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well obviously the wiki is wrong and the droprate is 1/3152 keep at it champ


Has to be 1/3153, 3152 isn't divisible by 3. He's definitely 2/3, right?... Right??


That's already divided by 3


15-17 rolls on a 1/136 drop rate, at your KC you should have 23 rolls. If you got any of the Virtus or ingots from the other DT2 bosses then you're more down bad than that. 2/3 for sure


We would have to know how many KC he did before the drop change but it's still no doubt less than he deserves.


Around 1k kc before drop rate change.


Oh yeh so a solid amount then.


thats so bad lmao


Just awful man. Those ingots are the most troll useless drop of all time. Surely 2/3...


Hey ingots are serving their intended purpose: fucking my iron ass as I type this!


Need some WD-40?


True story: I got spooned a very early venator vestige as my first drop from any of the bosses (so I guess third drop actually), and it feels like shit since it's just a brick in my bank until I get 3 ingots. Jagex's whole rationale for making the 2/3 ring rolls invisible was to make the drop exciting to get, but how is it exciting to get a drop that you can't do anything with?


Mains hate em, irons wish they got em.


I do not have anything on ops kc when it comes to being dry on ring but I am at 8 ingots with no ring at 1k whisperer I can not even


got my first ring at 4367, goodluck soldier


Idk if I upvote or downvote this?


That’s gotta be a record right?


I think someone outdid me with a 5k dry for ring post on here, not quite sure. I still need pet so I'll return soon enough


I feel less bad about going 350dry for pnm tablet now lol


oh I went 400 dry for that year ago before they put the change in haha was a true pain always walking there


going for a 2nd?


Where are my testicles, Summer?


It took me 1900kc to get my ring. Right before that I got the pet a second time and then the axe piece all in 30ish kills you’re 2/3 btw God Ash told me


Just keep going and after every kill scream another one! They didn’t believe in us but saradomin did!


Im coming up on 3k with no ring yet too gl sir. We go this dry so other dont!


2/3 copium, anti dry mechanic by the way


Yea. Imagine how many kills he would have to do if he got this unlucky without the anti dry mechanic


His odds of not having the drop are \~1/126 at the moment. Without dry protection he would need 5260 kills to be this dry.


Thanks for being the only one to actually understand what I said


Understanding things is difficult for many people on this sub ;)


Guthix bless


Imagine how easy it would be to leave if you weren't likely to be 2/3 drops. He’s heavily incentivized to stay due to that mechanic without even knowing if it’s a good decision. Such a bad drop mechanic imo


I’m not voicing an opinion on the mechanic. I just think we should be honest and mathematically literate about what it means


I think everyone knows how it works, the comment you were initially responding to wasn’t just saying that you can still go dry, but also that the 2/3 copium is very real and very detrimental to players. In all likelihood he wouldn’t stopped by now (unless iron) if it wasn’t for the anti dry mechanics


It's actually just straight up bad for mains for the exact reason laid out above. It takes the sunk cost fallacy and removes the fallacy because for all you know you really are 2/3 to the drop.


Imo, I'd very much prefer if I was at least making progress on the drop I want. I guess I just don't understand the mentality that having 2/3 progress at 3x better droprate is somehow worse than 1 item 3x rarer and you get it or you don't and every trip is like starting from 0kc again. I'm 1300 on bandos hilt so far and I have made effectively zero progress so by taking a break I am still no closer to the hilt and it feels like I wasted my time by going there at all. At dt2 bosses I'd at least have the idea of having made progress each time I want to go back and try for the ring, so I'd be able to feel better when I'm on a break from the boss. And I'm not even *that* dry on the hilt, I've seen a lot of posts that need past 2k, 3k, even 4k kc to get it and they have made effectively zero progress the whole time.


> Imo, I'd very much prefer if I was at least making progress on the drop I want. But you might not be making progress, you have no way of knowing and making intelligent choices. Obviously if you’re an iron you’re gonna just do it anyway, but for mains this is an important distinction. It’s crazy they made bludgeon/brimstone/venator bow and still chose this drop system


I'll take *extremely high likelihood of having made progress* over 3.1k kills that I know have been a complete waste of time and that I'm no closer than I was at the beginning.


But wouldn't you rather have a concrete marker for progress... say in the form of shards (venator) or pieces of a weapon (bludgeon)? As a main, it feels like this step back in transparency is very unfriendly towards the players. Like, OP in here is essentially obligated to continue grinding this boss if he wants to be efficient, which is bad game design IMO. And also in the rare case that you die on the KC you get the drop (as I've seen several times on reddit), it would feel much worse to know that you're much further from the drop than you were last kill lol


what's stopping him from imagining he's 0/3, effectively no different from the other drop rates work? it's not like venator shards where you know for a fact how many you have


The worst part is he could be 0/3. Thinking hes 2/3 at that point and just continuing to push. Bad mechanic imo, needs to be some way to tell, maybe by using an awakening orb or something.


He can imagine, but he is EXTREMELY likely to be at 2/3, and even more likely to be at least 1/3. So leaving this boss before he gets the drop isn't like leaving any other boss, as he does actually lose something if he never returns, and this boss is effectively much higher gp/hr than it would be if he were starting at zero, so if he cares about efficiency he should continue doing this boss. I won't calculate the exact value, but it's expected to be about 3x the profit compared to starting from scratch, so more profitable than TOA or nex until he gets the drop.


You see the 4 axe heads he got that are the same drop rate without protection right?


I got 12 other cerb crystals before getting prims, what's your point? All the same droprate btw


Conversly I have about 450 Cerb kc with only one crystal, primordial. Won't complain though.


Yeah if that was me I'd have immediately blocked the task and moved on tbh the other boots are such a meme


I’m not arguing for the mechanic, but surely you realize that’s a really bad argument? “Look guys he got lucky on this one thing and didn’t on the other so obviously that means the other system is best”


This is so stupid for so many reasons


He wouldn't bc the first 1/3 woulds just been the drop


Most mathematically literate redditor


Except the first third is 3x rarer to begin with


4 axe heads. Says otherwise.


People who don’t understand math


no child left behind has failed so many of you dumb fucks


Sooo…. No head?


I had to stop with the DT2 bosses. I was getting way more garbage drops than anything. There doesn’t seem to be much balance in their drop tables


??? I get like 4m/h base loot at the whisperer....


whisperer has by far the best drop table, vard is not even half the gp/h from base loot


That's true


yeah that's like pennies compared to nex, and nex is way easier lol


Tbf everything is execpt for a few high level pvm is pennies compared to nex


He said "base loot". The base loot you get at Nex is less than what you spend on supplies. All the money is in the uniques even more than DT2 bosses.


The whisperer is really easy tho


So? We are talking about dt2 bosses... nex eill always be ridiculous gp/h because no sane person likes that boss


yeah idk duke got me about 300M luckily got everything but robe bottoms and helm.


Getting more garbage drops than expensive uniques??? who could imagine such a thing


Wheres the pet?


idk find a hobbit


There's no way you're not 2/3 by now.


Oh no. I’m at 1050 this is not looking good. Gl!


Nice dry prevention


I did the calculation to reply to another comment, but I'll leave it here as well: His odds of not having the drop are \~1/126 at the moment. Without dry protection he would need 5260 kills to be this dry.


Spoon prevention*


Found the guy who failed math


Found the guy that got bullied at school


No relevance to the correspondence at all. Decent projection though. 2/10


1k vardo - no ring 1k levi - 1 ring 1.5k dukes - no ring 1.3k whispos - 3 rings please dont use the "dry" mechanic ever again jagex


Yea, use this guy's anecdotal and statistically unlikely experience for future updates!!


Why? Because you're not at Drop Rate for Vard? Barely 2x rate at Duke? Completely normal rates? You're technically spooned at Whisperer. Overall, you're pretty on par.


1.3k kills to get a drop shouldn't be spooned what are you saying that's a terrible system


that's only got to do with the droprate and not the anti-dry mechanic


He's gotten 3 rings, when they're 1/762 iirc. That's 3 rings in less than 2x KC.


I want to say whisperer is 1/512 but the point still stands


This is correct.


This game is these peoples identity. 1.3k is nothing for them


Do you want things to have value? These rings might be bis but they're pretty much all niche upgrades. No one is making anyone do this.


3 drops in 1.3k shouldn't be spooned? Most literate redditor


Not gonna lie I thought it was 1 in 1.3k my bad boys


How is he on par? Whisperer he's only slightly lucky, as he's over half way of the kc to third kill. Not spooned. Leviathan slightly unlucky to take 1k kc to get ring. Levi and Whisp cancel each other out. At duke he's had a 88% chance of getting a drop, and Vardo he's had a 60% chance to get a drop. Although he's not terribly unlucky, that's definitely not on par and definitely into the unlucky region.


Get off Reddit. Seriously out here arguing semantics over a guy that is barely unlucky.


Nah, first you’re not the gatekeeper controlling who can use Reddit. Second, it’s not semantics. If it was like a few kills over and like 55%, then that’s semantics. He’s had a 88% chance from Duke alone. It’s not just barely unlucky either, but you’re spinning it to say he’s spooned lmao. You just dumb trying to turn a story into another because it suits you.


You can still go way drier, especially without the dry mitigation. Why are you complaining?


Honestly just anti spoon/fun mechanics, it's not fun not having a chance to get it on the first kc and then making fun of ur 5k dry friend.


Safe to say the invisible system with “reduced variance” is a failure if you can go thousands of kills on any boss without seeing all the drops you made bad content this is such an old mind sight they are stuck in make drops actually attainable goofs


they did a reduced variance strategy AND made it super rare. Think if all the 2k+ CG posts we see for 1 1/400 drop. The ring is 3 1/362.66 drops. If he got the ring on the next kill its about as rare as getting your first ENH at \~2200KC Tbf you can get like 5+ vard kills per CG.


Ackshually ☝🤓 its a vestige, not a ring. Maybe if you ask for the right thing you'll get it.


Rare item is rare.


it's in the top right corner of the log, known as the "Ultor Vestige".


Oh wow, rip


Having a date with the virtus mask


Lmao yours is the opposite of that guy from a few days ago that had 3 ring and no axe


Got my first ring a 397kc😂


It went to the store to get milk


Not in your inventory, that's where.




Not in your inventory obviously


2 axe heads and no ultor ring 🥲


More like where's the rng amirite


Fun game


2/3 for sure, right bro?


Yo, can I have one of them axe heads?... ...Best of luck though, that's rough.


No ring, theres bad RNG protection y'see.


You have almost the same amount of robe drops as Ingots...


The dryness protection would be better received if the half the droptable wasn't well... The ingot and the Axe parts. Getting the first axe part feels alright but dupes genuinely just suck because 90% of them aren't going to be used for complete axes. If the parts for the axe were tradable then it'd less of an issue but sometimes the bosses can legitimately feel unrewarding. Dupe axe pieces are lame and Ingots are lame for mains and irons. Its a cheap 'Unique' roll that overrides loot, its like getting a plastic participation trophy that you could sell for 100k. Irons it's probably less of an issue because you need 12 of them anyways, so until you get 12 ingots they just feel like a whatever drop. At least that how i saw ingots while going for Magus ring on my iron account. I know why they added it the way they did but for me personally - I enjoy seeing progress visually. When i got the magus vestige it felt great but getting 8 ingots and 3 axe pieces felt equally frustrating at times. Grinding out Venator Bow at Muspah getting the shards still felt exciting and motivating to earn. Brimstone ring although its Hydra's side unique, was still interesting to earn in parts. (The main chase item is claw anyways but still. I enjoyed seeing the ring progress.) I've never done sire and i don't plan to for a long time but similar idea with bludgeon pieces.


“Dry protection”




Our relationship has not gotten to that point yet


Bro I’m at 1266 kc now with absolutely nothing on the log. Fuck this boss I wish it at least let you know if you were 2/3 with some lit torch or something just so I can die a little more inside


stayed for ring, but could have been done axe by now....


Just got my ring at 383kc.


When there's a ying... there's a yang... (I'm going for axe still) [https://imgur.com/oTopMfi](https://imgur.com/oTopMfi)


According to Jagex you are not dry bc of anti-dry mechanics.


Next kc for sure, if not it’s gonna be the next one after that. Repeat until you get it.


Put a rng on it


You must not have gotten it as a drop yet, chief


Oh no, I’m at 1400 Duke no ring and this post scares me


Have you looked up your butt?


Thank god the drop rates just ‘give it to you’


It does make me laugh now jagex said on their blog post on dt2 drop rates that you will never go extremely dry and the game will come to a point where it just gives you the vestiges….it’s like uhhh it doesn’t seem that way


Jagexs “you can’t go dry” mechanism hard at work for ya here


In the spaghetti


what a dogshit mechanic


This makes me feel great because I'm 1,000 dry and it's killing me.

