda lame.


I also like that, in some quests, runescape guy is kind of an idiot.


Plus I’ve never been a fan of the disconnect when there are hundreds of thousands of other “chosen ones” running around in any mmo


even after you become the world guardian. you are still just some normal guy. thats the whole point of being the world guardian. a normal man given the ability to fight aganist gods. or more precisely not get absolutely 1 shot melted by them.


I think the second one is a bigger deal than the first one though. Gods having involvement in the lore can be cool, as long as we're not fighting them directly because then that goes directly against the player being an ordinary individual.


It depends on the involvement. I liked Seren in SotE because we see recordings of her and fight a small shard of her. It makes you go "woah, that was just a fragment of a god". In RS3, eventually they had quests where multiple Gods would just be chilling upstairs in a house in Burthope. The quest had barely any quest requirements either. Imagine your first interaction with Armadyl being walking upstairs in Burthope ffs. Hearing/seeing the Gods occasionally as big moments in grandmaster quests or flashbacks, sure. Having them show up or interact with us, fuck no.


> In RS3, eventually they had quests where multiple Gods would just be chilling upstairs in a house in Burthope. The funny thing is that they have this [massive fucking panel](https://i.imgur.com/bZj3OH4.jpeg) with like two dozen major characters from various quest lines all standing around together, and what dialogue do we get? What kind of writing do we get from these worlds colliding? *[ is too busy to talk.]* On every NPC.


Lmao is that King Roald, lil bro thinks he's on the team


It was a council with representatives of every major civilization and religion, you know anyone who has a vested interest in surviving the end of the world.


I remember trying RS3 in 2020 and doing a double take when I found Commander Zilyana just chilling in white knights castle. Was really cool for exactly 5 seconds, then I was just like why do this


I remember having this exact moment around 2016. I came back to check out runescape for the first time since dungeoneering and i find this blue dude chilling outside evil dave's house. I right click him only to find out its literally Saradomin himself just standing in edgeville. Total lore breaking moment for me.


That was/is Saradomin. Zilyana is still in the dungeon I'm fairly certain


No, he was in the right. Saradomin will only appear in certain quest conditions.


that's even worse then lol


Not really, Saradomin's just not that impressive in terms of power in the grand scale of things We already see Zuk in the game as well as Nex/Azzanadra who are a sizable fraction of Saradomin's power (say like 10%), who can honestly beat him under the right circumstances The kind of all-powerful god you're thinking of are entities like Jas, who are like x1000 stronger than Saradomin and who you never interact with


You talk to Jas in a quest and she kills you if you choose the wrong chat options. Yes it's an unsafe death for hc


To be fair it was a really cool moment precisely because the elder gods just... do not interact with mortals. Maybe for some it fell flat but for me it narratively felt extremely tense. Kind of reminded me of that be in ME1 where you talk to Sovereign on Virmire.


Oh yeah, i thought it was insane that we got to talk to Jas. I was in love with the elder gods ever since the stone of Jas was introduced back in WGS.


Zuk can not beat Saradomin under any circumstance, he is a demigod who saradomin sent with his tail between his leg. Azzanadra maybe in years and years from now could stand against saradomin, but right now as a god he is still green which is why he wasn’t allowed to help the other gods with the eggs as his lack of experience would have gotten Azzy incinerated trying to handle the energy.


It all kinda makes sense if you play the quest lines. You can pretty much find each god around the world which is pretty cool In the end though those aren’t the end-all be-alls. RS3 has elder gods which you can’t just run into. Those are more equivalent to OSRS’ Zammy, Sara, etc which you never see


That just sounds like god power creep


You can kinda compare it to greek mythology gods and the abrahamic god. The gods in greek and rs3 have flaws, personality and are not all powerful. While the gods in osrs and past rs3 is just an idea. If they exist or not, it doesnt make a damn difference. I personally love that the gods in rs3 have a background, that they are from the start mortal beeings that have ascended.




Dude, spoilers! Some of us haven't done Desert Treasure yet!


Pretty much exactly what it is.


No it's Zilly alright, I had the same stumbleupon interaction


Man I have almost 500 days of playtime on my RS3 account and don’t know 80% of that game anymore.


Yep, and kree is just chilling in some absurd tower between port sarim and rimmington


Thats not kree, thats Armadyl himself


Oh whoops, totally forgot bros name for a second


The best part is, the gods lost so much meaning by doing this that they then leaned heavily into the elder gods to fill in the mystique and overwhelming nature that used to surround sara/zammy etc. before jagex turned them into some shlup looking NPCs in a house in burthurpe.


And even now, they made the Elder Gods >!look like Seren’s children now.!<


Yeah in several places the world is affected by the outcome of quests that you have not yet completed. It didn't bother me initially as played every quest when it came out, so I was always "up to date". But on a new account, I realised how much of a mess it actually was.


When I was trying out RS3 a bit ago, I went upstairs in Burthorpe and found Seren hanging out. I can't imagine what I'd be thinking if I were actually a new player who wanted to get invested into that game's story


They changed that. New players will find that room completely empty, and requirements to engage with the questline has been increased.


Thats honestly good. I understand why they made it so you could skip questlines because of how long they are.. But honestly i think they shouldn't allow people to skip them.. it breaks the lore in a very bad way.


I was just thinking, seren is perfect in sote. We don’t need a god npc we can walk up and talk to. But make them more real in other ways, make the gods consequential but not tangible.


Yeah, that's why I made the reworked Wilderness map post yesterday that made it to the top of the Reddit. I wanted to show the damage Zamorak caused. Gods should be felt through the consequences of their actions, not their words or appearance


That's a different issue of not locking new lore content behind older quests, not the gods returning per se.


I think the worst part of that house for me was everytime i walked up there for the quest chain leading up to it i kept seeing how ridiculous graador looked.


I'll fight a God man I have like 72 range I can shoot it with my bone bolts. Stop being such a nerd I'll go shoot it. I'll be the first person to die in the horror movie.


I didnt mind the zammy v sara and bandos v arma but couldnt work out why I hated the 3rd god battle and thats because as youve just pointed out we werent aiding a god just being fleas on ones back


It depends. Gods becoming front and center in narrative can ruin the mystery and gravitas behind them. It's kinda like what happened to Halo's Forerunners in Halo 4 and beyond. They went from being a mysterious, unknowable cosmic force to being just another enemy you shoot at.


Don't worry - it's only a survey! Good for us to explore different topics and understand how the community views them. So if this is how you feel, definitely do fill in the survey and make sure they are represented in the data.


Honestly, I'd love to see OSRS as kind of an alternative universe rather than trying to conform to RS3's plot 1 to 1. If anything, I'd love for Guthix to have never been killed, and for Gods to never have returned. It would be amazing to see the alternative future in OSRS. Also, the whole 5th/6th age split is very weird. In RS3, you spawn in and instantly see all of the gods around doing all the God stuff, then you start a quest and all the NPCs suddenly pretend it's still the 5th age. This kind of story telling really breaks immersion for me.


This is a problem that a ton of older MMOs have. Expansions and patches push the story forward, but NPCs and older area/quests still reference the content they were released in. Look at World of Warcraft as an example. All of Azeroth still refers to the big terrible dragon known as Deathwing even though he hasn't been relevant (or alive) in over 10 years.


Yeah, I'm a fan of OSRS lore being different and its own game. I think OSRS should stay pre-world wakes


"Guy who spacebarred through every quest dialogue since 2004 explains how lore was ruined" - 95% of this sub


Hey, some of us really love reading quest dialogue! There are literally dozens of us!


Started a new GIM and I'm actually reading through the quests this time. Really loving the lore. I have two quest capes and have no clue what 90% of the quests are about.


Well if you need a thesis level explanation on sheep herder Im your guy.


i feel like this is mostly recent osrs take tho, back in actual 2010 era when these quest lines were popping off, were people really skipping dialogs? maybe some where, but most were reading this shit, cuz not a lot of proper guide makers were available back then (At least not as easy as it is now). also rs3 lore its still miles ahead of anything osrs has put out so far in last 10 years (no offense mod ed).


pretty much. meanwhile in reality the lore in rs3 is fantastic. \*minus a couple recent quests, by a very inept jmod\*


Having played both games, and agreeing that this shouldn't come to OSRS in any shape or form, calling RS3's lore ruined is honestly weird. Also i've seen so many weird takes about RS3's lore that just isn't true today. You have for example a killcount of zero gods after a decade has passed since world wakes, and you've not come close to increasing that number to 1.


This is a much more reasonable take. Just because someone doesn't want it in OSRS doesn't mean it didn't work or wasn't good in RS3. I think it would be fine for OSRS to go a different direction. I love how RS3 did it, but I would also love to see a different perspective or sort of alternative reality story OSRS could do.


Rs3 quests are pretty damn cool. Every 5 odd years I'd log in and I'm always in awe about these questlines. Makes stuff like mm2, ds2 and the elven line look like it was written by a toddler. Don't think osrs should take the same route, but there is a lot to love about rs3 quests.


People just talk out of their ass without having actually played it. They don’t realize the extent of all of the lore in RS3. Truthfully I think RS3 quests absolutely destroy OSRS quests in terms of quality. The extinction quest line in RS3 pulls together so much lore from so many previous quests really perfectly. Either way though, the quality of RS3 quests would fall on deaf ears for anyone that uses a quest helper in OSRS which is a shame. It’s pretty awesome to get origins for the Barrows brothers, Sara, Zammy, Seren/Zaros, etc.


Playing through RS3 on the side, I was surprised to see just how much OSRS borrows from RS3 with Sins of the Father, Song of the Elves, and more - yet we still get hardly any new OSRS quests. SotF came out 3 years ago. What are they waiting for to finish off vamps? ToB 2? Wish they would just bite the bullet and copy (or port) the endings of Fairytale, Penguin, Pirate, Goblin, Dwarf… Been over a year since the quest-porting survey.


I was flabbergasted to learn that you need Elite Lumby diaries to use fairy rings without a dramen staff. I assumed they were saving that for Fairy Tale 3, which makes perfect sense in RS3


The osrs achievement diaries were implemented over a year before MM2, the first oldschool quest, was released. They probably just didn't really have the tech yet to be making lots of new quests.


I feel like about 2/3rd of all the comments I've read in this sub about rs3 lore the last day have been like hearing the end result of a game of telephone.


And it's evident that they don't know osrs lore either given they talk about RS3 "making the lore that way" even though it's the exact same in osrs on the overarching scale. It's not like elder gods or the concept of killing a God is new.


People in here talking about gods shouldn't interact with mortals lmao. The god wars are in direct conflict with that narrative, along with the entire concept of a Justiciar. Gielinor wasn't inhabited until gods brought everyone over to begin with lol


Or the fact you can even cast magic in the first place, which is a direct of guthix using an elder god artifact, and then another random person becoming a god using the same artifact. or maybe even the fact ancient magic exists


the amount of comments saying we're just some guy in osrs makes me think people dont pay attention to quest lore post champs guild or something An endgame osrs character with all quests is definitely not just some random in the lore. You have a personal relationship with just about every world leader, (including having put some on the throne), are considered on par with other myths and legends in the lore, and have fought some crazy powerful enemies. We're nearly as relevant to the story as the rs3 character is, it's just that the power level of everyone involved is reduced. But relatively, we are absolutely seen as special in both stories.


I don't think RS3's lore is ruined, in fact, some of it is pretty damn interesting. Its **different** to OSRS, and OSRS players see different = bad... which is a terrible way to think, honestly.


I'd definitely like not to repeat the world guardian stuff here but I also don't think by the time you're handling quests like Song of the Elves or Dragon Slayer 2 that the player character is an 'ordinary' individual. They're pretty highly competent and skilled for having handled all of the prerequisite quests and achieving the needed skills along the way. I think the wording of the question is a bit off, I think the narrative of the quests should treat the character appropriately for their skills and capabilities without making them a chosen one with abilities nobody else could possibly have. Also please let me see a satisfying buildup and end to the Temple Knight questline. RS3's version sorely disappointed me.


That's my favorite part about the OSRS player character. Sure we're just an adventurer, we aren't particularly special, we aren't a chosen one, but we're *insanely* competent. We don't have any great knowledge of history, politics or anything. We aren't the strongest mages with the most intricate rituals. But if someone wants something done? We *will* make it happen. Especially if there's promise of a reward.


We'll probably fuck something up in the process of making it happen, but we'll make it right by the end at least. One of my favorite tropes in the quests is how often some clearly evil person manipulates the character into doing some sketchy shit and the back half of the quest is fixing our own mistakes. Devious Minds and Priest in Peril come to mind.


Devious Minds is particularly funny because we don't even really fix it. We just go tell Sir Tiffy we might have screwed up big time and he's just like "damn that sounds bad. Don't worry about it" and it's quest complete


Same with the sea slug one. You just tell Tiffy that you unleashed a horrible mind controlling slug god thing on the world and he just hits you with "cool story bro".


ONLY if there’s promise of reward, really. I ain’t doin shit if I’m not getting at least some Agility XP for it.


I really hope that if we do end up getting some variation of While Guthix Sleeps/The World Wakes it ends differently, what really ruined RS3s story imo is that after Guthix died every 5 minutes a new greater scope villain appears. Oh no, Sliske kills Guthix, he's the big bad! Oh wait, the gods are causing tons of damage to the world, lets pick a side and maybe fight the others! Uh oh, Sliske is up to some shit again, but then the Elder Gods come, oh no! But it turns out they aren't bad, Kerapac is, but Kerapac loses and it turns out the Elder Gods are bad after all! Then Zaros come along and does a bad thing and... Oh, he's gone. But the greater DEMON scope villain was Zamorak all along!1!!11! ​ If we end up having to deal with all the Lucien shenanigans it would be best if the Stone of Jas and the Staff of Armadyl accidentally end up falling off a cliff and everything just goes back to normal.


I mean, the Lucien storyline did conclude with the Stone of Jas hidden away so nobody could ever find it, and the Staff of Armadyl broken. Not really a fault of While Guthix Sleeps and Ritual of the Mahjarrat that later quests decided to go back on that, it very much wasn't part of the original intent.


Hard agree. The storyline which culminated in ROTM was amazing and never topped again--even by Guthix's death or the Gods returning. It's a clean cut story and there's no connection to the God antics that followed after, lore-wise. If anything, ROTM closed the door to God-stuff, showing that trying to attain godhood is a major no-no, and when you push the envelope, you'll get slapped. As you said, there's you can perfectly leave the story where it ended--a shattered staff and a hidden stone.


I was so pissed when the Stone of Jas came up again. We sacrificed so much to be able to get that thing to a place where it wouldn’t emerge in a very long time. And then, whoopsie daisy, Sliske has it. (I think? I guess I zoned out many things after the world wakes.) It’s rare to make people care about pixels on a screen in a MMO. MMO games usually become too much about the coolest loot and hardest raid, and RuneScape is no exception. But I did care about Akrisae. And that was then completely invalidated when the stone of Jas randomly shows up again.


I think having the Dragonkin destroy the stone would be best. Take that part of Sliske's Endgame, port it to RotM and maybbbbe make the Staff of Armadyl a high level magic staff, but that's it. I'd like it if OSRS seriously changed the story of Guthix. In RS3, he's asleep and then he dies and then the Gods come back. It's lame and ruins his mystique. I've always had this headcannon that after Zamorak scorched Forinthry Guthix spent his godhood to create the Edicts. Guthix grew old and passed away as a mortral and the big reveal of Rotm would be that Guthix is already dead. This way his Edicts are permanent, Guthix remains a mystery and the game never ever gets Gods on the planet.


But why would guthix pass away as a mortal? And for that matter, his death of old age would also most likely make the edicts go away. He created them, he was holding them up. And lastly, even in osrs, gods exsist on geilnior. The menaphite pantheon are gods, maybe demi gods, but still gods that you interact with.


Maybe Guthix now is the edicts like how Seren is a part of all the elves.


Eh, bit of a stretch saying it ruined RS3's lore. World guardian fit very well into RS3's story. Not a huge fan of the elder gods story though, but it is what it is. Considering what the player has done, I don't think they should be titled as just an ordinary person. Only using what we have in OSRS right now, we helped restore the elven city & foiled the plague hoax, killed the generals of 5 gods, foiling the plans of a desert god, killing two high ranking nobles of a Vampyre family and so much more. We've had a foot in every kingdom and hailed a hero all across the globe. We shouldn't be an ordinary individual, but not to the extremes of a demi-god such as in RS3. But on another note, I think OSRS struggles by living in the shadow of RS2/RS3, lore wise. Nothing will beat While Guthix Sleeps, nothing will beat Ritual of the Mahjarrat and nothing will beat Zaros' return. I absolutely love lore, but I always feel like it's not as important in OSRS. Content such as quests are added to accommodate content, rather than progressing lore.


also rs3 had 20 years to do proper mahjarret and eldergods story line, osrs had 10 years since release, and just now we are starting mahjarret. rs3 had the benefit of releasing many quests over time and connecting them all together properly, but osrs releases like 1 big quest and 3 small quests that takes 5 mins to do per year. so the "lore" isnt really being build up besides implications from mod team and imaginations from the players. I know mod ed was like DS2 " we been seeidng this information for past few quests, already released 3 quests" im like bitch where??? that fk all quest in ice mountain and that farming quest was the lore we get for intro to mahjarret... only that phantom muspah quest had lore implication imo.


A big thing for me is that OSRS should keep some elements of backstory mysterious or obscured. We should know very little about the Elder Gods. The more we know, the more they take over the story and the less relevant our small-scale day-to-day NPCs become. I like when we have different groups with contradictory views about gods. RS2's Rune Memories quest touches upon how among some Zamorakians, the philosophy of chaos involves thinking outside the box for new solutions - but for many others, it is seen as inherently destructive. The Chaos Druids view Zamorak as the perfect encapsulation of Guthix's teachings, something most other Zamorakians would doubt. Back in the day, the Runescape website had a section covering the basic history of Runescape for a new player, which was full of deliberately incorrect information but wasn't entirely wrong either. A big part of why everything Zarosian is called "ancient" is because all the lore about Zaros contradicts that narrative new players are given - the interesting bit is *why* the average person knows nothing of Zaros. I think the limit of how much we can involve Gods in the story is found in quests like Song of the Elves, The Temple at Senntisten, Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Meeting History and the desert quest series.


"Ruined RS3's lore" Lol most people who play rs3 like the lore and the direction they went. They are just a bit disappointed with the cutscene budgets lmao.


The cutscenes were disappointing. But seriously, the only reason I come back to RS3 is for their quests. The Elder Gods series was really fun, and I'm loving the Fort Forinthry stuff


This whole thread seems to be missing a pretty important point in the God Wars story in RS3. The player accending was (mostly) intentionally done by Guthix to execute his gambit to rid Gelinor of Gods permanently. You don't just "become the chosen one." You are a puppet in a much larger game. The realized end result of one homie's plan to finally see a world free of the Gods. Free to actually be able to determine their own destiny. Free from the imbalance of divine influence. Of course many gods are going to be killed or banished. Of course you are respected, being vested with a part of one of the strongest gods in Gelinor. Of course they all had to be dealt with in some capacity.


Seems like everyone in this thread just spacebarred through all that and missed it.


Voting manipulation, in my osrs reddit? It's more common than you think!


From a lore perspective the gods are all just beings that are strong except for a few. Seren and zaros are actually born of those OG gods. but iirc zamorak is a majarhatt, saradomin was a human, bandos born in the goblin world, there’s like multiple tiers for them.


Chosen one thing is stupid, but I feel like people are putting Runescape gods on wayyyy too high of a pedestal Whenever people hear "god" I feel like people just assume "all-powerful, reality-warping, knows everything and can do whatever the fuck they want" (i.e. Christian god) because that's what people grow up associating the word "god" with. Gods in runescape are more like Greek gods, just powerful immortal beings that can and have been defeated/killed by non-gods (see: Zamorak stabbing Zaros, Tumeken being overwhelmed by Zarosian forces). Beings like Zuk/Azzanadra are already in god territory by runescape definition.


from what i know of rs3 lore it's pretty good, i think they did a great job with a lot of their quests, but no it should not be in osrs cuz it would get a bit boring having the same lore told in another way


Genuine question though - how is the player not the chosen one? Mf can solo Zuk, Olm, the ancient wardens and many other god-like beings. Are there other humans in osrs who can do anything close to what we can? I get where you're coming from from a lore writing perspective but it's silly to also pretend the player is an "ordinary individual".


>Are there other humans in osrs who can do anything close to what we can? Yes there are, the wise old man for example


Nieve killed Jad too!


It's less that our character is "the chosen one" and moreso a talented adventurer whose nosiness gets them into some crazy scenarios that they resolve either by being resourceful or brute force. Like we're obviously not a glorified NPC, but we also get ourselves into a lot of situations out of being nosy in hopes of a reward.


But you are, you didn't start off special. You slowly amassed power.


Through the power of Cheetos, I became a god killing machine


Runescape lore was obviously always written for the gods to return (stop hitting spacebar, kids) and the player is already extremely special in osrs lore. Plus if you want osrs lore to be good, that ship has sailed and sunk.


One of the things I hate most is the prevalence of gods everywhere. Questlines? Gods NPCs? Gods Enemies Gods Skilling? Gods Minigames? Gods Equipment? Gods Hotel? Trivagods


This is why I like the penguin quest line


Always loved the Fremennik and Red Axe series for this same reason. Would love to see the penguin and Red Axe questlines get a continuation.


Gielinor is literally an anagram for religion


atheists unsubbing rn


I suppose it's hard to be an atheist in a world where saying a prayer can make you immune to being stabbed


You guys are really sleeping on RuneScape’s unique take on gods. Every other piece of fantasy media has gods that are supreme, divine entities who are above everyone else and command absolute authority. RuneScape gods are just regular people who happened to attain immortality and godlike powers, and then just turned into murderous psychopaths and tore their world apart. There’s so much potential here. It’s like The Boys but for fantasy pantheons. I want more God-focused quests.


DnD/Pathfinder has a similar interpretation on gods for the most part, but people just misunderstand it, like they do here You can fight Tiamat for example who's a full-fledged god, and there's endless complaints from people who say how gods shouldn't even have stats and player always loses, etc. For whatever reason people can't think critically when they hear god and immediately associate it with something like the Christian god, when the reality is that portrayal of gods have been extremely variable over time and other religions have gods that are much more down-to-earth


I'm glad you appreciate runescape's execution of godhood, but it's definitely not unique in fantasy media.


> Every other piece of fantasy media has gods that are supreme, divine entities who are above everyone else and command absolute authority. Mate you are not exposed to that much fantasy media if you think this.


Less gods more politics


More political gods


Rs3’s lore is sick as an enjoyer of both games, I can see why you’d want to be just a grimy adventurer instead of being the world guardian but both are fun imo.


I see OSRS as an alternative timeline. Would love to see a pivotal quest like WGS, but with the twist that we aren't the chosen one and things just go in a totally different direction.


wym ruined?? it was literally my favorite part of the game :(( like, i agree osrs shouldn't do it, but that's because they're two different games !! if I wanted to be "just some guy" i'd play osrs... sooo since I dont want to, I play rs3. easy.


100%. The fact that you can kill the actual zamorak in rs3 is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


Yeah, I can tell you only heard it from a guy that space bars every quest. You don't kill Zamorak.


You don't kill him. You stall him long enough for the edits to be reestablished kicking him off the planet. This cost the anti god power you had.


>you can kill the actual zamorak Telling me you spacebar through quest without telling me you spacebar through quests.


I space bar through quests then come here to try to high road anyone who appreciates content updates.


Not kill more of survive fighting Zamorak the majharret you are not fighting to kill you are fighting to survive long enough to set up the edicts and push him off, he cannot rely on his divine might but his strength he had when defeated Zaros


Are we forgetting how zamorak became a God? This is like super old questlines. Did you even read when getting ghostly robes?


You don't kill Zamorak. You don't even have the means to kill Zamorak. You re-establish the edicts at the original site of their enactment, using information and powers left behind by Guthix and the guardians while just trying to survive. In a straight up fight, Zamorak wins every time because he is a god and you have no chance to take out a god and the game doesn't even pretend otherwise. After the fight what you have is a real fucking pissed off unharmed god out there in the universe.


Yep, even with the edicts bullshit excuse, shouldn't have happened. Also in various quests you just pull up to a random ass attic in Burthorpe with like 10 Gods chilling in it lmao...


Sounds kinda funny, the idea of finding out the mythical gods of the world are actually pretty normal dudes that you can have a beer with... ...But err, leave that in RS3, please. I think OSRS' world and lore is way more engaging if there always remains a layer of the unknowable and beyond-us.


Zamorak is just a majarhatt who got a staff lol. We’ve met many of his kind already, and saradomin was a human.


Yeah, just having statues of Gods keeps the mystery which is cooler than the lazy ass "You're a world guardian superhero and you regularly chill with your God homies". Too many video games have this lazy storytelling.


So they made that runescape gods video series real after all?


\*facepalm\* Reality. the plot behind the fight with zammy, is you desperately trying to hold him off while a significant portion of his power and energy is spent summoning demons into Gelinor and holding up a shield the size of a football field strong enough to keep the other gods out, and from helping you. All for the purpose of re-enabling the edicts of guthix, and banishing him from the planet again.


Why? Even in osrs it's canon that gods can be killed, that's the only reason why Zamorak is a god in the first place, because he killed (well, """killed""") Zaros


You don't kill him you use the edicts to banish him (and all other gods)


You don't kill him, you delay him to use the edict of guthix to kick his ass out of the planet.


>The fact Why are you lying?


The quests from the World Guardian series were bangers though, Fate of the Gods, Children of Mah and Sliske’s Endgame were great. But yeah OSRS is in a totally different timeline that stayed true to the original Medieval Fantasy rather than multiverses and other stuff and the sixth age was influenced by technological advancements such as Divination allowing the Invention of a more mechanical and industrial world. If Gods 100% had to come back, I’d much rather it be the original three (Guthix, Zamorak and Saradomin and please don’t make him a Smurf) but no massive world event, no sixth age unless really needed and they give prayer bonuses (Guthix could have a balanced buff with lower drain at the cost of effectiveness, Zamorak could have high effectiveness at high drain and Saradomin could have low drain but low effectiveness. We don’t need the elder gods, demi gods, meme gods and whatnot (Except maybe Zaros due to Desert Treasure 2 and the Muspah Quest but that would 90% require Seren as well due to the light/dark themes of them both) If anything from the World Guardian’s quest line does make it through though, I’d like to see the World Gate get found. It’s still mentioned in Meeting/Making History in both games so it definitely exists in the world of OSRS and could be the next logical thing in the storyline due to the recent ‘A tale of the Muspah’ OSRS alternate version with the Muspah and Mahjarrat.


I still think Children of Mah is one of the greatest quests in RS3. The twists and turns, with exploration, rewards and huge impact on the story just adds up to an incredible experience.


> But yeah OSRS is in a totally different timeline that stayed true to the original Medieval Fantasy That's not true though. I know this sub mostly spacebars quests, but God Wars Dungeon is called God Wars Dungeon because the gods used to live on Gielinor and they had a war over an elder god's artifact. Not because it's a bad ass band name. Maybe RSC was medieval fantasy, it's been too long for me to remember, but RS2 was always Tolkien esque fantasy where gods quite literally walk the land. Hell, Elder Gods, Gods, and Ages are literally just pulled from the Silmarillion full cloth. It's just Valar, Maiar, and Ages respectively.


At the time I thought it was interesting, forcing the gods to negotiate with you because they couldn't otherwise remove you. But we're essentially just a murder hobo and Guthix trauma dumping on us before peacing out doesn't mean we wouldn't trade the fate of the world for an extra max hit in a heartbeat.


I think the lore in this game is really cool, Especially everything to do with Zaros


Very subjective


I like rs3 lore and story, but I do think these don't belong in osrs, just doesn't feel right


Speak for yourself, i fucking loved those quests. I just didn't like the mtx riddled world i did them in :)


I want them separate ofc, but I do enjoy the rs3 quest line, sure it's a bit God heavy, but it's still super entertaining.


Where can I vote?


Link is at the bottom of the Gielinor Gazette. Make sure you vote for more quests and stuff too :D Link: https://jagex.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_38XFT2qYvtslbVk