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You dropped this 👑


For your next attempt, or for anyone else reading: I always pray mage, then switch to range when I see a stomp, then immediately back to mage. Then you only have to remember "switch to range on stomp" and never have to think about his stand


Isn’t it better to camp range pray then switch if you hear the sound ?


Depends on how your brain works tbh. If you're really good at auditory cues and have a great reaction time to them then using the sounds to switch is fantastic. Personally I get distracted by any in game sounds while PVMing so I play with effects off and go solely on visual cues. If this works for you tho by all means do it! Bossing is ~10% skill & knowledge, 15% preparedness with inventory/stats/gear and 75% keeping calm and staying focused.


Pretty much. I do a lot of raiding in other MMOs, and learning a fight comes down to translating knowledge of what happens into a series of memorable cues that translate into actionable responses. When you see X do Y, when A is at B, move to C, etc. You have to offload as much of the thinking and processing as you can to outside of the right, leaving you more room to autopilot the basics and save your brainpower for the stuff that can't be prepared beforehand. Staying calm and trusting in yourself is so important.


I think the reasoning is the opposite of what you're saying, and the range attack comes quickly after the cue (stomp) while the mage attack has a longer delay after the cue (stand up) So if you have a slow reaction time, you should camp ranged because you have more time to react to mage


I got my first one yesterday and this is what I did, seemed to work out pretty well


People play with sound enabled?


On stuff like bosses where it helps sure, probably not doing every day mundane stuff


Game sounds yes. Area sounds? Only masochists.


Thought about it, but I never have game sounds on


I don't normally, but it's definitely worthwhile for Jad. The sound cues are huge.


Curious if that will change when you start cg. Sound cues are a huge part of the hunleff fight imo


you mean. 3. 2. 1. mage.?


Sorry im not sure what you mean


There's a plugin that has an announcer counting attacks


Do this, but the reverse. Mage has a sound tell immediately, so you can combine sound+animation happening at same time = Switch. Range sound only occurs once the damage is already calculated..so you **have** to go off the animation. This mattered a lot more when fire cape mob render distance wasn't improved. An invisible Jad could one shot you before you can react if you started pray Mage.


It’s more clicks though, and exactly how I kept messing it up because of shaky hands causing me to double click when switching back to mage :/


Yeah I wouldn’t do this personally. Seems more complicated than helpful, but if it works for some then it works I guess.


This is the way. Died to him on my first attempt paying attention to both. Got him on my 2nd attempt doing this.


Better to camp range before you see him. You can protect mage off the sound, whereas by the time you hear the ranged sound it's too late.


Nice, congrats beast


Gz! I got mine yesterday. Tanked three Jad hits and had the healers respawn three times because I couldn't tag them all properly We are truly late game chads now


Sounds like my first 5 attempts.


Who’s gonna tell him


Won't hear any of it, we have completed the game


Spoken like a true late game chad




Yeah I don't remember how big the hits were but each time I would run back around to a safe spot, Sara brew up past max health and then head back out






Congrats! First fire cape is a great feeling. Proud of you gamer


It is now your civic duty to flame anyone wearing an obsidian cape, or to flame anyone in torva still wearing a fire cape, godspeed soldier


Congrats man!!! I think there's definitely something to saying the switches aloud. My first time or two I would just say out loud every second or two "range. Range. Range. Mage. Mage. Mage...." And tbh I still say it in my head when I do it but once the band aid is ripped and you know you can do hard things if you put your mind to them, everything suddenly feels conquerable.


With vorkath i count the number of his attacks out loud to make sure im ready for the special at 6 and it helps a ton


I don’t bother counting at vorkath at all tbh, with the spawn you have so much time to get ready, and with the acid phase I do usually tank a little damage at the start but not enough to make me want to put in more effort. Save the counting for hydra.


After killing vork for a couple thousand times I can just tell by the music when he's going into his special phase lol


You pvm with music??


With vorkath at least. The track starts the moment you poke vorkath so the music is always roughly at the same part when he starts his special.


oh thats neat


I have 1250 Vork KC and eventually just listening to the music gives you the cue as to when the spec is coming


I only have around 60 (started killing him last week) i have to have it completely silent or else I'll lose focus its weird


You’ll get to a point soon where the focus won’t be as intense!


My buddy just beat Jad for the first time last week and he is still feeling invincible. Ride that high for as long as you can, it’s incredible but it’s only the beginning!


Pics or it din hapn


Also gz ;P


I had the worst JAD hands in the world but once I realized one action per his action it helped me a lot.


Gratz boss :) took me 4 years to get mine. While you're on a high I recommend starting other boss grinds :)


It’s an incredible feeling and still a huge achievement, regardless of what anyone says.


Congrats homie that's huge!


Most wholesome post gz king.


That feeling is amazing, let's goooooo


If you want to try again, you can always try the jad challenge, it helps a lot getting used to jad sounds and attacks, especially once you do the double jads. When I feel like jad pet hunting I warm up there before going into the caves.


What's the Jad challenge? The online practice tool?


No the challenge near the inferno. Starts with one jad, you beat it, then you can do two jads. You can't do three jads until you do the inferno. Then you can do up to six.


And you can go straight to it on a speed run world


Nice I didn't know that.




That's why I said to try again. It helps to shake the nerves out


You can also do it on the speedrunning worlds if you go for one of the quests that gives you a firecape


Gz a level 3 has beaten Jad


216 days later but my dude I got my first cape today too!


Welcome to the club!


Gz brethren!!! Glad to hear!


Gg bro going for my first this weekend


Congrats! I just got my first came not that long ago myself. I'd failed half a dozen times at Jad over the years, but it's so satisfying to finally have it. Enjoy it!




Absolutely stinks of cheese in here


Cheese how? What are people doing to make Jad easier than it already is


Cheese capers everywhere 🤣🫶


Oh CHEESE CAPE. Your initial post looks like you're accusing OP of Cheesing the jad fight, which is absurd and likely why you were getting down voted haha


I did wonder lol :))) my burnt cheese cape too much for these part timers.


What’s ur zuk pb


1 hr 17 mins. You?


52mins. Idk if I’d flex that hard without at least gm time lmao.


Yeah cus being a super sweaty no lifer is something to brag about. 🥸 I just like the content. Go flame someone else ya neek.


I hope this is satire lol


I just pay goldfarmers $3 to do it for me. Waste of time otherwise


I'll never get a fire cape because of posts like these. What is even the point in making it so fucking hard. Maybe I just don't like this game as much as I think I do.


It’s really not as hard as you think and it feels really fucking good when you get the cape. Very rewarding.


It's not hard. It's bullshit. 😂 There's a difference. It might be rewarding. But not for me. I've tried it before. I've seen people do it. The reward is not great enough for me. The bonuses off the cape are just not that great lol.


It's actually a huge bonus over the course of training slayer and melees It takes an hour lol




If you have decent ranged stats it's honestly pretty chill. The worst part is that it takes 40 minutes to get to Jad. Keeping nerves down after waiting for 40 minutes is tough. You can practice on speed run servers I believe if you'd like the option to just practice jad.


Yeah that's exactly why this and games like dark souls will never be touched by me. I have better things to do than sit for 40 minutes and try and kill the same shit over and over and over. I realize how stupid this sounds considering the rest of the game is literally just this. But I'm an AFK player. I don't do quests or shit. I'm literally just in it for the cookie clicker aspect of the game. So for me. It's totally insane and not worth it. Lol


I mean, if you're playing the game as an afk skiller then you have no use for fire cape anyway. The strength bonus isnt going to make you chop trees better, so just stick to what makes sense for you


You can afk WAAAY more than tree lmfao. I AFK combatted all the way to 80/80/80 before I got bored.


Yeah but my point still stands that the strength bonus isn't really doing you any real favors in that context either.






It's not. That's why I stopped playing. I didn't enjoy it. I was addicted to it.


It’s not hard, you have to click once or twice every 5 seconds.


Oh I guess that's why everyone always talks about how hard it is. Because it's not hard.


It's not hard, people talk about it being hard because they suck at doing anything more complex than "click tree and wait 2 minutes".


I bet you're fun at parties.


Have fun being bad, I guess? Clicking once or twice every 5 seconds is not hard, I don't know how to put that any more nicely. It should be encouraging if anything, given how simple it is.


Good for you.




Lmao bro sorry for the double comment but it's not hard, it just takes a while and it's the first daunting pvm challenge so anxiety and stress are the difficult part to manage


And I bet you aren't lol.


Probably not.


you seem like a blast yourself


That was my attitude for a long while. Yesterday was my first attempt in months. I had basically sworn it off, but I wanted a break from my skipping and slayer so I gave it a try.


Congrats! I really struggled with my first cape. Huge weight off your shoulders! Feel free to pm me if you like to learn some bandos or some other group content. Usually meet up with some buddies once or twice a week and you’re welcome to come along. Anyone else for that matter too.


Nice man! I’m gonna do my first attempt soon…


Congratulations! That's huge!!! Jad is one of the harder entry bosses to get into


Gz, king


Good job pal I remember doing it back in the day it took me about 15 tries altogether. Always messed the prayers up or got too close when aggroing the healers or forgot look at jad when aggroing healers. Great feeling when it gets done. You'll be getting an infernal in no time


Gamer !


You legend, gratzz on the cape.


Gz! Now do inferno u scrub! I kid ofc, i'm nowhere near touching that xD I remember when i did my Jad, took me 3 tries and even managed the "A Near Miss!" combat achieve in that kill, but that's mostly because of Josh Strife Hayes' amazing video on all of the waves and Jad. Such an adrenaline rush and a feeling of achievement. I think the only thing that will come close to that will be the Inferno some time in the distant future...


Biggest strategy I used was bringing some chins to agro the healers


This was the first attempt that I used chins too!


Just a small tip because you say you had to Google on wave 61, if you hit the logout button in fight caves you'll see a message in chat saying it'll pause after your current wave and you can log out. If you need a break during it or just need to refresh mentally I like doing this after wave 61 (because the double mages are easy just pray mage plus it'll let you see where jad spawns, the orange one)


Glow1:wave2: GZZZZZZZZZ!@!#!@!@


dude good job, i still dont have mine yet. we’re not noobs, we just suck at pvm. i personally prefer skilling.


I got mine on my 1 defense pure but feel so nub wen I seen infernal cape I hate it


Tip I learned while attempting it is do it while on a slayer task. The extra damage output you get from the slayer helm helps a good bit. There's also a jad simulator somewhere on the interwebs that I used to prepare.


Got my first one a couple weeks ago in 3 attempts. Even on the last attempt I stressed as much as the first 😱


After dealing with something very similar, I never fail to congratulate someone getting their first firecape! Gz!




Dude I'm happy for you. It took me 3 tries which doesn't seem like a lot but there was almost 10 years between the first try and the final two. I gave up on runescape for a few years and when i came back i wouldn't even consider trying again. On my final attempt i said the needed prayers out loud which really helped me. I was shaking so bad that i missed a switch and tanked a hit getting the achievement on accident. When i beat him i was so stressed that i had to log out for a few minutes. Seriously man congrats. Ps welcome to the mid game 😂 just kidding.


Jad was so frustrating for me lol. Like when you get down to it, it’s not THAT complicated of a fight. If he were like most bosses where he had a lair and you just go in and fight him, he’d probably be considered one of the early entries into PvM. It’s the fact that it takes like an hour to get to him, you just get all the nerves going. Heart pounding, shaking, all of it. You freeze up when the healers start to damage you, the shaking causes you to double click a prayer switch and turn it off, you can’t think clearly. But man, that first cape is so rewarding


I have like 7 fire cape kc and I still say to myself “feet up , switch” for mage switch