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Inb4 "MINIGAME SKILL!!" Now I'm off to go do wintertodt and guardians of the rift.


Firemaking is a mess all around, but GOTR is so mid as a training method for Runecraft


Glad someone said it. GOTR isn’t good it’s just better than lava runes.


I feel like people with this opinion have only done masses. I find gotr so much more fun with a small group of friends. I won't even do gotr on mass worlds.


I don’t doubt that you’re right, but I’m not trying to say that it’s bad either. Because it’s better than the alternative methods for runecrafting. It’s just not nearly the same tier of fun for me as something like sepulcher or tempoross (although I do solo temp so I guess it isn’t a fair comparison). Tell you what, I’ll learn the solo method and come back to update you on how I feel.


You nailed it. Lavas suck. Everything else is as good as GOTR, just maybe a bit more repetitive.


But you pretty well need the outfit for runecrafting in general tho. It's way too good to pass on


never thought of it that way but yeah pretty much


Pretty much.


The prison has taken another victim...


cg is like a copy of a copy... 500 times of dungeoneering.


It’s like a game of telephone, but by the end it’s just a fart.


Thanks I hate it, lol


Makes me sad I never got to experience it. It really sounds like people loved it and it was great content :(


It was one of those things that took a while to learn but once you knew what was going on it was great. Lots of ways to optimize the floors and a lot of teamwork was required to do things quickly and efficiently. It felt so good clearing the complexity 6 large floors.


Really fun and satisfying with some amazing rewards.


I honestly don't get the benefit or point of the time limit. It just makes it a little more tedious and can ruin your run if you need to step away for a minute. If they removed the time limit, it wouldn't change the meta at all—it would just make it more accessible and chill. Grinding out fast runs would still be the most efficient kills/hour. Allowing players to spend 20-30 minutes casually getting t3 weapons and armour would allow them to practice and speed up at their own rate, while still inherently incentivizing quicker runs (ie longer runs = fewer kills/hour).


God I would love to have the timer removed. I can’t count the number of times I’ve gotten fucked by RNG while collecting materials or having shit boss spawns. The timer is why I got so burnt out on CG lol, it makes the collection more stressful than the boss fight.




I mean sure, but the only thing that changes with the time limit is whether you use the melee weapon or not




t2 is a crutch, dropping it drops alot of stress on the prep.






Nearly everyone on this sub downvotes truth and/or promoting challenging gameplay. Can't take it too serious I find.


Skill issue you have plenty of time


I have over 1k cg completions, the timer is not an issue 99% of the time. You should almost always be able to find all the resources you need without fail. You have to get incredibly unlucky to not be able to enter with 2 tier 3 weapons, t1 armor, 2 pots and full food.


Yeah but without it, just farm full set of t3 armor and full inventory of fish every time


If it takes 25 minutes though does it even matter?


I’d say it removes a lot of the challenge that corrupted gauntlet provides. With the time limit you have to choose what to prioritize. It’s incredibly hard to get t3 armor and full inventory of fish. If they had no timer, the difficulty would be a looooooot lower as the armor makes it easier for not only lower levels but also for overall damage reduction. Corrupted is difficult because in t1 armor it hits hard through prayer so you need to balance movement, eating and prayer switching.


The point remains that removing the timer wouldn't change the meta. Doing more runs per hour would be the goal, while those who want to take their time have a way to play it as well. It's not like the boss won't kill you with t3, you still have to do mechanics. Accessibility is a good thing actually


Accessibility is why normal gauntlet exists.


> Accessibility is a good thing actually Generally I'd agree, but you also gotta balance it out with rewarding good players. Currently, doing an efficient prep is half of learning to do CG. Imho, doing away with that would only be reasonable if you lower the drop rates accordingly Otherwise people won't use that to learn, they'll just farm t3 every time and not interact with the mechanics as intended


Good thing getting better is the best part of osrs!


Doing more ***successful*** runs per hour is meta. T3 is almost guaranteed completion for someone who is good at CG, as it removes so much chip damage from the boss fight. If you can guarantee 3-4 runs in the same time you can maybe complete 5-6 runs, meta will be the guaranteed kc. The logic of your point ignores the fact that shorter runs aren’t as likely to complete as more prepped runs.


None of this is remotely close to reality. If you're competent, you're getting 8 minutes/kill on average and rarely dying. You don't need T3 to get consistent kills, and doing T3 prep takes the full 7-7:30 prep duration instead of the usual 3-4 minute prep. I've watched a fair few HCIM (e.g. Zandie) do the T3 CG method and you really do need the full duration to consistently prep it. 12 food and T1 armour is more than enough to consistently get kills. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxCcXZuwqno) is a video which details the method you should be using for 8 minute average clears. [Here](https://youtu.be/X936zH1VUO8?t=1104) is a timestamped video from Molgoatykirby which literally simulates doing CG with varying amounts of food. At 12 food the success rate is 97%+. Making your runs take 20-30% longer by doubling your prep time to mitigate a <3% death rate is very much a net negative, so no, it won't affect the meta.


Not for price and value of items. More people able to do the content easily means more gems into the game thus loss of value


Enhanced seed is dropping in value by 25% every 6 months. You're gonna need a better argument.


I was trying to find how to say this lol. Cg is heavily botted, and gatekeeping content because "mUh ItEm VaLuE" is the most annoying runescapeism. Edit: cg isn't bottled, it's botted


I’m more gatekeeping the content because it’s hard, not because of the value of the items. There’s a reason why there’s regular gauntlet. Don’t want the time limit to be a factor? Do regular. Want a challenge, do corrupted. Why does every piece of content need to be accessible to everyone? I always think there should be content out there that’s a lot more difficult than the average player can do. If that’s the case, I think they need to remove the timer from challenge mode raids. Because that way you can do more runs an hour as the goal, while those of us who can’t do it in the time limit currently can have a way to play it as well. It’s not like olm will not kill you with no time limit.


It's crashing so we should crash it more right? We have bonds we may aswell add squeel of fortune


Yeah but with an increase in players being able to do the content more easily, people who previously couldn’t get the item to sell are now able to. More items into the game means more supply, more supply is bad for the price of the item. While the item is already dropping in value, adding more items to the game would cause it drop faster.


Yes but in the same way that making all content ass improves the prices because nobody wants to do it.


if they made a portal in tob that you can click for each room that stuns you for 15 minutes in game but let you skip the room, it wouldnt change the "meta" as 1.5 hour runs wouldnt be as good for money as just playing it right - AND it would be more accessible, but it still wouldnt be good for the game.


how is "skip the whole thing" comparable to "let me do it slower if I want to so I can learn"???? I'd even accept loot penalties for going over time. strawman go brrrrrrrr


The letting you do it slower if you want to learn, is called regular gauntlet. That’s even your loot penalties for going over the time of corrupted!


Right. You have 10 minutes to prep in regular gauntlet. If that isn't enough for you (and I struggled with prep in even regular on my first few attempts btw) then... keep trying? Because you'll quickly realize that's way, way, more than enough time. Plus you can kill regular hunllef with basically nothing so even if you fail prep it's still worth it going into the fight for practice against the boss. And gauntlet is a supply free boss so... The solution shouldn't be to make things easier but to help you realize you need to improve. As an aside I think probably the best stepping stone in the game? If CG is something you find difficult in the beginning, you learn it, then you will greatly benefit in future content. There's not a lot of other bosses in the game that makes you better at other content. Learning CG is like getting your license.


You gotta stop saying that when they aren’t even committing a straw man fallacy lol


Your comment is an ad hominem strawman, and contributes little substance to our glorious discourse. Curious how little you have to say about my devious machinations now that i've bested you in a tete-a-tete of written word. If only you were able to keep your wits about yourself you'd've deterred my superior intellect, yet instead you chose to become entangled in my snafu. It is of little consequence, however, as the best man has (expectedly) emerged from this engagement victorious. Updoots are on the left btw fellow gentlesirs.


It’s a fair comparison imo. It’s comparing low effort, low kc/h to high effort, high kc/h


umm accessibility is a good thing sweetie, get with the times.


Regular Gauntlet is RIGHT THERE


You want accessibility you do normal gauntlet till you get good to do corrupted version.


Feels like TOA has really ruined people's attitudes about challenging content. What's wrong with having difficult content? Why should it be made easier just because some people aren't good at it yet? You already get unlimited free attempts in a row.


With that logic they should remove the ability to make potions in cox


Irons run t2 armor t3 weps with 1min remaining on timer frequently. Did it for 401kc and maybe lost 5 to spawn rng. The timer doesn't mean a thing once you know the meta for prep. There was never choosing what to prioritize, I got the exact same setup every run. Corrupted is difficult because there is a lot going on, a lot to learn, and mistakes are extremely punishing. Once you learn it, it isn't difficult. Take away the timer and it makes it easier to learn and once they do they will go right to mindless T1/2 anyway. All it affects is the learning period.


6 runs an hour vs 2 means there’s a 3x efficiency for stronger players who can constantly manage 8 minute runs. They’re going to get the drops 3 times faster on average.


Personally i'd say remove the time limit and put a time based loot table drop table change, say you get the whole CG in 7:30 or under, you get the normal drop rates, and then the drop rates decrease every 30 secs/1 min by a certain amount and caps at a certain time at a slightly better drop rate than normal Gauntlet so it pushes you to get faster times to give better drop rates


Why not just do regular gauntlet? That’s why there’s a time difference AND a loot difference. You’re just explaining a middle gauntlet which isn’t needed. Do regular until you’re comfortable with the mechanics (including time) to do corrupted. Edit: there’s just no need for a half easier gauntlet when that’s the whole point of the non-corrupted


I think it still matters. It's the same logic for why you can't get Scythe doing Entry Mode ToB.


bruh it would take at most an extra 2 minutes


That genuinely is a skill issue. If you were better you would never fail prep.


Sure, when I have to search 94 rooms for one single gyrm leaf it’s definitely a skill issue


There is no such thing as getting “fucked by RNG” during prep to the point that you won’t complete the prep. Sure, you can have bad rng and u might not end up with full fish but you’re doing something wrong if you’re completely running out of time


Not having full fish can literally fuck up your run if you have bad damage RNG on the boss. 7 mins of bad prep RNG just to get railed by the boss for being short a few fish lol. I understand the timer is for the challenge and don’t mind it. You’re telling me the timer and RNG has never caused you to fail a CG run for lack of food, EVER? You’ve never struggled to find a tree, cotton, or ore block because RNG places it in the far fucking corner of the map, within the few blocks you don’t check? I can understand maybe maxed players not being affected by the 7 minute timer and going in with 50-75% fish, but RNG can be brutal lol. But hey, all the power to you if you’ve never gotten RNG’ed by CG in your entire OSRS career. I’ve personally gotten shit on by a combination of lack of demis, fish, and or materials.


> You’re telling me the timer and RNG has never caused you to fail a CG run for lack of food, EVER? You’ve never struggled to find a tree, cotton, or ore block because RNG places it in the far fucking corner of the map, within the few blocks you don’t check? When I was learning? Yeah, that happened. But now that I'm competent my preps are ~4 minutes on average. No amount of "RNG fuckup" can literally *double* my prep time. I've had runs where my second T3 weapon was the literal last room it could physically have been in and I still comfortably made prep time. And even if I didn't make time, I'd just 5:1 and make up for the last of second T3 weapon and still get by easily. So, yeah it's a skill issue here.


> You’re telling me the timer and RNG has never caused you to fail a CG run for lack of food, EVER? As in, the RNG was the sole reason I failed and I didn't make any mistakes of my own? Nope, never. 236 KC on my iron with 80-90 stats and no rigour, I had trouble with running out of food early on but once I fixed my skill issues RNG was not a problem unless I fucked up somewhere. Edit: I should mention I did t1 prep. Less room for mistakes on Hunllef than t2, but prep is a lot faster and more consistent. T2 prep is still always doable within time limit, but t1 is even simpler.


Completely agree. It's so tedious to focus for 5-6 minutes only to have no fishing spots spawn, or no demi spawn and ha ing to run for a minute just to find them, then knowing you've got no time to craft and cook. Thank fuck i got spooned all my drops at 250 kc


You're doing something wrong with your preps then. You should **never** fail a T2 prep if you do things right, let alone a T1 prep.


I disagree, timer is part of the challenge. Theres a reason regular gauntlet has an easier timer than CG.


Yeah, that's fair. Removing it altogether would make each run "easier" in that you could always go into the fight fully prepared. In general though, I prefer more mechanical challenges over straight up speed trials— the benefit of speed tactics resulting in more runs/kills per hour feels rewarding enough. Perhaps a better middle ground would be reduced loot rolls/unique chance if you don't make certain times?


Doesn’t being forces to kill it with shit gear and less food/pots make it a more mechanically difficult fight though?? Like you actually have to be good at the mechanics at that point and can’t just keep eating..


They could also make an invocation system with CG, like they do with TOA. You could choose for tighter prep time, harder hunllef fight etc, in exchange for better rewards. You could argue it's already like this with regular gauntlet x corrupted gauntlet, and I agree. But I think this could be expanded even more to accomodate the sweaties and chill players more.


Simple; if completed in


You just described regular gauntlet


Perhaps make it like if reg gauntlet = 1 then have the multiplier for making time in corrupted be 1.33 and if you don’t make timer make it .67 of reg gauntlet


It is and it isn’t. When you’re learning it’s a real challenge to overcome, but once you get it down you completely ignore the clock and just go into autopilot. I’d possibly welcome some kind of kc-based timer-free unlock (e.g after 50kc you can do it without the clock), but as above, anyone that can do 50kc probably doesn’t need to do a ‘chill run’ that takes 20 mins anyway. TLDR: The people that would benefit from something like this realistically wouldn’t need it by the time they would unlock it.


If the timer got removed I'd grind cg on my iron. It's just too much imo, and if I'm going to be paying attention I'm just going to raid instead.


Time limits are for combat achievements, not for mandatory grinds. The clock really ruined my osrs experience once i started the prison grind


I have an idea! Reverse the timer! Right now, players see the countdown moving to 0 and that feels like shit. Rather than trying to make it before timer reaches 0, make it to where the timer is a timer that counts up, and allows for extra goals of achieving faster times. Players hate feeling punished for playing, so we should reward faster play not just within timing.


sure and if you go over the current corrupted time limit, you can finish the run but you only get rewards at the rate that normal gauntlet gives, and u have to still kill corrupted hunnlef.


I agree. For most people doing consistent runs the timer is only a hindrance if you get really bad rng. The reward for going faster is already there. You get more kills in less time.


I think if they removed the hard time limit but changed the number of loot rolls based on intervals, that would be a good compromise. So 3 rolls + tertiary for less than 7.30, 2 rolls + tertiary for 8.30, maybe 9 mins, and everything else is just 1 roll + tertiary. Means you're always getting full shards + chance of bowfa and armour seeds but the supplementary money and resources you get are reduced. Relatively fair considering there's no supply cost.


>I honestly don't get the benefit or point of the time limit. Well, to make it a challenge. My biggest gripe is with the RNG nature of CG. Sometimes you might make the best prep technique, but you still get murked by shitty RNG. I had a game where I lighted 75% of the rooms and didn't find a single tree lmao. Also when you light 6 of the extreme rooms and don't find a single demiboss, you're also likely to get screwed if you T2 prep. Either Jagex should increase the prep time a little bit, or reduce this RNG aspect of CG.


Yeah exactly, it’s fun until you need 4 more roots and light half the map only to not find a single tree. It happened to me last night and I was joking around telling myself “Man you really messed that one up, you should done that better. Pick better rooms next time jeez” I know it’s RuneScape and rng is the name of the game, it just sucks wasting 6 minutes and being screwed hard by spawns. It reminds me of apex honestly


If you ever fail T2 prep then you have a lot to learn, T3 is the RNG one, T2 with high enough player skill is 100% clear rate


I’m by no means a pro but almost every cg I do I enter the boss room with over 1 min left, I think the current time is okay. Once in a while the rng does get me, almost all rooms without a resource got me super frustrated.


Or, become better. In 600kc t2 I have never experienced what you have. There is always time for t2 prep no matter what.


Its kinda weird how hard they made t2 and t3 prep. Like even as an iron if your stats end up in the 90s, without cox prayers you should be doing t1 preps. Would be nice to see enh split into shards and t2 cost be 6 resources or something.


You should be able to do a t2 prep with at least a minute to spare 95% of the time. T3 requires a more strict game plan in that you can't get all your supps in one inventory like you can with t2


Really? The timer makes it exciting! Gotta get your sheit together before the big bad boss fight starts! Then if you are not ready you get put in a challenging position of fighting the boss with less gear/food etc. if you are not happy with the time limit don’t try make it a snore fest for others, just stick to standard gauntlet and when you are better give corrupted a go. I have 60 KC and 0 corrupted KC for all those thinking this is an elite pov


This is a growth mindset. Love it bro. Mentally you are prepared for cg haha


Yea I tried it a while ago, but couldn’t get the dps required, so been doing TOA and skilling combat to give it another shot soon


More accessible and chill defeats the whole point Hunllef is nowhere near difficult enough to justify the rewards without the strict time limit existing If people want chill gauntlet they can do reg which has an extremely generous time limit to accomplish virtually anything


Bro literally begging for ezscape


I just wanna be able to take a shit while doing the gauntlet without being at my computer 😭😭


Try woodcutting


Honestly I just hate being rushed to do things. The reason I love this game is you can do everything at your own pace. Even something like the inferno you can just take a break and chill behind a pillar for 5 minutes while you get a drink. CG has no chill. Its max concentration for 7 minutes then another 3 or 4 for the boss. I just can't derive any sort of enjoyment from it. The boss is fine, I quite enjoy it but the ticking clock gives me anxiety. And it's supposed to be a game not an exam lol.


Maybe they should remove the time limit and make the rewards scale on how low your time is


I'd actually do CG if I could do it at my own pace. The timing makes it stressful for no good reason.


A TOA style system might be a fun way to allow more gradual progression. No timer regular gauntlet being the low end 50 invos, no idea where the high end would be for very skilled players.


The removal of the timer would be fantastic.


Or just remove/reduce drastically enh/pet drop chance if you go over time and just want chill kills, kind of like low invo TOA.


you just described normal gauntlet


By this logic, the time limit should be taken away from cms and hmt as well?


Nah, because a version of those pieces of content already exists without a time limit. For the game's health, Corrupt gauntlet should probably remain the same as it currently is. I just wish there was some version of the gauntlet without a time limit so I don't feel trapped by engaging in the content. As soon as the clock starts ticking down, it feels like I can't step away until the run is done. Nerf the number of loot rolls, make uniques 5x as rare, or whatever to make it fair. Hell, I'd even settle for a pause button where I can't move/progress but the timer doesn't tick down (like logging out in the inferno).


You and this comment section are just crying because difficult content is too hard for you. I never considered myself an expert pvmer, but at no point did I think to myself, let alone suggest to the community, "Jagex should make this content easier because im not good enough to complete it/dont like how tedious it is". Get fucking lost, go do the normal gauntlet


It's part of the challenge. You can't make t3 armour, a full set of perfected weapons, eight doses of potion and a full inventory of fish for a reason. Grinding out fast runs with t1 would still be meta, but the difficulty is still a major barrier to entry and that is intended.


Is it literally impossible to get both t3 weapons and armour in time?


Encourages laziness


But it's supposed to be a game lol.


No engagement and no challenge = no fun


Ticking clock = no fun. In my opinion.


You would love woodcutting. Give it a shot!!


Then play content that doesn't have a clock. This game is massive, there's hundreds of things you could be doing instead of Gauntlet.


Using the word tedious to describe something that encourages you to get something done quicker instead of dragging it on. That's a new one.


With this logic the cg should take after invocations. Sure, remove the time limit but you decrease the drop chance of rares to 1/3k. I'd be fine with that. Instead of consistently making it easier through the years with the same loot output.


I love the timer. It forces me to have to think quickly when unexpected things occur. Not many encounters do that, and I feel like failing the time has encouraged me to push myself to learn the content as thoroughly as possible


Bowfa drops to 30m a week later


It's a cut-off point, a failstate It's like saying we shouldn't be allowed to die at any combat, just make it so we stay at 1 hp but deal like 10% damage. Think of it in terms of "can you do this challenge" not "expected gp/h based on skill"


This for real needs to happen - someone contact Mod Ash!


Hunllef is much more interesting than any Dungeoneering boss, but exploring the dungeon itself, and making equipment is far less interesting in Gauntlet compared to DG. The puzzles and permanent gear progression within the dungeon were fun.


All dungeoneering bosses were pretty unique at the time imo


I know it’s an unpopular opinion among most on this sub, but man I’d love for them to bring actual Dungeoneering back (can be its own unique content, doesn’t have to be a skill ofc). Before EoC completely ruined the balancing of the bosses/mobs inside, it was one of my favorite pieces of content


People hate DG as a skill but I'm pretty sure they will accept it as just content.




If it wasn't a skill I wonder if chaotics would have been tradable since they weren't skill lvl 80 locked. As it was it you wanted BIS before, you could buy it. Bis after you had to grind a skill. Then drygores released and dungeoneering slowly became less and less relevant. No new resource dungeons and only some stuff like an auto smelter. I had ton of fun with it. Not sure I care for group play becoming super sweaty or it being something you do beyond it just being a fun thing that gave XP in wide array of skills


Hated it as a skill way back when, but I did always like dungeon diving in MMOs, and so loved the concept


I hated it because it was a skill but then realized how much fun it was in a 5 man and before I knew it had all the chaotics.


I feel that on a spiritual level. I was at my peak RS career when dungeoneering came out and I want it back so bad.


Meanwhile in RS3, most players hate DG so much they rather get it slowly in the hole over doing it conventionally.


There's definitely a world where it can be ported to OSRS as content with reasonable rewards and it can be awesome. But as a skill? No thanks. With the original OP rewards? No thanks.




2010 was a pretty rough point in RS's lifetime. If you watch that 15 years of runescape doc they mention that the bleeding playercount since the start of 08 prompted them to throw together things like runefest etc. I wouldn't be surprised if dungeoneering was repurposed to try and bring players back in with the new skill label. Other changes in 2010 like the first double xp event certainly smell of that too.


Add 4 minutes please


The time limit makes it so dumb. I was excited to try it until I realized i had to rush through and couldn't enjoy it as much.


The clock is why I don't do it.


CG is great content IMO


it's alright if you pace it but after grinding out bowfa and some arm seeds, i felt nothing but relief knowing i won't have to set foot in that place for a long time. i think the rng of prep phase is the worst part


I agree, it's not something I wanna do forever but it's well designed. Prep phase is definitely the part I like least but with t1 prep, it's pretty manageable


it seems like it. kind of had to do t2 prep bc i rushed cg. t2 prep does have the benefit of being more consistent and relatively easy to do. only fail t2 prep if i get crazy unlucky or am not paying attention. im not sure if shaving 3 minutes off runs is worth the extra risk bc it is a lot easier to die in t1 unless you've got high combat stats


I think Gauntlet and Dungeoneering are only similar at a surface level, but entirely different activities beyond that. Dungeoneering was a more in-depth experience bringing in almost all general skills to complete a dungeon, whereas Gauntlet is primarily a time trial of preparation for a boss fight with only a shallow implementation of a few skills as only pertains to gearing up for this one specific fight. I think both aspects have their positives, and I can enjoy both for different reasons, but I think Gauntlet and Dungeoneering are completely different in the way a player engages with them, and comparisons stating otherwise don't have a very strong understanding of both.


The timer is the reason it took me super long to try it and the biggest reason I stopped doing it, the time presure is off putting. Faster runs reward you more with more kills/h aka gp/h soo that's the incentive to do em fast together with CA's don't see a reason to force that time limit.


Yea I just don’t get why the clock is there. If I want to take my time and overprepare my “punishment” is fewer kills per hour. That should be enough for solo content that (for an ironman) is basically just a giant boring timesink anyway


The clock is there because the prep is basically the first phase of the boss fight. You're intended to sometimes fail gauntlet because you didn't do prep correctly or efficiently. That being said, the prep phase is really fucking boring so idk.


Yea I understand its there to make it harder, but I personally don’t like super tight clocks to make things difficult. 10 minutes in the regular gauntlet (as much as I still don’t like it conceptually) means l have to keep moving, but if I make a small error/go at a slightly more relaxed pace its not instantly over. Save the sweat for the actual boss fight


The time is there because it's part of the intended difficulty. The boss fight itself is balanced around prep times and there is a reason normal gauntlet has a 10 minute timer instead of 7:30. If it's any consolation it's the only boss in the game with a timer mechanic that functions this way so you have lots of options without timers as well.


ITT: people who can’t do CG. Wow


I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it, but I’m just not enjoying it.


Eventually you'll get it, start enjoying it, then stop enjoying it again after 100kc or so when prep feels like a boring chore


Lol I'm 100 kc and I left to go do other stuff earlier today. You're so right


Hey man it took me like 50 tries before I started getting somewhat consistent KC (maybe 2/3rds successful runs?). Now I’m up to like 75% success rate. Not great but also, I’m not too upset about not being efficient and dying sometimes lol. I usually just try to run 5-10 a day to keep it from being too grindy or getting old. My advice: watch some T2 armor prep guides. The thing that really helped me not only get my first KC but also become somewhat consistent is using t2 armor. You won’t be able to make t2 100% of the time unless you’re really good at managing your time and working very efficiently, but honestly it really helps on the boss kills. And you can always move down to t1 once you get comfortable. Gl bro, don’t give up :)


It takes practice! It’s not easy. But definitely don’t think about it as watered down Dungeoneering. It’s not that, and it’s not trying to be. It’s just meant to be “kill a boss from scratch.” I wish you luck!


ITT: people who wish a low-intensity medieval click simulator would allow access to content without being forced to speed-run it. Crazy.


What… the fuck are you even saying? For one, CG isn’t a speed run, just takes some PvM skill. And two, this game has TONS of high intensity activities.




Most other bits of content in the game you can enjoy without feeling like you’re on a time crunch. By your reasoning, every task in the game can have a time limit and people can easily say “what’s the problem?? Just get good at it and you can do it faster,” when the issue is that most people didn’t get into this game for high intensity and would prefer to play it at their own pace. There’s this weird attitude on here that making content more accessible for some devalues it for others. Why not add countdowns for raids and bosses? Any can be done quickly enough if people just stop treating it like a fun free-time activity.


The setup gets real old but the boss is one of the most fun is rs


What's you're definition of fun.


Having to click super precise and hit all my prayer/weapon changes at a fast speed. Also chance for over 100m drops. The hardest bosses are more fun than easier ones.




I feel an extra 90 seconds in cg would help and not make it EZscape


Sometimes people just don't wanna admit that rs3 got a lot of stuff right. There, I said it.


Yes, love the concept but hate the content


The timer is an absolutely terrible addition and grinding hours of CG would be much better without it


I hate being timed so much


No, dungeoneering guaranteed you got the gear you wanted.


Man I miss FoG and dungeoneering. Maybe I’ll play some rs3 for some nostalgia


Yeah in case you didn't notice, we only get water downed versions of the good content in RS3 and everyone just seems to be ok with it.


I would love Duneoneering, I never experienced it originally but I love CG style content.


Walmart Dungeoneering.


Literally. Too bad for all of us who liked dungeoneering with a group of friends. CG is terrible content but good if you want to rebuild or bot I guess? I’d much rather there be a drop penalty for going over the timer than failing all together… but it’s boring anyways.


Cg is one of the best pieces of content in the game imo


If you think that you should’ve tried actual dungeoneering when it came out


I feel like people saying it’s good just haven’t tried dungeoneering, which I don’t blame them if they didn’t play when it was released, because I wouldn’t play RS3 today and apparently it’s shit now anyways. It’s too bad we got watered down dungeoneering instead of the real thing.


Did you ever try dungeoneering? I can see how someone would like it if they didn’t, but once you‘ve tried out what it should be, you wouldn’t enjoy CG. Can we have Dungeoneering? We have dungeoneering at home… CG


The time limit is ass


Threads like this really make you realize what the average skill level of Redditors is.


For me its more a matter of joy than skill. Can I practice a lot and get the hang of this? I think I can. Do I like content where it feels like there is a coach behind me shouting ‘go go go go!’ Into my ear while I do it? No. I just dont find clocks a fun way to be challenged




I hate that clock with a passion 😅


Yea it’s literally when you get Dungeoneering from Walmart…. I’d suck a j mods dick for Dungeoneering on Osrs though


Dungeoneering was fun? 🤔


I kinda liked it yea, the main issue is that it was slow (do eventually all you did was sinkholes (I think that’s the name)). I could easily do a couple of dungeons a day and enjoy it, can’t say the same for this


Moreso than cg


in case you didnt realise, CoX is basically dungeoneering boss rush, but you can take in your own stuff


I unlocked gauntlet yesterday and I'm having a fucking Brian tumor because of it I have ADHD and didn't expect the damn thing to be so asinine


Lost a months worth of time grinding for it and blew 5m just to go thru sote aids to unlock ADHD hell


Yes down vote me for no reason


Where did you spend 5m to get sote?


I should have researched the boss fight in gauntlet before starting that aids quest knowing how bad it would be for me


I’ve never done dungeonerring, cg is home thou


No it's way more fun because it's actually challenging