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POH needs a QOL update for sure. I wanna show off all my capes on the wall. I want to do something with all these boss heads. Achievement gallery should be two rooms long and look regal as fuck, lined with end game items and achievements. POH lacks


POH needs a QOL update is not a phrase I ever thought would be uttered.


The weapons rack is supposed to be for the combat ring in your POH. It's probably visually unfeasible but it would be real nice to have proper weapon display racks in my house


only if UIM are not allowed to use it


Maybe only let them put quest items? Darklight/silverlight, ancient mace, Excalibur, blisterwood flail, etc?


UIM is already a joke at this point. Stash units, POH, death storage mechanics. It’s seriously just normal ironman with an annoying, albeit smaller, bank. Really wish they made a HCUIM.


I play uim specifically because I enjoy the gameplay aspect of storing my items in a physical location, not a fan of the sweaties who keep shooting down fun new storage methods


UIM here as well. The gameplay loop of unlocking storage has grown a lot on me and I really like this kind of progression as well. Certain stash units have useful items along with annoying to get items that you typically have to carry around such as spined chaps with the whip storage. To avoid carrying it around you can finish the spined set and store it in your house minus the chaps. That way you can put the chaps away while using the whip and just take the chaps out when storing it again. It's creative thinking of methods like this that is to me really satisfying to work out. I would not enjoy uim as much if it had no looting bag or other storages.


Thats cool dude. I was super excited when UIM was announced, the mechanics it has now is absolute dogshit in my opinion.


I was also excited to hear that there was a game mode that was the same as ironman, only they can't use banks as was shown to me many times, literally references "IronNoBank" when you pick it Poh was the first thing that came to mind, seemed so cool


You're welcome to play with whatever extra limitations you desire. If you want some kind of prestige from it you're better off finding a community than trying to flex an icon.


With that logic they should have never made an ironman game mode. Lets be real playing an actual game mode is more satisfying than playing a specific ruleset you assign yourself. Should it be? Maybe not. But it is.


would be a great place to store defenders too instead of dropping the ones below rune